Star Odyssey

Chapter 4942 Left Alliance

From this moment on, the words "Extraordinary Mystery" spread out, gathering all the creatures with the seeds of "Extraordinary Mystery" in their bodies to a certain place. That place was clearly outside the area where Mingzuo was exiled. As long as he went a little further, Will enter Mingzuo's line of sight.

The area where Mingzuo is located is a forbidden area. The life master family does not allow Mingzuo to leave, and other creatures are also strictly prohibited from entering. It just so happened that the Extraordinary Mysteries also guided those creatures to this place.

It has to remind other creatures of something.

Could it be that this forbidden area contains extraordinary secrets? Does the extraordinary secret come from a creature in this forbidden area? Or the Snowy Mountains?

They prefer the Snowy Mountains, because if there is a strong person who can easily imprint these four words into their cognition, there is no need for this strength to be involved with them.

Only in the Snowy Mountains, questioning the true self can lead to the extraordinary secret.

They all think that they are the lucky ones chosen by the Snowy Mountains.

On the other side, there was a creature that was pissed off.

Dingyan Mountain is the name of a party in the True Self Realm, and it is also the name of a force.

The Master of Yanshan Mountain is the controller of Dingyan Mountain. He has many cultivators under his command and is very powerful. It is said that he controls more than a hundred directions, which is incredible. But there are also rumors that these directions do not belong to Dingyan Mountain, but to the master behind Dingyan Mountain. That master comes from the life master clan.

At this moment, Lord Yanshan was annoyed by the four words "Extraordinary Mystery".

Because with the appearance of these four words, two of the four masters under its command left directly. Those two were also planted with the four words of extraordinary secrets when they asked about the true self in the Snow Mountain, and they went to the forbidden place like a pilgrim. , ignoring it, the owner of Yanshan Mountain.

This makes it unacceptable.

"Check it for me, I want to see who is behind it."

"Mountain Master, can you influence so many masters without knowing it? The opponent is definitely a strong one, us?"

"What are you afraid of? The outside world doesn't know who is behind us. They think it's a rumor. Don't you know? Look at what kind of place this is. This is the real world, the place where the life-dominating clan is. Who doesn't give me the order of Yanshan here? face?"


The situation in Dingyan Mountain did not affect Lu Yin, he continued to integrate into his, and Wang Chenchen practiced calmly as always. Their level was too high, so high that even the dominant forces in the True Self World did not look down upon them.

After a while, Dingyanshan received the news, "Report to the mountain master, we have found the restricted area."

The Lord of Yanshan Mountain was shocked and angrily shouted, "You are crazy, you dare to check the forbidden area."

"There's nothing we can do. Those cultivators of extraordinary mysteries have all gone in. If you want to investigate them, you have to enter the forbidden area."

"What? Going in? Say

Say it. "

"We saw a life-dominating creature in the forbidden area..." His subordinates told the story. After hearing this, the Lord of Yanshan lowered his eyes and was silent for a while before saying, "Remember, don't provoke these practitioners of extraordinary mysteries from now on. A Don’t mess with anyone.”

"My subordinate understands."

In fact, there is no need for Master Yanshan to give orders at all. When Mingzuo is found, no one dares to cause trouble anymore. Just as Master Yanshan said, this is the True Self Realm, a place belonging to the life master clan. Who dares to be here? Provoke the life-dominating clan of creatures?

The same is true for Dingyan Mountain, and the same is true for other forces.

In this way, practitioners of extraordinary mysteries continued to pour into the forbidden area. However, the major forces thought they were related to the life master clan and did not want to cause trouble, so they did not report it, so that the creatures of the life master clan did not know about it.

In this way, three hundred years passed.

During this period of time, although there were fights and killings everywhere in the True Self Realm as usual, Mingzuo Na was peaceful and quiet, and almost no living beings dared to approach.

The number of practitioners of extraordinary mysteries has increased to nearly 30,000.

Lu Yin must have never merged into so many living beings. Some of them were just pretending to see what was in the restricted area. There was no shortage of people who dared to take risks in the cultivation world. There are also many creatures who go to the restricted area when they have no way out. They are safe there. It is one of the few places in the real world where there is no war.

As for Fang, I also got it. Although there were only five Fang, I was extremely lucky.

Lu Yin was already very satisfied to get five parties among such a majestic number of creatures.

And these five parties are not from masters, but from relatively weak cultivators, who do not seem to be threatening at all. The only characteristic of this type of cultivators is that they have extremely secretive escape abilities or unique hidden talents.

And the parties controlled by such practitioners do not belong to themselves, but belong to a certain force.

For example, one of the cultivators belongs to Dingyan Mountain, and it controls a party for Dingyan Mountain. When Dingyan Mountain fights with other forces, it can urge the party to take action, and this cultivator can become invisible, and his invisibility ability Although it is not as good as God's Will Civilization, it is still quite good.

The lower your cultivation level, the less likely you are to be detected after becoming invisible.

Of course, after being integrated into Lu Yin's body, he naturally ran to Lu Yin's side.

As for what Dingyanshan thinks, he doesn't care.

