Star Odyssey

Chapter 847 Why are you angry?

The border was temporarily stable. However, in the distant unknown star field, on the planet with a huge mechanical arm, Xun Qianye walked out of the starry sky. Behind him were huge mechanical giants, one after another, flying into the starry sky and heading towards the outer universe. .

Xun Qianye's eyes were fierce, "Lu Yin, this time, it's over."

At the junction of Canglan Territory and Beigong Territory, a technologically advanced planet is building a second space station. In the distance, a cylindrical warhead erupting flames flies into the starry sky and hits a desolate planet far away. The desolate planet A continent was blasted into pieces, magma erupted underground, and red hurricanes raged in the sky.

Countless people on the planet cheered. This weapon was named 'Gewu Bomb' by them. After testing, the combat power reached 8,000. This is just a Gewu bomb. This bomb is just a part of the super Gewu bomb. The real super The Gewu bomb is assembled from hundreds of Gewu bombs, forming an attack that can wipe out the planet in one blow, with a combat power of at least 30,000.

Although this planet is technologically advanced, it does not have a cultivation civilization. It has only made initial contact with the Daewoo Empire and is still under surveillance.

It's amazing that a bomb that threatens the power of the Exploration Realm can be developed with pure technological power.

The Daewoo Empire cultivators monitoring the planet quickly reported to Lu Tingge that the military might be interested in this bomb.

At this time, within the planet, one after another Gewu bombs flew out, assembled in the starry sky, forming a real super Gewu bomb and bombarded the desolate planet. This blow was enough to destroy the planet.

Everyone looked at it.

When the bomb was about to hit the planet, a huge creature suddenly appeared and grabbed the super bomb. It was an extremely huge mechanical giant, and the super bomb exploded in the hands of the mechanical giant.

However, the result was shocking. The mechanical giant was not injured at all, but his palms were slightly darker.

Countless people were stunned, not understanding where this mechanical giant came from.

The cultivators of the Daewoo Empire who were monitoring the planet felt something was wrong and wanted to contact Lu Tingge, but found that they could not be contacted and the signal was interrupted. Then their vision went dark and they knew nothing.

After a while, the mechanical giant left, leaving behind only a shattered planet and countless people on the verge of death.

This scene not only happened in Canglan territory, but also in other territories.

The mechanical giant came suddenly, and its combat power reached a level close to the hunting level. That's okay. What's even more terrifying is that the mechanical giant can launch a beam of power close to the enlightenment level. Although it only has the power of one blow, after the launch, the entire mechanical body It will explode, but it will be enough.

The powerful hunter in the Beigong Territory was instantly killed.

Zhenyuxing, the Cabinet, Lu Zhengge, and Lu Tingge all received the news and also saw the picture of the mechanical giant.

The picture was sent back by Yan Yan. He fought with the mechanical giant and destroyed a giant. The mechanical giant fired a beam before it exploded. He was hit and seriously injured.

There is more than one mechanical giant, and dozens of them have appeared in Canglan territory.

The cabinet issued an urgent order, and the 13th Imperial Court team was dispatched. The captains of each team took action to eliminate the mechanical giant.

More and more mechanical giants enter the outer universe from the unknown star field, causing monstrous killings.

The Hall of Glory quickly learned the news and found out that these mechanical giants came from the Science and Technology Star Territory and were the Technological Star Territory's trump card against the outer universe, with the purpose of diverting border forces.

The border gathers powerful people from all areas of the outer universe. Their families and friends are all in their respective territories. The purpose of guarding the border is to protect their families. Once they know that their family members are in crisis, their military morale will inevitably be unstable.

In desperation, in order to take the overall situation into consideration, the Hall of Glory blocked the news and did not let the news of the mechanical giant's appearance reach the border. At the same time, the second batch of cultivators who originally supported the border were all used to sweep away the mechanical giant.

These people include Meng Tianlong, Mu Nishang and other heads of major sects and families.

Not only that, the Hall of Glory also contacted people from the previous inner universe forces who had been hiding in the outer universe, such as the White Night Clan, Sword Sect, Beixing Liujie, etc., forcing them to take action to eliminate the mechanical giant.

The strength of the mechanical giant is equivalent to that of an ordinary hunting realm, but it can emit light beams that are close to the power of a strong person in the enlightenment realm, causing the death of a large number of cultivators.

Lu Yin, who was far away at the border, had no idea about this.

The Science and Technology Star Territory didn't seem to have any intention of promoting it, which puzzled the Hall of Glory. They were ready to hear the news from the border, but the border had been quiet.

In the Canglan territory, Zhenyu Star is facing a formidable enemy. The mechanical giant is so fast that he doesn’t know where it will appear from. Two days ago, a mechanical giant attacked Zhenyu Star. Fortunately, Zhenyu Star does not lack hunting-level warriors. Only then did he destroy the mechanical giant.

Walking on the streets of Zhenyuxing, Xun Qianye raised his personal terminal and sent out something. He raised his head and his eyes were cold, "Lu Yin, you are asking for your own death. Don't blame me." After saying that, he raised his head and saw Zishan Palace. The corners of his mouth curled up. With a cold arc, he turned around and almost hit someone.

In front of his eyes, a large flag was erected, with seven characters shining brightly - 'The Ninth Grandpa of the Star-Cathering Girl'.

What the hell? Xun Qianye was stunned and took a step back, Caixingnu? Grandpa Nine?

Behind the banner, Xuan Jiu walked out in a gray plain robe and looked at Xun Qianye with bright eyes, "Old friend, how are you?".

