Star Odyssey

Chapter 925: Starry Sky Map

President Yan had the intention to refuse, but looking at Lu Yin's firm gaze, he knew that this man would not give up.

In the internal competition, he used this person as an example in his opening remarks, which inspired everyone in Endless Shipping. Indeed, Endless Shipping is not afraid of Lu Yin or the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance, but they are not willing to make enemies for nothing. The person in front of them is A ruthless man who assassinated hundreds of generals of the coalition forces in the Central Territory overnight, and who has countless overt and covert powers, is a very difficult person to deal with.

"President, since it's a rule, you have to follow the rules. Give it to him." Captain Shi was the first to speak, with a cold tone.

The foreign team agreed.

The two old men Fenghua agreed, and then everyone behind them agreed.

They did not develop the route to make money, but to pursue adventure and excitement. This route was just left in the dust. No one would want to go to the inner universe. Lu Yin wanted to, so there was no loss for him. The inner and outer universes were originally connected.

Seeing that everyone agreed, President Yan nodded, "Okay, since Alliance Leader Lu proposed it, I'll give it to you."

Lu Yin was overjoyed and said, "Thank you very much, President Yan."

He asked for the star map to enter the inner universe, firstly, just in case, if necessary, he might have to enter the inner universe, and secondly, to have someone guard it to prevent the Sixth Continent from attacking the outer universe through that route.

For the time being, even if there is a star map, he will not enter the inner universe. It is a battlefield of flesh and blood. Even with his strength, there is no guarantee that he will survive.

The rest of the people dispersed, and President Yan personally took Lu Yin to the place where the route map was hidden in the endless shipping headquarters of Simo Star.

Endless Shipping has too many ships, but Star Smooth doesn't have many.

President Yan brought Lu Yin outside the headquarters. Lu Yin looked around and saw the runes filling the starry sky. They were not from individuals. They were arranged. Judging from the runes, they were enough to kill 340,000 Enlightenment Realm experts in one instant. .

Lu Yin was very excited. He really wanted to deploy such a defense mechanism on True Universe Planet, otherwise anyone in the Enlightenment realm could run wild on True Universe Planet.

With a bang, a corner of the Endless Shipping Headquarters suddenly exploded, the alarm sounded, and countless people rushed towards the explosion site.

President Yan's expression changed, "Not good", he said, and immediately tore the void away.

Lu Yin frowned and stood there, staring at the place where the explosion occurred. He saw runes spreading outward along the wall. No one else noticed, not even President Yan. The runes were not very strong, that is, Around the exploration realm, but very capable of hiding.

Lu Yin's figure flashed and appeared directly under the corner of the wall, blocking the path of runes. He saw a pair of cold, dead eyes emerging from the shadows, looking at him.

New Human Alliance, Corpse King.

Lu Yin was shocked. This organization was really pervasive. He grabbed it with one hand. The void was distorted and the shadow was oppressed. The Corpse King jumped out from the shadow, raised his palm, and stabbed Lu Yin with the tips of his claws. Lu Yin snorted coldly and grabbed the Corpse King's palm. He stopped, exerted force suddenly, and with a click, the arm of the Corpse King was broken, and then his whole body was smashed to the ground by Lu Yin.

The movement here attracted the attention of many people. President Yan tore through the void and appeared, and saw the Corpse King at a glance.

The Corpse King severely broke his right arm, and merged into the shadows again, trying to escape, but he couldn't escape. Lu Yin didn't need to take action anymore, President Yan just grabbed the Corpse King and caught him.

President Yan of the "New Humanity Alliance" was shocked.

The corpse king roared and roared.

President Yan threw it out hard, and the Corpse King was crushed into bloody water by the incomparable power. There was no need to keep this kind of thing, no one could get any information from the Corpse King.

Everyone gathered around, and President Yan waved his hands to let everyone disperse, with a heavy expression on his face.

"President, what did the Corpse King do?" Lu Yin asked with a frown.

Yan Chen said in a low tone, "He destroyed the starry sky map of the inner universe."

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed, "The starry sky map is gone?"

Yan Chen sighed and looked at Lu Yin, "I didn't expect that there was actually the Corpse King of the New Humanity Alliance in the Endless Shipping Line. Leader Lu, thank you for discovering it, otherwise it would have escaped with its talent."

Lu Yin shook his head, "On Simo Star, the Corpse King can't escape, so the president doesn't need to thank me."

Yan Chen did not refute. Lu Yin was right. The Endless Shipping Headquarters had a defense mechanism that was enough to detect the presence of the Corpse King.

"President, is the starry sky map leading to the inner universe really gone?" Lu Yin asked. He couldn't understand the meaning of the New Humanity Alliance destroying this starry sky map.

Yanchen said solemnly, "The starry sky map is indeed gone."

Lu Yin frowned.

"However, if someone knows the route, they should be able to draw a starry sky map," Yan Chen said.

Lu Yin was overjoyed, "Who?".

"Captain of the Luolan Team," Yan Chen said.

Lu Yin was surprised, "President, you don't know the route either?".

Yan Chen smiled bitterly, "Can Alliance Leader Lu know all the situations of the major forces in the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance?"

Lu Yin understood that Yan Chen was only the president, and he could only say that he had certain decision-making power, but it did not mean that he owned the entire Endless Shipping. Endless Shipping was an integrated body, and those exploration teams were all board members. The starry sky map they explored could not be sold unless it was sold. Give it to Endless Shipping, otherwise even the president won’t be qualified to see it.

