Star Odyssey

Chapter 4907 Heaven is always there

Lu Yin has always known that Hunji's power surpasses his own, especially after it conforms to the two laws of the universe, this feeling is even more obvious.

Now the battle with Tang confirmed his feeling.

Hun Ji shattered the amber, frightened Tang to keep retreating, and the transparent square also dispersed.

Qinglian Shangyu's face turned pale and he immediately looked at Lu Yin, "It stripped away my vitality, time, past knowledge and opportunities."

Lu Yin didn't understand "What?"

Strip? And there can be so many?

Hun Ji whipped his tail towards Tang, but Tang could only avoid it, distanced himself, and shouted, "Human civilization, we are not necessarily enemies. I can help you."

Lu Yin looked at it, "Liancheng said this, and Shenggong also said it."

Tang was shocked, "Holy bow?"

Lu Yin looked at it calmly, "Too many enemies have said the same thing to me. Some succeeded and are alive, and some did not succeed. You can't see them now, but you may see them soon. I will send you there."

Tang's tone was low, "There is only one enemy of our civilization, which is the Death Lord. Your human civilization originated from Ninth Base. Ninth Base is also the great enemy of the Death Lord. We don't have to be the enemy."

"But you belong to the Lord."

"It's just using each other." Tang Daodao said, "Our Qiling Civilization is a civilization that was discovered by the Lord of Life and persuaded us to deal with the Lord of Death. In fact, we didn't want to take action at the beginning, but if we don't take action with the Lord of Death, we will It will be wiped out by the other masters together, so we took action out of desperation."

"No matter what the reason for the attack, we have a deep hatred with the Lord of Death, and there can only be one of us."

"And the same goes for you, the ninth base of humans. If the Lord of Death hadn't used all his strength to attack together, you, the ninth base, might not have been defeated."

Lu Yin stared at it, "Do you know the process of defeating the ninth base?"

Tang said, "I don't know, but I know that we have been waiting for the opportunity for the Death Lord to weaken. This time we have waited for is the decisive battle between the Death Lord and the ninth base civilization of mankind."

"Since it is a decisive battle, they must be equally powerful."

"Since the war, we have taken action, severely injuring the Death Lord, and forcing the Death Lord to be unable to return. In this way, we can join forces."

Lu Yin and Qinglian Shangyu looked at each other without speaking.

Tang said in a deep voice, "What you are most worried about is that your identity is revealed. In fact, there is no need to worry about this at all."

"The universe is too big. Unless the Lord takes action personally, no one can find you."

"But you are not important enough for the master to take action personally. If it does come to that point, it doesn't matter whether I reveal your identity or not."

"And I don't think you can hide your identity at all, at least I don't know."

After saying these words, the activity on Tang's body seemed to calm down.

It really shows sincerity.

But the basis of this sincerity stems from the threat of human civilization to it, rather than seeking cooperation or goodwill towards human civilization.

This can be seen from the three reasons why it must die when it comes out of the self-pitying body and tells Lu Yin's skeleton clone.

The fleece civilization hates hostility to humans, hates the Lord of Death, and absolutely obeys the orders of the Lord.

Lu Yin didn't want to accept this kind of sincerity.

No matter how reasonable it is, it will never change the fact that its survival is a threat to human civilization.

"Where is the fleece civilization?" Lu Yin asked.

Tang's surface active substance surged a little faster. "I don't know where this place is, so I can't give you the specific coordinates."

"Taking the inner and outer heavens and the Shy Courtyard as the coordinates, where is the Qingzhu civilization?" Lu Yin asked again.

Tang was silent.

"Prefer not to say?"

"Your Excellency, the only enemy of our civilization is the Lord of Death, so you don't need to know where we are, you just need to know."

"I don't need you to tell me what I should know and what I shouldn't know."

Tang was silent again.

The voice of Master Qingcao came from a distance: "Our human civilization just wants to cooperate with your fleece civilization to deal with the Lord of Death together, wouldn't you be unwilling?"

Tang continued to be silent.

Qinglian said: "It seems that he is not sincere."

Lu Yin looked at it, "I told you, it's rare to hear someone so eloquent. Talk more, I like to hear it."

These words were what Lu Yin retorted when Tang, on behalf of the Lord, reprimanded him when he asked Ba Se why he let Lian Cheng go.

Of course Tang remembered that at that time, it had a strong murderous intention for Lu Yin, because Lu Yin was the one the master wanted to kill. Whatever the Lord wants to kill is what He wants to kill.

"You also said that my life was given by the Lord. If the Lord wants to kill me, I have a reason to die, right." Lu Yin spoke again.

On the surface of Tang's body, the surge of active substances became more intense. "You have no intention of letting me go."

Lu Yin smiled, "You didn't show sincerity either."

"The location of the Velvet Civilization must not be revealed."

"Since you are not against our human civilization, why can't you say so?"

"Because your clone joined the Death Lord."

"But it can't change the Lord of Death. One is the Nine Bases of Extinction."

The fact that the enemy is the enemy. Before Tang could speak, Lu Yin shook his head, "Since you're not sincere, then just die." "After saying that, he teleported away, appeared behind Tang, and struck out with a palm.

