Star Odyssey

Chapter 4759 All Causes and Effects

Xue Taohua was shocked: "You, you?"

"who is he?"

"Did you see it? Did you see it with cause and effect?"

"Who is he?" Lu Yin asked again.

Xue Taohua stared at Lu Yin blankly and said nothing.

Lu Yin came to the blood peach blossom and stared at it, "Tell me, who is he? What is your relationship?"

Xue Taohua said in a deep tone, "There are many humans, and they have nothing to do with you."

Lu Yin stared at Xue Peach Blossom, "Then I also want to know his origin."

"I have no idea."

"Is he the one who gave you knowledge?"


"what is his name?"

"have no idea."

"Where is he?"

Xue Taohua said, "We are waiting too. We have been waiting for countless years and we are still waiting."

"What exactly happened? Tell me." Lu Yin asked.

Xue Taohua sneered, "What good will it do me to tell you?"

Lu Yin looked at it. This bloody peach blossom had a death wish and no benefits could move it.

He thought for a long time and said silently, "If I can wait for him, I can help you carry a message."

Xue Taohua's body trembled and she stared at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin said, "You can bring me whatever you want. This is my guarantee."

Xue Peach Blossom's eyes were excited, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say. She closed her eyes and her voice trembled, "Tell him for me, we all hate him."

"I hate that he gave us knowledge. We obviously don't understand anything. The process of growth and withering may be long or short, but he gives us knowledge, emotions, desire for life, and pursuit of eternal life. The yearning for freedom.”

"We didn't understand these things originally, but it was he who made us understand them. It was he who kept us bound to these perceptions for countless years."

"Actually, it's good not to know anything. Everything develops naturally."

"Why do you want to harm us? Can't we just keep our most primitive happiness?"

The more Xue Taohua talked, the more excited she became, "Since you have given us knowledge, why do you imprison us? Force us to live forever and never leave Linlang Heaven?"

It glared at Lu Yin, "Do you really think we care about Linlangtian? We have had enough of it for a long time, and we have wanted to get rid of it, but we can't get rid of it, and we can never get rid of it."

"That's a cage, a cage that traps us forever."

Lu Yin listened quietly, and it was different from what he thought. Fighting to death, desperately tracking and snatching, turned out to be a prison, but it was also the continuation of his life.


It was indeed sad, Lu Yin didn't even know what to say.

"We hate him, hate

Everything about him, he hates his race, so when we watched his race being exterminated without doing anything, why did he think we would help his race? We no longer care about life or death. Whether we live or die, we can live if we can. If we can't live, forget it. It doesn't matter. "

Lu Yin interrupted, "You are just watching his race perish? What do you mean?"

Xue Taohua smiled and said, "Why, do you care about your fellow humans?"

Lu Yin stared at it.

It said, "Human beings really care about creatures of their own kind."

"He gave us knowledge and spent many years with us. He has been teaching us and using his unique power to continuously improve our cultivation and combat power. Before leaving, he told us to look at a universe. In that universe, there are Human beings, he said that if the people in that universe encounter a desperate situation, let us help."

Having said this, Xue Taohua smiled even more happily and proudly, as if she was taking revenge, "But we didn't. He left. I don't know how long later, the humans in that universe encountered a desperate situation, and there were all kinds of bugs. Those people tried their best to resist, exhausted all means, and even dragged the past and present of their universe with time, and finally won. However, as an immortal realm took action, the humans in that universe were completely defeated. Except for some humans who escaped, the rest died. , all dead."

"We are watching from the beginning to the end. We can take action because that universe is not a real universe at all. It is just a universe projected there from Linlang Sky. We can easily interfere with everything there, but we don't. We just watch. , watching them perish is our revenge on him, we hate him and everything about him."

Lu Yin frowned and looked at the blood peach blossoms, suddenly thinking of the lost tribe and the vanished universe, no way.

"What's the name of that universe?"

"I don't know, we have never projected there. There is only one side of the universe itself projected there, and there is no other interfering external force. This is what he is doing. What is he avoiding? He is not willing to expose more, but he wants to protect that side. The humans in the universe, those humans have no place to stay in the first place. It was he who projected a part of the universe, and he also had the idea of ​​​​helping those humans at any time. Huh, he is so naive. He is gone. How can we care about the humans in that universe? , we can’t wait to destroy them ourselves.”

"How do they fight?" Lu Yin shouted.

Xue Taohua recalled, "The card is the same as him. He also used the card."

Lu Yin stared blankly at the blood peach blossoms, cards, and the disappearing universe. The bugs originally won, but were defeated because of the immortal realm. The lost race was definitely the lost race.

"Were the last humans taken away by a card?"

"How do you know?" Xue Taohua was surprised.

Lu Yin

Close your eyes, it turns out that this is really a lost race.

He didn't know what to say, fate? It’s really elusive.

The lost universe turns out to be the universe projected from Linlang's sky to that square inch away. It is not a real universe at all, so that universe will disappear.

The people of the Lost Clan could have been saved, but they were exterminated because Xue Peach Blossom and the others stood by and did nothing.

