Star Odyssey

Chapter 4933 Fang

"But my hundred and twenty-two parties are all scattered. One hundred parties are located in the Absolute Realm, which is one of the upper nine realms, given by the Lord of Life. The twenty-two parties are in the Baidong Realm, which is only one of the forty-four realms. "

"The gift from your Wang family is in the Baidong Realm?"


"What about the other two parties?"

"Exchange with other creatures."

"Are there many exchange parties?"

Wang Chenchen said, "There are many, but they are all exchanges without meeting each other. The merchant can guarantee it on his behalf, although the fee is quite high."

Lu Yin understood that if they met and exchanged, they would inevitably be coveted, but if they directly guaranteed it through the merchants, it would be enough to exchange world hearts. There was no need to show up and they didn't know each other.

"Then how do merchants get recognized or trusted?"

"Hongshang's Boundary Heart is stored in the Great World Palace. Once a trader violates the rules, the trading creature can directly contact the Great World Palace, and the Great World Palace will judge and eventually double the compensation. Also, Hongshang is divided into fixed trader and mobile trader. They can The ones who help with the transaction are regular merchants, and they have their own restrictions. I’ll demonstrate this to you after you get in.”

"Then who will monitor this Great Realm Palace?"

"The dominant clan."

"Don't the dominant clan also want to get the heart of the world?"

Wang Chenchen looked at Lu Yin, "Don't you think everything should be fair and just, and everything should be exposed to the sun?"

Lu Yin stopped asking.

That's right, if everything was fair, wouldn't the existence of the dominant clan be a joke.

It can only be said that to a certain extent, if you want to survive in the seventy-two realms, you must abide by the rules here.

Unless you have the ability to break the rules.

Soon after, Wang Chenchen took Lu Yin to the location where he applied to enter the Hanging Realm.

Lu Yin had seen this kind of place before. After being thrown away by the death creature, he walked around here and saw it along the way, but he didn't know what it was for. I also tried standing on it, but no response.

That position is just a stone pier, nothing more.

Wang Chenchen and Lu Yin stood on the stone pier and looked ahead, "Wang family, Wang Chenchen, apply to enter the Hanging Realm."

At the same time, far away, in the nearest realm, several creatures were staring at a light curtain not far ahead, on which were Wang Chenchen and Lu Yin.

Hearing Wang Chenchen's voice, the creatures were surprised, "Wang Chenchen? Isn't he dead?"

"I didn't expect to be alive. Did you come from Mo Ting?"

"what to do?"

"Nonsense, can you still refuse to let us in? Then we are doomed. This Wang Chenchen will not let us in even if he enters the Upper Ninth Realm, let alone the Hanging Realm. Hurry up."


On the stone pier, Wang Chenchen said, "By the way, yes

Whether or not we agree to enter the Hanging Realm is also the responsibility of the Great Realm Palace. "

"There are quite a lot of things under the control of this Great Realm Palace. Wait, what if we were lured there and suddenly canceled midway? I heard that if you fall into this universe, you will definitely die."

Wang Chenchen said, "There is no such thing. The Great Realm Palace has no ability to suddenly cancel the invitation. This is the power from the master. Even if the opponent is the master of cause and effect, they must watch you enter the hanging realm before they can take action."

Lu Yin was relieved, he didn't want to die like this, it was too frustrating.

Soon, a ray of light extended from the distance and happened to fall on the stone pier, no more, no less.

This stone pier is a coordinate.

Lu Yin's body was pulled into the barrier by the light. On both sides were the colorful and aesthetic universes, which were both beautiful and dangerous.

He rarely felt insecure, like a mortal hanging in the sky, unable to control himself.

The power that guided him belonged to the power of the Lord of Time.

"The power of attracting in each world comes from the largest power of the Lord in this world. For example, in this hanging world, the most possessors are the creatures attached to the Lord of Time, so the power of attracting in this world is the power of Lord of Years. Together." Wang Chenchen explained.

Lu Yin didn't say anything more, because the hanging world was right in front of him.

This light was so fast that it sent them into the suspended world in the blink of an eye.

From the outside, the suspended world is just a bubble in the universe. However, the closer you get, the bigger you can see how big the suspended world is.

"There is no fixed location for the introduction. This is also to prevent anyone from using the Great World Palace to determine the location of certain creatures, so no one knows where we will land, including the Great World Palace." Wang Chenchen said.

Lu Yin had to admit that the Seventy-Two Realms were very considerate in this regard.

The scope of the Great Realm Palace is too large, but it is not larger than the dominant clan. This rule is aimed at the dominant clan.

The Overlord is also worried that the Overlord clan is too unscrupulous.

As the colorful universe on both sides passed by, they were brought into a starry sky full of grey, purple, white and black. The guiding force disappeared instantly, and they kept flying forward due to inertia.

But it’s also easy to stop.

When the two stopped and looked around, they were filled with the power of gray years. Beyond the gray, you could see vague purple, white and a small amount of black. Beyond this, there were colorful stars.

It's really a colorful universe.

The universe should be dark and deep, but the universe inside and outside the sky is colorful and beautiful. This beauty also covers all realms.

Let the distant universe seen outside the world become colorful.

"Not used to it?" Wang Chenchen said.

Lu Yin nodded, "I'm still used to the dark and deep starry sky."

