Star Odyssey

Chapter 4767 Appearance

Lu Yin put a palm print on the surface of the life meter, and with a bang, it flew away.

Fate is lying on his back, still talking, "But gradually, I also feel that those ordinary lives that have no ability to resist are boring, because there are too many of them, too many, too many, and some things become boring once there are too many."

"I not only hope that they can resist and bring me some fun, but I also hope to maintain the feeling of nirvana at any time. By the way, the one that once brought me supreme fun was a civilization called human beings."

Lu Yin paused and stared at the fate meter.

Fate Ji smiled, very happy, and also recalled, "That civilization was interesting. They dared to resist the Lord. They were extremely powerful. It was difficult to deal with the Lord himself. They also had to unite with each fishing civilization to besiege them. Such a civilization made it difficult for the Lord to deal with it. I get excited because even ordinary people among them are rebelling against the Lord."

"Do you dare to imagine? Those ordinary people, who have never experienced cultivation, are standing on the ground, looking up at the battles. They will not retreat or give in. They vow to live and die together with those fighting. They It’s so stupid that it makes me laugh.”

"They are singing war hymns, and endless human beings are shouting. I don't know what the meaning of their doing this is. Can it bring strength to the human beings who died in the battle? Can they be resurrected? Impossible, but what they do makes me I’m very happy because they have a sense of resistance and are still ordinary people.”


At this point, Destiny paused and said, "My fun, the greatest fun in my life, is here."

Lu Yin's pupils flickered and he clenched his fists.

"Billions, billions of human beings are cutting off their lifelines in swaths. It's so interesting. The sound is so beautiful, just like the music played specifically for my destiny."

"It was played specifically for me by human civilization. It was so beautiful that I still recall it."

"Someone told them to run away, but they didn't move. They just stood there and let me break the lifeline into pieces and play the last music of life. That wonderful, beautiful sound was played by me and countless human beings."

"They are also happy and cheering, which brings me fun. I like human civilization, I like it so much. They are stupid and stubborn, but they are so cooperative. They use their lives to please me. I love human beings to death. Civilized.”

"So since then, I have been collecting humans in the camp, raising them in my place, and playing them once when I reach a certain number. Unfortunately, I can never hear such a beautiful sound again, because those people in the camp will not resist, They are also ordinary people who can be afraid, unlike those humans in the past, where even children did not know fear and dared to face the Lord directly."

"How I want to go back to that period again. I promise that I will take away all the ordinary humans from that period, complete the most magnificent performance, and let the sound of the lifeline being snapped resound throughout the universe."

"It can be regarded as the only contribution that humans can make."


Lu Yin punched Ming Ji hard in the face. The moment he hit, he teleported to the side of Ming Ji. He still punched out. Each punch was coordinated with the teleportation, causing Ming Ji to fly away like a sandbag. , but it cannot be separated from a certain range.

Lu Yin kept punching out, each punch using all his strength, enough to kill the two beings that conformed to the laws of the universe.

The vitality of the destiny is extremely strong, but under such a strong explosion, it can be seen with the naked eye that it is injured, and the body is cracking.

At this moment, Lu Yin just wanted to kill Ming Ji. Maybe his reaction would make Ming Ji guess something, but he couldn't care less. A fire was burning in his heart, and the anger shot straight into Tianling Gai, almost drowning his soul. reason.

How long had it been since he was so angry?

Human dignity and blood are trampled underfoot by destiny, which is just the fun of it.

That is the courage of countless people who are not afraid of death and stand with their ancestors. Even if they are ordinary, they will not take a step back. The pride of walking in the darkness and not fearing the abyss has been trampled by this fate.

That's why Hunji wanted to kill Mingji.

That's why Huayi brought the fate plan, because the fate plan will definitely leave Hun Ji behind.

Bang bang bang…

Lu Yin didn't stop for a moment and kept detonating his destiny.

This state lasted for a full stick of incense, until the fate was completely blown away.

Lu Yin gasped and stared into the distance.

Its fate is also quite miserable, but it is still smiling. A white light flashes across its body and it recovers directly.

Its vitality is too tenacious.

"You are indeed a human being." Fate Ji said.

Lu Yin took one step forward and struck again.

Fate still didn't resist, so let's fight, the harder the better.

"Little guy, let's go." Hun Ji shouted sharply, and the voice exploded in Lu Yin's head.

Lu Yin kicked the fate meter away and looked at Huan Ji. At some point, another old monster who conformed to the laws of the three universes took action and helped Huayi besiege Huan Ji.

In the surrounding area, creatures were crawling, and there was a creepy aura among them.

They were surrounded.

Huayi smiled.

Fate Ji also smiled. They succeeded and had completed the siege of Hunji. From now on, it would be impossible for them to escape.

Lu Yin looked at his palms and said, "Senior, this fate must be damned."

Hun Ji's voice was low, "Of course I know, but its life state is close to forty. Even if I want to kill it, it will be difficult for me to kill it. Ignore it for now and leave."

Lu Yin

Looking at the fate meter, it smiled very proudly and kept saying something.

"But I wanted to kill it."

