Star Odyssey

Chapter 4897 Lu Yin and Eternity

"Should I call you captain, or Lord Lu?" Eternal voice came out again, waking up Lu Yin.

Lu Yin looked at him and said, "What did you say?"

Yongheng sat down slowly, because across from him, Lu Yin had been sitting and practicing. "We are too familiar, aren't we? After so many experiences, it's not easy for me to survive until now, and it's not easy for you either."

"Being able to meet here shows that we are still destined."

Lu Yin looked deeply at Eternal Life, but he didn't expect that he actually recognized him.

In the current universe, only the unknown white ones know about the relationship between Chen and their clones. Even Qian Ji Guiyan may not know, or even say they don't know.

As long as the white unknowables don't say it, the matter will not be reported to the Lord.

Eternal knowledge must not be because it is unknowable, but because he has known it for a long time.


Yongheng thought for a while, "Let's meet for the first time in Lecheng."

Lu Yin was surprised, "How do you know?"

Eternal smiled, "Don't you think that some beings have gone from being humble and small all the way to incredible heights, and what they have is far better than those creatures that stood at the top from the beginning?"

"That's not an explanation."

"Well, because of emotions."

Lu Yin said nothing and stared blankly for eternity.

Yongheng said, "When I look at you, what I look at is not your body or your strength, but your emotions."

"Life can change everything, but it can never change emotions."

"Qixu's power." Lu Yin said slowly.

Eternal nodded, "Yes, Qixu's power."

"Comes from the box you stole from Ur." Lu Yin said, seeming to have clarified a lot of things.

Eternal admiration: "You are worthy of being able to step from the bottom to the heights you are today. You still remember this. So do you know what is in that box?"

Lu Yin really didn't know this.

"It's Qixu's true body."

"Qixu's true body?" Lu Yin was surprised.

Yongheng nodded, sat casually, and said, "U'er thought it was a Zhuobao, but in fact I also thought it was a Zhuobao at first. Qixu was hidden so deeply that even in its own memory it was a Zhuobao, so no one You know, that’s its true nature.”

"It died together with Mi Jinshangyu. In fact, it left a hand for itself. After all, it is not easy to join the unknown. Just like Mi Jinshangyu did not really want to die with it, but just used it as a cover to plot against Wang Wen. Reappear as Master Qingcao."

"Qixu can be resurrected, but I stole the box. And I, you know, I was created, and I saw that Qixu's body exists, and its body is very strange. It only has emotions and nothing else."

"What would happen if a life that uses emotions as a carrier merges into the consciousness or body of other lives?" At this point, he smiled and spread his hands, "That's who I am now."

Lu Yin stared at eternity, "You integrated into Qixu's body with the power of death, and became another you with self-awareness as the leader."

Eternal smiled and said, "Back in Tianyuan Universe, I also used the spiritual seeds given by God to rebuild my cultivation. This kind of thing is not difficult, is it?"

"Life breakthroughs, life changes, and replacements are actually all cultivation."

"The death of life will also lead to the emergence of new life, so you don't have to worry about it so much."

Lu Yin understood, no wonder Yongheng could join the death master clan, he was now a pure life of death power. Even if the Lord of Death knows that he is doing this, it doesn't matter, because the Death Lord family was created by the Lord of Death, and eternity is self-created, so the result will be the same.

"What about your previous body?"

Yongheng said, "Lost it."


"I forgot, maybe it was before escaping with Zhu? Or after?"

"You did this to get rid of Wang Wen." Lu Yin said.

Yongheng stared at Lu Yin, "Do you think you can get rid of it?"

Of course it is impossible. If Wang Wen saw Eternity at this moment, he would definitely be able to see his changes. This Eternal body is no longer the one he created before. This means that when Eternal and Zhu were thrown to Lecheng, What Wang Wen saw was still the eternity before.

What I saw was the eternity before, and that was correct.

When did that change?

"Let's cooperate." Yongheng said something that Lu Yin was not surprised by.

If he didn't have this choice, how could Yongheng suddenly find Lu Yin and even tell him his details so clearly.

Of course, there was one detail he didn't tell, which was the location of the previous body. That is the final secret of eternity.

Where is that body? What are you doing again?

Wisdom is really scary. When a person breaks through the shackles of wisdom and acts wantonly, he doesn't know what he will do.

"Are you cooperating with me? Cooperating for what?" Lu Yin asked. Although he was not surprised, he also wanted to hear what Yongheng had to say.

You know, during the Tianyuan Universe, Eternal almost wiped out the Tianshang Sect humans.

Yongheng said, "I know your hatred for me, and also the hatred for me by the entire Tianyuan Universe. But now that we are out of that chaotic distance, if we look back on the past grievances, we will find that both you and I can't help ourselves. "

"I am not your enemy, just his tool."

"During that period, he was God and I was just a slave. I couldn't choose what to do."

