Star Odyssey

Chapter 5392: Dead

Fate did not tell everyone that the God of Death betrayed Lu Yin and that Lord Mi attacked Lu Yin. Once she told everyone, the entire Xiangcheng would collapse.

She knew that Lu Yin was in danger. In the future, once Lord Mi succeeded, he would definitely take over Xiangcheng. Even the ancestor could not stop this. Therefore, it was the most foolish to let the people of Xiangcheng be hostile to Lord Mi now.

No matter what Lord Mi's purpose was.

In the end, the beneficiaries were not only himself, but also the entire human civilization.

The one who felt the most sorry was naturally Lu Yin.

The ancestor talked with everyone for a long time. In the end, everyone dispersed, and only Fate and the God of Death were left.

"Tell me, what are you hiding? I know you too well."

Fate raised his eyes and looked at the God of Death.

The God of Death was as calm as water, as if nothing had happened.

The ancestor also looked at the God of Death: "Chu Heizi, tell me."

The God of Death still didn't say anything.

Fate sneered: "Why, can't you say it? Or dare not say it? Afraid that the master will clean up the sect?"

Death looked at the ancestor: "I helped Lord Mi to plot against Lu Yin."

This sentence made the ancestor's expression change drastically, and his head was roaring and exploding. This feeling was heavier than facing the four masters directly.

He almost couldn't believe what he heard: "What did you say?"

Death was very calm, so calm that it was scary: "I helped Lord Mi to plot against Lu Yin."

The ancestor stared at the death blankly, as if they had just met for the first day.

Fate clenched his fists and almost couldn't help but beat him again.

The calmer the death was, the angrier she was.

"Why?" The ancestor didn't understand, he had lost too much experience.

Death looked at the ancestor: "Lu Yin can have a 10% chance of transcending the master in the future, but Lord Mi has a 90% chance."

The ancestor was still waiting for the death to speak, but the death was going to say just this one sentence.

"No more?"

"No more."

"That's all?"

"What else do you want?"

Destiny couldn't help it and kicked him, causing the Death God to fall to the ground in a mess.

"Chu Heizi, you, you." Destiny didn't know what to say. There was an indescribable frustration in her heart, making her unable to curse even if she wanted to.

The Death God slowly stood up and looked at her calmly: "I'm standing firm, continue?"

Destiny was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood.

The First Ancestor waved his hand weakly: "You go."

Destiny looked at the First Ancestor: "Master."

The First Ancestor suddenly looked much older, "Let's go."

The Death God turned and left.

Destiny gritted his teeth, kicked him away again, and then left.

At the original place, the First Ancestor looked at the starry sky for a long time, then came to the outside of Xiangcheng, closed his eyes, and released his consciousness crazily.

In an instant, everyone in Xiangcheng noticed it.

With Xiangcheng as the center, it spreads to the endless distance. At the same time, the mirage left in the universe, all the forbidden areas of consciousness burst out with the power of consciousness, and spread to the entire universe with the voice of the ancestor: "Zhu Zi, where are you? Come back."

"Zhu Zi, where are you? Come back."

"Zhu Zi, where are you? Come back."

Countless voices spread throughout the universe, attracting countless cosmic creatures to look at the starry sky. They all heard it. Although they couldn't understand it, the call and desire in the voice moved countless creatures.

In Xiangcheng, fate closed its eyes.

The god of death came to the top of the city again, looking at the starry sky, his eyes were always calm.

Wang Chenchen leaned against the tree, his eyes were sad.

The calls made everyone in Xiangcheng stop what they were doing, facing the statue of Lu Yin nearby, and slowly knelt down: "Lord Lu, come back."

"Please, come back."

"Come back."

The four masters were moved at a distance of an inch.

They didn't expect that human civilization would be so united, which is not seen in any other civilization. Especially the ancestor actually spent a huge consciousness to call Lu Yin. Doesn't he cherish those powers belonging to the master level? How much these consciousnesses are consumed is really consumed, unless he breaks through the master.

He is willing to pay such a high price to call back Lu Yin.

Far away, on the meteorite, Lu Yin heard it, and heard the call of the ancestor with his remaining meager consciousness, but he was unable to respond, and couldn't even move a finger.

Not far away, Mizhu opened his eyes with a complicated look, "If it is possible, who would be willing to do such a thing? The compensation I can give is to fulfill your wish and let civilization reach the top, and your achievements will never be erased, go with peace of mind."

The voice Lu Yin heard became lower and lower, and no matter how the ancestor called, he gradually couldn't hear it.

In the end, the consciousness was blank.

Death, is it darkness or rebirth? It is said that after death, another life will appear, so what about half-dead?

Everything in the old era will be goodbye.

However, the future will not be far away.

After a while, Wang Wen arrived, facing Mizhu, and bowed slowly: "How are you, senior?"

Mizhu did not even turn his head: "Very good."

Wang Wen looked up and looked expectantly: "Then, what about this junior?"

Mizhu turned around and looked at Wang Wen. For a moment, Wang Wen dreamed of a long time ago, as if he had returned to the Nine-Leisure Era, as if he was facing Mizhu and Mr. Zizai again.

