Star Odyssey

Chapter 5363: Siege of the Ancient City

The Lord of Life glanced at the Lord of Cause and Effect: "Nonsense, I deal with the Lord of Death because I am sure that the three laws will not fail. The purpose of the alliance is to prevent the possible collapse of the three laws in the future. Does this sound contradictory to you?"

Lu Yin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "No contradiction."

The Lord of Life stared at him with murderous eyes.

Lu Yin smiled and said, "Because this is just a possibility. Compared with the future of endless years, there are too many variables. You are just using the alliance as a possibility to deal with future crises. No matter how you fight, if the three laws exist, there will be no real danger to your life."

"But if one day the three laws can't protect the master, then your secret alliance will be the biggest killer against the other masters."

"You have plenty of ways to kill them."

The Lord of Death growled, "Nonsense."

Lu Yin said, "This is one of them." At this point, he looked at the Lord of Time: "I'll give you another reason to join forces with me to kill the Lord."

"Do you know who is going upstream now?"

"Among them are many masters of my Xiangcheng. Shengshang knows this, but in addition to them, there are also a group of anti-ancients. You should not have forgotten that a group of anti-ancients suddenly attacked your last open ancient city of time."

The Lord of Time looked at the Lord of Cause and Effect.

The Lord of Cause and Effect was silent. It did not forget the many masters in Xiangcheng, and the strongest ones were several. With the addition of Wang Wen and Qian Ji Gui Yan, it is not impossible to break through the last ancient city of Time and reverse the ancient times.

Xiang Siyu sighed deeply: "Lu Yin, no matter whether what you said before is true or not, you have done it to delay time." As she said, she looked at the Lord of Time: "Kill the Lord, anyway, it is too late to support the reverse flow now."

The Lord of Death was furious: "Qiyun, don't force me to use my power to split the body and reverse the ancient times."

Xiang Siyu's body was surging with purple air, and the red platform was flashing: "Then go against the ancient times, wait for Shi Jian in the last step. If we can support successfully, you don't need to take the last step of the ancient times, we will bring you back. If not, you should also understand us. We don't want to be reversed by humans."

"Compared to opening the Age of Disorder, the ancient times are too unrefined."

The Lord of Life stared at the Lord of Time: "Shi Jian, don't listen to her. She has destroyed the framework of the universe and would rather open the Age of Disorder. You and I have no advantage."

The Lord of Time looked at the Lord of Cause and Effect. In this regard, the Lord of Cause and Effect also has no advantage.

The Lord of Cause and Effect was helpless, "The future is changeable, there is no eternal balance. Life, you only need to answer me one question, have you joined forces with the Lord of Death?"

The Lord of Life's pupils flickered, and he did not answer.

No answer is the best answer.

Shi Jian no longer hesitated. The current situation proved that the three laws were not unbreakable. In this case, there was only one possibility for the secret cooperation between the Lord of Life and the Lord of Death, which was to target them.

This was not betrayal, but a conspiracy.

Just like Xiang Siyu also joined forces with the Lord of Death to plan to open the Age of Disorder.

It's just that the Lord of Death hid deeper.

But it hid too much. On one hand, it joined forces with Xiang Siyu, and on the other hand, it joined forces with the Lord of Life. In the early stage, because the memory was not revealed, it must be to lead to the Age of Disorder, and the Lord of Life may not know about its cooperation with Xiang Siyu.

Or maybe it will give the Lord of Life a way to obtain the good fortune of the Age of Disorder, that is, to kill another Lord.

This is also the reason why Xiang Siyu wants to kill the Lord. If the memory is not revealed, how will the Lord of Death help the Lord of Life murder another Lord? Anyone is possible, and everyone is dangerous.

It only needs to use itself as bait.

The conspiracy between the masters is maximized under the premise that the three laws may be broken.

There is no unbreakable relationship.

Whenever there is a crack in this relationship, the biggest contradiction is always internal.

This is the third way Lu Yin gave to the Lord of Time, and it is also the most suitable way at present.

Kill the Lord, solve the hidden danger of the union of the Lord of Death and the Lord of Life, and at the same time do not go against the ancient times, do not change the present, and only lead to the Age of Disorder.

Although the masters want to continue to control the universe in the current era, the situation does not allow them to decide.

Compared with going against the ancient times, it is easier for them to accept the opening of the Age of Disorder.

Xiang Siyu made a move, and the Lord of Cause and Effect made a move, aiming directly at the Lord of Death.

The Lord of Death wanted to run, but was stopped by Lu Yin, and the Lord of Time also made a move.

"Shi Jian, aren't you afraid that this is a trick of humans? Their ultimate goal is to prevent you from going against the current to support and ensure that you can successfully go against the ancient times." The Lord of Death roared.

No matter what the Lord of Death said, it could not change the fate of being besieged.

What really led to its siege was not only the current situation, but also its alliance with the Lord of Life, which made the other three Lords wary.

The Lord of Life did not move, not because he did not want to, but because he had the same consideration as the Lord of Time. What if humans went against the ancient times?

If they did not take into account the reversal of the ancient times, there would not have been Lords sitting in the long river of time for countless years.

The Lord of Death asked the Lord of Life for help.

The Lord of Life only said one sentence: "According to the destiny, go against the ancient times. If you can go against the ancient times, it proves that humans cannot break through the last ancient city of time. We don't need to care. If you can't go against the ancient times."