Xun Qianye frowned, "Who are you?".

Xuan Jiu put a hand on Xun Qianye's shoulder and said very enthusiastically, "Old friend, it's me, don't you remember? Your Grandpa Jiu."

Xun Qianye almost lost his temper, "How dare you scold me?" and he was about to take action.

Xuan Jiu said hurriedly, "Old friend, I really don't remember? I hugged you when you were a child, and you peed all over me. The urine was vigorous and powerful."

Xun Qianye raised his hand, and the star energy turned into a strange chain to bind Xuan Jiu. His eyes were cold and he said, "You are looking for death."

At this time, from a distance, a figure came very quickly, landed beside the two of them, and stared at Xuan Jiu, "Fortune teller, please tell me whether I can go in."

The visitor is Ku Wei, who has been looking for Xuan Jiu.

One day when Lu Yin was elected as the leader of the alliance, Ku Wei met Xuan Jiu. Xuan Jiu saw outside the imperial palace that he came to the outer universe to enter the Starry Sky Tomb. This was indeed the case, which shocked Ku Wei. But Xuan Jiu Calculating that he would never be able to enter the tomb in this life, Ku Wei became anxious.

After receiving the qualification from the Yu family this time, the first thing he thought of was Xuan Jiu. He wanted Xuan Jiu to see if he could get in. No matter how the outside world commented on Xuan Jiu, this person had indeed figured out his purpose of coming to the outer universe. .

Xuan Jiu was impatient and said, "I have met an old friend, so I won't let you count."

Ku Wei raised his eyebrows and looked at Xun Qianye.

Xun Qianye was holding a star energy chain, which had just been interrupted by Ku Wei. Now he glanced at it and saw that he was only in the exploration realm. He didn't care, and the chain was drawn directly to Xuan Jiu, "If you speak without restraint, I will make your life worse than death."

Xuan Jiu screamed and quickly backed away, "Old friend, why are you angry?".

Ku Wei stepped forward, grabbed the chain, and stared at Xun Qianye, "You are so brave. You dare to do it on Zhenyu Star, and you dare to do it in front of your Viagra. Why, do you have a mineral star at home?".

"Junior is seeking death!" great.

Ku Wei was angry, "Okay, Viagra has been in the universe for so many years, this is the first time I have encountered such a crazy person. Viagra is also the captain of the tenth team of the Imperial Court. How dare you be cruel?" With that, the field was released, and Xun was directly The earthquake that blocked the Qianye blockage was scattered, and the soaring star energy exploded, causing the Zhenyu star to shake.

Xun Qianye didn't expect that the person in front of him was so powerful. He was definitely not an ordinary exploration level. He was another genius. He was the captain of the tenth team of the Royal Court? Trouble, thinking, he jumped up and wanted to escape from Zhen Yuxing.

Currently, there are experts on Zhenyu Planet, and he doesn't want to cause trouble.

But he wants to leave, but Ku Wei won't let him go. Anyone who offends him will have to peel off their skin even if they don't die. Even if it's Lu Yin, it doesn't matter if he can't beat him. He's just relying on Zhen Yuxing. He's disgusted to death. Who would let that happen? The guy threatened him, this is his Viagra style, the little old man still wants to run away?

"One-finger Zen" Ku Wei shouted lowly, and the high-altitude field condensed into one finger, crushing it. One finger was thousands of feet high, which was extremely spectacular. What was even more terrifying was that as the One-finger Zen appeared, a strange aura surrounded it, making Xun Qianye had no idea of ​​resisting. He was horrified that the combat skills performed by an exploration realm person actually affected his mind. This person's background was definitely extraordinary.

Xun Qianye is a strong man in the hunting realm and a member of the Xun family in the inner universe. His strength is also not weak. The Xun family's mechanism skills are famous in the universe. The star energy turns into strange forms and is superimposed layer by layer, blocking the one-finger Zen. Twinkle tries to escape from Zhenyu Star.

Ku Wei was surprised, the little old man is pretty good!

Suddenly, the flames of the void burned and swept across all directions, shrouding Xun Qianye inside. On the outside, the cold air isolated the sky and the earth, turning into ice to separate the sky and the earth.

Xun Qianye took action, scattering the flames, and the attack cracked the ice. With his strength, he was not afraid of Huo Qingshan, Snow Mountain Ona and others. However, as the dazzling light erupted, Xun Qianye's eyes were almost blinded and he subconsciously avoided it. He opened his position, but was still successfully attacked by Ku Wei. He penetrated Xun Qianye's thigh with one finger and knocked him down on the ice, with blood staining the ice.

Ku Wei smiled strangely, "Super flash tear gas, that guy Lu Yin is a bit crooked, I can think of something like this, it's quite miraculous, haha."

Xun Qianye was extremely angry, and only then could he see clearly the surroundings. Huo Qing Mountain, Snow Mountain Ona and Ku Wei surrounded him, "Little old man, be honest, you don't look like a good person."

"It turns out to be Xun Qianye, one of the most wanted criminals in the empire, arrest him," Huo Qingshan shouted.

When Xun Qianye was arrested, he said Nuo was crazy, "Let me go, and you will be in great danger. The Canglan Territory, no, the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance will be destroyed. Let me go, and I can spare your lives."

"The little old man is crazy." Ku Wei was surprised. He suddenly remembered something and looked down. Xuan Jiu had disappeared long ago.

Huo Qingshan and Snow Mountain Ona looked at each other, and both saw the worry in the other's eyes.

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