The birth of Blood Peach Blossom and others came from him. That him may come from the third barrier. The Lost Race is the third barrier.

Everything has a cause and effect, but cause and effect may not necessarily fulfill one's wishes.

He created the Blood Peach Blossoms in the hope that they could take care of the lost humans, but in the end they allowed those people to be killed, and they themselves were imprisoned by him in the Linlang Sky, and they could not escape forever.

Lu Yin didn't know what to say. Destiny was determined by fate. Who could do anything about it?

Even if you are as strong as the Lord, can you see through this destiny?

No one can understand fate, human nature, and cause and effect.

Xue Taohua's smile still echoed in her ears.

Lu Yin was confused. The cause he created might not bring the effect he needed. So, what exactly is this cause and effect? Is it an established fact? But if it is a fact, how can it be grasped and cultivated by others?

Cultivation is to change everything, but in the end nothing changes, so what is the meaning of practice?

Lu Yin walked out of Linlang Tiantian and walked out of the awning boat step by step. He didn't know which direction he was going in. He just wanted to walk now, step by step. He didn't know the end point, but it was right there. Where the cause was, where would the effect be? ?

He walked through the universe and the stars step by step in confusion.

On the awning boat, the blind man wondered: "Little friend, what are you doing?"

Lu Yin didn't answer, and just walked step by step in the starry sky, not knowing where he was going.

The blind man shouted a few more times, and then entered Linlang Heaven to ask Xue Peach Blossom. Xue Peach Blossom said nothing, and it had no idea what Lu Yin was thinking.

The blind man walked out and saw that Lu Yin ignored him. He could only control the awning boat to follow him slowly.

Lu Yin's eyes were confused. He recalled everything he had practiced so far and calculated the cause and effect of everything. Yes, because of his amnesia, he fell to the fifth continent and joined the Sister Head mercenary group. Because of a piece of land Surname, seventy-two human lives, so he hid in the earth and used the earth as a stepping stone to the stars.

Because he is a descendant of the Lu family and Lu Xiaoxuan, he has six talents from his six older brothers and sisters.

Because he has the seal of the Lu family in his body, he can lead the Lu family back.

Because Yu Sangtian entered the Tianyuan Universe, he led a group of people to kill the Linghua Universe.

Because he was chased by monsters in the Immortal Realm and forced by Master Qingcao,

That’s why I went to Jiuxiao Universe.


Because, so, cause and effect, this is cause and effect, everything is extremely clear, there is a cause and effect, this is your own understanding, yes, this is cause and effect, if you are wrong, you will not be able to understand cause and effect.

But now? The cause exists, and the effect also exists. However, this cause and effect is unclear. The effect that was thought to be is not the real effect. So, is the cause that was thought to be the real cause?

He was really confused, looking at the deep starry sky, and doubting himself.

Behind, in the awning boat, the blind man looked at Lu Yin from a distance, feeling that Lu Yin's breath was unstable, and said again, "Little friend, what are you thinking about?"

Lu Yin murmured to himself, "What is cause and effect?"

The blind man said, "Is it the law of cause and effect? ​​I have never understood it, otherwise I could have fixed the horoscope with that exquisite one."

"No, that's not cause and effect." Lu Yin said.

The blind man was confused, "What is not cause and effect? ​​I haven't understood cause and effect yet."

"No, cause and effect is such a simple force. If you can see it, touch it, and practice it, then it is cause and effect?"

"What else? My friend, you think about cause and effect too complicated." The blind man said, "I also want to understand cause and effect, but the practice is too complicated. It's not that I don't have the ability, but I don't have the time. If you want to practice, little friend, I can. I’ll help you, but haven’t you already understood cause and effect?”

Lu Yin ignored the blind man and kept talking to himself.

The blind man discovered that this kid didn't talk to him at all. This was too embarrassing.

Fortunately no one saw it.

"Why did I get Linlangtian?"

The black-topped boat accelerated and rushed in front of Lu Yin. The blind man stared at Lu Yin, although he couldn't see. "My little friend is here, ask me?"

"Is it because of the Jade Universe Battlefield? Is it because of the Seven Treasures Celestial Toad clan? Or is it because of the cheap fish?"

The blind man was speechless, and he wasn't talking to himself. Wait, what is a cheap fish?

"If it weren't for Jianyu, I wouldn't have taken that road, and I wouldn't have been able to see the Jade Universe battlefield, let alone go there."

"But if the Qibao Tianchan clan hadn't left, I wouldn't have gone to the Jade Universe Battlefield."

"But the premise of all this is still unknown. The mission issued by Linlang is the existence in the sky. He is the one who restrained the Blood Peach Blossoms and forced them to fish for living creatures. He not only made the crosshairs of Jade swallow the blood, but also made them try to break through the restraints. , is this the root of everything?"

"No, the source of everything is Linlangtian itself, the creator of Linlangtian. But why did that creator create Linlangtian? Where is his cause and effect?"

"I can't see the cause and effect of all this at all. The cause and effect I see is only my own. Like luck, it is short-lived."

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