Star Odyssey

Chapter 4963 People’s Desires

Lan Wu did everything he could and sacrificed everything he had. Enough was enough.

Right or wrong is no longer something outsiders can judge. At least in this Lanwu Ridge, he is everyone's spiritual support. It should not be criticized by an outsider.

Lan Wu lowered his head and did not answer. He was not angry at Lu Yin's question. Human beings are a kind of tenacious and unyielding life. He believes that sooner or later, there will be a genius in Lanwuling who is not influenced by worldly opinions and is extremely talented. He will lead mankind out of the camp and have his own understanding and persistence. He is not, but there must be one. All he has to do is wait for that day to come.

For this, whatever it takes.

At this time, Wang Chenchen arrived. He obviously knew the situation in Lan Wuling and looked at Lan Wu with complicated eyes.

"Let's go." Lu Yin said.

Wang Chenchen looked deeply at Lan Wu, "Perhaps what you did is what the dominant clan wants you to do."

Lan Wu's body trembled and he said respectfully, "This is my honor."

"You." Wang Chenchen wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Lu Yin, "Let's go."

Lan Wu was surprised, this servant actually spoke like this?

Wang Chenchen closed his eyes, took a deep breath, opened his eyes again, and looked at Lan Wu whose eyes were much calmer. "You shouldn't stay here." After saying that, he turned and left.

Before Lu Yin left, he said, "People's wishes can gather into a river. When that river is wide enough and big enough, it can wash away everything."

Lan Wu was shocked and rarely raised his head to look at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin smiled at him and left.

He didn't leave anything behind for Lan Wu. Lan Wuling should be what it is in the future. Any change will cause disaster. He will also live up to Lan Wu’s protection over the years.

Whether it is right or wrong is left to history.

However, if human civilization continues to have people like Lan Wu and Shen Jian Yongsheng who want to exist at all costs, then human civilization will not become extinct, and it never will.

With complicated emotions, Lu Yin and Wang Chenchen left Simoting and returned to the True Self Realm.

"Why did you suddenly go to Lan Wuling? Did you know this a long time ago?" Wang Chenchen was curious.

Lu Yin was even more curious, "You seem to know nothing about these things, so you know about them?"

Wang Chenchen said in a low tone, "I can't stand the people in the Liuying camp being so groveling to the dominant clan of creatures. In fact, it's not their fault. I know that they had no choice in being born in the Liuying camp. It's not surprising to grow up in that kind of environment and do whatever they want. But I just can’t stand it.”

Lu Yin understood that they could not accuse the people in the camp of groveling for survival, nor could they accuse Wang Chenchen of the dignity he had developed under the contradictory teachings of the Wang family.

"I helped a human group." Wang Chenchen said.

Lu Yin's tone

Heavily "What happened next?" He guessed the result, but still asked because Wang Chenchen wanted to say it.

Wang Chenchen's eyes were complicated and he exhaled. In front of him was the colorful and beautiful universe, with seventy-two realms in sight. "Betrayed me, betrayed me without hesitation." After saying this, she smiled, and her smile was full of bitterness. "I still want to pull it off." Kneel down with me and pray for forgiveness from the master clan."

"It's really ridiculous. Maybe they think they are helping me instead of betraying me, but the more this happens, the harder it is for me to accept it."

"I have clearly told them that as long as they nod, I can take them out of the camp and live freely in any corner of the universe. But they still betrayed me without hesitation, just for the approval of the master clan of creatures."

Lu Yin looked up and said, "You are right, and so are they, they just have different perceptions."

"So, many things need to be reconsidered. It's not as simple as we thought at the beginning."

Having said this, he looked at Wang Chenchen speechlessly, "So you stopped getting close to the humans in the camp, and the murderous intention that arose when you saw my clone probably came from here. Anyway, it's a skeleton. Killing it will just help." He was relieved and just had time to breathe."

Wang Chenchen curled up the corners of his mouth, wanting to laugh, but held back and did not answer.

"Where are the Mohe sisters? How can I have the same virtue as you? Opening your mouth and keeping silent is a relief." Lu Yin couldn't help but ask, and he had forgotten this question.

Wang Chenchen rolled his eyes, "Those two girls have liked to follow me since they were young. It's normal for them to say whatever I say."

"But looking at their posture, it seems they still want to win against you."

"Hmph, let's just leave them alone, they are all little sisters. It's childish to think that if they do the same thing as me and say the same words, two of them are better than me alone."

"Where is Sheng Mie? If you are really allowed to fight against Sheng Mie, are you sure?"

Wang Chenchen thought for a moment and shook his head, "If it's Holy Destruction, I think it can win, but I've heard about the fight between it and you, the second chance, the duet of cause and effect, I can't win."

"You are also in danger. If your clone hadn't made a quick decision, and allowed Holy Destruction to continue under the duet of cause and effect, its use of cause and effect would have continued to change, and it would have continued to change, and you would have definitely lost."

Lu Yin admitted that the most terrifying thing about the duet of cause and effect was not the recovery of Sheng Mie, but the transformation of all his states, constantly getting higher and higher, becoming more and more terrifying as time went on.

It is unimaginable what kind of combat power the Holy Destruction has to comply with the laws of the three universes, and the Lord can surpass the Holy Destruction at the same time. From this we can deduce how high the Lord is.

The more I think about my mood

The heavier.

The two returned to the real world.

