Star Odyssey

Chapter 5319 Destroy them one by one

Lu Yin's figure gradually appeared in their sight.

Seeing Lu Yin, those creatures attacked without hesitation. Humans were the enemy.

Lu Yin slowly raised his hand and pointed out, breaking the void. The entire space was compressed. The gray power of time was like ripples, distorting the long river of time and all the space above the long river.


A loud noise.

In front, the ancient city of time was broken, and a huge gap was punched in the middle, occupying nearly half of the entire ancient city of time, and the creatures in the ancient city of time were all within the range of that gap.

In other words, they were all dead.

One strike.

Just one strike.

No more attacks were needed.

A powerful person with unlimited life? Three laws of life? Dominant creatures? Useless, all useless. Under the absolute pressure of Lu Yin's power, everything was nothing.

This was the absolute power that overwhelmed the master of life, and at this moment, it descended.

Under the ancient city of time, Zuo Qing and You Qing stayed where they were, not daring to move.

They felt the indescribable power of heaven. Is this the master?

"Come here, you belong to me now." Lu Yin said. In front of him, Zuo Qing and You Qing moved. When they moved, the collapsed Ancient City of Time on their backs completely collapsed, fell into the long river of time, and splashed water.

And they silently came to the foot of Taigu City and held up Taigu City.

Four big trees.


Taigu City continued to go upstream, not looking for a certain Ancient City of Time, because it would not be found, but he believed that someone would let him find it, but the time was not right.

After a while, he saw the second Ancient City of Time.

The moment the creatures in this Ancient City of Time saw Lu Yin, they fled without hesitation.

There was no idea of ​​taking action at all, as if they knew that the previous Ancient City of Time was broken.

However, escaping was useless. Twelve stones were lined up on the wall of Taigu City. Lu Yin waved his hand casually, and the twelve stones broke through the void and accurately hit the twelve creatures escaping from the Ancient City of Time.

Ten creatures died directly, one was seriously injured and fell into the River of Time, and one had been rebellious from the beginning, and was extremely smart, which meant that the River of Time blocked a blow for it.

Lu Yin looked at the creature that had directly rebellious, wasn't he a creature of the Dominant Clan?

"A special creature?"

That creature didn't dare to escape even if it was rebellious, and looked up at Lu Yin who was looking down from the ancient city, and replied respectfully: "Yes, see you, sir."

"You are decisive, and you directly rebellious, but this is a road of no return."

"It's better than death."

"The more you have seen rebellious, the less you will try. Death is more comfortable than rebellious, you should understand."

"But I haven't lived enough, rebellious may have a glimmer of hope to escape, death, there is nothing."

"You have seen creatures that have escaped from rebellious." Lu Yin heard something different from its words.

The creature said respectfully: "I have seen it."


"I don't know him, but I saw with my own eyes that creature break away from Nigu, and his whole body floated above the long river of time. Although it was only for a moment, other creatures in the ancient city of time didn't see it, but I saw it, and I happened to be in that direction."

Lu Yin looked at it: "Did the creature leave after breaking away from Nigu?"


Lu Yin was surprised: "Didn't leave?"

"Yes, it, half of its body has entered the stream again."

"What form?" Lu Yin had to ask, this was a problem.

Generally speaking, to break away from Nigu, one must either have the means of dominating the level, which is based on ability, there is nothing to say, you can break away from the ancient, you can leave.

The second is luck.

If the Nigu had the means of dominating the level, he would not be unknown, but if it was based on luck, why didn't he leave? This kind of luck is one-time and not twice, being able to break away once does not mean that you can break away a second time.

Judging from the results, breaking away from Nigu and breaking away again is more like the first possibility.

This means that there are creatures with the means of dominating among the Nigu.

The creature recalled: "It seems." It didn't know how to describe it, so it drew the shape of the creature in the void.

Lu Yin looked at it, his eyes gradually changed, became surprised, became incredible.

How is it possible?

The ancient city of time kept falling, shattering, and falling into the main river of time.

The main river of time rose and fell, and the gray years were rippling.

After a long time, Lu Yin let the creature go.

Not only did he go against the ancients, but he also told him such a big secret. There is no reason to kill him again.

However, this secret is really unexpected.

Just as the ancient city was about to continue walking, the creature that had gone against the ancient times suddenly returned, "My lord, there is something else I want to report."

Lu Yin looked at it: "Speak."

"The anti-ancients are actually trying to gather together. If they don't stay in the Ancient City of Time, they may not know about this."

"Many anti-ancients will not rush over immediately after discovering the Ancient City of Time. Many of them are smart and stay at the anti-ancient points outside the Ancient City of Time, waiting for other anti-ancients to appear, and then join forces to attack together."

"The reason why there are so many Ancient City of Time is to prevent the attack of the anti-ancients."

"Throughout the ages, many Ancient City of Time have been destroyed by the attack."

