Star Odyssey

Chapter 4923: Transformation Tree Technique

Before leaving, Shengyi gave Lu Yin the number five.

"I can't explain what this number represents. It involves the Dominator clan. You can't understand it for the time being. But if you can understand it, you will not be far away from killing Shengqing. Similarly, you will not be far away from seeing the Dominator clan clearly. .”

Lu Yin really wanted to capture Qibao Shengyi's internal causal blockade and let him explain it clearly.

But he still suppressed it.

The existence of Jiang Qi is the trump card against the Lord of Cause and Effect, and cannot be exposed.

After leaving the Daqian civilization, Lu Yin took away Ku Zu and Gui Xing.

He asked Kuzu why he participated in the Daqian Civilization War. Kuzu's answer was simple and clear, "Just stand on the opposite side of the main line."

Lu Yin looked at Gui Xing again.

Returning helplessly, "I can't stop it."

This surprised Lu Yin. Ku Zu had not broken through to the Immortal Realm before.

"The depleted combat power is quite strange and terrifying, especially since it almost led the Lord to kill me, so." Gui Xing shook his head helplessly.

Ku Zu is very calm, this damn turtle needs to be beaten.

After leaving Xiangcheng, you actually want to ride on his head. How is this possible? A fight is inevitable.

Ku Zu is no longer afraid.

He is a ruthless person who dares to go into the evil realm alone just to leave guidance for human civilization. When something is created, it must be reversed. He has seen through the vicissitudes and prosperity of the world. No matter how brave he is, few people can match him. How could a turtle suppress him?

Now I have been trained by him to be obedient.

Lu Yin sighed again, "What a pity. This turtle is not worthy of senior."

I'm speechless, it's still here.

"Let's make do." Kuzu answered seriously.

Return “…”

After leaving the Daqian civilization, Xiangcheng continued to draw the starry sky map, and Lu Yin also began to walk civilization by civilization along the starry sky map they had drawn before, absorbing green light spots and looking for materials.

He does not need to draw a starry sky map himself. Starting from the other side of the starry sky map and going directly to each civilization is much faster than drawing a starry sky map.

But even so, due to the large scope, I occasionally encountered some civilizations that were quite concerned about it and were looking for materials.

After absorbing most of the green light spots of the mother tree within the starry sky chart, a hundred years have passed.

A hundred years is not a long time, but that is because I have a starry sky map in hand. If not, the time cannot be determined.

In the past hundred years, human civilization has captured a total of fifteen immortal realms and killed three immortal realms. Two of these fifteen realms of immortality are alternative sequences of years.

A lot of still life stream of consciousness materials have also been added, many of which can be used as balancing materials.

As for the green light spots of the mother tree, it has increased from more than a hundred trees before to

Ten thousand trees.

There are tens of thousands of trees formed by green light spots.

This is an exaggerated number.

Before this, Lu Yin thought that it would take at least ten thousand years to add so many green light spots. Now, a starry sky map helped him complete it in a hundred years. This is the ability that only the domination level has to sweep across the universe with a single thought.

Ten thousand trees, nearly a hundred times as many as before.

This is because many civilizations do not have mother trees. If every civilization on the starry sky map had one, the number would have exceeded 10,000 trees.

After reaching tens of thousands of trees, Lu Yin immediately stopped searching for the mother tree. The feeling that the Nirvana Tree was a success came again. The last time was when he absorbed the Immortal Ling Tree, but at that time there were too few green light spots. That feeling was just Equivalent to myself at that time. Now that I have broken through the two laws of immortality, and want to achieve the feeling of success again, I have more than a thousand times more green light spots than at that time.

This was something Lu Yin didn't even expect.

As one's own cultivation and combat power increase, it becomes more and more difficult to master the Nirvana Tree Technique. Fortunately, this time, with the help of the Starry Sky Chart, it was achieved in one fell swoop.

First, he took Xiangcheng away from the starry sky map, and then Lu Yin walked out of Xiangcheng and sat cross-legged. It was time to complete the Nirvana Tree Method.

He helped many people practice the Nirvana Tree Technique, and their combat power skyrocketed, but he failed to do it himself. This is what he has always wanted to accomplish.

Under the starry sky, Lu Yin sat calmly, and with every breath, his aura became more and more precipitated until it completely disappeared.

In Xiangcheng, people looked at each other and then quickly looked away. No one knew how long Lu Yin would practice.

Suddenly, a tree appeared outside Xiangcheng, attracting countless gazes.

Qinglian Shangyu, Mr. Mu, Ancestor Lu Yuan, Hun Ji, etc., all looked at the starry sky, tree?

The tree appeared from Lu Yin's body, green and green, supporting the dark starry sky, making Xiangcheng enveloped in green light and full of vitality.

Lu Yin suddenly opened his eyes, and his own starry sky replaced the starry sky. Tens of thousands of trees condensed with green light spots continued to turn into rivers and headed towards that tree, making the tree grow stronger and taller.

In the Nirvana tree method, the tree is the source, and the branches open up all things.

