Star Odyssey

Chapter 963 Starlight Island

After hearing the star collector's question, Lu Yin smiled, "Tianyan Dojo has something similar to what you just teleported, and Neptune also has something from the ancestral realm. We escaped to the outer universe."

"No wonder I seem to see people falling into the sea of ​​stars," Lingque said clearly.

Caixingnu didn't say anything and continued to lead the way. She seemed to know where Lu Yin knew the purpose of the altar.

"Is Neptune still alive?" Lu Yin asked, looking at the back of the star collector.

The Caixing girl said calmly, "I don't know."

Lu Yin's eyes were dim, and it was likely that something was in danger.

Neptune shattered the so-called upper three gates, which triggered the war in which the Sixth Continent invaded the inner and outer universes. He was considered the culprit of this war. Countless people died because of him, and the inner and outer universes might even be ruined. However, he also restored the Fifth Continent. The sky of the mainland gave the five stars a chance to achieve the ancestral realm. He gave the fifth continent a glimmer of hope.

If the sky of the fifth continent is not restored, perhaps this continent will never be able to give birth to the ancestral realm, and it will forever sink under the sixth continent.

This is a big gamble. If the gamble wins, the Fifth Continent will not be afraid of the Sixth Continent. If the gamble loses, everything is over.

Only people like Neptune dare to bet, and even the Hall of Glory probably wouldn’t dare to bet.

The Hall of Glory seems to be protecting human beings, but in fact it is more like protecting their own interests.

The healing elixirs brought by several people were all very effective, and the scars on the body of the most seriously injured star collector had disappeared, but it would take some time for her to fully recover.

Even with Lu Yin's physical strength, he only recovered the superficial scars, which shows that Cai Xingnu's words of being torn apart were not lies.

Not long after, the star-collecting girl suddenly stopped, looking at the beautiful scenery in the distance like a curtain of stars, and murmured, "This is Starlight Island."

Lingque was shocked, "What did you say? Starlight Island?".

Lu Yin was confused, "What Starlight Island?".

Lingque's face turned pale, "It's over, it's over. Starlight Island is one of the attack sites of the Sixth Continent. It is full of masters from the Sixth Continent. There are enlightenment realms, sealers, and even sealers of the universe and even sealers of the universe." "The Sixth Continent has spent several years exploring the cosmic sea. Starlight Island is one of the areas they are familiar with, but they actually came here. It's over."

Lu Yin looked at Caixingnu.

The star-collecting girl said calmly, "The phenomena of the universe, sea, and sky are unpredictable. Only the Four Hegemons can understand them. Even if the people of the new universe want to cross the universe sea, the four hegemons must lead the way. The major forces in the inner universe were defeated and retreated to the universe sea, and the Sixth Continent pursued them. After several years of exploring the celestial phenomena, countless people died, but they also found several stable areas. Starlight Island is one of them. Many experts from the Sixth Continent are concentrated on Starlight Island, using Starlight Island as a base to explore the cosmic sea. Attack the New Universe".

Lu Yin was speechless. This was too small. Before, he was still thinking about not going to the enemy's headquarters. Starlight Island was equivalent to one of the headquarters of the Sixth Continent's attack on the new universe.

"Let's run, otherwise it will be over if we are targeted by those Sealers. There are many Sealers in the Sixth Continent. Even if a pervert like the Sealer of U appears, it is not impossible. If we encounter the domain, it will be over. Those people in Yu Yuzi are not bad either, so run away quickly," Lingque said hurriedly.

The star-collecting girl's eyes flashed, "We can't run away. The area we just passed is in the inner ring of Starlight Island, so there are no people. We have to leave the outer ring of the certain path. The outer ring is full of masters from the Sixth Continent."

"It's better than the front. Starlight Island is ahead," Lingque wailed.

Lu Yin's expression suddenly changed, "Someone is coming around, there are people from all directions." He saw countless rune numbers gathering from all directions.

"We won't be discovered, right?" Lingque exclaimed.

Lu Yin shook his head, "No."

"how do you know?".

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes. There were not many of these runes. The ones with the most were at the early stage of the hunting realm. If they were found, they would not send these people. Of course, it does not deny that some of them have hidden strength and some techniques to hide combat power. Can reduce the number of runes released.

Lu Yin suddenly looked in one direction, "Let's go to the bottom of the sea. There are people there."

Caixingnu and Lingque did not object. They saw Lu Yin's strength. Even if Caixingnu was confident that she could remain undefeated, it would be impossible for her to win. Lu Yin was almost the top powerhouse among the ten finals. Looking at it, In the inner and outer universe, the younger generation can only fight with him at the top of the top 100 battle list. Perhaps the second-ranked Taiyuan Lord may not be able to match him. Only the top 100 battle list is recognized as the one who can inherit the ten finals. Only the person who holds the position can be equal to him.

The three of them hid under the sea. The thunder still rang in the sky, and it hit the sea from time to time, making loud noises.

In the distance, a large ship was approaching slowly without concealing it. On the bow of the ship, a young man was holding a beautiful woman and talking loudly, followed by dozens of servants. A group of cultivators were tied around the ship. The ship was not moved by oars. , it is not mechanical push, but the drag of these tied cultivators. They are both cultivators, trackers, and slaves. They are cultivators of the inner universe.

Many cultivators from the Sixth Continent gathered from all directions and surrounded the big ship. Among them, those cultivators who had reached the cruising level boarded the ship and spoke respectfully, "Master, please reveal your identity and show your seal before you can enter Starlight Island." .

