Star Odyssey

Chapter 4901: Combination of Swords

Lu Yin looked at Sheng Yi and the others again, "What? Can't take it? Look at you, you have neither courage nor wealth, and you still claim to dominate the clan. It's all thanks to you being here. If you were in the outside world." He didn't say any more, The meaning is self-evident.

Sheng Yi said in a low tone, "Chen, what you see about the Dominion clan is just a drop in the ocean. It won't be long before you know what you are facing."

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it." Lu Yin said, and then headed towards the Liuying barrier.

Then he began to bombard the barrier under the astonished eyes of many creatures, and he wanted to enter the stream camp.

The guardian of the left court was surprised: "Your Excellency Chen, what are you doing?"

"It's okay to enter a refugee camp."

"Of course you can, but please pay attention to your safety, Mr. Chen. I also want to remind you that the rules of the game will not stop because of your sudden appearance."

Lu Yin turned his head and glanced at the creatures of the dominant clan. "It doesn't matter." After saying that, he continued to bombard the barrier.

If you want to enter the Liuying camp, you can rush in by bombarding the barrier from Yunting. This is much easier than bombarding the barrier from the Liuying camp. Of course, this refers to non-Liuying creatures. If it is a creature in the Liuying camp, it is impossible to pass through the bombardment barrier. Get out.

All the creatures in Zuoting watched Lu Yin enter the camp in silence, and then looked at each other.

Sheng Yi's eyes were intense and he said, "Immediately formulate the rules of the game, the simplest rules."

Another creature that dominated the clan sneered, "Surround and kill, executioner clan."

Other creatures looked at the light screen image. Is this morning crazy? After provoking them and then going to the camp, isn't it looking for death?

Of course Lu Yin wasn't crazy, he just did it on purpose.

The battle with Holy Destruction made him realize the magical effect of the Death Bead, and the increase in combat power was so attractive to him.

So he wants to continue harvesting death and filling the Death Beads.

But the battle in Canhai can only be met but not sought. So many extremely powerful people can fill up the Dead Silence Pearl. It will take a long time to fill it up again, and this is normal. If the Death Silence Pearl is filled so easily, the Death Master Together they are already invincible.

But Lu Yin didn't want to take his time.

Then we can only think of another way.

Entering the stream camp was one of the ways he thought of.

There are too many racial civilizations in the camp, especially if they enter under the eyes of the dominant clan. Those dominant clan creatures will definitely formulate the rules of the game and throw a large number of racial civilizations over to start a war. Then it will be the time to reap death.

There must be danger, so he looked for the executioner clan and used this executioner clan to save his life.

The executioner clan can survive in the Liuying camp not because the dominant clan is afraid of the death master, but because of their own strength, otherwise they would have been destroyed long ago.

They are definitely not weak.

Use them to protect themselves, and use the dominant clan to formulate game rules to harvest death. This is Lu Yin's plan.

As for what will happen to the executioners, it has nothing to do with him.

The executioners belong to the sect of the Lord of Death and are also the enemies of human civilization.

This move can also tell the Lord of the Dead openly that he is trying his best to bring out the executioners. Even though his own life is at risk, he also deliberately enters the camp and communicates with the executioners regardless of the danger, just to bring the executioners out. out. This sincerity and loyalty is second to none.

Kill three birds with one stone, why not do it.

If the Executioners were really destroyed because of this move, there was nothing they could do. It could only be said that the Executioners were too weak, which would make the Death Lord and the other Lords hate each other even more deeply.

Anyway, he won't suffer any loss.

Through the barrier, two worlds become apparent.

The chirping of birds and the fragrance of flowers in the Yunting Garden form a sharp contrast between the paradise and the smoke-filled world of Liuying.

Looking up, Yunting can no longer be seen.

But he knew that all eyes in Yunting were still focused on him.

He smiled at Yunting and then rushed towards the executioner clan.

The executioners are located in the gap between mountains. They are called mountains, but they are actually upturned bark, which is extremely hard. And there are other civilizations in all directions of the bark.

Lu Yin rushed into the executioner clan, and what came face to face was the blade.

He swung the blade away, revealing the skeleton form, which instantly made the executioner's murderous intention disappear.

The skeleton form is too obvious, it is the Lord of Death.

Countless blades stand within the crowded bark.

A heavy and vicissitudes of voice came from the depths of the executioner clan: "Is the Death Lord a living being?"

Lu Yin looked at the executioners from afar and said, "Exactly."

"Please come in."

Lu Yin followed the blade all the way in, and the place became more and more crowded as he went inside. It was unimaginable that the Executioners had lived in a place like this for countless years. Cultivation is not convenient at all, as each other's strength will be affected.

After he entered the camp, he clearly realized that there was nothing in the civilization outside the executioner clan that could threaten him. Instead, there was an aura of terror within the executioner clan.

The executioners have the ability to open up new territories.

They didn't do it, it must be because they were afraid of the Lord. They were self-imprisoned.

Not long after, Lu Yin saw a long knife. Although it stood deep in the bark of the tree and could not be seen, it still had a cold glow. The cold glow with murderous intent making people's hair stand on end.

Lu Yin looked at the long knife with chills running through his bones.

This is an old monster that has survived for who knows how long. It is absolutely very powerful.