At that time, they left a seal in his body that could never be broken.

This seal is heavier than the one left by the six masters. It has nothing to do with cultivation, but the understanding of humans by humans. They gave him an emotional seal.

The birth of living beings is the most in line with the laws of the universe. Any subsequent changes are away from the laws of the universe. So living beings will get closer and closer to death, die, disperse, and be born again as new lives. This is a cycle.

Why did Wang Wen cultivate the power of fantasy? Because thinking is the slowest way to cultivate away from the laws of the universe.

But Mizhu and Mr. Zizai left all kinds of power in his body that could make him very strong. These powers did not belong to him, but they could be used by him. In this way, his original intention of cultivating the power of fantasy changed.

Let me ask, he can find a way to break the seal left by the six masters to restrict his cultivation. But how can he reduce his own cultivation that has been improved? Transform and cultivate again? He originally belongs to the blood inheritance of the king. Once he transforms and cultivates again, he will no longer be himself.

So he needs Mizhu to take back the power that does not belong to him.

Wang Wen kept the posture of saluting and did not move.

Mi Zhu looked at him quietly: "You keep calling me senior, this is not right, you are the king, the king is you, and the king's life span is not less than mine."

Wang Wen respectfully: "I am not the king, the king is dead. I will always be Wang Wen."

Mi Zhu looked at him deeply, then raised his hand and pointed it at Wang Wen in the air. He didn't see him do anything. Wang Wen only felt that his body was empty, and many familiar but not belonging to him disappeared in an instant, such as physical strength. He felt that he became much weaker in an instant.

But this kind of weakness is the real him.

The power he had before came from Mi Zhu.

"Thank you, senior."

Mi Zhu retracted his gaze: "Just abide by the agreement."

Wang Wen looked at Lu Yin: "Then, senior, are you willing to give him to me?"

Mi Zhu also looked at Lu Yin and was silent for a moment: "What will you do?"

"Kill him, use him as an opportunity to gain the trust of the four masters, and let the four masters feel at ease to transform and rebuild, giving senior a chance to truly break through." Wang Wen said.

Mi Zhu didn't speak, just looked at Lu Yin.

Wang Wen said: "Senior, if Lu Yin is not dead, the four masters will not give up. Time will only drag on. The longer it drags on, the higher the possibility that you will be exposed."

"The last step of the great plan is to give you enough time to break through."

"This time must be when the four masters transform and rebuild. At that time, you can not only practice and break through, but also kill the four masters after the breakthrough. They transform and rebuild, and their combat power cannot stop you at all."

"This is the real great plan."

The Lord Mi retracted his gaze, and then disappeared.

Wang Wen slowly stood up, exhaled, walked towards Lu Yin, squatted down, looked at Lu Yin as if he was dead, and shook his head: "Master Qizi, goodbye." After speaking, he fell with a palm and slapped Lu Yin's forehead fiercely.

Watching Lu Yin's breath completely disappear.

He smiled bitterly: "Why do I feel like the times have completely changed? This new era is very boring without you." After speaking, he took him up and dragged him out of the main river of time, heading towards the ancient city of time.

Not long after, the Lord of Time asked the other three Lords to return to the Ancient City of Time.

They saw Lu Yin.

No one believed Lu Yin's body.

They all felt like they were dreaming.

"He, died?"

"Really dead?"

Wang Wen smiled: "As the four seniors have seen, Lu Yin is dead."

Shi Jian looked at Wang Wen, then at Lu Yin, still couldn't believe it.

Xiang Siyu was shocked. Lu Yin was actually dead. It was incredible. It felt to them like the death of the Lord of Death.

Only the Lord can kill the Lord, and only the Lord can kill Lu Yin. Lu Yin and they are already at the same level.

He died just like that.

It's too absurd.

But this is Lu Yin, they confirmed it.

Shi Jian dragged out the years.

Sheng Shang checked the cause and effect.

The Lord of Life tore open Lu Yin's flesh and blood. No problem, this is Lu Yin.

Lu Yin is already dead, and his power has been deprived and it can't be seen. A dead person naturally has nothing.

All they can check is time and cause and effect. However, no matter time or cause and effect, they have been erased by Mizhu. Just let them confirm that the body is Lu Yin's.

"How did he die?" Shengshang asked Wang Wen.

Facing the gazes of the four masters, Wang Wen said frankly: "He was already seriously injured by the four seniors, and I just need to take the opportunity to add another knife after he was seriously injured."

"Is it that simple?"

"The four seniors underestimated their own strength?"

"Even if Lu Yin was seriously injured, you can't kill him easily."

Wang Wen smiled and said: "Seniors, you forgot that there is a characteristic of the junior's attack."

"Traitor." Xiang Siyu said.

At this time, Shengshang's eyes were deep. Traitors, they have a deep understanding. Wang Wen didn't know how long he had been planning, and he had planted traitors around them. It was cruel enough.

"Who is the traitor next to Lu Yin?" Xiang Siyu asked. She knew a lot about human civilization. After all, she had been there for a while. Ordinary traitors could not hurt him at all.

Wang Wen smiled, turned his head and looked at the years, going downstream, and a person was approaching.

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