Lu Yin's tone was deep, "Even if you say this, it won't change your hatred for the Tianshang Sect's human killings and the sin of creating an eternal kingdom."

Eternal wonder "Sin? Do you think it is a sin?"

Lu Yin's voice became colder, "You still want to discuss with me the rights and wrongs of the eternal kingdom?"

Eternal smiled, "Think about it from another angle. From my standpoint, the humans in your Tianyuan Universe are just ants whose life and death can be determined by a single thought, and he is invincible."

"Is the eternal kingdom born based on this consideration, and is it the only way to continue your human life?"

Lu Yin looked deeply into eternity.

Eternity continued, "Don't rush to answer. Civilization is difficult to change based on personal will. No matter how smart this person is, no matter how convinced he is, he cannot change the will of the entire civilization. What you and I can do is change a small change in history." It’s just waves.”

Lu Yin praised, "You are indeed an old monster who has lived for countless years. Is this how you hid it from the eyes of the ancestor?"

Eternal Laughter "If it wasn't hidden, Tianyuan Universe might not be able to wait until you were born."

Lu Yin turned to look around, and then said lightly, "If I said that the true inheritance of human civilization is the meaning of whether it should continue to exist, from the perspective of your current thinking, you would think that I am selfish."

"Even though you never wanted to help humans."

Eternal Sigh "I have said that the eternal kingdom is the only way for human beings to survive. When you come to the Dead Sea Garden of Silence and see the seventy-two realms and the Liuying camp, then the eternal kingdom can be renamed."

"The camp, the eternal kingdom."

Lu Yin stared at Eternity, then smiled, his skull face extremely ferocious, "Liu Ying, the Kingdom of Eternity."


"Take the initiative to become a refugee camp."


"Become one of the two paths recognized by the Lord, and human beings should exist, a wandering human being."

"That's it."

"Eternity, what do you think I want to say now?"

Yongheng looked at Lu Yin, as if he was staring into Lu Yin's empty skull eyes. After a moment, he said humorously, "You want to scold me." After saying that, he smiled and added, "And you're scolding me." It’s hard to hear.”

Lu Yin didn't speak. In fact, these things didn't mean much to Eternal. Maybe for Eternal, there was the illusion of changing his mind, but for himself, it was just for the long term.

Before that, Tianyuan Universe’s grievances and grievances should be settled.

Eternity is trying to reduce its dislike for him as much as possible.

And I am also trying to figure out the meaning of what Eternal has done before through limited words, so as to deduce Wang Wen's thoughts as much as possible.

It proved impossible for him to overwhelm eternity in words.

This life has existed for too long, and there have been too many thoughts. A few words can beautify all the previous actions, but it still sounds quite reasonable.

"No matter what happened to us in the past, if you want to take human civilization forward now, I will take the initiative to show up and tell you everything. It is my sincerity." Yongheng said.

Lu Yin said calmly, "What exactly do you want to cooperate with me?"

"I didn't think about it."

Lu Yin was stunned, "Have you not thought about it?"

Yongheng said, "I didn't think about it, but it doesn't affect my sincerity. You and I now belong to the Death Lord, and there is always a chance to cooperate. Not only did I not tell anyone about your situation, but I also told you about my own situation." , this kind of sincerity is enough.”

"If you still want more sincerity, for example, I can help you practice the method of evil."

Lu Yin stared at him, "Do you know how to kill people?"

Eternal stood up: "I am a creature of the death master clan. Of course I can, and I must."

Lu Yin did not refuse. No matter how much hatred he had towards Eternity, it did not affect his use of Eternity. At the beginning, he also disguised his identity to join the Eternal Clan and saluted him.

If he had known that Eternal Life was willing to help him practice the method of evil, there would be no need to disgust that dead creature.

However, the death creature turned into a humanoid skeleton, which really disgusted Lu Yin. It will definitely not dare to do so next time.

I have to say that Eternity is a very suitable being to teach others. After all, it has lived for so many years and understands human beings. In teaching the method of evil, he also had his own unique conclusions based on human thinking, which was tantamount to allowing Lu Yin to take a shortcut.

What's more, Lu Yin is already a genius.

As a result, it took only about three hundred years to complete the cultivation of the method of evil.

Lu Yin raised his bone palm and watched the deathly power in his palm changing constantly. This was the method of evil. If he had mastered it in the fight with Sheng Mie, the fight wouldn't have been so hard.

In fact, it is not fair for him to fight against Saint Destruction.

Sheng Mie has the unique resources of the Karma Lord family, and even got the Lord to inherit the Karma Great Compassion and the Karma Duo. What about himself? Although the transformation has increased with the help of the Death Lord's power, it is not equivalent to the Holy Destruction.

At this moment, it is considered equal.

If the method of evil is used to deal with Holy Death, Holy Death will not be able to exert its majestic two-qi and cause-and-effect characteristics.

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