Star Odyssey

Chapter 4801 Red Rain

Yu Ting said, "Because she is human, human, very special."

"What happened next?" Lu Yin asked.

Yu Ting said, "If you want to get so many tributaries of the Long River of Time, you can only target the sequence of years and rob or steal them. This is the only way."

"I guessed that she would definitely look for the Time Sequence to start with, and at worst it would be a backup sequence, but I didn't expect that she would actually make her decision here." When it said this, its tone was gloomy and full of hatred.

If this woman hadn't pushed Jiuwen to take action against Qingshan Wang, the ending might not have been like this.

Jiu Wen said slowly, "Don't worry. If this woman hadn't pushed us to take action, I would have invited Master Lu to come. The outcome would still be the same, or even worse. The only change is that you and your son join forces."

Will still lose.

Yu Ting was helpless, this was an irrefutable fact.

Even if the father and son join forces, it will be useless.

"Master Lu knows this woman?" Jiu asked curiously.

Lu Yin nodded, "Her name is Bai Xian'er. She has been entangled with me for a long time, but the grudge has been settled."

Jiu Wen was surprised, "So it comes from the three universes? Why is it here?"

Lu Yin said, "There are some things that you may not know until you meet her."

It is not easy to be dragged in by the Lord's long river of time and yet still come out.

And even though he already knew that Wang Wen was the mastermind, he still wanted to see Bai Xianer.

She also broke through the realm of immortality.

"Where is Chi Yu?" Lu Yin asked.

Yu Ting told Lu Yin the location.

Lu Yin looked towards Qingshan and asked, "Who is the master of death who attacked you?"

"It calls itself the Dead Sea."

Is the Dead Sea under pressure? Lu Yin guessed it.

how to say? There are currently five existences standing in the Dead Sea, not counting himself, as well as Jie, Black Immortal Hell Bone, Dead Sea Mingya and Zhongyi.

Except for encountering the pressure of the Dead Sea, any other one will kill it. Even if the Lord dies and temporarily reconciles with other Lords, it will be useless.

Cum is bound to kill it, the same as myself.

The Black Immortal Hell Bone didn't care about its life at all. Back in the Death Universe, even its own skeleton clone was almost killed.

Needless to say, Zhongyi, let alone the fact that when it encounters the master Suiyueyi, its dignity does not allow the other party to live. For it, what is more important may be to perform meritorious service, and let the dead master protect it, just like what you have to do.

Only the Dead Sea is obedient and does not do much, and does not need to perform meritorious deeds. The Lord died and reconciled with the other Lords. It was normal for it to directly let Qingshanwang go.

Qingshanwang is pretty lucky.

Lu Yin casually waved his hand and took away Qingshan Wang's remaining resistance.

Qingshan coughed up blood, but didn't dare to move.

He then hit Yu Ting again.

The same goes for Yu Ting.

Lu Yin's purpose was to make them lose their ability to resist, so that he could keep them.

After collecting Qingshan Wang into Zhizun Mountain, Lu Yin asked Yu Ting to lead the way to find Chiyu.

Of course, first return to Xiangcheng and meet up with Hunji. Otherwise, he alone cannot win the main sequence.

The main sequence can solve one problem after another, and the main sequence is no exception.

More importantly, other sequence directions can be found through the main sequence.

With Linlang Tiantian, as long as you find the enemy, you can take action, even if you fail, nothing will happen.

As someone from Xiangcheng crushed the pathfinding stone, Lu Yin teleported back with a group of people.

Yu Ting was shocked.

Teleportation, this is definitely teleportation.

There are many legends in the universe, one of which is teleportation.

This is a talent that even the master does not have.

I didn't expect it to appear in this human being.

When Huan Ji heard that he was going to deal with the main sequence, Lu Yin's eyes changed.

"Why are you either fighting or on the way to a fight? How long have you been resting? Are you going to fight the main sequence again?"

Lu Yin had no choice, "The enemy is the main force. If possible, I would not fight him."

Hunji sighed, "Although the days of being entangled in Canhai by Huayi were relatively lonely, they were peaceful. In your situation, I feel like something will happen sooner or later."

"Do you know that any main sequence is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and quantity does not determine everything."

"You and I may not be able to win if we work together, let alone kill."

"I know this Chiyu. It was not famous during the Nine Bases War, but now that it can become the main sequence, talent and opportunity are indispensable, and its strength should not be inferior to Huayi. Do you really want to take action?"

Lu Yin is sure that "weakening the main force is strengthening ourselves."

Hun Ji said, "Okay, if you want to fight, fight. Although I'm not sure it will be solved, it definitely can't defeat me. This is my confidence."

Lu Yin had never underestimated Hunji. Don't look at Hunji being hunted by Huayi and being besieged in Canhai, but he also had to look at how many masters besieged him. If it had been anyone else, he would have died long ago.

There is a certain reason why Hunji can survive from the Nine Bases War to the present.

He felt that even if he died, this silence would not lead to death.

Following the direction indicated by Yu Ting, Lu Yin kept teleporting, during which he also learned as much as possible about Chi Yu through Yu Ting.

The more you understand, the more likely you are to win.

