Star Odyssey

Chapter 5349: Obliteration

Lu Yin teleported away, and then, the Anti-Ancient Point.

He restrained his breath and searched in the main river of time. Every time he moved, he looked for traces in advance, using time to explore the front, and even extracted a trace of luck from the flying light, just to avoid encountering the master.

Not long after, he found the first Anti-Ancient Point.

There was nothing at the Anti-Ancient Point, but there were Anti-Ancients around. These Anti-Ancients were veterans at first glance. They were not washed away by the Anti-Ancient, and always kept a position close to the Anti-Ancient Point.

Generally, Anti-Ancients who entered the main river of time were either washed away by time or constantly reversed the ancients. It was difficult for them to stay in the same position unless they found the Anti-Ancient Point.

These Anti-Ancients were obviously used to the Anti-Ancient.

According to Zhi's memory, he left the time and coordinates of the confluence and impact at the Anti-Ancient Point and left. The coordinates he left were the last ancient city of time.

As long as there are clear coordinates, there is no need to rush to the ancient city of time after time. The reason why the anti-ancients do this is because there is an ancient city of time blocking them. If they don't rush over, they can't find a way to go upstream.

Now Lu Yin points the way to them, they can avoid the ancient city of time in front of them and go straight to the last one.

As for whether they are willing to attack, Lu Yin can't control it. He can only give it a try.

Just as he was about to leave, a familiar figure came into his sight.

Lu Yin looked at the anti-ancient figure and hit it casually. The power penetrated the years and hit into the river.

The figure looked up and saw Lu Yin at a glance, surprised: "Sir?"

This creature is called Suoya, and it was a creature in an ancient city of time that Lu Yin had destroyed. At that time, Lu Yin acted decisively and ruthlessly, leaving no way for him to survive. Even if this creature wanted to surrender, he couldn't do it. He had no choice but to jump into the main river of time and anti-ancient at the first time, so he escaped.

Facing Lu Yin, it told him everything it knew, just to establish a good relationship with Lu Yin, and to use Lu Yin to escape from the Ancient Age if possible in the future.

This is a very smart creature, and one of the few special creatures in the Ancient City of Time.

"Why are you here?" Lu Yin asked.

Suoya said respectfully: "Because there is a Ni Gu point here, it is a place where many Ni Gu people gather."

Lu Yin remembered that Suoya had told him about the situation of Ni Gu people gathering at Ni Gu points to attack the Ancient City of Time. Although he didn't tell him, he knew: "You were stationed in the Ancient City of Time, and you dare to meet these Ni Gu points?"

Suoya said: "All the Ni Gu people who attacked the Ancient City of Time where I stayed before are basically dead, and even if I was discovered, I can escape. Being in Ni Gu, it is equivalent to cutting off the possibility of killing each other, because facing Ni Gu is already very stressful, and there is no ability to trouble anyone."

Lu Yin nodded: "Do me a favor."

Suoya said respectfully: "My lord, please tell me."

"I left the time and coordinates at that Ni Gu point. When the time comes, I will find a way to summon the Ni Gu people at that Ni Gu point to attack the Ancient City of Time at the coordinates."

Suoya was curious: "The Ancient City of Time at the coordinates?"

Lu Yin looked at it: "Not bad."

"I understand, I will do my best." Suoya said.

Subordinates? He really knows how to talk.

Lu Yin left, and before leaving, he told Suoya about several ancient points, all of which were in Zhi's memory, and asked Suoya to find a way to let the ancients in these ancient points attack the ancient city of time at the coordinates. Of course, he did not forget to remind him: "You will never be able to break through the ancient city of time at the coordinates, and you may even die, so be careful."

Suoya was shocked and vaguely guessed something, but still said: "I understand, sir, don't worry, I will definitely die."

Lu Yin left, went to several other ancient points to leave the time and coordinates, and then found the location of another ancient city of time in Zhi's memory.

Zhi had been in the ancient for too long, and he could find several ancient points to meet the ancients, and he knew a lot about the ancient city of time. Although it is impossible to find all 36 ancient cities, it is not a problem to find a few.

Lu Yin came to an ancient city of time in his memory, and waved his hand under the horrified eyes of the creatures in the ancient city of time.

The void ripples were stirred up, splitting the ancient city of time in two. Figures rushed out one after another to escape, without any idea of ​​resistance.

Lu Yin's eyes were cold, and he lightly tapped the void.

Each finger pierced through the body of a living being, wiping out its vitality.

With only thirteen fingers, he killed thirteen living beings, and then turned and left.

There were the strongest among these thirteen living beings, so what? In Lu Yin's eyes, they were no different from ordinary people.

This was the vision of the master. In the eyes of the master, billions of living beings in the universe were ordinary ants.

Lu Yin now understood why the master was so high and mighty and didn't care about anything. He understood the anger of the master of life after he had chased him to no avail. It was a kind of anger that I asked you to die, but you dared not die.

It was too easy.

When you cross the level of the master, it was too easy to kill other practitioners.

Even the strongest could do nothing.

Now I can better understand how lucky I and others were to surround and kill the master before. I can only say that Wang Wen found the traitor every time, and my strength was too unexpected, so I can live until now, otherwise I would have died long ago.

