Star Odyssey

Chapter 4807: Countless People’s Problems

Lu Yin and Hun Ji looked at each other, and immediately thought of the blind man.

That blind man was very scheming. He escaped from the reflux camp and created a tragedy in order to leverage the main force. No matter how you look at it, he is about the same strength as the reflux camp.

"Then what have you done?" Hun Ji asked.

Chi Yu was helpless, "I haven't done anything yet, other members have already done something. I don't know if you know about the battle in Canhai, but it should be the members of our anti-flow camp who did it."

Lu Yin frowned, are you blind? really.

"Isn't that what the Lord Death did?" he asked deliberately.

Chiyu said, "Perhaps the creatures of the Death Path are also members of the Anti-Flux Camp. The members of this force are mysterious and come from various civilizations or the Lords. According to legend, there is even the existence of the Lord Clan. Of course, I just listened to it as a joke."

"The Reflux Camp is the anti-Master clan. How can the creatures of the Dominator clan rebel against themselves. They enjoy the richest resources in the entire universe, hold the greatest rights, and have the strongest inheritance. It is impossible for them to do such a thing."

"But there must be many souls along the way who belong to this reflux camp."

"Who else is in this force besides you?" Lu Yin asked.

Chi Yu said, "These forces are not connected with each other to prevent them from being noticed by the main alliance. But because of my special status, I am a strong person in the main sequence. No matter whether I am in the reflux camp or in the main alliance, I am an extremely strong person, so I know some .But I don’t know much.”

"One is a blind human, and the other is the master of another courtyard. They are the only ones I know."

Lu Yin's eyes flickered, and the blind man was not surprised. What did the master of the other courtyard say? Not surprising, after all, he helped a blind man.

If he could join the anti-current camp forces as the master of another courtyard, why would Chi Yu know about it?

"The president of the other courtyard is actually a member of the reflux camp?" Hun Ji asked.

Chi Yu said, "Its identity is the sincerity I asked the blind man to show. If you don't tell me the weight class, how can I join?"

"You only know these two?" Lu Yin asked.

Chiyu said, "There are a few more, but I don't know who they are. The forces of this reflux camp are too hidden, and the people who join are all very powerful. It is difficult to join even if they are ordinary people."

"After all, any accident may lead to the collapse of this power."

Hiding deeply is not just because of being powerful, but also because you don’t dare to expose it.

Even if an ordinary person joins the reflux camp, no one will know about it unless he is exposed.

But Lu Yin had dealt with Blind Man and the others and knew that the forces of the reflux camp were indeed very difficult to deal with.

Because they don't dare to be exposed, they consider everything they do extremely carefully, even more cautiously than he leads human civilization to walk the universe.

So now comes the problem.

"How did you join

Is this the anti-revolution camp force? "Lu Yin was curious.

In any case, Chiyu is a subordinate of the main order. Even if he has not reached the main order when he joins, he is still the master of the shrine. With the caution of a blind man, why would he let it join?

Chiyu was silent for a while, then said in a low voice, "I have sins that are absolutely unacceptable to the Lord."

"I killed the dominant clan."

Lu Yin and Hun Ji were surprised, "Have you ever killed the Dominator clan?"

Chiyu said, "To be precise, the owner of my body killed the Lord Clan. Because it was tracked by the Mark of the Lord Clan, it died, and I was born from the dark time of its body."

"I thought you were devouring a creature with time while it was still alive." Hunji said.

Chi Yu bitterly said, "It was very strong when it was alive. Only when it dies can I be born. Although I am born in the dark time, for the dominant clan, no one born from that creature should survive, and this secret was revealed to the blind man Got it, he used this as a threat to let me join the countercurrent camp."

Lu Yin understood, "You have a handle in the blind man's hands. Similarly, the blind man also gave you a handle to reassure you."

"It's the secret that the president of the other courtyard is also a member of the anti-current camp." Chi Yu said.

Lu Yin is funny, just like his routine.

The blind man held his secret, but also gave him the secret.

This is a clever method.

Only mutual checks and balances are the long-term solution. Many people think that they can do whatever they want by mastering other people's secrets and take life and death. Little do they know that others will also try their best to get rid of the constraints. No one wants to be controlled by others for life.

Sharing your secret is equivalent to giving that person a chance to breathe, so that he will not go to extremes.

And because of the existence of each other's secrets, they will be more closely united.

Hun Ji praised, "You are good. There are three forces behind you, the Wang family, the main force, and the reflux camp. If these three forces didn't support you, I believe it would be difficult for you to reach the main sequence level."

Chi Yu admitted, "If the Lord can't get the resources I need, I'll ask the Wang family. If the Wang family doesn't give them, I'll ask the reflux camp forces. Anyway, I can always get them."

Lu Yin thought about eternity, joining one and betraying another, joining another and betraying again. Anyway, he would always have a backup plan and he would never die.

He himself seems to be like this.

Repeatedly jump between the enemy and ourselves, converging resources in both directions.

"Are you thinking now that we have become the force behind you?" Lu Yin suddenly came

One sentence.

Chiyu was silent.

That's what it thinks.

Because it is the main sequence after all, it would be of great significance if human civilization had an additional main sequence helper. No one is willing to kill the main sequence.

Lu Yin said, "You can think so, because maybe I will use you, but only if you give me enough value, for example, about all the situations you know about the Master of Time."

"Situation within the trunk."

"I know I can't say it." Lu Yin interrupted, "What I want is all the information you know about the Lord Suiyuei, except for the main line."

Hun Ji looked at Lu Yin, "Are you planning to take action against Lord Sui Sui?"

Lu Yin looked at it and said, "Senior made a mistake in saying something. There are indeed three forces behind Chiyu, but the Master Years One does not represent the Master One. The Master Death One can be betrayed and hunted down, and so can the other Masters. "

Hun Ji was surprised, "You want to alienate the Lord?"

Lu Yin withdrew his gaze, "It's difficult. The master is not stupid. Unless there is a behemoth like the ninth base, he has no right to talk about estrangement. But I can make them jealous of each other and unable to join forces. What I have to do is very simple. I only deal with the master. One sequence, the rest of the sequence will not move."

Hun Ji reminds: "Never underestimate the Lord."

Lu Yin smiled and said, "Don't worry, this plan is only preliminary and may change at any time. I won't underestimate anyone. Just treat it as if it is to eradicate the Lord, and do it step by step."

Chiyu thought he heard wrongly, what did they say? Eradicate the main line? Is there such a thing? The Lord is heaven, how could anyone want to eradicate it?

Even the forces in the reflux camp thought so, but they knew it was just a dream, but why did they listen to this human being so seriously?

Next, Chiyu told everything it knew about the main trunk of the mother tree.

However, Lu Yin was disappointed, because many of the time sequences within its range had been solved, and there were only some alternative sequences, which it had not cared about before.

As for the time sequences in other directions, because they are too far away, they can be dealt with, but just like returning to Xiangcheng from Canhai, it will take a long time to prepare.

But this is a necessary step, and it will take as long as it takes.

"By the way, do you have a way to contact the Wang family?" Lu Yin asked.

Chi Yu said, "The Wang family has contacts in the outside world."

Lu Yin exhaled, contact person? He doesn't want to contact the Wang family yet.

"What's going on with Bai Xian'er?" Lu Yin asked again.

Chiyu wondered, "Bai Xian'er?"

"Xiao Xian."

"That human woman?"

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