Star Odyssey

Chapter 5346 Be good and don't sleep

Thinking of this, Lu Yin came to the huge rock that supported the world with the body of a white-bone creature. It was not a rock, but the legs of the four great turtles.

The four great turtles were very big, supporting the collapsed branches, and countless creatures lived under them.

Those creatures were of different shapes, and they might have been hostile to each other in the inner and outer heavens, but at this moment, they had to join forces to survive.

Most of these creatures could not walk in the universe and could only survive on the roots of trees.

This was the southern turtle, and the other three turtles were in other directions of the roots.

As for why the four great turtles supported the branches, no one knew, and the white-bone creatures had no memory of it.

Lu Yin controlled the body of the white-bone creature to approach other creatures. There were also immortal creatures here. They could walk freely within a square inch. They came here either to save their own kind or to find the secret of the mother tree.

The huge mother tree supported the universe, and everyone knew that the mother tree had secrets.

However, the mother tree was controlled by the Lord before, and the mother tree was too big and tough, so they couldn't spy on it, so they didn't think much about it. Now that the mother tree has collapsed, many creatures want to find something.

And what attracts the outside creatures here the most is the things left behind by the inner and outer heavens.

There are tens of thousands of universes in the seventy-two realms of the inner and outer heavens, each of which has given birth to strong people, and each universe also has many tombs of strong people.

When the seventy-two realms were intact, many tombs or treasure burial places were difficult to find. Now that the mother tree has collapsed, they can be dug. More are the treasures placed in the seventy-two realms by some powerful forces, which also fell with the collapse of the mother tree.

In addition, many creatures died, and their collections are also resources.

Because of these, in addition to the surviving creatures, there are many creatures who escaped and returned, as well as creatures who have never been to the inner and outer heavens, and they regard this place as a treasure hunting place.

In the memory of the white-bone creatures, there are constantly good things being dug out here, too many.

It can be said that most of the resources of the seventy-two realms scattered outside the Lord are concentrated here.

Even Lu Yin was moved after learning about this situation.

The Lord controls the universe, but it is impossible for the Lord to take away all the resources of the universe. Many of them are still controlled by the creatures outside. If all the resources here are taken away, it will definitely not be less than any of the master clan's countless years of collection, and it may even exceed it. This does not include the resources that belong to the master clan that fell here.

Why didn't I think of it before?

Looking at countless creatures searching up and down the tree roots, perhaps they will thank me for breaking the balance of the seventy-two realms in a battle with the master of life.

Exiting the fusion, Lu Yin walked out of Xiangcheng and looked at the inner and outer heaven ruins.

You can go there.

In the eyes of the master, there is no attraction to him. Although there are many resources, it takes too long to take them all away.

And he wants to go there now because of the four great turtles.

Lu Yin is really curious, why are these four great turtles holding up the branches.

To say that they pity those creatures?

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Impossible. There is a part in the memory of the white-bone creatures. When the four turtles appeared, they trampled many creatures to death. They have their own purpose.

The four turtles belong to the Lord of Luck. Could their actions be related to Acacia Rain?

With this doubt, Lu Yin came to the outside of Linlangtian and entered.

He still didn't go there in person. It was the same if he projected Linlangtian. Although he couldn't speak, there were ways to communicate.

I hope these four turtles don't be ignorant.

In a square inch, the ruins of the inner and outer heavens. From a high place, overlooking the entire ruins, you will find that the four directions of the ruins are obviously higher than the roots of the trees. Those four directions are covered by scattered branches, and it is not easy to see below.

And those four directions are where the four turtles are.

The four huge turtles lifted up the branches, making the entire ruins look like a messy and broken brown plum blossom.

The biggest sound here is not the sound of cultivators fighting and fighting for treasures, but the sound of the four turtles snoring when they sleep.

The huge snoring sound spread throughout the starry sky. At first, many creatures were not used to it, but gradually they got used to it. There was no other way, so they forced themselves to adapt. Who could drive away the four turtles? And those creatures protected by the branches held up by the four turtles were even more grateful.

One day, a branch was lifted high as if it was picked up by an invisible object, and then it was pulled down.


The East turtle suddenly opened its eyes, and its huge pupils looked around. Who, who pulled it?

Huh? Nothing?

It blinked, had a nightmare?

Forget it, continue to sleep.

The branch was raised again and pulled.


The East turtle opened its eyes again and looked around: "Who?"

It roared and immediately woke up the other three turtles, and they turned their heads to look at it.

"Boss, what are you doing? You scared me to death."

"Having a nightmare?"

The East turtle looked around, looked up, and looked down, but there was nothing, no breath of any strong man, what happened? Is this really a nightmare? Just as he was thinking, the branch in front of him was lifted high, and then, snap.

Dong Yuan stared blankly, tree, branch? Turned into a spirit? It hurt so much.

"Boss, what happened?"

Dong Yuan stared at the branch and swallowed, "Nothing, continue to sleep."

"You are sick."

"Be careful or I will sleep you to death."

