Star Odyssey

Chapter 4875 Black and Red

Sheng Mie raised his head, with heat and violence deep in his eyes. There was no wind on the soles of his feet. His pupils changed. Six pupils flashed. The two qi of heaven and earth rose into the sky, as if the heaven and earth were turned upside down, turning into waterfalls and pouring down. Along the way, the fire of karma burned. , blasting directly into the Mo River.

The Mo River collides with the Karmic Fire, as if history is restarting, but this time it is not the energy of life, but the Mo River.

The figures of the Mohe sisters rushed down in the Mohe River, turning into two glass-like arrows, piercing the Holy Destruction, instantly piercing the fire of karma, ignoring the defenses of the Qian and Earth Qi. This was their joint trick. It was originally Using this move to confront Wang Chenchen, Wang Chenchen was forced to use his ultimate move to fight against him.

Now, this trick was used on Sheng Mie.

Mo He seemed to make space become void. If this move had been used against Lu Yin, in their opinion, the humanoid skeleton would have been gone long ago.

But that humanoid skeleton is not worthy.

The ink-colored glazed arrows descended, and space, time, and everything came to a standstill, restricted by the ink river. At this moment, Holy Destruction couldn't even tell whether it was reality or a dream.

Dreaming in black and white means that reality and dreams can be reversed, and the color of heaven and earth can be replaced by ink.

However, if you can’t tell the difference, is it important?


Not important at all.

Whether in reality or in a dream, whether it can be distinguished or not, it is broken.

Sheng Mie holds his head high, and the fire of industry marches like a thousand troops.

Under the burning fire of karma, countless soldiers rushed out of the flames, merged, and turned into an indestructible weapon. Sharp and piercing glass arrows.

pong pong

The weapons collided with the glazed arrows, and cracks spread from the arrows. Then, the ink shattered, revealing the shocked sisters inside. The two beautiful faces were filled with disbelief at this moment. Their unique skills were broken.

That touch of sharpness seemed to break the eternal myth and sow the seeds of failure in their hearts.

As the strange soldiers approached, they felt an indescribable chill, as if they were heading towards the abyss, where death lay.

Above the cloud court, Saint or Gu Feng Xuanyue stared at this scene. It was over. The Mohe sisters were bound to die. They could not withstand the blow.

The creatures behind looked at the broken glass arrows, and also saw the broken Mo River behind the sisters. They seemed to be able to see the broken bodies of the two women in the next moment.

The contemporary prodigy of the Mohe clan did not expect to die in the Liuying camp.

The one who killed them was Sheng Mie. Not to mention the Mohe clan, not even the Wang family behind them dared to take revenge.

Their death was in vain.

There is only one creature, although it is also staring at the back of the ant queen, its angle of view is different from all other creatures, and it is the death creature.

It stared blankly at the camp, how could it be possible with only four words in its mind?

As the strange soldiers approached, Wushang Yue and Wu Xia Yue stared at that sharp edge. Sheng Mie had no intention of stopping. If the two women could only

If you bring it this little bit of fun, then die.

They felt a stinging pain, coming from their foreheads, getting closer and closer, until a wisp of darkness penetrated them, and at an unimaginable point, exploded with unbelievable terrifying power, knocking them away directly, and Holy Destruction also In an instant, he saw the black sword suddenly coming, and the humanoid skeleton holding the sword.


A soft sound dragged the Mohe sisters out of the abyss, but brought an even more mournful wail to the Queen Ant.

The soldiers collided, and the fire of karma was expelled by the darkness, unable to advance even an inch. It could only boil up and down, burning the queen ant.

Sheng Mie looked through the karma fire and saw Lu Yin stepping onto the back of the ant queen.

At this moment, its eyes were so unbelievable, as if it was seeing this human skeleton for the first time, but the brief surprise was replaced by enthusiasm and surprise. Beside it, the Yehuo Marching Army, one after another, stabbed out and slashed towards Lu. Hidden, the power of thousands of troops.

Lu Yin turned sideways slightly, slashed down with his long sword, and the object must be reversed. Huge power enveloped the sword's edge, and the deathly silence accompanying the release of the Three Death Techniques completely erupted at this moment.


There was another loud noise, black and red clashed, death and karma fought against each other.

The Mohe sisters flew out and hit the ground hard, but they had no time to check their injuries. They only stared at the figure on the back of the ant queen, the skeleton, and the overwhelming power of death in an instant.

One black and one red divided the world into two. At the feet of the two figures, the ant queen paused silently. She wanted to twist her body but couldn't. She was suppressed by the huge force.

And the one closest to them, the Ming Gei guarded by the energy of life, looked at it blankly, this, a humanoid skeleton? A humanoid skeleton that has not yet reached immortality?

Above the cloud court, all eyes were focused on Lu Yin, and everyone was as full of disbelief as Ming Gui, including Sheng Or and Gu Feng Xuanyue.

Even with their vision and understanding, they have been subverted at this moment.

That humanoid skeleton had not yet reached the realm of immortality, but it actually withstood the power of Sheng Mie's thousands of Ye Huo troops who defeated the Mo He sisters' trick. Why? How could it be done?

Even the dominant clan cannot understand it.

Only then did they remember Ci, as if the opponent of this humanoid skeleton was Ci.

Each one looked at another place.

Liu Ying, far away, the sword tree was broken, Ci, fell to the ground, staring blankly at the sky.

It failed, it failed.

And it failed miserably.

The humanoid skeleton is the most hidden.

In the distance, on the back of the ant queen, Sheng Mie looked at Lu Yin with enthusiasm.

He expressed an excitement that he had never experienced before facing the fateful gem. Without saying a word, he raised his claws, grabbed the long sword from the karma fire, slashed it down with one strike, and judged the sword.

