Star Odyssey

Chapter 4793: Fang De always

Far away, Lu Yin's green light drove away the black and purple, which was bad luck.

In addition to good luck, there is also bad luck.

But what is that black and purple shadow?

In the distance, the battle between Dao sword and luck continues.

Su Xinzong shouted fiercely, "Humans, if you take action again, I will contact Wu Zhi and expose your existence."

During the battle between the three universes and Su Xin Sect, a series of powerful treasures appeared. These powerful treasures were all related to the nine bases, and the square inch between the nine bases was dealt with by the unknown.

So Su Xinzong knew very well what Lu Yin and the others were most worried about at the moment.

Lu Yin patted his clothes and said in a calm and unconcerned tone, "Do you know what happened to Can Hai?"

It was the first time Su Xinzong heard Lu Yin speak, and what he said made him confused, "What do you mean?"

"Can Hai, we have lost a large number of strong men along with our Lord." Lu Yin said slowly. After speaking, he raised his eyes and said, "You must have a share, too."

Su Xinzong's eyes narrowed, "What did you say?"

Lu Yin smiled, yes, this is what he saw just now when he used the Dao sword to fight against the Jiuqu of Qiyun Hanlou. The battle between cause and effect and luck allowed him to see part of the past of Su Xin Sect, among which there were actually some The blind man's experience of talking while sitting in a awning boat.

He didn't know what happened at that time. But it didn't stop him from saying so.

After all, this Su Xin Sect is definitely related to the blind man.

He didn't expect it when he saw this scene.

The blind man, Xing Zui, and Su Xin Sect are actually related to each other. This is a huge secret.

It's about consciousness, it's about luck, and Su Xinzong also inserts Bie'an into the one about time, which is a strange association.

But since it's a secret, why would the storyteller know?

What role is it?

"Forget it if you don't understand, but you can't deny that you inserted other sequences into the main years." Lu Yin said.

Su Xinzong sneered, "You think you can falsely accuse me by just saying something that no one can understand? It's a fact that you humans appear, and there is no need to prove it. Just tell Anonymous, and Agnostic will hunt you down."

Lu Yin's tone was cold, "You can do whatever you want, or I'll ask the blind man to talk to you."

Su Xinzong shouted: "What kind of blind man?"

Lu Yin didn't care, "Let's go, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you." After saying that, he teleported away.

Su Xinzong waved his hand, and his luck swept through the void and left.

Damn it, how could this happen?

This human being actually knew the relationship between the blind man and himself. The most hateful thing was that that guy actually exposed his identity, forcing him to come here to silence him, otherwise he would also be in Canhai.

It looks into the void. How much does this human being know?

Must find out with the blind man.

Just as it was about to leave, suddenly, a chill ran across its back, and it hurriedly avoided the spot, but its body changed position in an instant, and it was this move again, but the human hadn't left yet.


"A good thing for you." Lu Yin slapped Su Xinzong with a palm.

Su Xinzong resisted subconsciously.

With a bang, Lu Yin stepped back and disappeared in one step.

This time he really left.

Had to go.

Because what he gave to Su Xin Sect was the mark of cause and effect.

It was the causal mark that killed Sheng Yi that led to Jiang Qi being captured and kept under control.

When he came out this time, he had the intention of testing Su Xinzong, so he brought Jiang Qi out just to give Su Xinzong a surprise.

Now that the goal is achieved, leave.

On the spot, Su Xinzong wanted to chase him, but Lu Yin teleported and disappeared. It couldn't catch up, especially the next moment, the cause and effect mark flashed away. It saw it, and its heart sank to the bottom.

Is this a sign of causality?

Why are you here? That human did it, how did he do it? He actually gave himself this causal mark.

Su Xinzong never dreamed that such a thing would happen.

The mark of cause and effect represents the killing of the creatures of the dominant clan.

There is only one way to remove the mark of cause and effect, Lord Yiyi takes action.

Just like Lu Yin used the bone xun to lift the mark, it was the power given by the Lord of Death.

But other masters did not give it.

Unless the masters go to war with each other, the clan that kills the masters can get the method of removing the mark from their own masters, otherwise they will face the pursuit of the entire masters.

The main sequence is no exception.

Su Xinzong looked at the mark of cause and effect, and an indescribable sense of absurdity appeared.

A human being, who was being hunted by the entire Lord, could actually give himself a causal mark.

Damn it.

But no matter what Su Xinzong thought, this mark did exist.

It can only avoid pursuit first.

Far away, Lu Yin teleported and looked up at the stars. Is this what it feels like to chase the mark of cause and effect? No wonder so many strong men from the Lord's group are chasing him.

This feeling seemed to tell him to go after him. If he succeeded, he would be rewarded by the Lord.

And the reward is very generous.

That's what it feels like.

I would like to ask the Lord, how many living beings can endure this kind of temptation?

"Su Xin Zong, take your time and play." Lu Yin gloated.

As the main sequence, of course he would not be chased to death, but this causal mark was enough to make Su Xin Sect pay a huge price.

As for whether it will expose humans, that depends on its relationship with the blind man.

Outside Jiao Shen Palace, inside Xiangcheng

, Lu Yin returned and teleported away with Xiang Xiangcheng.

