Star Odyssey

Chapter 4920 Exile

Lu Yin was puzzled by this. "You haven't made any rules for the camp?"

Shengyi said, "Almost not. I was curious when I was a child, and I made it several times, but it has never touched you humans. There is no way I have any grudge against you."

"If you have any enmity with this Daqian civilization, feel free, I won't interfere."

"Then what are you doing here? Are you not protecting Daqian civilization?" Lu Yin asked. .??.

Shengyi sneered, "Protect them? These beasts? They deserve it too."

"So what are you doing here?"

"It has nothing to do with you, human being. If you want revenge, just find your enemy. I will not interfere anymore. This is my respect for you. Don't be ungrateful. If you fight to the death, you will never survive the night."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, "Believe it or not, I can still find a being of three laws to fight you. Yedu, you can only release it once."

Shengyi yelled, "Human, what do you want to do?"

Lu Yin said, "Your purpose here."

Shengyi said, "Exile."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, "Exiled? Are you exiled? Are you kidding? You are the existence of the three laws."

Shengyi disdained, "In the Lord Clan, there is far more than one Law of Three Paths. There are several Laws of Three Paths in the Clan of Lords of the Inner and Outer Heavens, let alone the ancient city."

"My master's life and death are unknown, so his enemies exiled me."

"Who can exile you?" Lu Yin asked.

Shengyi stared at him, "Is it related to you?"

Lu Yin's tone was dissatisfied, "As long as I don't ask bottom-line questions that are enough to make you fight to the death, you'd better answer, or should I really threaten you with the existence of the three laws?"

"Hmph." Shengyi sneered. It is not stupid. There are many laws of the three laws in the Dominator clan. How can this human being have them? If there is one, he is definitely from the Wang family.

Lu Yin nodded, "It seems you don't believe it, okay, let's see clearly." After saying that, he let out a cry and flew out to the sky.

He had just brought the general out of Hell, and asked Ming Yan to control the summoned general Gaotian, just for this moment.

Although Gaotian's summoned general's aura was far inferior to Shengyi's, the three paths were the three paths, and this couldn't be false.

Looking at Gao Tianfei flying, Shengyi was stunned. Are there really three laws?

Although the three laws are very weak and have a strange feeling.

The report disappeared in a flash.

Lu Yin raised his head, "How about it? I don't want to ask this senior to fight to the death with you, so you'd better answer me without touching the bottom line of both parties."

Shengyi's eyes flickered, and she always felt that the three-law creature just now was strange, but it was indeed the three-law creature.

In fact, there is no need for three laws. Even if there are two laws, cooperating with Lu Yin is enough to threaten it. This is still

Under the premise that it can really perform night crossing.

But it knew that it couldn't use Night Crossing at all.

Lu Yin's tone was low, with obvious impatience: "Don't let me ask a third time, who can exile you?"

The blood dried up in the corners of Shengyi's eyes. She blinked, resisting the discomfort, and still wanted to see Lu Yin clearly.

Lu Yin was taking risks, but it didn't necessarily have to be him taking risks, it could be that strange creature with three laws. It was said to be a risk, but in fact Shengyi could not use Night Crossing himself, so it was just a threat.

Once you really take action, you will be finished.

For me, this is a losing bet.

Even if he could use Night Crossing, he would still lose, because he was the master of a clan of creatures, so why should he bet his life with a human being? It was an unfair gamble from the start.

"The word Qing is written on the Eight Holy Patterns."

Lu Yin stared at Shengyi, "What's the word Qing on the Eight Marks of Shengyi?"

"Yes, the strongest person in the current Karma Master clan who stays in the inner and outer heavens, a being who once competed with the ancestors of my lineage. If the ancestors had not fallen into the long river of time and their life and death were unknown, it would be difficult to return. This Shengqing would not dare to be exiled I."

"Who is your ancestor?"

"The holy eight tattoos have the word night."

When Lu Yin heard this name, what he thought of was Shengyi's method of using cause and effect just now, the cause and effect never-night hand, and the night crossing.

"Your use of cause and effect and your unique skills all come from it?"

Shengyi did not hide anything and nodded, "The ancestor of Shengye is so strong that even the Lord will treat him with courtesy. But because of this, he was dragged into the long river of time by the Anti-Ancient by the method of perish together. He is not allowed to be reincarnated, and my lineage is completely unable to raise its head. ."

"And the lineage of Shengqing has risen to take charge of the remaining tribes in the inner and outer heavens, and the clan leaders are also selected from their lineage."

Lu Yin was curious, "How many lines does the Karma Master family have?"

Shengyi said in a deep voice, "Some things can be said, it is my own experience, but some things cannot be said, due to the limitations of cause and effect, you should know."

"But you even said the names of Sheng Ye and Sheng Qing."

"After all, I am a member of the Three Laws. The restrictions are not so big that I can't even say a name. Besides, except for these two names, nothing about the inner and outer heavens has been revealed. And in the eyes of the Lord's digital masters, our lineage and Shengqing I have no interest in knowing about the battle of the same lineage, nor do I have any interest in blocking it with cause and effect."

"Then, why are you exiled here?"

