Star Odyssey

Chapter 5342 Thirteenth Color

In the overlapping time and space, a square appeared. Outside of time, behind the square was a pair of deep eyes, flashing with gray pupils, staring at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin raised his palm and hit it. His arm was dry and shook at the same time. Nine phantoms flickered and merged, accompanied by black flames and hit the square.


The black flames beat with twelve colors of divine power, colliding with the square, constantly splitting, and the square was also constantly burning.

The majestic gray surged, and from another direction, the Lord of Time determined Lu Yin's position.

Lu Yin frowned, raised his other hand, and burned five black flames with five fingers, and threw them out at the same time.

Five black flames bombarded the void and collided with the gray years.

He himself went downstream with his fate and went away.

When the gray years dispersed the black flames, the Lord of Time came to their previous position and looked at the downstream position, and ran away.

This human being is more and more handy in dealing with the means of the master level.

The more he goes on, the harder it is to deal with.

It retracted its gaze and looked around. It was sure that the feeling of uneasiness came from this human, but what did he do? Why did he make himself and others uneasy? The more uneasy he was, the more he had to find the reason.

It did not rush to leave, but explored in the same place. Look at the past.

But soon it was disappointed. The past traces of Lu Yin and fate were erased.

It was not because of Lu Yin's past traces that it could find Lu Yin before, but because it happened to see Lu Yin when it looked at the past of the main river of time.

Only the Lord of Time has this method, and the others can't do it no matter how familiar they are with the main river of time.

What did that human do here?

The first time I saw him, I saw the power of the fusion of divine power and death. Could it be related to this power?

On the other side, Lu Yin returned to the distance of a square inch and disappeared without hesitation.

It was not until a while later that he breathed a sigh of relief: "We should be free of it."

Destiny said: "First it was Xiang Siyu, then the Lord of Time. They did it on purpose."

Lu Yin nodded: "It means that what we did has an impact on them."

"Can you be so sure?"

"I tend to be so sure, otherwise where would I get the confidence to try to merge the power of the Lord."

Destiny thought about it and it was right: "What's next? You start to merge the power of the Lord?"

Lu Yin said, "The fusion of divine power and dead silence alone is not enough to truly expand the era. Only the fusion of real dominant power can do it. Go back. Since we have attracted the attention of those masters, they are definitely looking for us and not letting me practice with peace of mind."

"Especially Xiang Siyu. With her luck, it's not surprising that she will meet us at any time. Xiangcheng needs to keep moving."

It is not easy to merge the power of the Lord into the black flame. No one has been able to do it before. Lu Yin is the first to try.

It is so difficult to merge divine power with dead silence, not to mention the real power of the Lord.

The first dominant power that Lu Yin thought of to merge was the power of consciousness.

Consciousness is something that ordinary people have, and it is not considered a special power, but the consciousness power of the consciousness master is different. It cultivates consciousness as a power that covers the entire square inch.

It is a master-level power, but it has no completely different properties from ordinary people. This is why he chose consciousness as the first to be integrated into the black flame.

The black flame was suspended, and in front of Lu Yin, the three blue swords appeared, and one sword pierced into the black flame.

There was no ripple, and it disappeared directly.

Another sword appeared and pierced.

It still disappeared directly.

The three blue swords were the condensation of consciousness, and after being burned by the black flame, it completely turned into nothingness, nothing.

The sky-high heaven and earth lock descended, without a green light spot attached, it was the most ordinary consciousness heaven and earth lock, one end slowly sank into the black flame, and it still disappeared, without any ripples.

Lu Yin did not intend to integrate the power of consciousness immediately, but at least he wanted to see the state of the integration of consciousness power, but the result was no state, it was simply burned into nothingness.

He couldn't find the direction.

Go on, it's just the beginning.

Just when Lu Yin was in seclusion to integrate the power of consciousness, ancestor Lu Yuan once again took on the important task of transferring Xiangcheng.

Xiang Siyu came out again, went downstream into Fang Cun Zhi Ju, and began to look for Lu Yin by luck.

And the Lord of Time was also constantly looking for traces of Lu Yin in the Lord of Time, wanting to know what he was doing. It was very serious to make the five Lords uneasy at the same time.

In a corner of Fang Cun Zhi Ju, Wang Wen and Qian Ji Gui Yan were both there.

"Do you think he can succeed? The divine power merged with the dead silence. For countless years, countless creatures have tried and failed. He was lucky to succeed, but integrating the master-level power is another difficulty." Qian Ji Gui Yan said.

Wang Wen looked into the distance: "With Lord Mi's support, it doesn't matter even if we fail."

Qian Ji Gui Yan looked at Wang Wen deeply: "Really? If the great plan fails, you will never be able to surpass those masters."