Zuo Qing and You Qing each carried the broken ancient city of time and ran down the river, and Lu Yin did not attack them.

Then, the next one.

Soon they came to another ancient city of time, and Lu Yin split it into two as usual. The invincible power shocked the creatures stationed in the ancient city of time.

However, this time, when Lu Yin killed it, a creature did not die, but rushed towards him.

Fan Shen?

Lu Yin was surprised that he met an acquaintance.

This Fan Shen is the third-ranked master on the killing list of the ancient city of time. He was once sent by the master to the inner and outer heavens to drag Shengrou and the others back, but he failed. Instead, he was used by Lu Yin to force him to Endless creatures in the inner and outer heavens enter the general hell to increase the cause and effect for him.

Speaking of which, this Fanshen could be considered as having helped him, even if it was not voluntary.

It's just a pity that it only listens to the master's words.

Above the long river of time, oval-shaped gray tendons and war bones rushed towards Lu Yin. Small boats appeared one after another. Each boat had its peak power. Once a creature entered the boat, it would be dragged away, so Fan Shen was It is called Qianzhou Zhiqiang.

It possesses supreme strength and supreme speed.

Be afraid of all the tricks.

Seeing Fanshen approaching, Lu Yin didn't dodge, what about strength and speed? Coincidentally, these two are also what I am best at.

Make a fist and blast.

With a loud noise, Lu Yin punched a boat, shattering the boat in an instant. The penetrating power flashed past. The next moment, the sky above the Main Years River seemed to be distorted, forming a horizontal straight line, followed by What happened was that thousands of boats were broken.

Fanshen's body was penetrated by the force of a punch. Lu Yin grabbed it with his backhand and slapped it casually. The gray tendons and bones were twisted and deformed, and he finally fell into the body and his life and death were unknown.

Even if he doesn't die, he will go against the times.

Lu Yin looked coldly and turned around to leave.

It is rumored that Fanshen once dragged the Overlord, which was its greatest achievement. However, he made the Overlord helpless.

Not long after Lu Yin left.

The Lord of Time came and looked at the lonely Zuo Qing and You Qing in front of him. The two trees did not escape, they just seemed to be asleep.

You don't need to guess to know that Lu Yin took action.

There are many evils in this ancient city, which bring disaster and good fortune.

The Lord of Time opened up the traces of the past and saw Fanshen's lost control of the long river of time, and also saw Lu Yin's indifferent eyes.

Lu Yin had no intention of erasing this trace, so he just let it be seen.

The Lord of Time could leave traces of past methods behind this trace, but it did not. It was clear that it was of little significance. With Lu Yin's strength, even if they fought face to face, they might not be able to do anything to him.

This human being grows up too fast.

After destroying two ancient cities in succession, what is he going to do?

Don’t you know that once the anti-ancient person succeeds, even if only one succeeds, the future may change?

Or do you know that the three laws exist in the real last ancient city of time, and want to defeat them one by one with these laws? No, this kind of thing is too naive, he is not that stupid.

Human being, what on earth are you going to do?

Lu Yin left the main river of time and stood in a corner, waiting quietly.

All the breaths converged, and the body continued to dry up and recover, waiting for the time to come at the ancient point.

No matter whether those anti-ancient ones attack the last ancient city of time or not, he will take action against the Lord of Death and force the Lord of Death to use death as quickly as possible so that he can see and understand it.

At the same time, as time passes, I work hard, really hard.

The anti-ancient points left behind time and coordinates. This way of leaving behind belongs to Zhi. Zhi is a strong one among the anti-ancient ones. After all, he is one of the three laws. He can be regarded as one of the initiators of the gathering of these anti-ancient points. So its legacy is valued.

But attacking the Ancient City of Time is no child's play. Every time you attack, you must be mentally prepared to die.

Over the course of countless years, they have indeed managed to break through several ancient cities together, but the cost was also high. Now the target is not the familiar ancient city of years, but an ancient city with only coordinates. God knows what powerful people are in this ancient city of years.

"I think it's better to wait until Senior Zhi appears. No one knows what the ancient city of time represented by the coordinates it left behind is. If we don't know how powerful there are, it would be too reckless for us to take action."

"Yes, there are too many masters in the main group, not to mention that every ancient city of time has the most powerful people, and those chartered creatures are not easy to mess with. We finally figured out the situation of those ancient cities of time, and instead of attacking them, we attacked strangers The ancient city is too dangerous.”

"I think I can take action. You all have turned against the past. I believe you have become numb after endless years. Are you still afraid of death?"

"Hmph, I'm not afraid of death, but I would rather lose the Lord together so that my hatred can be calmed down."

"Any ancient city of time can be defeated."

"What if the master is in charge?"

"How is it possible? If the master was in charge, Zhi wouldn't let us take action."

"Who knows what it's thinking."

At the anti-ancient point, more than a dozen anti-ancient people are having a conversation, each representing a direction of anti-ancient people.

Those who rebelled against the ancient times gathered together. As far as I know, the largest number at one time was nearly a hundred. That time was recorded in the history of the ancient city of years. From then on, the master would let every ancient city of years send masters down the river from time to time, just to Look for anti-ancient points and try to prevent the anti-ancient ones from joining together.

But this has little effect.

Over time, I gave up.

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