"My name is Daohe."

Lu Yin looked at the long knife and said, "My name is Chen."

"Before you there were

The Death Lord has been looking for me. He is from the Death Lord clan, so why are you here? "

"Take you out."

"It's hard."

"I know, but I have to try. The premise is that I need to know the current situation of the executioners."

The blade vibrated, and the cold light rippled out visibly to the naked eye, touching Lu Yin. In an instant, slash marks appeared on Lu Yin's bones.

Although it was slight, it made Lu Yin silent for a long time.

This is just the sharp edge radiating from the cold light. If this knife were to strike at him, his current clone would definitely not be able to block it and would be cut off by the knife.

What kind of terrifying edge does this sword have?

It can be said that this is the limit of sharpness in Lu Yin's current knowledge. .??.

"Well, you are really a creature of the Death Lord. I thought you were related to those guys. After all, you are in human form." Daohe's voice was a little softer.

Lu Yin wondered, "Those guys?"

"A group of arrogant people who want to overthrow the camp."

The forces of the reflux camp came to see the executioners.

"Because I'm in human form, you think I'm with those guys?"

"Sorry, there are humans among them."

"Since you want to overthrow the camp, why are you so disgusted?"

Daohe laughed loudly, trembling the bark of the tree, causing all the blades to vibrate. "I am under the command of the Death Lord, so I naturally have the responsibility to protect the camp. They thought that if the Death Lord disappeared, I would help them. It's ridiculous, it's extremely ridiculous, Death will eventually come." Come back, I have always believed in this, I have waited for too long, how can I be compared to those wastes of theirs."

Lu Yin nodded, "Yes, Death has returned, we will take you out, and everything the Executioners once owned will be taken back."

Dao He shouted, "That's good. I've been waiting for that day, but not now."

"The Lord of Death has too many things he wants to take back. We, the executioners, can still wait and don't care about such a short time."

"Go back, there is absolutely no way you can take us away now."

Lu Yin looked deeply at the blade in front of him. He was really the loyal lackey of Death. This old guy was extremely powerful. Once he was really taken out, the Lord of Death could do a lot of things together.

Now think about it, if the executioner clan has this kind of old monster, then other powerful clans belonging to the main group that control the world must also have it.

This is the true foundation of the Lord.

This is also the reason why those Main Sequences that are just a few inches away may not be qualified to come in. They are not worthy of the Master's attention.

This sword combination is probably the only one that Lu Yin has seen so far, second only to the Lord. Even Wang Wen and Qianji Guiyan may not be much stronger than it.

Qian Jigui said that the Wang family has the ability to die together with the Lord, so what kind of combat power does Wang Wen have?

Just as he was thinking about it, a blade rose into the sky from within the bark of the tree. At the same time, many civilized creatures were coming from all directions, and the war came so suddenly.

The sharp edge of the sword suddenly converged, "Here are the rules of the game, please leave quickly, my executioner clan will be waiting for you."

Lu Yin turned around and left. The sword merged did not like him. Maybe he was not a creature of the Death Lord clan, or maybe it was because of his human form, but it didn't matter. Anyway, the purpose of his coming here was not the executioner clan.

The power of Daohe gave him even more confidence.

Then come here and have a game.

The bone xun climbed out, Lu Yin released the power of death, and the world of death descended, connecting the sky and the earth, spreading in all directions.

Immediately, countless creatures' bones were torn apart and they crawled out. Under Lu Yin's command, they turned around and killed their own kind.

The cruel war, accompanied by blades and bones, descended on the land of Liuying.

In the left courtyard, most of the creatures have never seen the bone language. Although they have heard it, they still find it breathtaking when they actually see it. Just imagine how terrifying it would be to see your own bones tear open your skin and come out. This scene makes many living beings tremble with fear.

For the first time, they felt that bones and flesh were actually separate.

The creatures of the Time Master clan also immediately formulated the rules of the game, throwing other civilized races within the camp controlled by Zuo Ting directly to the executioner clan, so that the scale of the war would expand, and Lu Yin must be killed.

"Immediately contact the clan members to come up with the rules of the game. I don't believe he can't be killed without any effort."

The guardian of Zuoting was trembling with fear and quickly reminded, "The executioners are the strongest race in the Zuoting camp. No civilization can defeat them, otherwise they would have been destroyed long ago."

"Our goal is not to destroy the executioner clan, but to kill the human skeleton."

"The rules of the game are that for all civilized creatures, whoever can kill Na Chen can walk out of the camp."

"The target is just a humanoid skeleton."

Civilized races descended one after another, killing like crazy into the bark of the executioner tribe.

Lu Yin stood high in the sky and did not go out, just staying inside the bark of the tree.

He knew that the target of these civilizations was him, but the executioners didn't know. He used the executioners as a barrier to reap death for himself.

From all directions, people from the Immortal Realm were coming to kill him, and he was directly shot to death by Lu Yin's Shenji Arrow.

Further away, an entire civilization joined forces to release a powerful weapon, but it was cut off by the blade from bottom to top, a strong man from the executioner tribe.

The executioner clan has more than one strong man with sword combined.

Hiding in the bark of this tree for countless years, they imprisoned themselves just to prevent the Lord from paying attention, not because they were really weak.

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