The young master's face darkened and he walked over, "This is not my first time to Starlight Island. You are blind. The slaves below were all purchased by me on Starlight Island."

The cruising realm cultivator was in a dilemma, "Sir, anyone entering Starlight Island must show their stamp, you." Before he could finish his words, the young master slapped the cruising realm cultivator off the boat. .

The cultivators from the Sixth Continent all around were furious and all stepped forward.

On the boat, among the dozens of servants, an old man raised his head and snorted. The star energy suppressed, thunder exploded in the sky, and all the cultivators from the Sixth Continent who gathered around changed their expressions. There were masters.

The cultivator in the Cruise Realm who was slapped down quickly apologized, "My subordinate is blind. Please don't blame me, sir. Please go inside."

The young master snorted coldly, "It's just a family of imprinters who dare to stop me. I'm so impatient that I opened my mouth."

The five bright fingerprints on the face of the cruising realm cultivator were still very clear. After hearing the young master's words, he raised his hand in desperation and opened his mouth.

"Hehehehe" on the bow of the boat, the beautiful woman smiled like a flower.

The young master laughed, waved his hand, and the boat continued to move forward, heading towards Starlight Island.

After the boat went far away, the cruising realm cultivator stopped. Behind him, a cultivator quickly handed over the medicine.

"It's so hateful. These young masters are not very powerful themselves, but they are so domineering. They dare to do this to you, general," the cultivator said angrily.

The Cruising Realm cultivator shook his head helplessly, "Forget it, the old man among this person's servants is at least in the Enlightenment Realm and can't afford to offend him."

"It's too blatant, openly allowing the older generation of strong men to protect you," the cultivator said angrily.

In the distance, on the bottom of the sea, this scene was seen by Lu Yin and the others.

Lingque watched the big ship go away with envy.

Lu Yinnuo was thoughtful and looked at Caixing Girl.

The star-collecting girl narrowed her eyes and said, "You can give it a try."

Lu Yin nodded.

Lingque was confused, "What are you talking about?".

Lu Yin patted him on the shoulder, "Have you ever tried slapping someone?"

Lingque was very honest and shook his head.

Lu Yin was satisfied, "You can try it this time."

The closer they got to Starlight Island, the more detection methods they had on the Sixth Continent. Even the bottom of the sea was unsafe. The three of them rushed out of the sea. Lu Yin took out the folding spaceship and sat in. Lingque looked ugly.

"Come on, you're welcome," Lu Yin said with a smile.

Lingque twitched the corner of his mouth, lifted the spacecraft and put it on his shoulders, while the star-collecting girl also got into the spacecraft.

Not long after, the three of them were discovered, and the same group of people gathered around them. The slap mark on the face of the cruising realm cultivator had disappeared.

"Everyone, please show your identity and reveal your seal." The cruise realm cultivator said while looking at the spaceship carried by Ling Que on his shoulders. He looked carefully. It was indeed a spaceship. Carrying the spaceship on his shoulders, this is Really, weird.

Has anyone ever seen a spaceship being lifted up and carried away?

Not only him, but a circle of cultivators from the Sixth Continent who came around looked at Lingque in surprise, and then looked at the spaceship. What a talent, he is so good at playing.

The spaceship door opened, Lu Yin hugged the star-collecting girl with one hand, and looked at the cruising realm cultivator with arrogance and disdain, "This is not the first time for me to come to Starlight Island. You are blind. The slaves below are all for me." Purchased from Starlight Island."

It was such a familiar scene. The cruise realm cultivators were stunned for a moment, and the cultivators from the Sixth Continent around them were also stunned.

"That", at this moment, the cruise realm cultivator was a little hesitant. This scene was so profound that he didn't even know what to say.

But he didn't need to say anything. Lingque raised his hand and slapped him, and with a crisp sound, "Go away" spread all around.

The cruising realm cultivators subconsciously stepped aside and did not dare to stop him.

The cultivators around them didn't react at all, staring blankly at Ling Que carrying the spaceship away.

Thunder exploded in the sky, waking up the cultivator of the Cruise Realm. His face was burning, and his expression was still a little confused. What happened today? They all met ruthless characters.

In the spaceship, Lu Yin exhaled. Although these people are easy to deal with, once they attack them, the entire Starlight Island masters will appear, and there should be Yuzi too. It is impossible for them to escape, so they can only do this. Fortunately, the young master Give them a good start.

The spacecraft shook, and Lingque threw the spacecraft down, "Okay, come out, pretend to be whatever you want."

Lu Yin said slowly, "Don't worry, wait until we enter Starlight Island. Do you think no one is watching us? Don't forget, there are sealers on Starlight Island, sealers of the universe, and sealers of the universe." .

Lingque's face twitched again, but he had no choice but to continue moving forward.

The star-collecting girl said indifferently, "The Sixth Continent has strict inspections on cultivators. Even if we successfully enter Starlight Island, we cannot walk openly and will be easily discovered."

"Then find a place to hide," Lu Yin said.

Lingque carried the spaceship angrily and walked towards Starlight Island step by step, surprising many people along the way.


On the first day of the Lunar New Year, I wish my brothers a prosperous new year. Although the congratulations are old, they are sincere. Thank you brothers for your support. Thank you! ! !

Updates will be added at 5pm. Suifeng promises to never update again. I will continue to code today. Thank you brothers for your support! !

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