"You said it as if I can surpass them if the great plan succeeds. The only one who can truly transcend is Lord Mi."

"Maybe. By the way, I won the bet."

"Yes, you won."

"What do you mean?"

"You can say anything."

"Then I won't be polite."


A hundred years have passed. Generally speaking, Lu Yin set a deadline of a hundred years for himself when trying to merge the master-level power from the beginning. If he got nothing within a hundred years, he would try the next one. If there was no hope for each one, then he would extend the deadline. It was no longer a hundred years, but a thousand years or ten thousand years.

Bet eternal life for an era, time is no longer important, as long as you can ensure that you will not be found.

The consciousness failed to merge into the black flame, and a hundred years still made Lu Yin find no hope of integration, so he decided to change to the power of time.

Consciousness has the advantages of consciousness.

Time also has the advantages of time. For example, he saw the side of time clearly, including cause and effect, life, and death. These forces can make him see clearly and use the six points of the dice to merge into the bodies of creatures who have cultivated similar powers, proving that his control over these forces is far better than others.

Seeing the years clearly, fiddling with the years, and integrating into the years, this is his attempt for the next hundred years.

The master of the long river of time, the master of time returned to the ancient city of time with a gloomy look.

"What happened? What did he do?"

The Lord of Time said in a deep voice: "I can't see through it."

"How can I not see through it? It's incredible that this human can reach the level of master combat power. His cognition can't have reached this level. How long has he lived? Even if we throw cognition in his face, it's useless."

"We should see his every move clearly as long as we see it. How can we not see through it?"

The Lord of Time said impatiently: "I can't see through it. I know he is constantly playing the power of the fusion of divine power and death, but I can't see the purpose of playing those powers."

"There are countless cognitions, and everyone has a different understanding of the universe. He must have the combat power he has today. With extraordinary cognition and wisdom, it is normal for him to figure out something suddenly. "

"But if he can make us uneasy, we will never allow him to continue."

"The power of divine power and dead silence? What is the special meaning of this power? These two powers are not created by us, and dead silence is not the real supreme power of the Lord of Death. It is just a power given to death by practitioners."

"Shi Jian, you'd better continue to look for it. I have a hunch that he will not give up dragging out the Age of Chaos. His current behavior is likely related to this."

"I understand."

Time is an invisible mirror. If you see it, it will see you. If you can't see it, it won't see you either. This kind of seeing refers to traces.

Traces have always been there, but it's just whether they have been discovered and seen clearly.

How to judge the passage of time, only traces.

All time is reflected in traces.

Lu Yin saw the years, saw the traces, and saw the past of the passing of time, and saw the truest side of time.

Therefore, he can use the six points of the dice to integrate the power of time into the body of any practitioner who practices the power of time. No matter how this practitioner comprehends and uses time, its essence is time. As long as it involves the practice of time, he can see the essence.

In the current universe, there are almost no other creatures except the master who can do this.

He is a rare one.

If the most essential time is integrated into the black flame, the black flame will jump out of the thirteenth color-the gray of time.

Lu Yin thought it would be very difficult, and thought it would take a long time to succeed, but he never thought it would be so fast. That's right, it's fast, incredibly fast. In just a few decades, he really integrated a ray of time into the black flame.

This feeling is like this black flame has become a tray, holding up the fruit of time, and it will definitely hold it up.

The black flame is the foundation.

But why is this foundation black flame? Could it be?

Lu Yin stared at the twelve-color divine power. He had a question a long time ago, why does divine power have twelve colors. Divine power is obviously a force, but it is divided into twelve colors, and the twelve colors are different for those who practice divine power.

It is obviously the same force, why are they different?

What is the significance of the difference between the twelve colors?

Today, he understood.

Because these twelve colors contain twelve forces.

Time is one of them.

This inclusion is not the same as what he is doing now. The years contained in the qi are just the most ordinary and ordinary. Even if the cultivation is low, as long as there is a little talent, you can comprehend the power of time.

The name of the power of time has been a long, long time ago.

At that time, Lu Yin still remembered that he comprehended it from the dead wood of the ancestor. The excitement at that time is something that he can never understand now.

And the power of time that was comprehended at that time was just the edge of the most marginal material of time.

And what this divine power contains is precisely this most ordinary power of time.

Twelve colors, each color contains a certain most ordinary power, these powers are not qualified to be mentioned by him now, but they are the cornerstones of many powers.

For example, the power of time is the prerequisite for understanding the years.

For example, the body's ability to recover is the prerequisite for understanding the energy of life.

For example, the energy of death is the prerequisite for understanding death.

There are too many similar examples.

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