"You can't do it."

"Try." They thought they had succeeded and surrounded Hun Ji and Lu Yin. In this case, even if they moved instantly, they might not be able to escape. But they didn't know that Lu Yin's real back-up plan was the blind man. The eternal realm of consciousness brought by living things.

As long as the eternal realm of consciousness appears, the so-called siege will be broken by itself.

Now whether you run away or stay, the result is the same.

Instead, he wanted to try a murderous strategy.

"What do you want to do?" Hun Ji asked.

Lu Yin shouted, "Exchange my limit for its limit."

After saying that, a teleport appeared in front of Ming Ji, but he kicked him out.

Mingji's body was kicked away, but the smile on his face became even louder.

Soon, when Hunji dies, you will die too.

Do you really think you don’t have to pay the price for beating the Dominator clan?

On the other side, Hun Ji suddenly rushed towards another creature that helped Huayi surround and kill him. That creature was none other than Thorn Zhu, the main sequence of years, and he finally couldn't help but take action.

But Ci Zhu didn't expect Hun Ji to rush towards it.

Suddenly, countless sharp thorns were shot towards Hunji.

Its body is similar to a cactus, and every thorn on its surface is extremely powerful. It also incorporates the law of time. The key is that it can shoot hundreds and thousands of thorns at once. Hunji has been stabbed before, and this time he repeats the same trick.

However, this time it was not Hun Ji who took the sharp thorns from Ci Zhu, but Lu Yin.

Lu Yin teleported to stand in front of Hun Ji. The extremes of things must be reversed, his flesh withered, and the sharp thorns were caught hard.

Hun Ji also couldn't see Lu Yin, but felt that Lu Yin was in front.

It was panicking, don't let this little guy die.

When the first thorn hit the surface of Lu Yin's body, his body suddenly recovered, including most of his body.

Lu Yin hurriedly dried up again, suppressing his strength, secretly shocked by Ci Zhu's power.

It is worthy of being the main sequence of time. The ultimate move that conforms to the laws of the three universes and combines the law of time and talent is no joke.

The thorns came one after another, and Lu Yin kept catching them hard. His body dried up and then recovered, just like when he fought with the white unknown and kept accumulating strength.

Once, he was able to punch White Agnostic with his strength. That storm of power shocked Wang Chenchen and the others. Now he wants to recreate that punch.

This cannot be achieved by self-accumulation.

At this moment, he only felt that his body was suffering heavy injuries. Although he recovered in an instant, the pain caused was extremely obvious. It was almost reaching its limit.

Several more thorns penetrated the body, and now, Lu Yin raised his hand, and the fifth needle of Yanmen pierced the palm of his hand. He teleported to Ming Ji and stabbed it for the fifth time.

Mingji suddenly became cold, but still did not retreat. The fifth needle of Yanmen pierced into its body, and the attack it brought was the same as that of a thorn. It penetrated Mingji's body all at once. Before Mingji could think more, Lu Yin clenched his fist. Punch it in the head.

For a moment, Mingji subconsciously wanted to retreat.

This attack was wrong, and the cost of taking it hard was too high.

It was just about to avoid it, but its body was entangled by the heaven and earth locks, and the green light spots blended together. Even the white unknown could not escape, let alone it.

Fate did not expect that Lu Yin would trap it.

One punch, down.


There was a loud noise, and the terrifying power struck hard in front of Mingji's head, but failed to hit him. Instead, he was blocked by a white light. That white light was Mingji's life.

"The battle code of life and death, nine lives."

Fate stared ahead, watching the white light dent, forming the shape of a fist, human beings, this is a human fist.

Lu Yin didn't expect Fate to block his punch with his combat skills. It can only be said that its vitality was too much and terrifying.

This is the clan of life masters. They may not have very strong killing power, but their methods of self-healing and life-saving are unparalleled in the universe.

But the punch finally landed on it.

He just lost the power that he had accumulated to his own limit.

With one punch, the fate meter was blown away.

The heaven and earth locks dispersed.

Lu Yin teleported and appeared behind Hun Ji, "It still failed."

Hun Ji said in a deep voice, "During the Nine Bases War, there were also people who tried to kill people, but they escaped with a narrow escape. Never underestimate the Lord Clan, let alone the Lord Clan who specializes in cultivating their own power."

"Some creatures of the Dominator clan are more tempting than the power and combat skills of various outside civilizations. Their training is complicated and they may be very strong, but most of them cannot be mastered. However, those who only cultivate the power of their own clan usually have no weaknesses."

Lu Yin looked around, "The next step is to wait until the eternal consciousness appears. It should be soon."

Huan Ji didn't say anything, and more creatures attacked from around him.

In the following time, it cooperated with Lu Yin to resist surrounding attacks.

Fate Plan also wanted to lure Lu Yin away, but Lu Yin ignored it.

But this creature must be killed.

This situation lasted for a while, until a unique wave swept across the residual sea, and all creatures subconsciously looked in one direction, where the vast and ethereal power of consciousness rushed straight into the stars.

"The eternal consciousness appears." A creature murmured.

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