Star Odyssey

Chapter 4899 Benefits

Lu Yin was surprised, "Su Xin Sect?"

"Do you know him?" Qianji Jiyan was curious.

Lu Yin said, "I've seen it once. It's said to be a master whose name is written in white on a black book. Is it dead?"

The first thing he thought about was Bu An, and then he thought about the masters who had joined after Wuzhi, each of whom wanted to kill someone.

Qianji Guiyan shook his head, "It's not that easy to die, but this guy is so bold that he actually threw the creatures he dug up to the Lord of Time and secretly learned the law of the years. This incident made the Lord of Time clan dissatisfied, so there are experts Come out to hunt."

"Although he is not dead, he will never dare to show his face again."

Lu Yin nodded, that's it.

Sure enough, where there is a cause, there is an effect.

In the giant city, the storyteller revealed that Su Xinzong dug up the other sequence. In order to hide it, Su Xinzong deliberately killed the other sequence. Because of this, it allowed him to find Xiangcheng and lead to what happened next.

But it ultimately failed to escape the pursuit of the Time Lord.

The Lord is so high up there, how can he be calculated like this?

Su Xinzong, a master who conforms to the laws of the three universes, is no exception.

Based on this calculation, there are still twelve seats on the unknown surface, which is the same as the twelve seats at the beginning. After all, the hidden master was ignored from the beginning, and it is still ignored today.

"Okay, let's go. I'll take you out. I don't care what you do next, but take the two things I said to heart. It's for your own good. At the same time." It looked at Lu Yin deeply and said, "Help I win the bet against Wang Wen, and as long as I win, it will be your benefit."

"What's the benefit?" Lu Yin asked directly.

Qianji Guiyan was speechless, "Can't you be more reserved and so direct?"

Lu Yin was very serious, "There is motivation only when there are benefits. Do you know how dangerous it is to take risks and combine these two forces?"

Qianji Guiyan thought about it and said, "Let's do it." It raised a finger and said, "One world."

Lu Yin was surprised, "One world?"

The old human being also looked at Qian Ji's tricks in surprise.

Qianji Jiyan looked at him and snapped his fingers.

Only then did the old man react. He looked at Lu Yin with shocked eyes, "It's just one realm. One of the forty-four realms among the seventy-two realms. I'll give you one realm. This is the benefit of helping me win over Wang Wen."

Lu Yin stared at Qianji Guiyan and said, "Can you get a realm?"

If he hadn't come to Inner and Outer Heaven, he wouldn't be so surprised. Now, he can only say it's unbelievable.

You must know that even if it is one of the forty-four realms, it is almost impossible to obtain a complete realm. The more you understand the seventy-two realms and the main realm, the clearer it is that this is impossible.

Qianji Guiyan said proudly, "Don't worry about it. Anyway, as long as you help me win over Wang Wen, I will give you a realm."

"If you can get a world, why don't you give it to me now? I will use this world to bet and bring out the executioner clan."

"So confident?"

"Very confident."

Qianji Guiyan rolled his eyes, "You

Fudge me. "

Lu Yin opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. He was indeed deceiving Qian Ji.

It doesn't matter what kind of executioner they are, whether they can be brought out or not, what's most important is getting the benefits first, but this Thousand Machines trick is obviously not easy to fool.

"Okay, let's go. Anyway, I've told you the benefits. It's your own business whether you can get it or not." Qianji Guiyan grinned.


"what happened again?"

"Didn't you say that there is no one available? I recently met a friend here who is very smart and very capable. Maybe he can help us get a line of divine power."

Qianji Guiyan was interested, "Who? Are there any friends of yours in the Death Lord clan?"

Lu Yin looked at the Dead Sea and said, "His name is eternity."

Zuoting, Seventy-two Clouds Court, one of the nine upper courts.

Lu Yin was brought here.

The reason why we come here is because the executioner clan is within the jurisdiction of Zuoting Liuying.

Lu Yin's arrival caused shock in Zuoting.

As one of the Upper Nine Courts, there are creatures of the dominant clan here all year round. After all, there are many powerful races and civilizations within the Liuying area under the jurisdiction of Shangjiuting.

There are also many creatures from the seventy-two realms.

They are not qualified to set the rules of the game, but they can participate in the gambling.

The left courtyard is very large, but the creatures from the seventy-two realms are scattered in the corners and in the center, belonging to the dominant clan.

At this moment, every living creature in Zuoting looked at Lu Yin.

Although the Death Lord has returned, not many appear in the inner and outer heavens. The masters under the Death Lord are almost all within a short distance, and the creatures of the Death Lord family rarely appear.

As for Zuoting, because of the existence of the Executioners, one or two Death Lords would occasionally appear.

But just like Lu Yin, he was stared at as soon as he arrived.

It can be said that there are other creatures here all year round that specifically target the Death Lord and want to bring out the executioners.

Lu Yin, led by the guardian of Zuoting, saw images of light screens within the camp, and saw many civilized races.

There are no humans here.

"Where are the executioners?" Lu Yin asked directly. The other leaders have always prevented the executioner from being taken out. His purpose of coming is also very clear. It has been seen through by others, so there is no need to hide it.

Before the Zuoting Guardian could answer, a sneer came from the side: "The Death Lord is becoming more and more useless. Now he even sends a skeleton to dominate the creatures of the clan."

"Yeah, it's still a humanoid skeleton."


