Star Odyssey

Chapter 922 Simo Stars

Biannan Territory is not well-known. It was originally just a foil for the Endless Territory. However, since the border was moved, Biannan Territory has become famous in the outer universe.

The Dark Phoenix Tribe, the Endless Shipping Headquarters, etc., all the major forces that once dominated the Endless Territory have moved to the Borderland. Coupled with the existence of the border, the Borderland is now considered one of the most important territories in the outer universe.

The Simo Stars are where the headquarters of Endless Shipping is located. One Simo star surrounds twenty-two satellites, representing the twenty-two exploration teams recognized by Endless Shipping.

Outside the Simo stars, a spaceship appeared. The sign of endless shipping was engraved on the outside, and inside the spaceship was the Yanghai team who had dealt with Lu Yin.

For internal competitions, each team will show up whenever they have time.

Yang Hai looked at Si Mo's stars with emotion and recalled the difficult journey from joining Endless Shipping to now. He also participated in internal competitions, stood out, was valued by a team, and then stepped forward step by step. , it is a pity that the team disappeared while exploring the new route. Disappearance means death.

"Captain, who will be sent to participate in the competition this time?" a practitioner behind Yang Hai asked.

Yang Hai thought for a while and said, "It doesn't matter. The battle at the border attracted many development teams from the unknown star field. They sent people to participate in the battle. Even if I go there in person, I am no match. You pick one."

"Yes, Captain".

The same scene happened in many teams. The Unknown Star Territory Development Team and the Outer Universe Development Team are two different concepts. Vice Team Mo of Fenghua Team has the peak combat power of the Hunting Realm. In terms of strength, it even surpasses Yang Hai. This is Unknown Star. The strength of the domain development team.

Some people are unwilling to be lonely and are determined to win the competition. For example, the Stone Team who supports the border war has sent a genius who is said to be capable of shouldering the mission of the times in the future. He is known as the Little Stone Man. A stone man with unlimited talent for reorganization, he is not a human being, but he can still be regarded Human beings are very strange beings.

There is also a team that has sent out super masters whose fighting spirit has reached the eighth level. Their own strength has reached almost the peak of the hunting realm. They are very powerful and surpass the captain of the outer universe development team.

People who have never been to Simo Stars cannot understand the horror of Endless Shipping. Although they are the loosest organization and never participate in battles. They mostly make money by shipping, but in terms of hidden strength, once word spreads, it will shock countless people. It can't be compared to Aegis in its heyday.

There are two Enlightenment Realm powerhouses in a Fenghua Team, and Stone Team is also an Enlightenment Realm powerhouse, with a combat strength of 290,000. This is not the full strength of Endless Shipping.

If these people didn't only think about adventurous exploration, the strength of Endless Shipping would be enough to make people in the Hall of Glory in the outer universe fearful.

The Fenghua Team's spaceship arrived at the Simo Stars and landed directly on the planet belonging to the Fenghua Team.

It was just an ordinary planet with ordinary scenery, ordinary human geography, and nothing worthy of Lu Yin's attention. He followed Deputy Mo directly to Star Simo, which was the center point of endless shipping.

The Simo Star was very big and solid. At first glance, Lu Yin saw many majestic runes. Although they did not reach the Enlightenment Realm, many of them reached the Hunting Realm.

He couldn't help but be speechless. The hidden strength of Endless Shipping was indeed terrifying. Any development team could surpass the original Daewoo Empire.

However, these development teams cannot be regarded as the real strength of Endless Shipping. Once Endless Shipping reveals its desire to compete for power and profit, it is hard to say how many of these development teams will be left. They only love adventure and exploration and are united together to obtain the organization of Endless Shipping. support, otherwise it may fall apart at any time.

Lieutenant Mo is calm and honest on the surface, but in fact he likes to go to bars and other romantic places, which Lu Yin is not used to, and he has no interest in these.

"Leader Lu, since you're here, relax a little. There are still a few days left for the competition." Vice Captain Mo brought two glasses of wine and handed one to Lu Yin with a smile.

Lu Yin said, "Just call me Ah Qi."

Vice Captain Mo laughed, "There are probably very few people in the outer universe who can call you that. It's an honor for me."

Lu Yin shook his head. There was noise everywhere in his ears. Most people were discussing who would win this time, and the one who talked the most was the Little Stone Man.

There's even an image of a little stone man appearing on the bar's screen.

Lu Yin took a look and was quite surprised. This couldn't be considered a human being at all, it was simply made up of small stones.

There are various environments in the outer universe. As the years change, people in many places will change to adapt to the local environment. But this is the first time Lu Yin has seen such a complete change.

"If you ask me, there is no suspense in this competition. It must be the Little Stone Man. No one can beat him. Even if he is scattered, he will regroup."

"No, I think it's Brother Qiang. Brother Qiang is a master of eight lines of fighting spirit, and he is at the pinnacle of the hunting realm."

"No, no, I think someone from the Enlightenment Realm may take action. I heard that the two captains of the Fenghua Team are back. What can't those two shameless old men do?"

"Also, if they play, Team Stone will play again. Others don't have to fight, just watch them play."