In Tianshang Sect, under the Ladder of Heaven, in the Nine Yang Hua Cauldron, a small sapling poked out, curiously looking up at the starry sky, and at the same time emitting a pleasant green light, it was extremely cute, but no one noticed it at the moment, they were all attracted to the tree under the starry sky.

The Nirvana Tree Method is a way of integrating all the forces within the body.

Lu Yin has practiced too much, physical strength, time, cause and effect, consciousness, etc., as well as the death silence, divine power, and even luck possessed by the clone.

, should all be integrated by the Nirvana Tree Dharma.

However, when practicing the Nirvana Tree Method, the only five things that can currently be integrated are power, time, cause and effect, consciousness, and mental power.

The tree takes shape and everything falls into place.

As the big tree gradually converged into his body, Lu Yin felt that his body was constantly changing and his strength was increasing. It was the same as the change in the Immortal Ling tree, but he could not complete it at first. This time, he could complete it.

The changes in the physical body come from the Nirvana Tree Method formed by tens of thousands of trees, which is being tempered to the point where it can carry all the power of the fusion.

The tree keeps getting smaller, and Lu Yin's transformation keeps coming to an end.

He could feel himself growing, his eyes growing more excited with every breath.

When the Nirvana Tree Technique is completely completed, not to mention the power of fusion, the physical tempering and enhanced combat power gained from practicing the Nirvana Tree Technique alone is unknown.

The tree completely disappeared from the body.

The starry sky became quiet.

Only Lu Yin knew that the tree was connected to five forces within his body.

He quietly felt it, feeling the five forces merging under the Nirvana Tree, and feeling the birth of the latest power.

Suddenly, a tree appeared, who didn't know where it came from, covering Lu Yin and even Xiangcheng.

Ancestor Lu Yuan and the others looked at it in shock, this tree?

Lu Yin looked up, and he also saw this tree. Is this the tree where the abnormality occurred when he broke through?

From the first time he broke through the exploration realm, he had a vision, which was also a tree. When he broke through, the saplings gradually grew, and strange things were born one after another, just like the creation of all things.

With each breakthrough, the vision grew larger and clearer.

But this time it was not a breakthrough, it was just practicing the Nirvana Tree Technique. Why did this vision appear?

Within the body, the Nirvana Tree Dharma suddenly surged, as if catering to this visionary tree.

There are two trees, one is empty, constantly clear, getting bigger, creating all things, the other is real, twisting the void, each branch seems to be dripping green liquid.

Gradually, under everyone's gaze, the two trees seemed to merge. The dripping green liquid was watering everything created by the visionary tree, making those objects clear.

They saw swords, they saw balls, they saw square objects, they saw everything.

This picture shocked everyone in Xiangcheng.

Lu Yin himself didn't understand what happened, but he seemed to have seen a dice on the tree of visions?

Just as he was thinking about it, the tree of vision slowly dispersed.

And the Nirvana Tree Dharma gradually converges in the body.

I don't know when, the five forces in the body have already been connected with the Nirvana Tree, like a fruit spread out on the branches and leaves. In the middle of the fruit is a twelve-sided dice, which records the value of each force.

Under the Nirvana Tree, all the forces merge together and form a green pool, glowing with light, soft and magical.

The starry sky returns to normal.

Still so deep and dark.

There was only one figure under the starry sky, whose aura was completely restrained, but it made countless people look at it, unable to look away. They wanted to know if that person was stronger again.

Time passes day by day.

Lu Yin was still sitting cross-legged under the starry sky, feeling the various powers within his body, especially the green pool, where there were five fused powers guided by the Nirvana Tree. If he was allowed to fuse the powers of time, cause and effect, etc., If you can't do it, you can do it with the Nirvana Tree Method, or green light spots.

Lu Yin thought a lot about the reason.

The closest thing is the green light spot, which represents the universe itself.

The universe contains everything, and all cognitive powers exist in the starry sky. Since these powers exist in the starry sky, it means that the universe has already integrated them, but the creatures under the starry sky cannot do it.

The green light spots came from the largest mother tree. Lu Yin didn't know the significance of the existence of that mother tree. He only knew that perhaps, that mother tree could represent the universe to a certain extent.

After practicing the Nirvana Tree Technique, his body transformed. Lu Yin silently rolled the dice and changed the strength value from eighty to one hundred and sixty.

Double promotion.

This is what he feels. It may not be accurate, but it's almost the same.

The doubled increase in strength has caused his own defense and speed to change. Even his consciousness has increased from twenty to thirty. Although it is not doubled, the increase in consciousness is already exaggerated as it increases.

You know, before there is still life stream of consciousness, there is only one consciousness.

This increase is quite enough.

You need to continue to use points to increase the cause and effect, or do something that has cause and effect. It cannot be added out of thin air. The same goes for time, only cultivation.

As for mental strength, it cannot be increased out of thin air.

But he was already very satisfied. Not to mention the power of his own transformation, he didn't know to what extent the power formed by the fusion of the Nirvana Tree Method could lift him up.

It was as if he didn't know at the beginning that the Dead Silence Pearl could increase Chen's clone's combat power.

At this moment, I also possess the fusion power of this Nirvana Tree Method.

He thought he should give it a try, at least he had an idea.

Who to look for?

He thought about it and that was it.

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