"It is to outlive it."

"It's the same."



At this moment, Dong Yuan's heart was broken, because he knew what the branch's condition meant. This was a projection, representing Linlangtian, representing that human being--Lu Yin.

The human has come. He has come.

The branch was raised.

Dong Yuan widened his eyes and shook his head silently.

The branch was gently lowered, and then pointed at Dong Yuan.

Dong Yuan nodded.

At this moment, Dong Yuan didn't know what he was communicating with the branch, but just nodded subconsciously.

The branch moved, scratched the void lightly, and tore the void into cracks. These cracks combined into words, words familiar to all seventy-two realms.

Dong Yuan looked at these words and said, "Okay, I'll say it, I'll say it."

The branch scratched the void: "Be good."

Dong Yuan was speechless. How long has it lived? It existed before the ancestor of this human ancestor was born. How could it be said to be good? But it didn't dare to resist, not at all.

Lu Yin didn't expect this Dong Yuan to be so sensible. Since that's the case, he won't be polite. The branch continued to cut through the void, leaving words one by one: "Why are you holding the branch?"

Dong Yuan sighed: "This is our home."


"We, the four great turtles, are not creatures within a small distance. We were born in this huge mother tree. Our clan is the earliest creature of this huge mother tree, much earlier than the Dominant Clan. It can be said that both the later Dominant Clan and the Seventy-two Worlds have seized our place of survival. So your battle with the Dominant of Life collapsed the mother tree, which is equivalent to collapsing our home. We just want to save the remaining space of our home as much as possible. That's all. I don't mean to go against you. Please don't misunderstand."

Lu Yin didn't expect this to be the case. He never thought that the original inhabitants of this huge mother tree were actually the four great turtle clan.

Turtle, and tree, should be associated together?

The branch continued to cut through the void: "Why follow the Master of Luck?"

"The Master of Luck found us first. We had no choice but to follow her to survive."

"When the Master of the Fourth Wall, Chang Chu, went to the Longevity Realm to look for the Heart Shell, you wanted to give it to him. If it weren't for Yunshan's stop, you wouldn't have caused trouble. But why did you block Qianji Guiyan later?"

"We had no choice. If we didn't block Qianji Guiyan, those guys in the Master of Luck would send a message to the Ancient City of Time to tell us. We don't want to be troubled by the Master of Luck. We finally persuaded her not to disturb us and let us stay in the Longevity Realm. What if she finds a reason to drag us out, how can we sleep?"

The branch stopped in the void and didn't move.

The East Turtle answered every question, but the words it answered were of little help to Lu Yin.

"Has any master been here?"

The East Turtle replied: "Of course, more than once, but they didn't stay."\u003c

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"Didn't the master of destiny look for you?"

"He did, but we pretended to sleep."

"Do you hate me?"

Dong Yuan was startled, and said honestly: "I dare not hate you."

"You said you are the earliest creatures of this mother tree, so you are the ancestors?"

"No, the ancestor is the big turtle, but it is gone."

"Big turtle? Older than you?"

"Of course, about the same as that old guy named Shichu, or even longer than it."

Lu Yin was shocked. How could he live longer than Shichu? That Shichu had experienced two eras. "What is the strength of the big turtle?"

"About the same as us."

"Not the master?"

"Of course not."

"What does it mean that it is gone?"

"It just means that it can't be found. One day it suddenly disappeared. By the way, when it disappeared, the master of consciousness also disappeared."

Lu Yin was surprised. Disappeared at the same time as the master of consciousness? It is impossible to say that there is no connection.

"You haven't looked for it?"

"I have looked for it, but I can't find it, so forget it."

"It's still alive."

"It should be alive."

Lu Yin is sure that the master of consciousness is still alive. Although the ancestor is inheriting its consciousness power, if the master of consciousness dies, the Age of Disorder will come when the universe framework collapses. However, the Age of Disorder did not come, which means that the master of consciousness is not dead.

In the last ancient city of time, the power of the master of consciousness disappeared at the same time as itself. This is the fundamental reason why other masters later confirmed the disappearance of the master of consciousness. Otherwise, it is normal for the master to practice for countless years. How to confirm its disappearance?

The memory is sealed, but the three laws have changed. The masters will instinctively notice it and know it without revealing the memory.

If the master of consciousness is not dead, then the big turtle is not dead either.

Where did they disappear to?

"Anything else you want to ask? If not, I will sleep? We are not enemies, so there is no need to fight. I can't beat you either." Dong Yuan asked carefully.

The branch moved, then cut through the void, leaving a line of words: "I want to know everything about the master of destiny."

Dong Yuan blinked, "Everything?"

The branch moved up and down, like nodding: "Everything."

"Then where should we talk about it? For eternity? She has lived for too long, and the time we followed her alone can be talked about for a long, long time."

"It doesn't matter, you talk, I listen."

"I still want to sleep."

"Be good, don't sleep."

Dong Yuan was speechless. This, is this forcing him to tell a story?

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