Star Odyssey

Chapter 4935 The Battle of Fang

Lu Yin looked at the key again, then held it, raised it high, and shouted, "Come back, my power."


Wang Chenchen couldn't help laughing.

Lu Yin's face twitched. Who would have thought of such a slogan? Before he could say anything, the key vibrated in his palm, and then the entire universe vibrated. The frequency was exactly the same as the vibration of the key. The next moment, a majestic range of life force surged in. From then on The endless sky descended through the starry sky, turning into white and spreading continuously, filling the entire place in the blink of an eye.

In the distance, both sides of the battlefield suddenly stopped, "No, there is a master here, the master of life."

"Quickly retreat."

"Unlucky, I hope I don't get targeted."

As soon as he finished speaking, the white life force in the surrounding area rushed toward them like monsters, and the target was none other than the Time Lord.

As for the creatures of the Sin Sect, they passed by directly.

At this moment, Lu Yin felt as if his wishes were united. He saw all the creatures in the universe. With a wave of his hand, the majestic vitality that filled the entire universe crushed all the creatures in those years. It moved with his will and had unparalleled control. Shocked him.

In the end, all living beings of all ages will perish.

It was useless even to escape from Fang. Fang's power bombarded out and spread outside Fang, directly smashing the escaping creatures into pieces.

In just an instant, a life passed away in a matter of years.

This was crushed to death by the life force of the entire party.

Lu Yin looked at his palm, this is Fang's war. If this is the case for one party, what will happen to one world?

Wang Chenchen said, "Do you realize it?"

Lu Yin put down his hand and did not answer. He thought about how Ninth Base was also attacked by this force and didn't know how to resist it. In fact, he faced Fang's attack before, and it was the time when the death creature took his skeleton clone to break through the immortal realm. That time was much more powerful than this time, and it was definitely not as simple as just Fang.

The Overlord's combat power is extremely powerful and terrifying, but the power contained in the seventy-two realms created over endless years is clearly cheating.

"There weren't many masters in those days, and the strongest ones were in the realm of regular immortality. As long as they were more powerful, they couldn't be crushed by one party. After all, the power you and I have is enough to transcend the scope of a normal universe." Wang Chenchen said.

Lu Yin stared into the distance and murmured to himself, "Although one side is weak, it is still enough to bury the ordinary realm of immortality. What about Wanfang? What about an entire world? What will happen if all seventy-two realms are bombarded?"

Just as Wang Chenchen was about to speak, Lu Yin raised his head, "How many blows have my Ninth Base ancestors faced?"

These words silenced the starry sky.

The flowing white color has become the only color in the universe, even blocking out the colorful universe.

Wang Chenchen looked at Lu Yin's side face, ninth base?

Yes, ninth base also experiences a boundary hit, not

Side blow.

She also couldn't imagine how a human ninth base could bear it.

"As far as you know, who has suffered the greatest blow from the world?" Lu Yin asked, not looking at Wang Chenchen, but still looking into the distance. Those Sin Sect creatures were simply ignored.

Wang Chenchen's voice was heavy: "I don't know, no one wants to bear the blow of the world. This is not the power of the creature itself, but the direct confrontation with the master."

"In our cultivation, we have never regarded withstanding world blows as a goal or measure."

"But wars between borders are equally frequent. If you want to see it, I can take you there."

Lu Yin retracted his gaze, exhaled, and looked at the key in his hand again. This feeling of controlling the power within the other party was so addictive.

"The master of the seventy-two realms is invincible." Wang Chenchen said in a deep voice.

Lu Yin suddenly laughed and held the key tightly. Wang Chenchen laughed inexplicably, "Are what I said ridiculous? You didn't realize it yourself."

"But this power really only belongs to the Lord?"

Wang Chenchen was stunned and looked at Lu Yin, "What do you mean?"

Lu Yin's eyes were sharp, "Does it mean that the weapons made by the blacksmith only belong to the blacksmith? There is no such truth in the world."

"Since there is a rule here, I will use this rule to speak with the Lord."

"I, Lu Yin, climbed up from the bottom step by step and experienced a lot of despair."

"Since the enemy doesn't understand the truth, I also know some cheating techniques."

Wang Chenchen looked deeply at Lu Yin, looking more and more like him. He was really similar to his ancestor. No matter how many difficulties and obstacles lay ahead, as long as he was sure, he would go on with all his heart.

How far will this person go?

Even if he loses, he will be recorded in history by the Lord, just like extinguishing crime.

"By the way, everything you did just now is considered to lure the enemy deep into the Seventy-Two Realms."

Lu Yin didn't understand "What lures the enemy in?"

Wang Chenchen said, "When the two sides go to war, they will generally never go to the side that belongs to the other side, otherwise they will have to bear the blow from the power of the leader of the side. Therefore, the wars we have seen before all happened in the side without the owner."

"The same goes for these two parties. They are considered to have no owner, so they are the battlefield, but you suddenly help one of them. As far as the years are concerned, you already belong to the Sin Sect's group. In the joint Sin Sect's use of the party Attack them with force, they are deceived."

