Star Odyssey

Chapter 4780 Unexpected Visitor

After a pause, Hun Ji continued, "To put it simply, the so-called master is to transform the power that can be cultivated by all living beings into cultivating it specifically. Because it is the strongest, it suppresses this power, resulting in no living beings being able to practice it." This power transcends it, and even if there is creation, it will be taken away.”

"This is extremely sad for the endless beings in the universe, because their freedom to realize and practice in the universe has been locked. Until the end of their practice, they will all serve the most powerful Lord and must either surrender or die."

Lu Yin blurted out, "Nine Bases has been creating a power beyond the control of the Lord?"

Hun Ji lamented, "Since there are limits to time, cause and effect, etc., then open up new powers. This is the prototype of invincible skills, and it is also one of the causes of the nine-base extinction of mankind."

"Because you humans want to rebel against heaven."

Lu Yin's eyes were shocked. Do all nine bases need to create a power other than the main one? Some of them have already been created, how bold they are.

"Although it is said that rebelling against the heavens is a bit too high for those masters, I have to admit that they are the heavens where endless creatures in the universe practice. Without them, the creatures will never be free. Cultivation will always have an end, and life will eventually become a sacrifice. ."

"Have you ever used immortality as a resource?"

These words made Lu Yin's body tremble, and he looked at Hun Ji.

Hun Ji also stared at him, making eye contact.

"It's impossible to reach your level and lead human civilization forward. It's impossible that I haven't thought about it this way. Yes, life is a resource, and immortality is the most precious resource in the universe. This is true for the universe, and it is also true for the Lord. Then you should understand the ninth base, because for the main team, the ninth base is the biggest resource."

Lu Yin looked at Hun Ji and said, "Is this what the senior thought of himself?"

Hun Ji grinned, "That's what Mr. Zizi said."

Lu Yin withdrew his gaze and looked at the deep starry sky, the biggest resource?

Just as Lu Yin and Hun Ji were heading towards the direction of the three universes, a figure arrived at the other gods' palace one step ahead of them.

This figure is in the shape of a long and thin strip, like a dead branch. The weirdest thing is that the head occupies nearly half of the body. It is like stacked metal, emitting light from the bottom up. At the same time, on the stacked metal head, there are six Eye.

This figure entered the scope of the Other God's Palace, all six eyes stared at the Other God's Palace, and the figure disappeared in a flash.

Not long after, a figure appeared on the altar of the other temples.

The figure had a weird shape, but it didn't attract anyone's attention, because there were many civilizations within the other temples, and there were all sorts of weird creatures.

This figure walked towards the other shrines step by step. Some creatures along the way glanced at it and then looked away, allowing this figure to walk to the other sequence of retreats, and then entered.

\u003eNo one stopped me from start to finish.

Don't be in a place of retreat. Because of the last battle, your body was constantly broken and severely injured, and you fell into a deep sleep at this moment.

This figure entered and approached the other sequence step by step.

The other sequence was not aware of it. With the strength of the other sequence, no matter how seriously injured it was, it would definitely notice if a creature was approaching.

But this figure makes it invisible.

In the end, the figure stood in front of the other sequence and "almost was broken into pieces."

The sequence suddenly woke up. On the gray stone, he opened his eyes and saw this figure at a glance. He was stunned, "Is it you?"

The light on the figure's head flashed rapidly, "Why, in front of me who gave you a new life, you didn't even say an honorific to me?"

The others stared blankly at this figure, and then said in a respectful tone, "Your Majesty."

The figure's name is Su Xin Sect, which controls the main sequence of luck. His name is written in white on the black book of the camp. He is extremely powerful.

"When I dug you out, helped you understand the power of time, and asked you to join the Lord of Time, I didn't just let you die like this. Who did it?" Su Xinzong asked.

Bie Sequence gritted his teeth, "It's Lin Dao and Zu Ling, these two are plotting against me."

Su Xinzong said, "Your performance is too much to overwhelm them. It's normal for the Time Sequence to conquer and kill each other. They feel threatened, but they also underestimate you. If they can join forces to kill you, I won't do it." Let me help you become the master of the years."

The other sequence said in a deep voice, "I will take revenge when I get out, and I won't let these two guys live."

Su Xinzong looked at Bie Sequence, raised his long withered arm, and placed it on the gray stone slab while Bie Sequence was anxious. He touched it and sighed, "The traces of time are obviously just an ordinary gray stone slab, but it is stained by the years." , you are lucky, you can get a new life, there are many magical species in the universe, but you can't even walk on a stone slab."

The other sequence didn't dare to refute and let Su Xinzong look at him like this.


There was a soft sound, and the other sequence looked at Su Xinzong in disbelief. Its body was penetrated by Su Xinzong, and the cracks continued to spread, and its eyes were torn apart at the same time. "Why, why?"

Su Xinzong shook his head, quite helpless, "It's been spread that you were the one who dug it up. To be honest, I know it wasn't you who spread it, but since it has been spread, it has to be solved. After all, I'm not strong enough yet." To the extent of ignoring the passage of time.”

