Star Odyssey

Chapter 4818 Time Dam

Lu Yin deliberately selected all the targets, and for a year, he chose a certain target at a certain time. Even if Wang Wen knew how to take action, he would not encounter it by chance, and the possibility of taking action was indeed low.

"Base, ask a question."

"No comment."

"I haven't asked yet."

"I've answered enough."

Lu Yin asked directly, "Is Wang Wen capable of breaking the shackles of cause and effect?"

At the time of the three cosmic catastrophes, Wang Wen was forced to leave by Master Qingcao, relying on the second shot of Yanmen, which blamed everyone's death on his head, forcing him to be unable to take action. At that time, everyone thought it was very reasonable, but now in retrospect, Wang Wen is the ancestor of the Wang family, and any sequence can release the constraints of cause and effect, but he can't do it?

If the shackles of cause and effect can be released, then it will not be right for the three to fight against the catastrophe of the universe.

If the shackles of cause and effect cannot be lifted, then the relationship between the Wang family and the Lord must be re-examined.

It's like the walking cone cannot be released from the constraints of cause and effect because it belongs to the main consciousness. The disappearance of the main consciousness has caused them to lose this ability.

A definite answer would make Lu Yin see many problems.

But Ba Se still didn't say, "This is the balance's own business, and Ignorance will not participate."

Before Lu Yin could speak, Ba Se continued, "Lu Yin, you are sure to accept the mission target, seven, confirm again, do you admit it?"


"Given a portal that leads directly to the target location, the time dam."

Lu Yin wondered, "When will the dam be dammed?"

Ba Se said, "Even with unknowable abilities, it is impossible to kill all the main sequences in free time. However, there is an unknowable treasure, the time dam, which can intercept the time of seven targets in the long river of time." , fixing its time. During this fixed time, the seven of them cannot leave, cannot avoid, and cannot call for help until the end of the period."

Lu Yin was shocked, there was such a turbid treasure?

Can so many main sequences be intercepted at the same time? It reminded him of the blind man's false eternal consciousness.

To cultivate a certain force to a certain level, and then trap the other strong ones in a certain way, if you want to pry it out, you need ten times the strength.

The false eternal consciousness cannot be pried.

At this time, the dam is also unable to be pried.

No wonder they didn't take action against the Snow Queen, because the Snow Queen belongs to the Lord of Time, and the dam may not be able to trap her at this time.

The blind man was able to trap so many masters in the first place because Xing Zui joined forces with him. Otherwise, with Xing Zui's consciousness, the blind man might not have been able to succeed.

"So the dam can only trap it for one year at this time?" Lu Yin asked.

Ba Se said, "Yes, one year later, the river of time will break down the dam of time, and the treasure of the town will be destroyed. So you only have one year to take action. Within one year, you can take action at any time."

. "

Lu Yin's scalp was numb, just like Can Hai's dilemma, it could affect the life or death of the trapped strong man. The difference is that Can Hai is easy to kill. At this time, it is difficult for Diba to kill the main sequence, and the main sequence can attack with all its strength.

For them, it is to kill the main sequence, but for the main sequence, it is enough to hold on for a year.

The existence that conforms to the laws of the three universes can last for a year, and the problem does not seem to be too big.

This depends on the unknown strength.

The price of the false eternal consciousness is that the blind man's consciousness is completely destroyed, and the price of the time dam is the destruction of the suppressing treasure. There are costs, and they are not light.

It can be said that this time dam is one of the rare destroyed treasures known to Lu Yin.

Once death occurs in this mission, the unpayable price will be considerable.

I have lost a lot without knowing it.

It is unknown that if there is a time dam, there will be other tools and treasures. Lu Yin was secretly vigilant, what if one day he was trapped in a similar predicament?

Teleportation is not a panacea.

If Ancestor Shan could be targeted to death, so could he.

"Lu Yin, please collect the portal, and at the same time grant a divine power to give it the ability to kill."

"Given a divine power?"


