Star Odyssey

Chapter 941: Obsession and Bust

Lu Yin pressed his hands on the door and pushed hard, but when he still couldn't push it, he didn't believe it. He exploded with 70-weight force and slapped the door with both hands, but there was still no movement.

The power this gate can withstand is beyond his reach.

Since he couldn't open the door, Lu Yin tried to attack the surrounding walls. After so many years, he didn't believe that these walls were still stable.

The fact made him helpless. He couldn't open the surrounding walls either.

Just as Lu Yin was thinking about how to open it, he suddenly turned around and saw two runes approaching in the distance, both of which were strong in the hunting realm.

Lu Yin immediately hid.

Soon, two figures landed and searched around. "It's strange, they clearly sensed combat power," one person said.

Another person said in a gloomy tone, "Someone must have come and the knife was taken away."

"The combat power has disappeared. This person is hiding deliberately. It seems that he has discovered us. Contact the head of the family immediately. This place must not be exposed."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a flash of black shadow in front of his eyes, and then his eyes turned black and he fell to the ground.

The other person was shocked and turned his head. Before he could think about it, a hand grabbed his neck tightly. "Who are you?" Lu Yin said, hiding his appearance.

The man's face turned red, and he grabbed Lu Yin's palm with both hands and tried to break away. Lu Yin frowned, "I ask again, who are you?".

"I, we are members of the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance, Alliance Leader Lu, you, if you dare to take action, you will definitely die." The man struggled to speak, glaring at Lu Yin fiercely.

Lu Yin was funny. Now that the outer universe is threatened by a person who others say belongs to the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance, he doesn't know whether to be honored or angry. Thinking about it, he slammed the man to the ground. The man opened his mouth and blood spurted out in pain. Wail.

Lu Yin stepped on it, "This is your last chance, tell me your origins, otherwise I will kill you. Ask him the same thing." As he spoke, his eyes fell on another person who had been knocked unconscious.

The man was afraid, "I, we are really the subordinates of Alliance Leader Lu."

Lu Yin raised his hand and clapped it with his palm, "I said, I said," the man said hurriedly, "We are from the Purple Jade Trading Company. We are ordered to guard this place. Anyone who enters will be killed without mercy."

Lu Yin's palm stopped less than one centimeter away from the man's forehead, his eyes flashed, and he retracted his palm.

Just as he guessed, since Zi Tianchuan discovered this place, how could he be unprepared? Although there are not many people who can find this place, there are many adventurers in the universe, as well as people who are avoiding the pursuit of enemies. Those people are enough Expose this place.

"Just you two?" Lu Yin asked.

The man said fearfully, "Yes, there are five of them, all in the hunting realm."

What a great effort. You must know that when Immortal Yushan was in power, even himself, the Daeyu Empire did not have more than five hunting realms, and this was already considered the strongest force in the Canglan Territory. There were no hunting realm masters at the helm of the other territories. How much, Zitianchuan sent five hunting realms to guard here at once, which is enough to prove that they attach great importance to this place.

And he remembered that Tianmaoxing seemed to be not far from here, ready to support at any time.

In the outer universe, this power is considered foolproof.

Lu Yin knocked this man unconscious, then searched the small town and found three other strong men in the hunting realm. He knocked them all unconscious and tied them up. He was not a cold-blooded person, so there was no need to kill, but it was necessary to tie them up.

After taking care of the Zi family, Lu Yin returned to the building. He had a headache and couldn't get in. It was estimated that all the secrets of this small town were inside.

He tried a few more times, but couldn't get in. He thought about whether he should borrow the power of the Yuan Master.

Inexplicably, he looked at the door and a pair of eyes above. He stared at it for a while. Then an idea flashed in his mind. His pupils turned into runes and looked at the eyes on the door. In an instant, time seemed to flow backwards. The door was still the same door. But everything around them changed, and those buildings seemed to be recovering, until one day, two figures fought fiercely in the sky.

Lu Yin couldn't see clearly. He only saw a man with a crazy smile. He opened his hand and a knife gradually took shape, created in nothingness. The figure on the opposite side rushed out suddenly. The fierce battle between the two sides was rarely seen in the world. Everything that caught his eyes was blurred. Cut off.

The battle scene between the two sides was blurry, and Lu Yin vaguely saw one of them creating a knife several times. As the sky returned to clear sky, the small town completely changed and became full of scenery. Everyone lived in an orderly manner, and time was flowing backwards.

The scene suddenly changed again, Lu Yin's body swayed, everything he had seen before disappeared, and in front of him, the door slowly opened.

At this moment, Lu Yin's eyes were sore. He rubbed them hard, but they were still sore. He ignored them and slowly walked into the building.

Everything he saw disappointed him. He originally thought that there were some secrets about rune technology hidden here, such as fighting methods, the cultivation methods of Zhouyan Scripture, etc. But this place is clearly a place where people pray. There is a tower in the front Half of the statue's body was gone, with only its lower body standing.

Lu Yin walked slowly here, crossed the tall seat, turned his head and looked, his pupils shrank.

The seats are all filled with skeletons in praying postures.