Lu Yin merged into Mingzuo's body and stayed in the real world for many years. It was time to go out for a walk.

Taibai Fate Realm, Minggu is distressed, the Death Lord is pressing forward step by step, and the fleece civilization has been lost. The other Lords are unwilling to come forward, so they can only push them up. Moreover, it was the Life Lord who took the lead in planning the Death Lord. , leading to many changes now.

The Lord of Death is not afraid of those who wear shoes when they are barefoot. Anyway, they have lost a lot, especially the executioners who have been knocked out of the camp again. Although the Lord of Death has not come forward, the number of skeletons below is exaggerated, and there is a feeling that they are constantly disgusted.

"Liu hasn't been found yet?"

"Hui Patriarch, no."

"Where has this guy gone?"

"This Liu must be afraid of the death master's revenge, so he ran away immediately after losing his civilization and his heart."

"There is another possibility. We are afraid that we will push it out and fight to the death."

"With its strength, it's not impossible to help us contain Qian Ji Guiyan."

At the mention of Thousand Plans and Trickery, all the creatures fell silent.

They had previously resisted the bombardment of the ten realms by themselves, but the shock of that scene was still difficult for them to accept. It was precisely because of the pressure brought by Qianji's tricks that Mingfan could no longer retreat and had to watch the Taibai Mingjing. It also caused the other masters to continuously retreat.

Minggu's eyes were downcast, and he was using his tricks. This guy's silence skills started during the Nine Bases War, and he has endured it until now. Once it breaks out, it is simply terrifying and unstoppable.

It even wants to practice the silent-mouth skill.

At this time, a living being reported, "Clan leader, please ask me to see you."

Ming Gu was annoyed, "I don't see you, let it stay in the real world and never come out."

The surrounding creatures looked at each other, each with their own thoughts. It’s okay for Ming Zuo to stay in the True Self Realm, but that also means that anyone who goes to the True Self Realm will have to look at its face. However, they all have their descendants in control of the True Self Realm. Those descendants don’t dare to go, so they all come to beg them. , they have no choice but to submit to fate.

Unless Mingzuo is allowed to leave the realm of true self.

"Ahem, um, clan leader, you might as well listen to what it wants to say." The creature said.

Other creatures quickly agreed.

Although Minggu was the clan leader, he couldn't refute them. He could only impatiently say, "Let it come and remind it to be quiet. The other dominant clans all believe that the extinction of the fleece civilization is related to it. Be careful not to die on the road."


Mingzuo came, and he kept a low profile this time. He even greeted fellow travelers when he saw them along the way, which earned him a burst of mocking looks.

"I really thought

I am a creature of luck, and I can always have good luck. "

"Occasionally, by luck, you get into power because of your seniority. Now, when it loses power, even the ancestor of Mingfan is angry. Its life will only get worse in the future."

"Just wait and see, I will ask the ancestor to ask the clan leader to transfer it away from the true self world, so that we can go back."

"It won't be long."

He spoke loudly and had no intention of hiding it from Ming Zuo.

For the creatures of the dominant clan, the limit is to give in. Whenever there is a slight possibility of overtaking, they will do their best to ridicule.

Ming Zuo looked calm as he came all the way to Ming Gu, "I've met the clan leader."

At this moment, Minggu has already pushed away other members of his clan. He can guess the thoughts of other clansmen with just a moment's thought. However, he is the leader of the clan. He must have the final say on whether or not to stay with the left of his clan, except for the ancestor Mingfan. The other clansmen have no control over it. qualifications.

Minggu didn't even want to look at Mingzuo, "What's the matter?"

Mingzuo Gongjing: "So many things have happened to me during this period. A long time ago, when I was born and opened my eyes for the first time, what I saw was that my brother was strangled to death and abandoned, and I also experienced many mocking looks. Finally, it was sealed with a joke-like background..."

Mingzuo slowly told what happened to him.

Ming Gu was impatient, but he didn't interrupt. To be honest, he knew Ming Zuo's past, but hearing it from Ming Zuo's mouth seemed different.

"Perhaps it's because I gained power once. I got too carried away and offended many of my fellow tribesmen. Even the patriarch dared to ignore me because of my seniority. I'm so sorry, tribe leader. It's my fault." Mingzuo's attitude was extremely pious.

Ming Gu said calmly, "If you are here to admit your mistake, there is no need. You are not wrong. The extinction of the pile civilization has nothing to do with you."

This matter must have nothing to do with Mingzuo, otherwise it will be the leader of the clan who is in trouble and will be unlucky.

Mingzuo looked at Minggu and said sincerely, "Clan leader, I am willing to hand over five hundred squares in exchange for the clan's forgiveness for my arrogance. I wonder if the clan leader can agree?"

Minggu couldn't help but laugh, "Do you think five hundred square meters is a lot?"

"Seventy-two realms, each realm is at least ten thousand square meters, five hundred square meters, what does it count in this? You know it well, right?"

Ming Zuo was helpless, "This is the limit of what I can do."

"Okay, you can go back." Minggu didn't want to see Mingzuo again at all. The reason why he let him come was because other members of the same clan begged him for mercy.

Mingzuo wanted to say something else, but Minggu turned around and left.

"By the way, Patriarch, can I meet the human who bloodbathed the White Court?"

Minggu suddenly turned around and stared at Mingzuo, with a cold look in his eyes, "What did you do to see him?"

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