For the past two thousand years, he has been in silence. This is a rare moment of peace in his cultivation, but this silence cannot last long.

His hands were itchy.

And only constant fighting can provide the nourishment for breakthroughs in retreat. Every epiphany does not really depend on talent. It seems that the epiphany is unexpected, but the accumulation of battles is indispensable.

After a while, Xiangcheng stayed in the void.

Lu Yin looked into the distance and saw a dark shadow, hazy and unclear.

What you see from this direction is a black shadow, and here, it is quite far away from where the black shadow is. But the black shadow ignored the space and forcibly occupied part of the line of sight, giving Lu Yin a huge shock.

Generally speaking, only larger objects can be seen from farther away.

But the black shadow is not big, but it can penetrate the void and be seen by people from this distance, which invisibly brings oppression.

"As far as I know, the main sequence of Chiyu rarely uses the method of time. I don't know what its method of time is. I only know that it is good at using swords."

"Seven inches of heart, nine cents of sword, that's how it is described."

"It is said that its swordsmanship specializes in the seven-inch area where creatures must die."

Lu Yin frowned, seven inches? The so-called seven inches is not a distance, but a concept of a place of death.

A snake has seven inches of its fatal hole, and so does a human being.

"Other than that, we don't know much about it. The main sequence rarely takes action." Yu Ting said.

Hun Ji lamented, "It's not that I rarely take action, but once I take action, I won't be able to survive. No main sequence will expose his power."

"Let's take a closer look first." Lu Yin said. After speaking, he entered Linlang Sky and projected his power.

It is safe to project the power at Chi Yu's location to ascertain Chi Yu's power as much as possible.

He couldn't rush to fight Chi Yu unless he broke through to comply with two or even three cosmic laws.

Just like fighting against Yu Ting.

Because even a master like Yu Ting is no longer worthy of his concern.

The starry sky is dark, but it is not as dark as the shadow that covers the starry sky.

Darkness is eating people's hearts.

It seems darker than the universe of death.

Under the darkness, there is a city and a land, but it has long been in decay. There are also cultivators, walking unsteadily, and each cultivator is connected to darkness, connected to the shadow above the starry sky.

It was a black shadow with no face, just like a dark swamp floating in the starry sky.

On the ground, a stone rolled, heading towards the figures ahead.

Those figures were large and small, walking as if they were irrational, just walking on the earth, looking like ants from a high altitude.

And among these figures, there is the realm of immortality.


A figure fell down, but quickly stood up. The darkness connected to the starry sky seemed to be swallowing something from its body, forming swollen flowing animals heading towards the starry sky.

The dark shadow covering the sky and the earth is Red Rain.

There is no appearance, just a black swamp-like phenomenon. What is even more eye-catching is that under the black shadow, there is a sword-shaped thing, hanging above the sky and the earth.

\u003eThe stone kept rolling, getting faster and faster, and he was looking for Bai Xian'er.

These figures walking on the earth have clearly had their bodies hollowed out, even in the immortal realm.

Maybe there was too much movement.

The starry vault descended into darkness, heading towards the stone.

Lu Yin did not avoid it and allowed the darkness to fall. He wanted to see what this darkness was.

The darkness touched the stone, giving Lu Yin the feeling of being swallowed by a strange creature.

After a while, the stone shattered.

The darkness slowly shrank toward the starry sky.

In the distance, Lu Yin walked out of Linlang Tiantian and looked at it with a frown.

What on earth is that?

He told what he saw.

Hun Ji looked at Yu Ting.

Yu Ting said, "I really don't know what it is. I have seen the main sequence of Chiyu several times outside, and I have never encountered that kind of darkness."

"I'll try it too." Huan Ji entered Linlang Heaven.

Came back soon.

I also don’t understand what the darkness is.

It looks like a living thing but not a living thing, and it doesn't look like a dead force or anything like that.

"Since you don't understand, just read it a few more times." Lu Yin entered Linlang Heaven again.

This time the projection is inside a creature connected by darkness. This creature has the ability to survive hardships, which is pretty good.

As the power of projection entered his body, Lu Yin took control of the creature's actions.

how to say?

This creature didn't feel like a cultivator to him, but more like a lifeless body.

But this body is obviously alive.

Lu Yin could raise his hand or turn his neck.

He began to touch the darkness with his own power, and he would feel it more clearly with the body of a cultivator.

Time passes slowly.

Perhaps because of the projection into the cultivator's body, Chiyu didn't notice it and still looked down at the starry sky, becoming the biggest darkness above countless living beings.

After an unknown amount of time, the projection ended.

Lu Yin walked out of Linlang Tiantian.

Facing Hun Ji's gaze, he said solemnly, "That's time."

Hun Ji was surprised, "Time?"

Lu Yin nodded and looked into the distance, "Time, for living beings, includes happiness and pain. Just like you and me, we will feel lonely, lost, or proud, etc. within a certain period of time. No matter how our emotions change, time Always there.”

"And this dark power is the time that all living beings don't want to remember."

"It gathers this kind of time collection and becomes its own nourishment."

"So that darkness has both the mystery of time and the destructive power of decay."

"With two powers combined into one, this Chi Yu is not easy to deal with."

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