Obtaining Fang's result is actually the last thing Lu Yin wants. If Fang controls everything,

In the hands of a strong person, the probability of him integrating into the light group will be infinitely higher. After all, he only needs to watch the strong person merge in.

However, many of the people who own the side are weak cultivators who belong to a certain force. This makes the probability of getting the side infinitely reduced. There is no way.

Opening his eyes, Lu Yin moved his body and looked into the distance. Wang Chenchen was still practicing.

She has been in the real world for more than 500 years, but she is honest and not abnormal at all. The royal family has not contacted her.

And I have gained an understanding of the true self world in these years.

There are more than 10,000 parties in the True Self Realm, with countless large and small forces. The ownerless parties are actually just like the universe, but the universe is connected to the universe.

There can be countless forces within each universe.

There are only hundreds of forces that he can really care about. The reason why these forces are cared about and can grow in the True Self Realm is because there is a family of life masters behind them.

Just like Dingyan Mountain, the life master behind it is called Ming Liubei.

Most cultivators in Dingyan Mountain don't know about it. At most, they have heard of legends. Only cultivators at the top and those in control can know. In the true self world, all idiots know what it means to have a family of life masters behind them.

This is a way to ensure the loyalty of your subordinates.

Just like three hundred years ago, all forces did not dare to cause trouble after finding out that Ming Zuo was the person behind the group of cultivators from the Zuo League.

Zuo Meng is the name of the force that all extraordinary mystical cultivators belong to. Lu Yin named it himself and named it after Ming Zuo. Let the outside world believe that these practitioners were gathered by Ming Zuo.

In the Zuo League, experts accounted for the majority.

There is a realm of eternal life in the True Self Realm, and almost all the forces that Lu Yin cares about exist. After all, if you work for the master clan, you are not qualified if you cannot even reach the realm of immortality. It can be said that those forces alone account for most of the masters in the Real Self World.

But now it has changed.

Lu Yin integrates into the body of life and doesn't care which force it belongs to.

Therefore, there are now more than thirty immortal realm masters in the Zuo League, which is a very exaggerated number. Most of these thirty immortal realm masters come from various forces. In other words, Lu Yin was originally concerned about the fact that there was a force that dominated a clan of creatures behind his back, but he was suddenly poached from more than twenty realms of immortality.

All parties dare not provoke the Zuo League. Life is the biggest reason, and the masters of the Zuo League are also a reason.

The Zuo League occupies almost one-fifth of the master level in the real world, or even higher.

Of course, this matter has also aroused dissatisfaction among various forces, and the situation against the Left Alliance has continued to occur, but it has not yet reached the

An explosive moment.

There is another thing that makes Lu Yin very concerned. Recently, various forces in the True Self Realm are uniting and preparing to gather most of the real Self Realm to launch a world war targeting the Shadow Realm.

The Shadow Realm is one of the forty-four realms. There are countless creatures that do not belong to the main realm. Although there are over ten thousand realms there, almost all of them are without owners, because the former master of the Shadow Realm was the Death Lord.

The Lord of Death disappeared together, and those parties in the Shadow Realm naturally became ownerless parties, which were most suitable for idle practitioners.

But now that the Lord of Death has returned and wants to take back the Shadow Realm, all parties are preparing to join forces to stop it.

"Have you ever heard of Shadow Realm?" Lu Yin's voice reached Wang Chenchen's ears.

Wang Chenchen opened his eyes, "I heard that there are countless desperate creatures from the seventy-two realms, or creatures that have offended the Lord. It is a very chaotic realm. Why do you ask this?"

"The Lord of Death wants to take back the Shadow Realm." Lu Yin said.

Wang Chenchen was not surprised, "Once upon a time, the Lord's One Path divided the seventy-two realms almost evenly. Each of them had one of the upper, middle and lower nine realms, and each of the forty-four realms also had a completely controlled realm. The True Self Realm of the Life Master's Path , this is the case in the shadow realm along with the Lord of Death.”

"Now that the Lord of Death has returned, it is normal to want to get these back. To a certain extent, the seventy-two realms can be regarded as the foundation of the Lord. It would be abnormal if the Lord of Death does nothing."

"But it should be difficult. The situation has long been fixed. Only by breaking the situation can the Lord of Death get back everything that originally belongs to it."

Lu Yin explained the situation of the various forces in the real world joining forces. Wang Chenchen said, "The so-called world war is when a certain party takes the lead and unites most of the parties in the world to launch an attack. It looks like the main force in a world. bombardment."

"All the possessing forces in the true self world can achieve this effect by joining forces. But the effect will not be very good."

"Because of violence?"

"Bao controls more than 5,000 square meters and occupies one-third of the True Self Realm. This means that the Realm War lacks one-third of its power."

"Do you think the Lord of Death can take back everything that originally belongs to it?"

Wang Chenchen shook his head, "This is not something I can think about." After saying that, she turned to look in the direction of Lu Yin, "You want to stop the True Self Realm?"

Lu Yin laughed. "You think too highly of me. I only know more than a hundred ways, how can I influence a world?"

"But you have a fate."

Lu Yin pondered, is his fate left?

No matter how rubbish the life of the Dominator clan is, it is still the life of the Dominator clan.

It's not impossible to have an impact.

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