Star Odyssey

Chapter 5133: Equality Begins


Lu Yin raised his head. Above his head, white replaced the starry sky and continued to solidify. They formed a "ten" and fell.

The cross covered the entire Absolute Realm and spread out, spreading into the beautiful universe and becoming a light visible to the naked eyes of countless living beings.

"Ten Western Classics." E Zhao was afraid.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes, is this the Western Ten Classics? It is said that a certain master was created by a demon who went crazy. He did not practice it himself, but was successfully cultivated by Manto.

He really has this fighting skill.

The moment the cross appeared, the entire Absolute Realm was sealed.

Ten, like a lock, locks the starry sky.

Lu Yin tried to teleport, but couldn't get out.

This completely changes the world of Juejie, replacing the starry sky with the energy of life. Is this the Western Ten Classics? It shouldn't be that simple.

The cross landed with a thud.

Lu Yin jumped up, and under countless gazes, six cards appeared behind him, spinning and bumping.


The shocking white light turned into ripples and spread out of the extreme realm, heading towards the beautiful universe, shaking the seventy-two realms.

Ming Qing, Sheng Rou and other powerful people walked out and looked towards the extreme realm, staring closely at each one.

Cross cracked.

Wan Teng roared, and each vine broke, turning into white life energy and pouring into the cross, constantly repairing the cross.

Gradually, Lu Yin was pressed to the earth by the cross, and was finally completely suppressed.

Shengrou's eyes widened: "Suppressed?"

Ming Qing was shocked: "This is the Western Ten Classics."

"It's not that simple." Yun Xin appeared.

Finally, Shigui showed up.

"What's going on with the Western Ten Classics?" Shengrou asked. They knew the relationship between Wan Teng and the Lord of Time. The Western Ten Classics were actually created by the Lord of Time. It is obviously the master of time, but the Western Ten Classics are more like a means of life, which is very strange.

Shi Gui said: "I don't know, but that human being is indeed suppressed. Even if it can be broken, it will take time. This time is just given to us."

Ming Qing looked at Huan Shangxujing and said, "Take action."

They didn't talk nonsense, they all headed towards the illusory realm.

The resources were deployed for Xiangcheng. I thought it would take a long time to break through the illusory realm, but now that Lu Yin was suddenly trapped, they could shorten that time greatly.

Arranging Kou under Wan Teng to deal with Lu Yin is Shigui's purpose, otherwise Kou would not be easily arranged to go to the extreme world.

Everyone has their own way, it depends on who can succeed.

No one expected that Lu Yin would suddenly be trapped by Wan Teng.

In the illusory realm, Hunji and the others looked at Ming Qing and other powerful people to take action, knowing that something was wrong.

Thousands of tricks have appeared, and they have personally entered Linlang's sky and projected themselves into the beautiful universe to prevent Mingqing and others from taking action.

Ming Qing and the others are no longer planning to persuade Qian Ji to perform tricks. Anyway, humanity has been destroyed and there is still a war between them. It is better to take this opportunity to solve one of them first.

No one wants to fight Qianji Guiyan, so it is just right for the four of them to join forces.

Even if it is a thousand-machine trick, faced with the cooperation of four powerful people, it cannot hold up as a projection, and the projection is constantly being shattered.

The fantasy world is in crisis.

The people of the Wang family watched. Some were afraid that the illusory realm would be broken and they would be implicated and punished by the Lord. There were also some who were loyal to the Lord and hoped that the Lord would save them.

War breaks out again inside and outside the world.

In the absolute realm, Lu Yin was pressed tightly by the cross. Others didn't know it clearly, but he felt clearly that this cross was not as simple as the energy of life.

This is to use the energy of life to deduce the power of time.

The birth of years comes from material changes. When the energy of life changes, there will be changes in time, and time is years.

Use the changes in the energy of life to deduce the years, and use the years to seal the energy of life.

This is the Western Scriptures.

"Which master did Wandeng's Western Ten Classics come from?" Lu Yin asked, and the target was E Zhao. At this moment, E Zhao was still in his hands, which of course meant he was protecting him. Otherwise, the Western Ten Classics would have crushed E Zhao. .

Er Zhao felt the depression of despair and said in panic: "I don't know."

It should be the master of time. This master of time is ambitious enough. He cultivates the power of time himself, but he wants to find a flaw in his vitality. Lu Yin could see that the Western Ten Classics seemed to have nothing to do with life force. It used the energy of life to deduce the years, but the ultimate goal was definitely to survive.

One fate.

The Lord of Time is looking for a flaw in life.

But it failed.

But the combat skill of the Western Ten Classics is considered a success. It is not that it cannot be practiced, but that there is no need to practice it. It does not want its purpose to be seen by the master of life through the Western Ten Classics, so it is said to have failed.

It is probably a coincidence that Manto was able to master it.

Now that all the major lords are besieging the Illusionary Realm together, it is time. Behind him, six cards rotated, and air flow poured into his body. Lu Yin's eyes widened suddenly, and he struck out with a palm, tearing open the Western Ten Sutras. He walked out under E Zhao's horrified eyes, and with a wave of his hand, he dragged the Lord of Time, and in an instant Move now

In front of the root vine.

Wan Teng hurriedly took action, but it was too late.

It didn't expect that Lu Yin actually broke the suppression of the Western Ten Classics.

The Western Ten Classics has never been used before, and the outside world does not know the suppressive power of this combat skill. Seeing Lu Yin being suppressed, he thought he was very strong. In fact, although the Western Ten Classics were indeed very strong, they were not strong enough to suppress Lu Yin. Shengrou was slapped twice by Lu Yin, so she was shocked that Xi Shi Jing could suppress Lu Yin, but it was Lu Yin who

on purpose.

