Star Odyssey

Chapter 821 Lu Yin’s Secret

Just when everyone was busy making up a glorious image for Lu Yin, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a woman rushed in with a panicked expression, "Sister Ya, it's not good, please check the Internet."

Xiaoya immediately opened her personal terminal. At the same time, countless people in the outer universe saw the network and saw a shocking secret.

In Zhenyu Star, Lu Yin came to the space station and planned to go to the Qianrong territory. He wanted to personally supervise the battle. Even if Wei Rong really had a back-up plan, he wanted to be the first to know.

At this time, Gwen, Pilu and others came over in panic and stopped Lu Yin, "Your Highness, look at the Internet."

Lu Yin's heart sank, and he immediately opened his personal terminal and saw the network. His expression changed drastically. He had calculated everything, but he didn't expect that Wei Rong would use his secret.

His resume is overwhelming on the Internet. He has experienced trials on Earth, walked out of Earth to participate in the Ten Academy Competition, etc. Normal people know these, but what Wei Rong exposed was not these, but his experiences before going to Earth. , such as the Ten Judgment Trial, a piece of paper with the surname Lu.

A piece of paper with the surname Lu, and seventy-two human lives, is what Lu Yin cares about most. This is the motivation for his cultivation. Now, the entire outer universe knows it.

He, Lu Yin, is not a legal unique surname from ancient times. He was once tried by the Ten Judgment. With the surname of Lu, he was expelled from the inner universe. He only stayed on the earth for one year. The point is that he was tried by the Ten Jue. The identity of the surname is illegal.

The universe has a strong prejudice against the ancient unique surname. Any person with the ancient unique surname without legal identity is like a rat crossing the street, especially in the inner universe. Once discovered, although it is not so exaggerated to kill, they will be expelled.

The eldest sister and the others were expelled from the inner universe because his surname was illegal.

Although the outer universe is not as exaggerated as the inner universe, it still has a strong prejudice against illegal ancient people with unique surnames.

More importantly, the Hall of Glory is even more prejudiced against people with illegal ancient unique surnames.

Everyone knows that Lu Yin is backed by the Hall of Glory. Now that his identity has been exposed, will the Hall of Glory protect him? Is it still possible to save him?

Even if the Hall of Glory wants to protect him, now that the entire outer universe knows it, how can the Hall of Glory protect him under countless eyes?

What do those in the outer universe who fight for him think? What do the various forces in the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance think? What do the coalition think? How can a person with a unique surname from ancient times without legal identity become the leader of the alliance? Why start a war?

This is equivalent to a thief who wants to be the emperor. How can those close nobles agree, and how can those who are well-educated and sensible agree?

Lu Yin didn't expect that Wei Rong would actually let out this secret.

All this time, he has not told anyone this secret. As for hiding it, it is impossible. He can eventually find it out if he wants to, but no one will think about it. His identity has always been normal, and no one will check it out. Thinking of being used by Wei Rong today.

The war in the Qianrong Territory stopped instantly, and the disciples of Taimo Hall stopped taking action. They received the order from the headmaster and stayed in place to watch the changes.

In the Qianrong territory, many people from various major forces in the inner universe suddenly appeared, joining the Wei family to face the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance coalition forces.

Some of these people are from the Baiye Clan, some are from the Beixingliu Realm, some are from the Xun Family, etc. Their purpose is very simple, to expel Lu Yin and restore the universe's attitude towards the ancient unique surname.

The forces in the inner universe are not comparable to those in the outer universe. The strength of any disciple is not weak. The intimidation of these people far exceeds that of the Dark Phoenix Clan, even if they are not strong at the level of Euphanias.

This represents the attitude of the inner universe.

Countless people looked at Zhen Yuxing, waiting for the reaction from the Hall of Glory.

Wei Rong was very satisfied. He had investigated this secret after he left Taiyuan Star. If he wanted to deal with a person, he had to know everything about him. This was his habit.

He has never used this secret, and has never told anyone. He is just waiting for this moment. He wants Lu Yin to reach the top and then fall to his death.

Only by gathering the focus of the entire universe and releasing this news can the news spread throughout the outer universe immediately, forcing the Hall of Glory to give up on Lu Yin. If one person must be chosen to unify the outer universe, he is the most suitable.

Of course, he was also gambling on the impact of the illegal ancient identity on the Hall of Glory. Just as he said to Yi Feng, take a gamble.

Fairy Nalan looked at the starry sky with complicated eyes. She had found out this secret a long time ago, but never told it. Now she has almost forgotten it. If she had known that Wei Rong would find out this secret, she should have told Lu Yin so that Lu Yin could Get ready, it's too late now.

The identity of the ancient unique surname is illegal. No one knows what the disadvantages are. But one thing is that the entire universe must reject the ancient unique surname. This is the memory flowing in the blood.

The Hall of Glory is particularly repulsive to people with illegal ancient unique surnames, and Lu Yin has a hard time getting through this.

Lu Yin looked at the Internet calmly and returned to Zishan Palace.

Piru, Gwen and others didn't say a word, they just bent over and looked heavy.