The rest of the words were not said.

But the meaning is very simple.

Now whether to kill the Lord of Death depends on whether the Lord of Death's power clone in the last ancient city of time can go against the ancient times.

And the one who stops it must be human beings.

If humans have the ability to stop it, it means they also have the ability to kill the main power clone, and naturally have the ability to break through the ancient city of time and reverse the ancient times. Then even the master of life has only one choice, which is to kill the main force as Lu Yin said.

The Lord of Death did not expect to be forced to this point.

Lu Yin let out a breath. He had worked hard for this step. The next step would be to see the battle situation in the Ancient City of Time. If the clone of the Death Lord's power cannot be prevented from going against the past, then he will be the one who is besieged and killed.

Mastering the long river of time, going upstream, the last ancient city of time has long been shattered. The two qings below barely fixed the foundation of the ancient city, but they may crash at any time.

In the ancient city of years, all the top human combat forces were mobilized. This battle was not a war for Lu Yin alone, but a war between the entire human civilization and the Lord. No one could avoid it.

Qinglian Shangyu, Chang Chu, Hun Ji, Gu Yuan, the four most powerful men all besieged the death lord's power clone, while the other master's power clones were asked by Jiu Wen, Jingmen Shangyu, Mr. Mu, Boss Toad, Chang Tu, Lu Tianyi and others held him back.

Their strength is far behind the dominating power clones, but the dominating power clones have no intention of attacking at all. The purpose of their existence in this last ancient city is to protect themselves and go against the past.

After endless years, none of the masters thought that any living being could reach here.

Because their memories were concealed, they all forgot that there were power clones here.

Gray years permeate the surrounding area, constantly changing time.

One after another sword intent cut into the years, but was smoothed by the years.

Jian Wu, Chu Songyun, and Jialan Zhiluo looked at each other. It was too difficult to attack at all. This clone of the master power of time was not something they could hurt.

Not far away, the avatar of the power of cause and effect is shrouded in the two qi of the universe, running around with a life chart on its head.

Toad Lao Si, Lao Wu, Da Mao, Lu Tianyi, Dou Sheng Tianzun and the others kept chasing after them, but they could not move the Qian Kun Qi and the Life Pan either.

It was much easier for Luck to control the power clone, because the people who besieged her were Master Qingcao, Mr. Mu, and the old guy Hehe. They knew that it was difficult to control the power clone, so they just wanted to drag it in one place and not to interfere with the siege. Just kill the main power clone.

The clones of the dominating power of life are under the most intense siege. Ancestor Lu Yuan, Ancient God, Qing Xing, Xi Shang Feng, Chu Yi, etc., as well as Chang Tu, Chang Fu, Chang Tian, ​​Stone Monster, Huang Shen, etc. are all facing life. Dominate the power clone attack.

The life force released by the avatar of the life dominating power formed a small immortal star map to block the surroundings. No matter how attacked, it seemed to be the most intense, but in fact it did no harm at all.

There are already many powerful people in the Human Immortal Realm, but the gap between them and the Overlord is simply out of reach. Normally, if it weren't for the specialness of this place, the remaining clones of the Overlord's power would be non-aggressive, and they would not be qualified to take action.

As long as they are aggressive, the number of people who can enter this ancient city to fight will be reduced by more than half.

The real battlefield at this moment is the siege against the Death Lord's power clone.

The darkness of death submerged the eyes. All around, those who besieged the Death Lord's power clone were the four most powerful ones, and on the outside were the four three-way strong men Gu, Bao, Biao, and Kou. They tried to reduce the number of Death Lord's power clones to escape as much as possible. scope.

They know very well that once the clone of the Death Lord's power cannot be guarded, it will turn against the ancients.

Going against the past is absolutely not allowed.

Lu Yin never thought about asking anyone to go against the past, but only used it to threaten the master.

The reason is that the master is not willing to go against the past.

Once you go against the past, whoever loses the most will care the most.

Cause and effect is like a lotus blooming, "Thousand-faced cause and effect - refers to the heavenly wheel." Qinglian Shangyu released a special skill. With unlimited life, his whole body was extremely dazzling, and the power of the special skill at this moment was completely different from before. It was completely different. This power of cause and effect even made the clones of the master of cause and effect look sideways. Causes the birth chart to vibrate.

Hunji bared his teeth and said: "There is no peak to be the strongest, there is no life to be immortal, there is no extreme attack, there are three no boundaries."

The boiling white air rises into the sky and turns into five-style claws to claw towards the dark death.

Chang Zhuo also has unlimited life, and they all use their strongest attacks to fall into the darkness. The third level of the Sky Eye is absolutely invincible.

Gu Yuan breathed out, watching the darkness being torn apart continuously, and attacks falling on the dark eyes one after another, recalling everything in the past, "My father Ling Xiao, who used the sword to open a square inch, once created the invincible skill of the sword, I know Only in the past half. However, he has been trapped by cause and effect for countless years, and he has used the truth and falsehood to see through the world, and created the other half of the invincible technique. "

He raised his hand, raised his sword, and slashed out with one sword. It was ordinary. However, this sword completely tore through the darkness. It struck the dark eyes before the other three people, and cut out a crack. What followed was The clone of the Death Lord's power continued to wail and retreat.

This sword is the pinnacle of Gu Yuan's power.

Shocking the other three people.

But he failed to truly kill the power clone of the Death Lord.

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