The other group wanted to resist, but it was already seriously injured, not to mention it was too different from Su Xin Sect to move.


"No, it wasn't me who passed it on."

"I know, you can go with peace of mind. I have somewhat mastered your method of spying on the years. Although your role has not been completed, there will be a replacement in the future. Moreover, the distance between square inches is not equal now, and the entire main One third of the team lost, and even the main sequence lost several people, you did not go unjustly." After saying that, Su Xinzong waved his hand, and the gray stone slab was completely shattered and fell.

The eye on the gray stone board stared at Su Xinzong unwillingly, never expecting that his death would be so sudden.

Su Xinzong stood on the ruins of gray slate fragments and looked at his hands. "It would be great if you could break through and reach the main sequence level and gain another transformation through the law of time. Then I can really be regarded as being proud of the main sequence." ."

"It's a pity, it's a pity, all those guys are unfathomable."

"That's it, this is life."

After saying that, he walked out of the other sequence of retreats and headed towards the treasure house of time.

The treasure trove of time is quite precious.

As soon as he entered the Time Treasury, Su Xinzong was stunned. Why are there so few?

The huge storehouse of time only has dozens of tributaries of the long river of time. It is impossible. There must be at least thousands of them.

Its eyes are gloomy. This person has hidden his treasure of years somewhere else. Why? Either to guard against Lin Dao and Si Ling, or to guard against oneself.

The killing was still too fast, and he should have been forced to question him.

Thinking about it, if you put away the dozens of tributaries of the long river of time and look back at the entire other temples, where can you hide them?

Will definitely find out.

Thinking about it, walking through other temples.

In the palace of other gods, the stone monster was enjoying its service leisurely. Several cultivators at the hardship level helped it clean its body. After all, it was a stone, so it would look brighter after being washed.

There are creatures queuing up behind him to report on the status of various civilizations.

I remember when I was an evil thief, I would sell civilizations when I encountered them and get a small profit. Unlike now, these civilizations are all my own, and I can turn them upside down with just one sentence. This feeling is so wonderful.

It is better to cultivate well and have a future.

Bah, there is a future with humans.

Just as he was thinking about it, Su Xinzong walked slowly in front of him.

The stone monster looked at it, never seen it?

"The one in front? What about you? I've never seen it before. Where did it come from?" the stone monster shouted.

Su Xinzong stopped, turned his head, glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze and continued walking.

Next to the stone monster, a creature that survived the misfortune jumped up immediately, "How brave, we are just the envoys."


"Shut up." The stone monster yelled, suppressing the creature that survived the misfortune, and then quietly watched Su Xinzong leave. After a while, he took a breath. No matter what other creatures thought of it, he immediately Connect the three universes.

Trouble, big trouble, that guy makes himself cold with just one look, it's kind of creepy, this feeling is definitely not for ordinary strong people.

Suddenly such a creature came, and I didn't know it yet, so there was something wrong.

Su Xinzong is looking for the treasure of time, not by sight or interrogation, but by luck.

This is the main force of luck.

At this moment, the direction it was walking in was clearly the three universes.

It doesn't have to worry about why it's going that way, it just goes there, its intuition is luck.

You can definitely find the treasure of time in that direction.

At the same time, the three universes received a warning from the stone monster. Qinglian Shangyu immediately ordered all humans to hide and not show up. A strange immortal realm appeared. The situation could be big or small. It would be okay if it only conformed to the laws of the two universes. No matter Whether there is something behind it, they can all deal with it, but if it is a stronger person, it will be in trouble.

Su Xin Zong headed all the way towards the three universes.

Qinglian Shangyu asked the children of the Lu family who could teleport to look in the direction of Zibie Shrine in an unconscious way. Su Xin Sect did not teleport with the altar, but just walked in one direction, which can be seen. .

Just don't stare at it.

The children of the Lu family saw it quickly. They took one glance and left immediately without stopping.

Even so, it was noticed by Su Xinzong, but it didn't care. No creature could threaten it in the scope of this other shrine. It had been aloof for too long, ignoring life and civilization. It was the same wherever it went, just like So what if the divine envoy just now has eternal life? It's not worth his time.

Luck can break all obstacles.

The three universes are facing a formidable enemy at this moment, and Su Xin Sect is heading towards them.

Qinglian Shang Yudang summoned everyone back to Xiangcheng, which was the last resort.

I hope this strange and powerful man is not too powerful.

Su Xinzong thought well. Luck cannot be hindered. If he keeps going like this, he will definitely see Xiangcheng and discover human civilization, but luck cannot be chosen. He can discover human civilization at the end of this line, or he can , discover others.

Such as invisible creatures.

The invisible civilization located within the Lindao Shrine would have several creatures come out every once in a while.

Lu Yin already knew this when he used the six points of the dice to merge into the bodies of practitioners from other temples.

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