After hearing what these people said, Lu Yin glanced at Deputy Captain Mo and found that he was not angry at all. He seemed to be used to it, or maybe the two old men Fenghua had done similar things before.

"If the powerful ones in the Enlightenment Realm don't fight, who do you think will be the real unsolvable one?" Someone asked loudly after drinking too much, "Whoever answers the right answer will get all the drinks this round."

"Fart, everyone has their own reasons. Who can convince others? You bastard always pretends to be bold and says things that cannot be argued with." Someone broke the story, and the people around him immediately started to boo.

The man waved his hand and said, "It's not just limited to our Endless Shipping, but looking to the outer universe, I say one person you absolutely can't refute. Who can refute? I'm really guaranteed to win this round of wine."

Everyone was attracted to him, many people asked loudly, and some specifically mentioned the Ten Jue.

The man smiled proudly and said, "Except the Ten Jue", he paused and said, "Lu Yin."

As soon as these two words came out, the bar fell silent and everyone stopped talking.

Vice Captain Mo took a sip of wine and glanced to the side, a little speechless. The real owner was here.

"How about it? I can't refute it. As long as the Enlightenment Realm doesn't take action, there is no doubt that Lu Yin will win this competition," the man said proudly.

Some people were dissatisfied, "Not counting Lu Yin, he is a pervert. Let alone the Enlightenment Realm not participating in the war, to be honest, even if the Enlightenment Realm participates in the war, I think he has a great chance of winning."

"I think so too. In today's outer universe, there are two people in the Enlightenment realm who cannot be provoked. One is the Hand of the Ten Jue Gods and the other is Lu Yin. There is no suspense about either of these two people taking action," someone said.

People around started talking, and also mentioned Lu Yin's appointment with Shi Jue.

Vice Captain Mo was even more surprised. He knew that Lu Yin was famous, but he didn't expect that just one name could shock the bar and no one could refute it.

"Ah Qi, how do you feel? Are you proud?" Deputy Mo asked in Lu Yin's ear.

Lu Yin smiled lightly and said, "I'm used to it."

Vice Captain Mo was choked. Is this humility or pride? He couldn't tell the difference, he seemed drunk!

At this time, the personal terminal made a soft beep. Lu Yin glanced at it and smiled faintly. It was done. He had officially joined the Endless Shipping as Ah Qi.

The two old men Fenghua were really nice to him. Even though they knew he was Lu Yin, they still let him join. Of course, it was not ruled out that they wanted to bring the relationship between Endless Shipping and the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance closer.

"Let's go" Lu Yin put down his wine glass.

Vice Captain Mo was confused, "Leaving so soon? Only one drink, are you afraid of being recognized?".

Lu Yin nodded and slowly walked out of the bar.

Vice Captain Mo did not leave, he continued to drink.

Lu Yin has seen a lot of various scenery in the universe. Simo's stars are famous for their endless shipping, but there are not many scenery worth admiring.

Lu Yin didn't hang around much and went directly back to the Fenghua Team satellite to wait for the competition in a few days.

The internal competition of Endless Shipping did not invite anyone else, not even Elder Dagu from the Border Hall of Glory, which was just around the corner. The blockade of Simo Stars started just like that.

The venue for the competition is the Adventurer Square on the Simo Star. The square is very large, covering dozens of mountains. The area may even exceed the total area of ​​the earth. In addition, it is reinforced, so even the Enlightenment Realm can withstand fighting here.

Countless endless shipping cultivators arrived and appeared around the square, making the scene extremely noisy.

Each exploration team has a floating stand, which is similar to a spaceship. It is suspended high around the square and is superior to others. This is just one of the benefits of the exploration team.

It is this kind of differential treatment that makes countless practitioners in Endless Shipping try their best to form exploration teams.

Lu Yin stood next to Captain Fenghua, with the members of Team Fenghua behind him, all looking around the Adventurer Square.

The square is so big that it is difficult for the naked eye to see clearly around it, so there are many light curtains that can illuminate any corner.

"Huichang Yan has come out," Vice Captain Mo said in a low voice.

Lu Yin followed his gaze and looked towards the central light curtain. The image played there was also a suspended stand. There was a group of people on the stand. These people were not weak in strength. Lu Yin's face was solemn. The worst runes of these people were in the hunting realm. There is also a strong man in the Enlightenment Realm, who is the old man sitting in the middle. He is the chairman of Endless Shipping, Yan Chen.

This name is unfamiliar to most people in the outer universe. Everyone knows that Endless Shipping is one of the four major chaebols, but few people pay attention to Yan Chen, the chairman. This is related to his consistent low-key behavior, and it may also be due to the media being He was warned not to allow anything related to him.

Yan Chen pressed down with one hand, and there was silence all around the square. Everyone looked at the central light screen and looked at him.

Yanchen's face was stern and his eyes were majestic, "What is the essence of my endless shipping? Do you still remember it?".

No one spoke.

"It's adventure, it's exploration, it's the discovery of unknown new things, it's the spirit of bravery. Recently, because of some things that have happened in the outer universe, many people have forgotten our essence. Do they really think that we are money-making plutocrats? Wrong, we are Risk takers, not plutocrats.”

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