Star Odyssey

Chapter 4831: Positioning the anti-ancient point

From this moment on, Wu Zhi changed completely, and Lu Yin also had a mission.

A line of divine power can locate at least one anti-ancient point within a hundred years. He has four lines, that is, four anti-ancient points. This is no easy task.

Nothing in the universe is absolutely perfect, and the same is true for time.

Different civilizations, different force fields, and different environments can cause time to flow at different speeds or even stop.

On this basis, the anti-ancient point emerged.

Every anti-ancient person who steps into the long river of time is taking the risk of being completely lost to the unknown ancient past, and their foothold is the anti-ancient point. Finding the anti-ancient point at the right time is the only way to persevere. . Otherwise, no matter how strong a life is, it will never be able to reverse the current by its own strength.

Lu Yin owns a small boat that can flow against the river of time, but it cannot flow against the river forever.

Even if the time that does not melt into the long river of time can be swallowed up, theoretically, the small boat of time is being consumed, because the time that does not melt into the long river of time mostly exists in the tributaries of the long river of time, not the main stream.

Only by stopping time can we create time that does not blend into the long river of time. However, most lives can do this in a certain universe and in a certain civilization, rather than trying to stop time in the long river of time, because in that case, the entire universe will Time has stopped, who can do it?

Therefore, the streamer boat can go upstream against the tributaries of the long river of time, or it can go upstream against the main river of time before disappearing, but it cannot go back forever. It also needs to find a foothold against the ancient times.

The positioning of the divine power at the anti-ancient point is based on the mother tree, and is thrown out like a bridge. You can throw it as far as you can with your own power, allowing the line of divine power to flow down the river. Once it encounters the anti-ancient point, the line will It will stop due to the pause of the anti-ancient point. This is the way to locate the anti-ancient point.

Relying on one's own power to throw out the line of divine power, it seems impossible to explore down the river from the oldest past. It may allow the anti-ancient ones who are thrown out of the line of divine power to escape, but this is only one of the ways. There are other ways for the dominant clan to It is their mission to find a way to find the ancient ones who are more ancient.

Unknowable just cuts off the continuation of the path of going against the past.

Thinking like this, Lu Yin stepped out with his divine power clone. The three-color divine power line was caught in his hand. He looked up and saw the tributaries of the Long River of Time rising into the sky, pulling the main river of time. He threw out the line of divine power and gave it to me.

The three-color divine power lines cut through the void, building a three-color bridge in the long river of time, flying towards the distant past.

Lu Yin has not thought about what to do. Whether it is right or wrong to go against the ancients, he cannot get the answer by just thinking on his own. Then he will talk to those who go against the ancients to see what they think.

It is not easy to locate an anti-ancient point, otherwise Base would not have given a time limit of one hundred years to locate an anti-ancient point.

Thirty years later, the red line of divine power suddenly stopped and was positioned.

Lu Yin immediately followed the red line of divine power and left. This divine power

Lines are not only a means of locating the anti-ancient point, but also a way to drag oneself towards the anti-ancient point. Otherwise, even if the anti-ancient point is located, how can one go there?

It was the same as what Wu Zhi did before, except this time it was not the hanging coffin, but Lu Yin himself.

At the same time, above the long river of time, in a paused wave, a creature attacked the red line of divine power, trying to break it.

Divine power lines can locate anti-ancient points, and will naturally be noticed by anti-ancient people.

However, the divine power line itself is extremely tough. It is a concentrated form of divine power. Even if the unknown member it possesses dies, nothing will happen to the divine power line. How can it be easily destroyed.

It made two attempts in an instant but failed to break the line of divine power. When it took action for the third time, Lu Yin had already arrived.

This is a life that is like a combination of withered leaves. The whole body is like a pile of fallen leaves. The dark eyes are hidden in the fallen leaves, making it difficult to see clearly. It is small in size, only half a meter tall, but its combat power is very strong, enough to comply with the peak of two cosmic laws.

Of course, in the current view of Lu Yin, this combat power is just average.

Lu Yin descended on the paused time wave, and the soft but cool touch under his feet was quite novel. It was really like water, and it seemed that he could sink in with just a little force.

Around it, time collapses, giving people a dreamlike feeling.

Is this what it feels like to be an anti-ancient person?

It’s really unreal. This feeling is very uncomfortable, like leaving home forever.

In fact, any anti-ancient person has already died in his hometown, so their feelings may be different from his own.

"Who are you?" The leaf-like creature stared at Lu Yin, its dark eyes unreadable but certainly alert. It was only because he was afraid of Lu Yin that he didn't take action immediately.

Lu Yin looked at the creature in front of him, "Don't be nervous, I just want to have a conversation with you."

"Speak?" The leaf-like creature was stunned.

Lu Yin looked at it and said, "Why go against the past?"

The leaf-like creature stared at Lu Yin, "If you ask, I must answer?"

"It's okay not to answer." Lu Yin didn't care. "There is a force currently looking for those who defy the past. Once found, they will be killed."