"After all, this is not the real universe, but inside the trunk of the mother tree." Wang Chenchen said.

Lu Yin raised his hand, and on his fingertips, gray streaked across, "The power of the Master Years is full of disorder."

Wang Chenchen looked around, "In the world, each side may be filled with different powers. For example, if the owner of this side joins the master of the Years, then this side will receive the power of the Years. And the owner of the adjacent side will If you take refuge in the One Way of Life, you will naturally be guided by the power of the One Way of Life.”

"Only the kind where the entire world belongs to a certain main path will be completely filled with the power that belongs to that path alone."

Of course Lu Yin knew that this was also his purpose for entering the inner and outer heavens. .??.

He wants to go to the Qing Realm, and use the characteristic of the only power of time left in the Qing Realm to hide himself. In other words, even if Xiang Siyu enters, he will be discovered by the Lord of Time, thus blocking his meeting with Xiang Si Yu.

There was nothing he could do.

Entering the inner and outer heavens is inherently dangerous, which is equivalent to being under the eyes of the Lord, but the most dangerous place is also the safest place.

But the scene that just happened in Mo Ting made him worry. He doesn't necessarily have to go to Qingjie. The Time Master clan seems to be very unfriendly to the Wang family, especially Wang Chenchen's words are tantamount to completely offending the Time Lord clan. Going to Qingjie will only will be more dangerous.

Maybe change the place.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly looked into the distance and saw a war.

Far away, a grand war is going on. On one side are various creatures, but they have one common characteristic, which is that they are good at using the power of time. Those creatures can almost use both hands to use time. On the other side are the sin sects. Their forms are too... It's obvious.

Wang Chenchen saw it and said, "It's the years and the Sin Sect that are fighting for the scope of the Hanging Realm."

"Gu was captured by Sui Yue Yiyi by using E Zhao, so the party integrated by Gu naturally fell into the hands of Sui Yue Yiyi. Why did the Sin Sect compete with them? Or is this the area that Sui Yue Yiyi and Sui Zong competed for? Is this the case? Behind the Sin Sect is the Lord of Cause and Effect, which means that the two paths of time and cause and effect are at war?" Lu Yin asked a lot.

Wang Chenchen answered one by one, "First of all, it is not the two paths of time and cause and effect that are at war, but the main path. In the seventy-two realms, war is the most common. The outside world may think that the main path is united, but in fact it is true, but it is only Limited to the outside world, that is, a small distance, in the inner and outer heavens, the Lord has never stopped fighting with each other."

"We never stop fighting for each other. We don't need a reason, just kill."

"Only the dominant clan of creatures can restrain each other and not become too violent, but the situation is different for the civilized creatures below who have taken refuge."

"Even if the Sin Sect alone controls a world, they must obey the orders of the Lord of Cause and Effect to fight and rob."

"Secondly, the Lord of Time took E Zhao away to seize the Four Extremes Sin, and wanted to get the way for the Four Extremes Sin to integrate over a long period of time. This was its method, but the Four Extremes Sin, including extinguishing crime itself, was imprisoned by the Sin Sect. They have been the prey of the Sin Sect from the beginning, so in essence, everything owned by the Siji Sin should belong to the Sin Sect, that is, the Master of Cause and Effect."

"But I just said, no reason is needed, just kill."

"The war between the main factions has never stopped."

Lu Yin nodded, "It's really cruel."

"If we talk about it logically, this Sin Sect can be regarded as making a wedding dress for the years."

Wang Chenchen's tone was indifferent, "The Lord of Time personally took away Er Zhao, and there was nothing anyone could do."

Lu Yin was moved in his heart and said, "The Four Extreme Sins have integrated too many parties over the years, but I just heard a discussion in Mo Ting because Sheng Mie said that E Zhao was taken away by the Lord of Time, which caused the Four Extreme Sins to not completely integrate themselves. All the prescriptions are given to Er Zhao, which means they will be thrown into the camp alive, which means they still have a lot of prescriptions hidden."

"Not even the master can take away these things. We have to let the creatures under his command find and fight for them according to the rules of the seventy-two realms, right?"

Wang Chenchen nodded, "Yes, this is the rule of the inner and outer heavens."

"I want to rescue the four extreme sins." Lu Yin said.

This sentence immediately confused Wang Chenchen, "What did you say?"

"I said, save the four extreme sins."

"Are you crazy? The Four Extreme Sins are the wandering creatures that the Lord pays the most attention to. Their every move is always watched. Why do you rescue them? Let alone rescue them. Because of those reasons, it is impossible for you to kill them. ."

Lu Yin shrugged, "It depends on man-made things. There is always a way. Just like the Lord of Death still wants me to take out the Executioner Clan. Do you think it is possible? You know how strong the Executioner Clan is. Once it comes out, it is very likely that the Shangjiu who previously belonged to them will be taken away." If one of the realms snatches it away, how many squares should there be? How could the other masters agree, but the Lord of Death asked me to do this."

"Compared with the difficulty of bringing out the executioner clan, it's just a four-pole crime."

Wang Chenchen shook his head, "No, the Executioners are destined to be taken out. This is a fact that everyone knows. No matter how the other masters block it, it will only delay time. It is impossible for the Executioners to remain in the camp forever after the return of the Death Lord. , that’s unrealistic.”

"But the four extreme sins are different. No master supports you. They are destined to remain in the camp forever, or die."

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