Lu Yin ignored them. Under the strokes of the guardian of the left courtyard,

A screen of light appeared in front of me.

He looked towards the light curtain.

Inside the light curtain are the executioners.

The Executioner is a creature made entirely of blades. Whether it is the eyes, the tail, or any part of the body, it is a blade.

The way they fight is to decompose their bodies. The stronger they are, the stronger their decomposed blades will be.

Qianji Guiyan told Lu Yin that the executioner tribe is a race that specializes in harvesting miscellaneous fish for the Lord of Death.

It is said to be a miscellaneous fish, but in fact, it is not easy to make the Death Lord take action.

The executioner clan itself is extremely powerful in combat. It is said that in its heyday, the strongest executioner clan creatures made up each blade of its own, with its own unique killing method. Once the body decomposes, the numerous blades spread out, which will definitely destroy them. The power of heaven and earth has killed more than one existence that conforms to the three laws of the universe.

The executioner clan, as its name suggests, is the master of death, the executioner.

It was this strange life that appeared in Lu Yin's eyes now.

He didn't know if this kind of life was created by the Lord of Death. No matter how he looked at it, it didn't look like a natural creature that was completely composed of blades.

The executioners in the light curtain are really not living a good life. There are so many lives trapped in a very small mountain, squeezing space with each other, and it is even difficult to practice. On the other hand, the civilization of the surrounding races is huge.

The executioners are like pets trapped in a cage, and this cage is extremely small.

"Your Excellency, this is the executioner clan." The guardian of Zuoting said respectfully.

Lu Yin looked at the executioner clan and wondered how strong this race was now.

He must have resisted when he was thrown into the camp.

"Hey, how about the skeleton? Let's play a gamble. If you win, the executioner clan will be yours. You can bring them out." A voice came, full of ridicule, from a creature of the Time Master clan.

Someone next to him immediately laughed and said, "Stop joking with him. He has no capital to participate in the bet. Maybe he doesn't even have a party."

"Don't underestimate the Death Lord. It is said that the Seventy-two Realms already belong to them."

"I've heard of this. It does exist, but I don't know which realm it is."

"Hey, humanoid skeleton, do you want to bet? If you don't want to bet, get out." The creatures of the Life Dominator clan shouted fiercely.

Lu Yin watched calmly and did not answer.

At this time, another creature from the Lord Clan came, including one from the Karma Lord Clan. It saw Lu Yin as soon as it came. Lu Yin was too conspicuous, and all eyes were turned to him.

"Morning?" The creature from the Karma Master clan shouted.

Lu Yin turned around and looked over. He was still an acquaintance, Sheng Yi.

"Sheng Yi, do you know him?" asked the creature of the Time Master clan.

"Wait, Chen? How have I heard that?" A voice came from those creatures in the seventy-two realms.

Immediately afterwards, another creature spoke, and it was true that he had heard it.

"I remembered, leaving my name in black and white in the book, morning."

"The cultivator who left a name in the exile camp?"

"it's him?"

"Not only that, he also killed the master who was under Saint Slayer." Another creature said in horror.

Suddenly, the left courtyard was silent.

More than three hundred years have passed since Sheng Mie was killed. The person who saw that incident did not stay in Yunting. In Yunting, the creatures of the Dominator clan came and went so frequently that they did not immediately recognize Lu Yin.

Only Sheng Yi stared at Lu Yin.

Killing the Saint, killing the Saint of Death or the leader of the clan is this humanoid skeleton.

If possible, it really wanted to kill him immediately.

The creatures of the Time Master clan looked at Lu Yin, "Are you the Chen that Shi Buhuan told you about?"

Lu Yin looked at it, smiled, and said ferociously, "It's true."

Many creatures were shocked and stared at Lu Yin, it was actually him.

By the way, the humanoid skeleton is him.

This is the guy who caused a sensation in the entire main group.

The Karma Master clan wanted to kill him.

Lu Yin glanced around, and he suddenly discovered that each of these dominant creatures looked like pets. Give him a feeling that he should be educated.

"I always thought Sheng Mie was crazy, but no matter how crazy I am, I dominate the clan of creatures. It's not your turn to kill, so where do you get the courage?" A deep voice came from behind Sheng Yi, it was the Karma that dominates the clan of creatures. Apparently he came with Sheng Yi.

Lu Yin ignored them and continued to look at the executioners, thinking about how to use the rules of the game to bring them out.

It's hard, very hard.

He doesn't think he is the smartest in the universe. The Dominator clan has been formulating the rules of the game for countless years, and there are many ways to defeat him in this way.

The Death Lord must have tried to bring out the executioners, but failed to return. This is an example.

Qianji Guiyan hoped that he would use his identity as a human skeleton as a bait to attract the dominant clan to snipe him in the rules of the game, so as to reduce the pressure on this side to bring out the executioner clan. But how could he exchange countless human lives for this executioner clan?

"Skeleton, I'm talking to you." The creature from the Karma Master clan shouted fiercely.

Lu Yin turned his head and looked at it, "Me?"

"My name is."

"Not interested." Lu Yin interrupted directly.

The creature of the Karma Master clan was furious, his eyes were a little red, and he stared at Lu Yin, "How dare you be so rude to me."

Lu Yin asked, "I'm just asking if you can withstand the beating."

"You." That creature wanted to say something but couldn't. Obviously, it couldn't compare to Sheng Mie, who couldn't hold Lu Yin back.

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