Not all enemies of those who go against the ancients are the main ones. Just like there were strong men who went against the ancients in Jiuxiao Universe, but that one who goes against the ancients doesn’t know that the enemy behind them is the main ones. He only thinks that they are unknown. Xian Ling and these destroyed the nine bases. fishing civilization.

But the enemy of this creature is very clear, it is the Lord. In fact, this is also the current situation of most anti-ancient civilizations within a small distance. No anti-ancient person is weak and is qualified to understand

If the truth is only a few inches away, then their disastrous defeat is very likely to come from the main alliance, or from the forces belonging to the main alliance.


"how about you?"

"Maybe I can help you."

The leaf-like creature laughed, full of ridicule, "Help me? Why do you help me? You are from the Lord, right? Otherwise, where would this method of finding me come from? Only the Lord can do it."

Lu Yin looked at it calmly, "Why go against the past?"

The leaf-like creature looked at Lu Yin and said in a low voice, "Revenge."

"What's the explanation?"

"If you don't go against the past, how can you overthrow the master?"

"Where's your civilization?"


"Just for revenge?"


"If you succeed in going against the past, all other civilizations will be destroyed."

"What does this have to do with me?"

Lu Yin breathed out, just for revenge? Yes, hatred is also the seed that drives the anti-ancient movement.

Some lives go against the past for the sake of civilization, while some lives go against the past for revenge.

In fact, even if it is for the sake of civilization, after going back to ancient times, can its civilization really be reappeared? Because the Antipodes never succeed, there are no answers at the end of the road.

The Lord will not allow answers.

Lu Yin left. Of course, this anti-ancient point was successfully positioned. As for whether this anti-ancient one will leave, it depends on its own choice. This is unknown and has not been stated clearly. Everything has just begun and has not yet formed a complete process.

No matter how you look at it, you should trap this anti-ancient one by yourself. But since you can trap him, you can kill him. But if you kill him by yourself, what is the use of those main sequences without divine power lines?

Anyway, there were no clear regulations, so Lu Yin didn't care. Ba Se pointed out that the position was to go against the ancients, but did not say that there must be those who go against the ancients.

A few years later, the second anti-ancient point was located.

I don’t know how many anti-ancient points there are.

There are countless civilizations in the universe. Although there should not be many civilizations with powerful life forms that can reverse the past, among these countless civilizations, it is still a number that makes people care.

"Who are you?"

"Someone who might take your life."

"Human? I really miss this life."

"You know humans?"

"Oh, a civilization that once had the courage to resist the Lord's Alliance failed, and some people turned against the past. Why, the remaining human beings have taken refuge in the Lord's Alliance? Do you want to deprive us of our only hope?"

"Why, the only hope?"

"Go against the past."

"Why go against the past?"

"Let the Lord disappear together and restore the universe

Qingming. "

"Reverse the past, but erase the future. The future is based on the past. Even if the Lord disappears, the future will also disappear. You will no longer exist, and so will I."

"So what? It's better than the Lord's tyranny covering the universe."

"Where's your civilization?"

The other party was silent for a moment, "Destroyed."

"So you don't care about going against the past."

"Wrong, no matter whether my civilization is destroyed or not, I will go against the past, because the essence of life comes from the universe, and the universe is the origin of everything. Only by completely erasing the Lord, can the universe be restored, and we will be born in the future, but in another way. It’s just that a form or another civilized creature appears. But the sky that appears again will no longer have a master."

Lu Yin left and kept the anti-ancient point.

The third anti-ancient point was found.

"I want to go back to after the birth of civilization and before the birth of cultivation, take my civilization away, stay far away, stop practicing, and just exist peacefully."

Lu Yin looked at the creature in front of him, and its answer touched Lu Yin's heart.

Countless people have countless answers.

If time could go over again, what would you do?

It was impossible for Lu Yin to find a correct answer. However, what was before him was a choice that would make this answer never come.

Lu Yin returned to Xiangcheng and sat quietly on the mountain behind Tianshang Sect.

Whenever he had an idea, he would sit like this and think quietly.

Long Xi looked at Lu Yin's back not far away and silently poured tea for him.

He didn't need to be enlightened. As his thoughts turned, countless possibilities appeared. He was just faced with a choice.

Those who go against the past are not selfless.

Just like civilization isn't all bad guys and good guys.

"Am I a good person?"

Long Xi was stunned and looked at Lu Yin's profile. It was very ordinary, but it was the most reassuring thing in human civilization.

"ask me?"


"Good guy."

Lu Yin laughed, "So sure?"

Long Xi smiled slightly and smoothed his hair. "He is a good person to me. He is also the patron saint of our human civilization."

"That's enough, otherwise who else do you need answers for?"

Lu Yin smiled and said, "Yes, that's enough."

"Actually, sometimes the choice is given by others, whether to do it or not to do it. I can't change this choice, but I can add another choice to this choice."

He looked at Long Xi and said, "Who are you doing this for?"

Long Xi looked at Lu Yin, looked at him, her face turned red, put away the tea cup for him, turned around and left.

She knew that Lu Yin was already leaving at this time.

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