On the surface of Tang's body, the brilliance of the Amber Realm circulated, and Lu Yin's palm was forcefully received.

Unexpectedly, this palm was not heavy, but the body surface of Amber Flow True Realm gradually turned black, that was the power of death.

Tang was shocked, how could that happen?

This human being actually also has the power of death? .??.

Of course, Lu Yin himself does not have the power of death. Even if he does, it cannot be compared with Chen. He just fights the extremes of things on the amber flow true realm. This amber flow true realm is composed of activity. The majestic activity is condensed into substance and becomes Almost rogue-like defense.

But activity restrains the power of death, and the power of death restrains activity.

Things must turn to their extremes, turning activity into silence and gradually eroding the true realm of amber flow.

That's not all. From behind, Hun Ji was coming, and a claw came down hard. Tang wanted to avoid it, but was limited by Lu Yin's palm. The huge force made it unable to move.

Hun Ji tore open the amber flow real realm with his claws and penetrated into the active power. Lingtang's active power poured out like mist from the place where the amber flow real realm was torn apart. At the same time, cause and effect came, and the front cause and effect refers to the heavenly wheel. In the crack of the Amber Realm, he penetrated from the outside in, but then punched out from the inside out, piercing the Amber Realm.

At this time, the power of death and silence has eroded in.

Tang growled, "The art of four phases."

The cube spread and hit Lu Yin head-on.

Lu Yin did not give way. The cube penetrated the amber flow reality and darkness and silence, and enveloped him.

"Lu Yin, be careful." Qinglian Shangyu reminded.

Lu Yin was inside the square body. In an instant, an invisible tearing force came from him. He clearly felt that his vitality was declining, as if it was being sucked away. The most obvious thing was that the vitality was being stripped away. At the same time, what he saw in front of him turned into lines. , as if time is going backwards, the brain is hazy, the whole person is confused, and the body cannot be controlled by itself.

With four main powers, this Tang can actually use four main powers at the same time.


The Amber Flow True Realm was completely shattered.

The cube also dispersed because Tang moved.

This cube is very powerful. Lu Yin has not yet tried to crack it, and there is no need to try.

It's great, but it's also very restrictive.

Once there is a problem with Tang itself, the cube will lose its meaning.

"Living forest." Tang shouted, and the terrifying active substance spread wantonly, covering Hun Ji, Qinglian Shangyu, and Lu Yin.

Qinglian Shangyu directly used the great celestial phenomena of cause and effect to resist.

Hun Ji raised his claws and tore them apart.

Lu Yin threw out the Heaven and Earth Lock, merged with the green light spots, and wrapped around Xiang Tang.

Tang recognized the Heaven and Earth Lock. The consciousness master's combat skills were not enough to trap him. It didn't care. Instead, it shot three cubes at the same time and pushed them towards Lu Yin and the others.

"The art of four phases."

"Peel away life to reveal the continuance, peel off the years to reveal the timeless, peel off the cause and effect to reveal the untainted, peel off the luck to reveal the inaction."

Four cubes crossed the void, trying to trap Lu Yin and the others with the help of the living forest's restrictions on their movements.

But Lu Yin disappeared in a teleport.

And the lock of heaven and earth fell towards Tang.

The three cubes suddenly dissipated, and Tang was entangled by the heaven and earth locks. He was shocked, what happened? Are you actually trapped? Impossible, this consciousness master's combat skills are not unexperienced. He has even fought against consciousness master creatures before, and has never encountered such a strong heaven and earth lock.

The life form of the fleece civilization itself is equivalent to absolute means, and ordinary attacks cannot hurt them at all.

Just like Lu Yin's skeleton clones took action at the beginning, even tearing their bodies apart was useless.

There must be a way to deal with them, but this method requires thinking.

Tang never expected that his body would be trapped so quickly. It was obvious that Tiandisuo couldn't do this.

Hun Ji sympathized. Lu Yin's Heaven and Earth Lock was indeed weird, weirder than all his methods. Even if he tried his best, he still felt that it was difficult to break free.

Tang kept trying to break free of the Heaven and Earth Lock, but couldn't.

Trapped by the heaven and earth locks, it ends.

Before Lu Yin disappeared, Diantai Hell appeared. It was time to use such a strong person to increase the cause and effect. He didn't want Liancheng, but this Tang was different. It had survived much longer than Liancheng.

The heaven and earth locks dragged Tang to point Jiangtai hell.

Lu Yin was very curious, if this Tang was killed, what would be called out? Is it the same as it is now?

Just as he was thinking about it, the white active material in Tang's body rose into the sky, standing in the sky, and then turned into a huge white rain curtain, falling towards the entire universe, including Xiangcheng.

At the same time, a huge square suddenly appeared further away, shrouding and shrinking Xiangcheng, including its surroundings.

"Heaven is always there."

This is the invisible world.

Tang conforms to the three laws of the universe. Although he has not cultivated the three invisible worlds and does not focus on the laws of the universe that conform to the three realms, it is not that he has not practiced at all.

With the emergence of Tian Changzai, the surging activity of the universe suddenly skyrocketed.

The active substance it released before actually appeared again, as if it had not been consumed.

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