The sudden blow greatly stimulated them. Once Lu Yin's illegal identity was confirmed, everything would be over for him, and he might even face trial in the Hall of Glory. At this moment, there was a strong man in the Hall of Glory Enlightenment Realm on Zhenyu Planet. Their faces are pale. Is the glory of the Daewoo Empire destined to be short-lived?

Wendy Yushan looked at the introduction on the Internet. She didn't care about the identity of the ancient single surname. Lu Yin's surname was not Lu for a day or two. What she cared about was that Lu Yin had such an experience before. When this person was brought back to Zhenyu Xing, the Daewoo Empire checked his origin, but failed to find it. Unexpectedly, he was even judged by the Ten Judgment in the inner universe.

Ku Wei looked at the introduction on the Internet with great interest. This war was really interesting. It was full of tricks. It was not just the army, but also the tactics and conspiracy. The one who was good at maintaining the power actually fought the war like this. .

Wei Rong taught Lu Yin a classic lesson. The war was fought not only on the field, but also off the field.

Generally speaking, the secrets revealed by Wei Rong are enough to make everything he has gained disappear. Even if he doesn't die, there will be no chance of a comeback. But that was before the bloody bell was seen by Elder Ruohua. Now, is he afraid?

He calmly contacted Elder Ruohua, and soon the image of Elder Ruohua appeared.

"Elder, this junior is in trouble," Lu Yin said respectfully.

Elder Ruohua looked at Lu Yin strangely, "How does Alliance Leader Lu want to respond to the news on the Internet?" He was testing because he didn't know Lu Yin's identity, but the information on the Internet was definitely fake and illegal. How could someone with the sole surname have a chief referee's warrant?

Lu Yin said, "Please ask the elders to help clarify the legality of this junior's identity."

"How to clarify?" Elder Ruohua asked.

Lu Yin straightened up, "If the elder doesn't know how to clarify, maybe this can help you." As he said that, Lu Yin took out the bloody bell.

The moment Elder Ruohua saw the bloody bell, his expression changed drastically and he blurted out, "You know what this is, right? You don't have amnesia at all."

Lu Yin said in a low voice, "Junior has indeed lost his memory. I don't remember some things, but some things have some impressions, such as", as he said that, he pointed at the bloody bell.

Elder Ruohua said hurriedly, "Okay, I know, I will help Alliance Leader Lu clarify."

Lu Yin nodded, "Thank you, elder" and said, putting away the bell.

Elder Ruohua closed the communication.

Lu Yin breathed a sigh of relief, the lies were getting bigger and bigger, but if he didn't do this, he couldn't maintain everything he had now.

The war in the Qianrong Territory has stopped, and many people's attitudes towards him have changed. With his illegal ancient surname, this identity must continue to be hidden, and the only thing that can help him is to stand in the hall of glory for the righteousness of mankind.

The whole universe's prejudice against illegal ancient surnames comes from the Hall of Glory, and only the Hall of Glory can help him.

Elder Ruohua was very efficient, or the Hall of Glory was really influential. After more than an hour, all the previous secrets about Lu Yin were removed from the Internet. At the same time, many influential people appeared to support Lu Yin. It proved that he was not an illegal ancient surname, and many forces were also affected by something, and the wind direction changed suddenly.

The Hall of Glory will not publicly declare on the Internet, but with its influence, it can forcefully reverse the unfavorable situation for Lu Yin.

Wei Rong originally planned to unite all forces in the inner universe to counterattack the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance after Lu Yin lost power, at least to destroy the old enemy of the Six Finger Clan, but the change in the wind direction made him unexpected. When he was confirmed, his heart sank. After hitting rock bottom and losing the bet, Lu Yin also had a backup plan.

Today, the only thing in the outer universe that can influence everyone is the Hall of Glory. Although the inner and outer universes are isolated and the power of the Hall of Glory is greatly reduced, its influence is still terrifying. He did not expect that the support of the Hall of Glory to Lu Yin would be so firm, so firm that even his I don't care about identity.

He was sure that what he found was true, but the fact that the Hall of Glory still took action for Lu Yin could only mean that Lu Yin was on guard.

Wei Rong immediately asked the people of the Wei family to evacuate the Ancestral Star. At the same time, he dialed a contact number and said something, but he was not as confident as before.

Putting down his personal terminal, Wei Rong said bitterly, "I was still a little impatient. I thought I was strategizing, but I found that the enemy was far more powerful than I imagined. Whether we can save the Wei family depends on God's will."

All the forces in the inner universe immediately left the Qianrong territory after the wind direction changed, without even saying a single hello, which was much simpler than the forces of the Dieying Clan who retreated.

After two days of repairs, the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance forces relaunched the war. This time, everyone was sure of the outcome and it would not change again. Weirong used all his methods. If he could still change the outcome at this time, it was not a matter of means. The problem is fate.

Lu Yin boarded the spaceship heading to the Qianrong territory. He did not believe that Wei Rong had a backup plan this time. He must destroy the Wei family and Wei Rong.

The Wei family is like the last fireworks in the starry sky, about to disappear.

It took the coalition forces three days to break through the Wei family's last defense. Yi Feng led a group of interpreters loyal to him to resist, but was still defeated. The coalition forces were already very close to the Wei family's ancestral planet.

Wanqian City, Qiong Xier sighed, "We were defeated in the end and could not stop the general trend."

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