He quickened his pace and looked around, and then he soared directly into the air and looked down. In the entire building, there were skeletons on all the seats. There were adults, children, and even babies, all of them in praying postures. These people did not know how long they maintained this posture, and eventually they all died here.

Lu Yin couldn't imagine how much perseverance it took to do this. These people wouldn't run away even though they knew they were going to die, so just pray like this!

He looked at the statue. Could a mere statue have so much power that these people would rather die than pray?

Lu Yin landed and slowly approached the statue. Who is this statue? The owner of this city? Or - Fuzu?

For rune technology, the common god of the entire civilization is Fu Zu. This statue is very likely to be Fu Zu. Only Fu Zu, a person who can be called a god, can make these people pray until death.

Lu Yin stood in front of the statue and looked at it silently. As brilliant as a person's life is, the records in history are as complicated as it is. But Fu Zu, history does not dare to record it. The existence of this person has been denied by time.

If he hadn't practiced the Zhouyan Scripture, it would have been impossible to imagine that there had been such a person in history. He could create things out of thin air, make an era disappear, and make people pray until death. This kind of person should not exist.

After standing silently for a long time, Lu Yin had complicated thoughts and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Shaking his head and exhaling, there is no need to think too much. They are all historical figures after all. The remaining energy and spirit were also dispersed by the Martial Ancestor of the Sixth Continent. He and this person are destined to never meet, but the Zhou Yan left behind by this person The scriptures have helped him a lot, so he should be considered half of his mentor. Regardless of whether this person is Fu Zu or not, just treat him as Fu Zu!

Thinking about this, Lu Yin took a few steps back and slowly bent down, "Junior Lu Yin, thank you senior."

After Lu Yin finished speaking, the door of the building slammed shut. His expression changed drastically. He raised his head and the void was distorted. The skeletons in the building were turned into ashes by the invisible strong wind, and gradually entangled in the void, turning into scenes, sometimes leisurely in the city. Life is sometimes a shocking battle. These may be the pictures those people saw during their lifetime.

Suddenly, wild laughter came out, "The Sixth Continent, the Sixth Continent, hahahaha, a bunch of idiots, you were all fooled, fooled, those monsters tricked you, a bunch of idiots, hahahaha...".

Soon, the fly ash disappeared, and everything in front of me returned to normal again.

The door in the distance opened slowly. I don't know if it was an illusion. The building became a little brighter and no longer so gloomy.

Lu Yin turned to look at the statue again, only to find that the statue had also turned into ashes and completely disappeared.

Is this an obsession left over from our predecessors? Lu Yin didn't know.

The field swept across, and there was nothing else in the building. Perhaps what this building preserved was that sentence.

The sixth continent was deceived, and there were monsters.

After walking out of the building, Lu Yin closed the door. At this moment, his sore eyes returned to normal.

He turned back again, suddenly remembered something, glanced around, his eyes brightened, he raised his hand and pressed on the door, pushing hard, but it was no use, the door just couldn't be pushed open.

He turned his pupils into runes again and looked into his eyes. The previous scene did not happen again, but the door still opened.

After entering the building, I could open the door from the inside. I tried it several times and then I was overjoyed. God help me.

Eastern Xinjiang Alliance, Bader Territory, Qimudian, in the pavilion under the waterfall, Mu Nishang, the master of Qimudian, held her chin in one hand and looked at the waterfall in the distance boredly. She had been stuck at the peak of the hunting realm for a long time. , I don’t know when I can break through the enlightenment state.

There are too few powerful people in the Enlightenment Realm in the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance. Once she breaks through, she will have the right to speak.

Lu Yin single-handedly controls the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance and has no right to speak until he reaches the Enlightenment Realm.

At this time, Doro arrived and said, "Master, what are you thinking about?" She broke through the exploration realm a year ago and her strength soared.

Mu Nishang glanced at her sideways and said, "Nothing."

The two women often sit in the pavilion - in a daze. One is trying his best to remove himself from the position of the master of the palace, and the other is trying his best not to accept the position of the master of the palace. If outsiders know, they will feel that there is something wrong with the two women's brains.

Suddenly, Elder Meiya came quickly, and the two women immediately straightened up.

"Palace Master, I got the news that the Gu Yue ruins were born," Elder Meiya shouted anxiously.

Mu Nishang and Duoluo were confused, "What Gu Yue?".

Elder Meiya immediately opened his personal terminal, and Gu Yue's introduction appeared on the light screen. The introduction was not detailed because not many people knew Gu Yue's name, but he pointed out that this person was the person most likely to achieve the ancestral realm. At the same time, the moon and stars were pointed out.

The sky is filled with the moon and the stars are setting. Looking back in the distance, it is the mundane world, the moon and the stars, which shock the combat skills of an era.

There are as many combat skills as stars in the universe, but there are very few combat skills that can really shock the era. Most of those combat skills have been lost in the long river of history. For example, at the end of the night, only one Zhuo Baiye of the White Night clan has successfully practiced it, and he still has it. Hidden, the White Night Clan has such a genius as the Zhenwu Night King, but he is unable to practice Night End Dawn. This shows how difficult it is to practice the combat skills that shocked the era. The harder it is to practice, the more powerful it will be after success.

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