Shengyi was about to speak, but was suddenly interrupted by Lu Yin, "I have thought about my answer. Before you answer, I can tell you that I

Understand the inner and outer heavens. "

"Do you know the inner and outer heavens?"


Shengyi shook his head, "With your strength, you are qualified to understand the inner and outer heavens, but how do you enter? You are a human being."

Lu Yin said, "You don't have to worry about it. If you think I'm lying to you, I can tell you Liuying Bridge, Seventy-two Yunting, Seventy-two Realms, Square, Sky Star Ant, Silver Fox..."

As Lu Yin spoke word by word, Shengyi's eyes remained calm. She didn't seem to doubt that Lu Yin understood the inner and outer heavens, but she was soon surprised. This human being was not restricted by cause and effect?

"Why can you say that?" Shengyi was surprised.

Lu Yin said, "You don't need to know, you can answer now."

Shengyi looked deeply at Lu Yin. This human being had many more secrets than she thought. It pondered for a moment and said, "You don't need to tell me this. The reason why I was exiled to Daqian Civilization has nothing to do with the inner and outer world. It is all because of the importance of Daqian Civilization itself. Even if it is not me, there must be three laws to guard it. ."

Lu Yin was confused, "Why?"

Shengyi raised his eyes, "Before talking about this, I want to talk about cooperation with you."

Lu Yin frowned slightly, "Cooperate with me? Cooperate for what?"

Shengyi's pupils were sharp, and the clots of blood fell off from the corners of his eyes, "Kill Shengqing."

Lu Yin looked at Shengyi blankly, then smiled slightly, raised his head, and moved his arms, "It seems you treat me as an idiot."

Shengyi said in a deep voice, "I can become a human to show my sincerity."

"Becoming human?"

"It's normal for creatures to be able to transform into other species, but have you ever seen any dominant creature that transformed into other species?"

Lu Yin recalled all the creatures of the dominant clan that he had encountered, and it seemed that there really were none.

The only ones encountered in the giant city are the holy paintings, but they are just hidden, rather than actually changing their forms. Their changes come from the rules of the giant city.

When the Holy Bow first appeared, it only covered the form, rather than changing the form.

By the way, Eternity, Eternity is in human form, but he was in human form from the beginning, and he used black airflow to cover himself from the outside.

There is another one, Xiang Siyu, who should be the master of luck to be precise, but it is impossible for him to bring this up.

Shengyi said, "There is an unwritten rule for dominating a clan of creatures. It is not allowed to change into the form of other creatures. This rule is not an express rule, but our dignity does not allow us to become lower."

"No species can surpass the dominant clan. We stand at the top of species in the universe. If this is the case, why do we need to transform into other forms of life?"

"Not even if it means death."

"This is the stubbornness engraved in our bones. Of course, there is no denying that some creatures of the dominant clan do not think so, but most of them do."

"But even if there is a creature that doesn't care to transform into the image of other creatures, it cannot be a human being, because humans are taboo. Not only because of the war between the Nine Base Civilization and the Lord, but also because of the current Wang family."

"If any creature from the Dominator clan transforms into a human being, it will be regarded as a shame and as a compromise and humiliation to the royal family. This is worse than death. Therefore, any creature from the Dominator clan who dares to transform into a human will not be allowed to do so again. It is taboo to return to dominate the clan.”

"And the sincerity I am willing to show is to change into a human being."

From Lu Yin's perspective, it was not easy to understand Shengyi's words, but as a comparison, if he were asked to transform into a mouse, or some more disgusting creatures, or a creature that was considered taboo by humans, he would not be able to accept it.

Shengyi continued, "This is the greatest sincerity I can show. If you are not willing to accept this, then give it a try. Ye Du's power is enough to give me a chance to kill you."

Lu Yin looked deeply at Shengyi and said, "Wait." After saying that, he teleported away.

Shengyi hurriedly looked around, but Lu Yin had disappeared and could not be seen.

Teleportation, absolutely teleportation. It has heard of this legendary talent.

If it's teleportation, then this human being is definitely not from the Wang family, but probably from the Ninth Base.

Thinking of the ninth base, the hope in Shengyi's eyes grew stronger.

It's not easy to handle if it comes from the Wang family, but it will be easier if it comes from the ninth base.

The ninth base man will not feel the psychological burden of killing the dominant clan, and he is absolutely willing to take action.

It takes the risk to cooperate with this human being. Once discovered, it will die. No one can save it, not even the return of the Holy Night Ancestor. The price it pays is sky-high, so it will be a big win.

On the other side, Lu Yin moved away from Shengyi and released the holy bow.

Holy Gong glanced around blankly. During this period, it appeared more frequently. This was not a good thing. It meant that this human being was getting more and more exposed to the Dominator clan, and the time when it would be unlucky was getting closer.

It knows very well that it is alive only because of its identity as the dominant clan, otherwise it would have died long ago. And for this human being, once it wants to use its identity as the dominant clan, it will be extremely detrimental to itself, and it will even find a way to betray the dominant clan. What should this do?

Just thinking about it.

Lu Yin said, "Please do something."

Sheng Gong looked at Lu Yin, "What's going on?"

"Become human."

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