The civilization of the divine world has been solved, and there is nothing to stay here.

However, before leaving, he still absorbed a wave of green light spots through Jiao Shen Palace's understanding of the civilization within its range.

In Tianshang Zonghou Mountain, Long Xi made tea for Lu Yin, and then Master Qingcao arrived.

"Senior, do you have any thoughts on the current situation of mankind?" Lu Yin asked.

Master Qingcao is a rare wise man in ancient and modern times. He doesn't know what Mr. Zizi is like, but Master Qingcao is definitely the most resourceful in history.

Huizu alone has been plotting for eternity, avenging the Fifth Continent and plotting against the Eternals.

But Mi Jinshang Yu is plotting against Hong Xia and Unknowable.

They all use small things to make a big difference.

Although the current Master Qingcao rarely interferes in the general direction of mankind due to his cultivation, Lu Yin will still ask him for advice.

If Master Qingcao had Lu Yin's cultivation and understanding, he would definitely have a clearer understanding of the future path for mankind than he does.

Long Xi made tea for Master Qingcao.

Master Qingcao took it, took a sip, and slowly put it down.

Long Xi stayed away.

"Today's universe, the Lord's ray covers every square inch and is irresistible. If we want human civilization to survive, the only way is not to enter the Lord's eye. But now with the increase in knowledge and demand for resources, plus the previous square inch distance It is impossible to develop completely and smoothly with the influence on the main line and the partial power of Ninth Base.”

Lu Yin nodded, this was also what troubled him.

He very much hopes that human civilization can develop steadily for a period of time, even if it takes one hundred thousand or one million years.

Things just keep happening.

Some things are passive, and some things have to be done.

It's like fate is pushing you forward.

Master Qingcao looked at Lu Yin, "Internally, you rule everything and are the spiritual sustenance of human civilization."

"Externally, you are invincible and fearless in battle."

"Actually, you've done a good job, why do you have to think so much?"

Lu Yin took a sip of tea and didn't answer.

Master Qingcao continued, "Then let me put it another way, why don't you learn to compromise with yourself?"

Lu Yin wondered, "Compromise with yourself?"

Master Qingcao smiled and said, "Obviously you asked me about the direction and situation of human civilization, but I said this, not without relevance. In my opinion, or in the eyes of everyone, you, Lu Yin, are the future of human civilization. "

"The path you take is the path of human civilization."

"The situation you control is the situation of human civilization."

"The reason why you asked me this question is because you really want to bring out human civilization. You want to reach the top and make every step perfect, but how is that possible?

? "

Lu Yin's eyes were heavy, yes, how is that possible?

Indeed, as Master Qingcao said, he cares too much. He carries civilization on his back and cannot make mistakes at every step. The pressure is too heavy.

He also wants to play in the world carefree and not think about it so much.


Totally impossible.

"Your tiredness lies in planning the overall situation. What you see in your eyes is the master, and you are facing the strong ones who will always surpass you. If you want to surpass each civilization and each strong person, and reach the top, maybe it is not for yourself. , but to ensure that human civilization no longer has any worries, but what should you do when such a heavy burden comes to bear?"

Lu Yin was helpless, "I just want to ask senior what to do."

Master Qingcao said, "Let go, only then will you be able to succeed."

"Let go? How to let go?"

"How did you enter the realm of immortality?"

Lu Yin's eyes were shocked. Did he step into the realm of immortality? At that time, he wanted to let it go, and thought he had let it go, but when he got closer, the more he saw, the burden reappeared again.

It's not that he doesn't want to let go, but how to let go?

He has become accustomed to carrying civilization on his back.

Looking at Lu Yin's tired eyes, Master Qingcao sighed. He had never encountered this kind of situation before, and the same was true for the former Qinglian Emperor.

Carrying civilization with the strongest immortal state, he obviously has extremely strong talents, but he suppresses himself so that he cannot become a threat. If he doesn't want to, how can he do it? If we don’t do this, how can human civilization exist?

He could say he let it go, but if Lu Yin let it go, who would bear the responsibility?

Master Qingcao opened his mouth, but couldn't speak.

Lu Yin's tired eyes made him feel distressed.

He left, leaving the back mountain.

Lu Yin sat quietly.

Long Xi came behind him, put her hands on his back, and gently squeezed his shoulders.

Deep darkness quietly replaced the sky, and the stars moved so quickly that time seemed to not exist at all.

Mr. Mu came and sat opposite Lu Yin without speaking.

Long Xi went to make tea for Mr. Mu, but was stopped by Mr. Mu.

Lu Yin took a sip of tea and said, "Master, I feel like there are countless eyes staring at me right now, there is hostility everywhere, and the battle will never end."

Mr. Mu said, "Then fight."

Lu Yin looked at him.

Mr. Mu and Lu Yin looked at each other and smiled, "Fight for yourself, for civilization, for your greed, for your mercy, for everything you have. Civilization is heavy. You have carried civilization, and civilization is also here." Pushing you.”

Lu Yin thought for a moment and then smiled, "My disciple is not confused or flinching. It's just that Master Qingcao thinks I'm tired and wants to make him relax for a while."

"To be honest, disciples are already used to it."

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