Lu Yin did not hesitate, pushed open the hanging coffin, and went directly to the new trace through the portal given by the white unknown. Of course, with confusion.

Is he afraid? Really not afraid.

The breakthrough conforms to the two laws of the universe, and I see the horror of chaos. Unless I am surrounded by the Lord and face the Lord directly, I still have confidence.

This new trace is indeed not as impressive as before.

It would be great if we could go back to the square inch before and absorb the green light spots of the sacred tree. There should be many, many, and they would be accompanied by endless divine power.

Lu Yin stood in Zhizong, raised his head and looked around. There was still a coffin hanging on the cliff and vines hanging down.

"Base, I'm here in person, want to meet you?"

"Given the ultimate killing power and portal." The eight colors did not appear. On the big tree not far away, the seven-color power surged, and a red power went towards Lu Yin, and then disappeared into Lu Yin's body.

Lu Yin habitually kept it in the starry sky in his heart.

Although the three-color divine power is separated due to the clone, the original deity can still absorb the divine power because the divine power belongs to the original deity.

And this so-called ultimate divine power is indeed very majestic, almost comparable to the divine power obtained by Chen's clone through the Heaven-bending Technique, but it's just too incomparable.

It is stable and may overflow at any time. It's probably the red line that's missing.

The three color lines of divine power are all in the body of the divine power clone.

After gaining divine power and portal, Ba Color didn't speak anymore.

Regardless of whether it was a new trace or the previous one, Lu Yin had the confidence to get over it.

It's a pity that the old friend is not here. It would be better if I could quarrel with Da Mao for a few more words, the old guy is disgusting and disgusting, and whet his unknowable appetite for black.

Returning to Xiangcheng, Lu Yin still teleported away from the place with Xiangcheng first, then took out the mission target portal, and took Hunji with him, waiting for the opportunity to go to the location.

The time dam has not been activated yet.

"Time Dam? Isn't that the treasure of Mu Taidou? Why is it in the hands of this unknown person?" Hun Ji was surprised.

After leaving Zizong, Lu Yin told it what to do next, because it needed Hunji to protect itself, otherwise it would be in big trouble if it encountered Wang Wen, although the possibility was very low.

Hunji was very surprised when he heard the words "time dam".

Lu Yin was also surprised, "Is this the treasure of Mu Taidou?"

Hunji nodded, "The leader of the Ninth Barrier, Mu Taidou, is good at time. He tried his own combat skills for countless years, and forcibly trained his combat skills into something similar to the Zhuo Bao. But I remember that the Time Dam is just an ordinary Zhuo Bao. Why?" Maybe it’s the treasure of Zhenqi Zhuo? It can’t be the same name.”

Lu Yin shook his head, "It shouldn't be the same name. By the way, senior, do you still remember what combat skills Master Mutai used to become the Time Dam?"

Hunji said he didn't know. He wasn't very familiar with Mu Taidou and had only heard some things.

Lu Yin thought of tracing back to the past.

At the beginning, Mr. Mu fixed the tributary of the long river of time in the mirage realm by tracing the origins of the past, and let the tributary of the long river of time only exist in the Tianyuan universe, so as to fix the mirage realm.

Only then did fate come into being. They used the tributaries of the long river of time as a platform to plot against each other.

Mr. Kemu said that his search for ancient times was his own creation.

Mr. Wood, Mr. Wood. Could it be a descendant?

Thinking of this, he specifically asked Mr. Mu.

Mr. Mu said, "The self-creation of some powers can be regarded as temporary inspiration. It is difficult to explain the creation process clearly, but if you go by your guess, I may really be a descendant of Mu Taidou. Although the ancestors of the family have not left any talents. , but left behind the instinct of cultivation.”

This is the only explanation.

The ancestors of the Lu family left behind a general station, and Mr. Mu’s ancestors left him the talent of understanding time together.

"It's normal. Although humans are one race, some people are naturally good at cultivation, and some people are good at reading. Otherwise, why would many cultivators have offspring when they feel they have succeeded in cultivation? That's the reason."

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