Star Odyssey

Chapter 930 Today’s Ten Finals

Lu Yin didn't treat him politely and killed his son. He didn't expect Zi Tianchuan to be truly grateful to him. All he wanted was information. "I also asked Zi Dong to lead the way. I want to check the information as soon as possible."

Zi Tianchuan nodded, he didn't want to stay with Lu Yin, so he gave some instructions, and finally Zi Xianxian led Lu Yin to the most heavily defended place in Tianmao Star, a valley.

Lu Yin had noticed the last time he came here that this place contained majestic runes, and Mr. Yi spent most of his time guarding this place.

Zi Xianxian led the way, and the two came to the underground.

Only after seeing the Zi family's intelligence library did Lu Yin understand how vast it was.

Looking around, all the information under the earth is divided by territory, and some are divided by color. You can easily see the level.

"Our Zi family intelligence library is the most comprehensive intelligence library in the outer universe. There is new information coming in every moment, and there are people who delete useless information all the time. But even if it is deleted information, we have people who back it up. You can say that I Information has been accumulated as long as the Zi family has existed. This place is older than the historical records of many places," Zi Xianxian said proudly. This is the most proud thing of their Zi family.

Not everyone can keep information for such a long time. Among the various forces that attacked the Zi family, there were ancient intelligence organizations that failed in the competition and were destroyed.

"If this place is breached, it will take a long time to move this information," Lu Yin praised.

Zi Xianxian was speechless, she really couldn't speak.

"Where is the information about the Ten Jue?" Lu Yin asked.

Zi Xianxian was not surprised. She knew that this was what Lu Yin cared about most. She quickly led Lu Yin to a raised place on the ground. As the ground glowed, the raised stone slabs carried the two of them across the ground quickly. It took five minutes to stop.

This distance is very long, which shows how big the Zi family's intelligence library is.

Lu Yin looked at the dark information scroll in the distance and walked slowly over.

Zi Xianxian stood still and did not move. She did not have the authority to view the information on the Ten Jue.

The Ten Jue information is listed separately. The Ten Jue is the name given to the ten young council members today. The previous members are not qualified to achieve the Ten Jue. This is a change of the times.

In other words, the current Ten Jue is the first generation of Ten Jue, but it may also be the last generation. No one can guarantee that someone will take over the Ten Jue position later.

Lu Yin raised his hand, took out a scroll, slowly opened it, and saw a name, Liu Tianmu.

Lu Yin was confused, the name was so familiar.

‘Liu Tianmu, female, one of the Ten Jue, known as Mu Jue, comes from the Sword Sect, has unparalleled sword skills, and inherited the Thirteen Swords…’.

A very brief introduction, no images, and no description of the person's appearance and personality. It only pointed out his origins and his famous stunts.

Looking at Liu Tianmu's name, Lu Yin suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind. He remembered that when he was talking to Nalan Fairy, she introduced her name as Liu Fuxue. , she then reported her name, it was Liu Tianmu.

Lu Yin tried his best to think back, how did he answer it in the first place? Oh, by the way, the stars in the sky are scattered and plain as Qiu Mu. This was my original interpretation of the name Liu Tianmu.

No wonder Nalan Fairy smiled so happily. He felt as if his evil plot had succeeded. He was waiting here.

What he interpreted was the taboo of the Ten Jue of Sword Sect, no wonder, no wonder.

Lu Yin was also speechless. Nalan Fairy must have conveyed his words to Liu Tianmu. He said this before they met. Is this considered teasing?

He put down the scroll anxiously, picked up the second one, and saw the name - Wen Sansi.

'Wen Sansi, male, one of the Ten Jue, known as scholar, can also be called Wen Jue, the second son of the literary family in the literary world, suppresses the eldest son, and inherits the literary family's combat skills - Literary Prison, the catchphrase - think twice before acting...' .

There is a little more introduction to Wen Sansi than Liu Tianmu. Wen Sansi is indeed famous in the universe and many people know it.

Lu Yin then picked up the third scroll and saw the name - Xing Kai.

'Xing Kai, male, one of the Ten Jue, known as the King of War, can also be called Xing Jue, physically extremely powerful, unable to fight at close range, three meters tall, earlobes falling on the shoulders, hands larger than his head, unknown origin, unknown combat skills …'.

The introduction of the King of War only includes his appearance, etc., without his background or combat skills.

Purple Jade Trading Company is the largest intelligence organization in the outer universe. Is it really impossible to find out the origin of the King of War? Lu Yin didn't believe it, either because he was worried about something not being recorded, or because the war king was hiding it.

Regardless of the reason, Lu Yin can't be found here.

The next scroll opened, revealing Lance.

'Lance, male, one of the Ten Jue, known as the Hand of God, can also be called Lan Jue. He comes from the dojo in the mountains of the Cangmang Continent of Falling Star Sea. He is good at superimposing strength. He once shattered the planet with a hundred-fold strength. According to speculation, superimposing strength The Tao may be his preparation for practicing certain combat skills...'.

Lu Yin's face was solemn, and the words about preparations made him very concerned. It was impossible for Purple Jade Trading Company to write such a guess for no reason. If it was written, it might be true.

Does Lance still have hidden methods that haven't been exposed? By the way, it seems that Zi Xianxian also mentioned this, saying that Lance might have hidden combat skills.

Putting down the scroll, Lu Yin felt a little heavy. He had an appointment with Lance, and there would definitely be a fight in the future. In the Cangmang Continent, he thought that Lance's methods had been exposed. After all, he was facing Yu Zi Bai Ling and Madam Hong. Those astonishingly powerful men did not expect that he would still be hiding something.