Now this Wan Teng will not really fight with him, it is not difficult to break.

He reached out and grabbed Kou, "Let's go."

A teleport away.

The Western Ten Meridians sealed off the absolute boundary, making teleportation useless, but Lu Yin had already understood that the essence of teleportation was time rather than space. When the river of time was dragged out, it meant that the entire universe had nowhere for him to go.

Leaving the extreme realm is also easy.

Wan Teng didn't stop him and just watched Lu Yin leave. He didn't want to fight this human to the death.

Lu Yin did not return to the Illusionary Realm. He was specifically suppressed by Wan Teng in order to paralyze the most powerful people in Mingqing and lure them away. Of course, what he was eyeing was the resources, which were arranged by the four major masters together.

With a soft sound, Shi Buzhan was kicked away by Lu Yin who suddenly appeared, and the resources were immediately searched for.

When there is no battle, eight changes will occur immediately, divided into eight, and merged.

But Lu Yin has disappeared.

He didn't intend to fight at all, he just wanted to steal the resources.

Shi Buzhan looked at the empty void and felt that the secret path was not good. He hurriedly tried to notify other arranged resource points, but it did not move instantly and could not move faster than Lu Yin.

Resource points were looted one by one by Lu Yin.

Shi Buzhan rushed into the beautiful universe and informed Mingqing and the others. Mingqing and the others knew that they had been deceived. Not only was Lu Yin being suppressed by Wan Teng false, but even what Mo Shang said was false. Lu Yin's real purpose was resources.

At a resource point, Mo Shang looked at Lu Yin who suddenly appeared in front of him, his expression changed drastically.

Lu Yin easily took him away, took away the resources at the same time, and disappeared. He did not intend to talk to Mo Shang. This time, when using Mo Shang, the possibility of Mo Shang's death was extremely high, because it was unlikely that the Lord would put him together with these resources.

It can only be said to be a coincidence.

Just let Mo Shang stay here while arranging resources.

No matter what, Mo Shang has completed a major task. Lu Yin will change his causal past again and make him a different person, which can be regarded as settling the grudges. There are four resource points in total, from the four major masters. Lu Yin took away the resource points from three directions. The fourth direction saw Ming Qing and the others in advance. They only had time to go from the beautiful universe to the fourth resource point. Finally guaranteed

Live some resources.

Lu Yin teleported back to the Illusionary Realm and immediately asked Yikai to arrange equality.

Yikai was dumbfounded when he saw the vast resources. Why are there so many resources? With its long existence, Tianyi Civilization has only obtained one ten thousandth of the resources here, and this does not include the resources that Lu Yin has collected before.

It's too exaggerated and cannot be collected by one or two civilizations at all.

There may only be one chance for equal arrangement, and it is not easy for the Lord to accumulate resources to the current level. Not to mention cause and effect, the resources in the clan were almost exhausted. Lu Yin asked Sheng Zang to take part, and Sheng Zang took part himself. The rest was at the last resource point. Lu Yin was sure that the resource point belonged to the cause and effect master.

The Zai clan was left to the end because the Karma Dominator clan has the least resources.

The remaining three dominant clans used at least nearly half of their clan's resources just to destroy Xiangcheng in one fell swoop.

Now it's all cheaper for Lu Yin.

It is impossible for such a good thing to happen in the future, which means that with an equal arrangement, throughout the history of the universe, there is only one chance.

Yikai has already prepared an equal arrangement, just waiting for the resources to come in.

There are also those creatures that Lu Yin captured.

"Master Lu, you must not be disturbed during the opening of equality." Yikai reminded.

Lu Yin looked at Ping Ping, who had already been arranged in front of him, "Don't worry, you won't be disturbed." Ping Ping, half of them are the creatures Lu Yin captured and the endless resources. These resources exceed those accumulated by any dominant clan for countless years. The other side is a Individual human cultivators, such as Qinglian Shangyu, Jiuwen, Changchun, etc.

Of course, it also includes Tuo Lin, Crazy Dean, Chen Zu, Jiang Feng, Three Realms and Six Paths, who are just one step away from breaking through the realm of immortality, and among them there are also Hun Ji, Toad and the like.

Originally, Jiang Feng and Chen Zu were not willing to use Equality to break through, but what Equality gave was not an improvement in realm, but a distribution of combat power. They could choose not to break through the Immortal Realm, as long as they reached the limit of their endurance.

Just like Lu Yin's clones Chen and Nirvana, they have far superior combat power than ordinary immortals during the period of hardship.

Besides equality, there are more people waiting, all of whom are just one step away from breaking through to the realm of immortality.

Lu Yin's idea is actually to focus on improving high-end combat power. Otherwise, no matter how many humans there are in the Immortal Realm, once the high-end combat power cannot stop them, the rest will only be slaughtered.

The constraints of cause and effect are a thing of the past.

There is no causal bond in the Lord's path, and killing is just a number.

It depends on how equality will be arranged.

Xiangcheng has already fully deployed its defenses.

Beware not only of the Lord, but also of death. This move was a bit unkind, but Lu Yin never really thought that Qianji Guiyan would join forces with him.

He is prepared for equality, and taking away resources has also touched the bottom line of the major domination clans.

Fortunately for Shengrou, they had no losses in the cause and effect, but Mingqing, Yunxin and Shigui were completely unable to sit still, for fear that Lu Yin would escape with those resources, so that once the master returned, they would not be able to explain. Therefore, they found the strong men in the Upper Nine Realms and promised them a huge price to make those strong men take action. They besieged the Illusion Shangxu Realm and wanted to break the power of the illusion in one fell swoop, including Xiangcheng.

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