The fire of karma burns the body, and the sword intent reaches the sky.

Lu Yin held the long sword of death, surrounding the darkness, and slashed out with the same sword, which was also the judgment sword.

Pong Pong Pong

The clash of swords echoed throughout the camp.

Minggui is shocked, are they all three swords inequalities? how come? It is within its understanding that Sheng Mie can learn it after watching it once. After all, it is like this too, but this humanoid skeleton?

In the distance, the Mohe sisters looked dumbly, with the scenes of chasing Lu Yin in their minds. It turns out that this humanoid skeleton was not weak from the beginning. He had been hiding.

Above the cloud court, Sheng Qian and Sheng Yi were all stunned. Can they really fight against Brother Sheng Mie? Hell, he is obviously not in the immortal realm.

The dead creature trembled. The better Lu Yin performed, the more it would be blamed by the Lord of Death. It was over.

But why does this morning have such fighting power?

Where did he learn the Three Swords Inequality? Will you be able to do it just by reading it once? But did he read it?

No one can give them answers.

For Lu Yin, the Three Swords Inequality was also a very clever sword move. He was interested in it, so he took the time to read it during the battle with Ci.

With his understanding of swordsmanship, this is not difficult.

However, the impact on others is greater than ever.

The sword intention suddenly changed, and Sheng Mie used the Yan Sword. The Yan Sword is a creative sword intention that was born from the advance judgment and analysis of the enemy's sword intention based on the sword judgment. Different enemies have different Yan Swords, so Sheng Mie can Starting from the sword judgment, collect Lu Yin's sword intention.

Lu Yin also shot the Yanjian, and he also had a judgment on the meaning of the Holy Destruction Sword.

The swords were fighting, and the inequality of the three swords seemed to have become an ordinary thing. Countless scars were torn on the ant queen's back, and the void was constantly being slashed. Sheng Mie became more and more interested, until he fired the sinking sword.

The red sword of karma, the sinking sword.

Lu Yin swept his sword, and there was deathly silence, and his sword sank.

Minggui's pupils shrank, this humanoid skeleton really learned the inequality of the three swords.

Chen Jian collided with Chen Jian, completely pressing the queen ant into the ground and tearing open the bark of the mother tree.

Two swords, one black and one red, collided and cut through the void, leaving two huge traces that tore open the camp.

At this moment, above the cloud court, Sheng Qian and other creatures subconsciously avoided looking at the two sword intents, as if their eyes would be burned if they looked at them.

This sword clash is not inferior to the power of the swords of Sheng Mie and Ming Gui.

The queen ants all prostrated under the sword strokes.

Disappeared with a sword.

Lu Yin and Sheng Mie were face to face, looking at each other.

And look

They all looked at them with shock and disbelief.

Sheng Mie looked at Lu Yin, his eyes suppressed with raging fire, "I invited you to the Cloud Court for a chat. At that time, you had not yet broken through the immortal realm. My ideal ideal for you should be the state after breaking through the eternal realm, but now you are actually the same." Chen, you are such a surprise to me that you can fight against me."

Lu Yin looked at Sheng Mie calmly. Are you surprised? He was actually very stressed.

The better the Holy Mie performs, the more he will be hated by the Lord of Cause and Effect if he kills him.

How would Xiang Siyu treat him? Help him get through this disaster? Or should he reveal his identity as a human being, Lu Yin, and exterminate the three universes together?

In fact, he thought about killing Sheng Mie with a unique move from the beginning, so that Sheng Mie would not be so amazing.

But found that it couldn't be done.

In other words, Sheng Mie's combat power was even higher than that of his skeleton clone.

Now he is not sure that he can win one-on-one.

Not to mention the buzzer beater.

"Breakthrough, I'll give you time." Sheng Mie slowly spoke, gathering his Qi and Qi, and looked at Lu Yin calmly.

In Lu Yin's hand, the Death Silence Sword dissipated, and then he spread his hands to express that he couldn't do it.

Sheng Mie frowned, "You can't beat me now."

Lu Yin shrugged, moved his arms, twisted his neck, and then suddenly kicked out. Sheng Mie's eyes widened sharply and he didn't move where he was. However, his body was kicked away and flew backwards.

This scene made Shengqian and other creatures open their mouths, confused as to what was going on.

Only a few living beings understand that Lu Yin has transcended the consequences set by the Holy Destruction. If not, he would have been counterattacked by the consequences just like Xue Xing.

His kick was just like Minggui's ordinary sword kick.

Sheng Mie smashed into the ground.

Lu Yin jumped up, raised his skeletal arm, and punched out. The surging power was counterattacked at the extreme end of the matter, pressing down hard, and darkness blasted to the earth along with the wind of the fist.

Under the ground, Sheng Mie waved his claws, and the Qi of Qian and Earth blasted out one to the left and one to the right, forming a twisted millstone.

Lu Yin punched the two Qi of Qian and Earth, and his tough defense blocked him. The distortion of the millstone reappeared along with the burning fire of karma, the march of karma fire, and countless soldiers slashed out.

The power of death and silence was released from the Three Death Techniques and continued to explode. Darkness covered the sky and pressed towards the Karmic Fire.

Sheng Mie jumped up and stared at Lu Yin. Within the karma fire, lines of cause and effect stood up, and then spread into the dead silence.

Lu Yin's power of death was majestic and solid, close to the Lord of Death, but he was not the Lord of Death after all. Even after undergoing the transformation of the Shuankou Kung Fu and the refinement of the Death Qi of the Giant City Death Lord, it was difficult to completely isolate the cause and effect of the Holy Destruction.

Cause and effect turned into walls and spread towards Lu Yin.

"Additional update is coming. Happy New Year, brothers!!"

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