What is this person thinking? Coveting the position of Glory Methodist, is he really so sure that the inner universe and the new universe will not be breached by the Sixth Continent? If so, it would be understandable that he hides his methods.

But where does this confidence come from? Lu Yin really wanted to know.

His current foundation is in the outer universe, and he knows too little about the inner universe and the new universe. Unfortunately, it would be great if he could go to the cosmic sea. He would definitely know a lot when going to Saint Ray's.

Shaking his head and thinking no more, Lu Yin picked up the next scroll, Spiritual Palace.

‘Spirit Palace, gender unknown, one of the ten swordsmen, known as White Knight, can also be called spirit swordsman, born in the spirit clan, extremely talented, mantra - this is an order, I guess he may have mysophobia...'

Lu Yin looked at the words "unknown gender" and found it funny. Purple Jade Trading Company's information was indeed very cautious. Many people thought that Ling Gong must be a man, and even the voice sounded like a man, but it was all disguise, but it was actually a woman. I didn't see it with my own eyes. It's no wonder it's called the largest intelligence organization in the outer universe.

Since he was so cautious, Lu Yin looked at the previous scroll. The words he introduced Lance should also be true!

Purple Jade Trading Company didn't know as much about the Spiritual Palace as he did. After all, it was just an outer universe chaebol and was not qualified to contact the Ten Jue. It was already remarkable to know so much.

Pick up the next one and catch your eye - Zhenwu Night King.

Lu Yin's face was solemn, and he slowly opened the door, "Zhenwu Night King, male, one of the Ten Jue, known as the Ten Jue Zhenwu, from the White Night Royal Family, superior to all things, unknown combat skills, unknown talent, good at control, extremely dangerous, not to be provoked, Inaccessible…'.

There is not much introduction, but there is an extremely dangerous aura rushing towards him. It is far more cautious than the previous introductions to the Ten Jue. The two words "unknown" and "unknown" are used to describe it. It can be seen that the person who prepared the information has a deep understanding of the Zhenwu Night King. fear.

The White Night Clan itself is a powerful clan in the universe, and the Night King Clan is a royal clan among the powerful clans. A race that is not in a hurry to take back the inheritance stone even if it is left behind, and contains boundless confidence and arrogance.

This is the origin of Zhenwu Night King.

Lu Yin put down the scroll. He and Zhenwu Night King were enemies but not friends. He used a little force in his palms to deform the scroll.

The fight with Lance is an appointment, and the future with Zhenwu Night King may be a fight to the death.

Whether it was the grudge against the White Night Clan or the unfair treatment he had received in the inner universe, or Hai Qiqi’s tearful request after reading the diary, he was convinced that his hatred for the White Night Clan and Zhenwu Night King was , cannot be resolved.

Pick up the next scroll, open it directly, and you will see seven words - Serati Phoenix.

‘Celati Phoenix, male, one of the ten finalists, known as the Phoenix, comes from the Phoenix family. He is gifted as a phoenix and has evolved into an immortal phoenix, possessing the power of nirvana and rebirth...’.

Lu Yin has long known that the Phoenix family has a Ten Jue, and has heard of this person, but he never thought that there is a so-called nirvana and rebirth. What does this mean? refuses to die?

Without thinking much, I picked up the next scroll, eh? Drunkard? Is this a name?

‘Drunkard, female, one of the ten masters, known as drunkard, unknown name, unknown origin, extremely addicted to alcohol, talent is water...’.

This is the most unknown person so far, and I don’t even know his name.

Lu Yin put down the scroll casually and picked up the next one. He was speechless when he saw it. He couldn't see the light. Is this also a name?

'I can't see the light, male, one of the Ten Jue, known as Ming Jue, his birth is unknown, his eyes are always closed, it is said that when he opens his eyes, there is no light from the sun and the moon...'.

Lu Yin closed the scroll suddenly, closed his eyes, and opened them. He thought of the figure he met in the golden ocean space. When he opened his eyes, the sun and moon were dim, it couldn't be him.

That person had cultivated the field to the limit and had to close his eyes to suppress it, just like when he was in the extreme state, Mr. Mu raised his physical strength to the limit and suppressed him with three quicksands of life.

Mr. Mu mentioned this person to him, and it should be him. He is one of the ten masters who cannot see the light. He has also been to the golden ocean space.

Lu Yin still remembered the powerlessness he felt when he was suppressed by the invisible field. The strength of that field could even predict the future, which was terrifying.

Lu Yin wasn't surprised at all that he was in the top ten, it would be strange if he wasn't.

Putting down the scroll, he picked up the last one. So far, he has not found the clues he wanted to find. Mainly, these records are too simple, and many of them are unknown.

Slowly opening the scroll, he saw Jin He.

'Jinhe, male, one of the ten swordsmen, known as Jinjue, comes from the universe sea Jinjue. He is lazy, has a casual personality, but is ruthless in his attacks. He cannot be attacked, provoked, or an enemy...'.

Lu Yin's eyes were sharp and he found the universe sea, Jin Tuan, one of the four hegemons, this person, Jin He.

Only those who also come from the Universe Sea have a reason to take action against the people of the Rennes War Group. This also confirms what Old Good said at the beginning. In the ten finals, there are people who are involved with the Universe Sea.


Thanks to brother Ye Ian for the reward, thank you brothers for your support! More to come, thank you! ! !

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