"The route to the inner universe was discovered by Team Luolan?" Lu Yin was curious.

President Yan shook his head, "That route was discovered many years ago. Captain Luolan inherited that route. He didn't discover it, and he couldn't do it with his strength."

"Where is Team Luolan?" Lu Yin asked.

President Yan pointed out to Lu Yin a satellite surrounding the Simo Star. There was the Luolan Team. Lu Yin was lucky. This time, the Luolan Team also sent people to participate in the internal competition. Some members of the team Trimming on the satellite.

"Leader Lu, you won the internal competition. The starry sky map you asked for is gone. You can change the reward," President Yan said.

Lu Yin thought for a while and said, "Let me think about it."

Yan Chen was helpless. He would rather Lu Yin said it now than hanging up. This person is not an ordinary person. "Actually, as one of the four major chaebols, I, Wufen Shipping, have a lot of money. If you need it, you can also raise it." ".

Lu Yin said, "President, let me think about it."

Yan Chen nodded helplessly, "Okay."

Yanchen wanted to use money to send Lu Yin away, but Lu Yin was not easy to send away. Money can be earned, but there are some things that money cannot buy, such as routes. He was thinking about how to get the most routes at the lowest cost.

In the universe, routes are the most precious.

After bidding farewell to Yanchen, Lu Yin asked Fenghua and the two old men about the captain of the Luolan team. Unfortunately, the two old men didn't know much about the captain of the team.

Lu Yin went to Yang Hai and asked about it.

Yang Hai wondered why Lu Yin suddenly asked about Captain Lan, "Captain Lan is a weird person, a bit stubborn, very extreme at heart, and not easy to deal with...".

After listening to Yang Hai's words, Lu Yin had a basic understanding of Captain Lan. He jumped up, left Simo Star, and flew towards Captain Lan's satellite.

He was wondering why the New Human Alliance destroyed the route map and didn't want anyone to go to the inner universe? Lu Yin knew that the New Humanity Alliance had always had plans for the outer universe, which made him uneasy.

Even an existence like Hei Wushen appears in the outer universe, so the New Humanity Alliance must have a big plan.

Soon, Lu Yin arrived at Team Luolan's satellite. As soon as he landed, his eyes changed dramatically. The number of runes in the place where Team Luolan was repairing continued to decrease. He immediately tore into the void and disappeared.

The place where the Luolan team was repairing was full of blood. It was a castle, and the number of runes inside it quickly disappeared.

Captain Lan was sweating profusely and his eyes were filled with fear. Black shadows flashed before his eyes, killing three more people in the blink of an eye.

He didn't know what this black shadow was. It suddenly appeared and started killing people wildly. It was useless for him to ask for help from the outside world. No one could escape. It was like they were trapped in a cage, waiting to die.

"Captain, help!" With a miserable cry, the head rolled and fell at Captain Lan's feet.

Captain Lan's whole body was cold, he gritted his teeth and looked forward. The black shadow flickered a few times, and the cold blade passed by. Even Captain Lan's hunting level strength could not avoid it. This blade encompassed the world, the scope was small, but it contained endless power. Destructive power.

Suddenly, Lu Yin appeared in front of Captain Lan, pointed out a finger, the void solidified, and the blade was broken by a finger. At the same time, the fingertip hit the black shadow, pierced the black shadow, and scattered blood.

Only then did Captain Lan see clearly what the black shadow was. It was a corpse king, and its dead eyes were easy to identify.

The New Humanity Alliance is very cautious in doing things. Since it can destroy the Starry Sky Map, it is natural that it can also find out about the inheritance of the Starry Sky Map by Captain Luolan and want to destroy it as well.

Fortunately, Lu Yin came in time, otherwise he would have gotten nothing.

The Corpse King roared and attacked Lu Yin desperately.

Eventually he was killed by Lu Yin.

He didn't look down on a hunting-level zombie king who couldn't transform into a zombie king.

Captain Lan gasped and leaned against the wall. In just a few dozen seconds, he was the only one left in the Luo Lan team. He was on the verge of life and death. He was lucky to survive.

Lu Yin turned around and said, "Are you Captain Lan?".

Captain Lan looked at Lu Yin, surprised, "Why did Alliance Leader Lu come here?".

Lu Yin said, "I would like to ask you to draw a map of the starry sky leading to the inner universe."

Captain Lan's eyes flashed, and he looked at the corpse king who fell to the ground dead, and then looked at Lu Yin, "It turns out that we were silenced because of this."

Lu Yin did not hide anything and told the story about the destruction of the starry sky map. Captain Lan was not stupid and could not hide it even if he wanted to. "Draw a copy for me and you will not be targeted by the New Human Alliance."

"If it weren't for Alliance Leader Lu who needed the Starry Sky Map, our Luolan team would not have suffered a disaster," Captain Lan said solemnly, with a rather dissatisfied tone.

Lu Yin frowned, "It has been spread that Endless Shipping has a star map leading to the inner universe. Even if I don't want it, the New Humanity Alliance will still silence you and you can't escape."

"Not necessarily, others don't care about the starry sky map," Captain Lan said.

Lu Yin was helpless. As Yang Hai said, this man was extreme and stubborn, and he had just saved his life.

"Captain Lan, please tell me a condition. Why are you willing to draw a starry sky map for me?" Lu Yin asked. This man is the captain of Endless Shipping, otherwise he would not be so polite.

Captain Lan thought for a moment, his eyes were determined, his fists clenched, and he said in a low voice, "I want to return to the Moko Sword Sect."

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