Lu Yin understood, "So, fighting in the seventy-two realms not only depends on one's own strength, but also pays attention to the geographical location?"

Wang Chenchen

Nodding, "Of course, this is sometimes more important than your own combat power. Unless you have the ability to transcend a realm, then you don't need to worry about where you fight within the realm, you can do whatever you want."

"Such a being is usually called a Fang Walker."

"This is a higher honorific title than leaving your name in white in the black book of Liuying. As I said before, no one wants to bear the blow of the world, but after all, there are people who can bear it."

"Generally speaking, most beings that conform to the laws of the three universes are far from reaching this level. So far, there are very few such beings among the creatures you have seen."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, "Does your ancestor of the Wang family count?"

Wang Chenchen nodded, very sure, "Forget it."

"Then Qianji Guiyan might be the same."

Wang Chenchen thought for a while, "I don't know about Qian Ji Gui Yan, but I heard that it has a special status among the Death Lords, and maybe it does."

"Where's the unknown eight colors?"

"I don't know this."

"Holy or?"

"Can't reach it."

"Su Xin Sect?"

"It's even less attainable."

Lu Yin roughly understood that perhaps there were very few creatures he knew who could reach Fang Xingzhe's level, and he didn't know if he could reach it.

After all, I haven't completely resisted a world.

Fang Xingzhe? He was a little moved by what he said.

Suddenly, he turned his head and looked into the distance, and a vast gray light formed across the universe and struck towards him.

"It's Fang Zhili, be careful."

Lu Yin immediately controlled his majestic life force and blasted towards the gray light.

The two main forces clashed in the distance, creating violent waves that swayed the starry sky.

The power of gray years appears in another direction.

Lu Yin frowned. The most powerful person in the world was the Master of Time. He would soon be at a disadvantage with this method of attack.

Fortunately, a causal spiral appeared in the third direction and hit the gray light.

That spiral of cause and effect is very huge. Although it is not as good as Qinglian Shangyu's cause and effect heavenly phenomenon and his own cause and effect heaven, it can cover a whole universe and is extremely majestic.

From all directions, gray rays of light lit up and bombarded towards him.

"Why haven't we had this kind of duel before?" Lu Yin was puzzled.

Wang Chenchen said, "One hair can affect the whole body. Once Yi Fang duels, it will gradually spread to the entire Suspended World. The movement is too great, and it is easy to expose Fang's master's position and world heart, so it is the most dangerous time when Yi Fang duels." , is also the time when it is easiest to snatch the heart of the world.”

Lu Yin's eyes lit up, "That's right."

He immediately brought out of Xiangcheng and asked Qinglian Shangyu, Ancestor Lu Yuan, Toad Sixth, Toad Boss, Fourth Old, and Fifth Old to all appear. After briefly speaking, he made them all invisible and bombarded them with Fang Zhili. Look for the nearest universe in the direction from which you came, and use the teleportation ability of the Lu family's children to find out who is releasing the power of Fang, find the source, and steal the world heart for me.

Bamboo slips flew around Wang Chenchen and turned into spears. One spear pierced the gray power of time and tore it apart.

She can fight against the existence of three laws. Her own power is enough to cover many universes. How can the power released by the power of one universe suppress her.

From the surroundings, gray rays of light bombarded, turning the stars in the universe gray, and the years were shattering.

Boss Toad and the others were shocked, feeling like they were trapped in a whirlpool.

Those rays of light were equivalent to the full release of powerful immortal realms, and they felt chilly as they passed by.

Figures disappeared one after another, looking for the nearest universe.

The ones bombarding them at this moment are all the closest forces belonging to the Time Lord's side, and they should be able to grab a few world hearts.

Far away, the power of gray years in a large area continued to gather and bombarded into the distance. The surrounding starry sky is distorting, and what's even weirder is that the closer you get to the area where the power of time gathers, the more time will interfere with it, causing the stars and stars in the entire range to change unpredictably.

This is a means arranged to prevent the center of the world from being found when launching a power attack.

In the world, the war between Fang and Fang is like this. Whoever controls more Fangs will control more of the power of the main force. Although the use of this power is extremely rough, just bombarding it out, but because of its steady flow The endless characteristics bring about a crisp combat power ratio.

If your own combat power cannot withstand the bombardment of a cosmic force, you will die. If you can resist, you can survive.

It can be said that this is the simplest and most direct way of war.

The only problem is the hiding of Jie Xin and the location of Fang's master. Once found, both Fang's master and Jie Xin can easily be taken away.

Therefore, in order to prevent this situation, once a war starts between the two sides, both sides will try their best to hide the location of the center of the world.

In the gray years, two figures suddenly appeared. One was a disciple of the Lu family who had awakened the talent of teleportation, and the other was the toad boss who was brought here.

The toad boss looked around, looking for the location of the heart of the world within this area.

However, it was not easy to find him at first. The other party was also interfering with the entire party's time and disrupting the line of sight.

It looked up and saw that within the scope of the entire universe, the power of time disappeared and replenished, kept disappearing, kept replenishing, and so on.

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