Lu Yin didn't expect there to be such a thing, which is reasonable. Which one of those who can go against the ancient times is a fool? All of them are top-notch creatures in the civilization. No matter what the reason for these creatures to go against the ancient times, they have their own strategies.

The Ancient City of Time is a series of strong passes. If you want to break through these ancient cities, it is obviously unwise to fight alone. Only by joining forces can it be possible.

This coincides with the time when he used the divine power line to locate the anti-ancient point and then integrated the anti-ancients.

It’s just that he integrated the anti-ancients to deal with those masters of the main one, and these anti-ancients spontaneously integrated to attack the Ancient City of Time.

The principle is the same.

In other words, as long as the anti-ancient points outside the Ancient City of Time are located, it is very likely to find a group of anti-ancients.

Imagine that if a large number of anti-ancients attack the Ancient City of Time at the same time, even the master will have difficulty.

But is it really right to reverse the ancients? He came to this again.

If humans rule the next era, the task of dealing with the anti-ancients will be handed over to them, otherwise the anti-ancients will destroy humans.

Friends now do not mean friends in the future.

The relationship between enemies depends on interests.

"Why tell me this?" Lu Yin asked.

The creature said bitterly: "Leave a good fate. If one day the adults can remember such a humble creature like me and are willing to drag me out of the ancient times, I will be grateful."

Lu Yin nodded and watched the creature leave.

In the universe, it is not easy for every creature to live. Each has its own way.

It went directly to the ancient times, perhaps thinking of leaving such a good fate, so even if Lu Yin did not find it or ask it, it would find a way to talk to Lu Yin.

The ancient city moved and continued to go upstream.

Lu Yin did not ask this creature how to find other ancient cities of time, it could not know.

There are six big trees under the ancient city. The more there are, the slower the speed. Two trees are just right, so Lu Yin took four big trees into the Supreme Mountain and only used the two big trees at the beginning to carry the ancient city upstream.

Not long after walking, he saw the war.

The war in the main river of time is nothing more than the ancients attacking the ancient city of time.

The ancient city was far away from the ancient city of Time ahead, so it was not seen, but Lu Yin could see the battlefield ahead clearly.

Five anti-ancients attacked from all directions, sometimes attacking the ancient city of Time, and sometimes hiding in the long river of Time to avoid attacks. And the creatures on the ancient city of Time, as Sheng Ji said, fancy attacks are meaningless here, they all try their best to reduce the frequency of attack and improve the efficiency of attack.

Every attack is to exert the maximum power as much as possible.

The killing list floats above the ancient city of Time, recording many names, one of which is quite active, Yu Chen, ranked fifth on the killing list. Is the reason for being active because it is close?

The strongest person in this ancient city of Time should be Yu Chen.

That is a very strong person.

To be able to enter the top five of the killing list, it must be a very strong person. It is only two places behind Fan Shen.

Fan Shen is a legendary existence that can drag the master. Once he enters the inner and outer heavens, Qian Ji Gui Yan will avoid it. You can imagine the gold content of this killing list.

"Let's go."

The Taigu City moved, heading towards the Time Ancient City.

Ahead, the war was still going on. The creatures in the Time Ancient City tried their best to improve their attack efficiency, and the Anti-Ancients were also trying their best to avoid the attack. If they wanted to pass through the Time Ancient City, they could already do it, but they didn't stay away. It seemed that they wanted to break through the city.

A creature was dragged down by the Anti-Ancients and smashed directly into the River of Time. Either they would be Anti-Ancients or die.

These Anti-Ancients were not weak.

That Yu Chen had a hard time dealing with two Anti-Ancients at the same time. Both of them were extremely powerful.

It must have taken a long time for these Anti-Ancients to gather, otherwise they would not have such strength. Now we see five, and maybe there were more than five at the beginning.

Gradually, the Taigu City was seen by all the creatures.

The Time Ancient City looked at the Taigu City, and the Anti-Ancients also looked at it, each of them was in doubt.

The anti-ancients immediately retreated. In their view, the Taigu City was also the Time City, and it must belong to the main sect, but the creatures in the Time City did not think so.

One creature was about to speak, but was stopped by Yu Chen: "Wait until those anti-ancients are far away."

If those anti-ancients knew that the Time City approaching in front of them was an enemy, they would be in trouble and would be attacked from both sides.

It was just right that the appearance of the Time City scared away those anti-ancients.

They just had to focus on the Time City.

The Taigu City kept approaching.

In front, the Time City was silent all the time.

Lu Yin smiled. Did he use him to scare away the anti-ancients? It was smart, but those anti-ancients were not stupid. They did not completely move away, but waited at the limit of their sight. They also wanted to know why a new Time City appeared.

They had seen more than one Time City, but they were all fixed and had never heard of a moving one.

Unless an Time City was broken.

When the Ancient City came very close to the Ancient City of Time, Yu Chen asked the creature of the Cause and Effect Dominant beside him to speak: "Who is on the other side? Why did they appear?"

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