Star Odyssey

Chapter 974 Invincible Zhitian

The star-picking girl grabbed the magnetic pole and flew out of the sea. Thunder gathered in the sky and suddenly struck down.

The star-collecting girl flashed, and thunder struck the sea, spreading along the sea to the island. Millions of cultivators on both sides of the war were affected by the thunder, and they kept wailing.

Nan Yanfei retreated, and Lao Shiliu and others had no desire to fight and retreated step by step.

But it was not that easy to retreat. The cultivators from the Fifth Continent kept chasing and killing them, and Hua Xiao also took action. Nine hundred and ninety-nine stars in the Sky Star Palm exploded, and the cultivators from the Sixth Continent within a hundred miles were cleared.

Lu Yin and the others did not hunt down the Sixth Continent cultivators, especially Lu Yin. He took out the token, which was originally a semi-life source material, but was forcibly upgraded to a life source material, and then began to give orders. It was time to show his strength. Done.

The thunderstorm area is very large, and the magnetic poles are placed in five directions, namely due south, due west, due north, northeast and northwest. The five magnetic poles attract and repel each other, so that the thunder in the thunderstorm area is always fixed in the sky. It will not completely droop, making this area habitable.

The magnetic pole in the star collector's hand is in the northeast.

In the due south, there are also millions of cultivators fighting. Due south is the battlefield where cultivators from the Sixth Continent and the Fifth Continent in the Thunderstorm Area most often encounter. However, in this battle to seize the magnetic pole, no ten finalists were determined. It is now the battlefield in the south.

Zhiyi came to the battlefield due to the south, glanced over, and saw a black knife raging on the battlefield. Anyone who touched the Sixth Continent cultivator was unstoppable and was easily torn apart.

She also saw a man who was condescending, his palms flying, even a descendant of the Uzhi Sealer family would find it difficult to compete with him.

She also saw a man playing a long Xiao, which made countless cultivators from the Sixth Continent wail in pain, as if they were hearing the sound of the underworld.

Although there are no ten battles in the due south battlefield, these three people can all fight against Yu Zi. Three people with the power to become kings, this is the due south battlefield.

The Fifth Continent is very strange. With the addition of a group of masters from the new universe, their ultimate combat power is no less than that of the Sixth Continent. In particular, there is also a group of combat powers that are infinitely close to the domain level. This is what Daoyuan appeared in three days. reason.

Watching the three people with the power to become kings massacre the cultivators from the Sixth Continent, Zhiyi snorted coldly, stepped out and appeared in front of the man playing Chang Xiao, raised his hand, and grabbed Chang Xiao.

The man's pupils shrank, and the rhythm suddenly changed. It no longer spread across the battlefield, but concentrated in a radius of several meters. The power increased several times, but an invisible light shield appeared on Zhiyi's body, and was completely unaffected by the rhythm. The hand that grabbed it was There was no pause.

The man was horrified and hurriedly backed away. As soon as he took a step back, Zhiyi grabbed the Changxiao with her palm. There was a click and the Changxiao cracked.

"Who are you?" The man was shocked.

Zhiyi's eyes were cold, "Your name is Taiyuanjun. You are second on the top 100 battle list in the Fifth Continent. You have some strength." As she said that, she exerted force with her right palm. The long Xiao was completely shattered. Taiyuanjun's figure flickered. He avoided Zhiyi, but Zhiyi followed him like a shadow, faster than Taiyuan Jun. He raised his white and tender palms and pressed them down on his head.

Lord Taiyuan gritted his teeth and felt a huge wave of fear in his heart. He has never encountered such an aggrieved battle since he became famous. He was the second in the top 100 battle list, and he was bullied like a child. At this moment, the black The knife cut through the void and struck at Zhiyi.

Zhiyi still didn't move, and pressed down on Lord Taiyuan with a palm. The black knife struck the invisible light shield on Zhiyi's body. The void cracked and spread to the horizon. The aftermath pressed down and divided the entire sea. For two, millions of cultivators on the battlefield were horrified, and countless people were killed with one sword.

Such a terrifying knife did not cause any harm to Zhiyi, and even the invisible light shield on her body could not be broken.

With a bang, Lord Taiyuan turned sideways and received Zhiyi's palm with his shoulder. His right arm was broken directly and his body fell into the sea.

Zhiyi's eyes swept across, and with a wave of her hand, the invisible air flow swept away, forcing the black knife back. The black knife retreated a thousand meters and turned into a human form. It was a man who was five meters tall and looked like a dead man. Standing in the sky with an expression on his face, no matter his eyes, breathing or heartbeat, there is nothing. He really looks like a dead person.

Zhiyi's eyes flashed, "Fifth Continent, people from the funeral garden." As soon as she finished speaking, behind her, the man whose palm shadow flew from the sky appeared before, and slapped out with a palm, "Tianxing Palm", his name was Mu Ziying, Tianxing A disciple of Zongzhen, Dianjiangtai was awarded the title of Heroic Marquis. The reason why he was not crowned king was because he was not as strong as Hua Xiao, but because he did not encounter a battle that was enough to be crowned king. He was the second true disciple, and he had to surpass Hua Xiao.

A battlefield gathered the second-ranked Taiyuan Lord on the top 100 battle list, the Burial Garden master, and the second true successor of the Tianxing Sect. Even if they encountered Yuzi, they were enough to fight. This was given to the Sixth Continent by the Fifth Continent on the battlefield due south. Gift, but they never expected that they would encounter Daoyuan for three days.

Daoyuan's three days are above the domain, and it is the future sky of the sixth continent. The sky is invincible.

Mu Ziying's Sky Star Palm fell, but Zhiyi still didn't move. No matter she faced the sword from Lord Taiyuan or the Master of the Burial Garden, she didn't dodge. Now facing the Star Palm, she still didn't dodge. Although these three people have the strength to fight Yuzi , but not qualified enough for her to avoid.

The Star Palm slapped the invisible light shield on Zhiyi's body, but it was useless. Mu Ziying herself was even knocked back a hundred meters.

Under the sea, Lord Taiyuan flew into the air, breathing heavily. The five-meter-tall man in the cemetery, plus Mu Ziying, surrounded Zhiyi. They seemed to have the upper hand, but only they knew that Zhiyi was a big mountain. They can't get past it.

Lord Taiyuan was bitter, who would have thought that Daoyuan would appear in three days. The battlefield in the south was the most important. There should have been ten battles. Even if Daoyuan appeared in three days, he should not have come here. He should have safely gone to other battlefields without fear of being beaten by ten. Determined to entangle? He was also speechless. Daoyuan was too confident for three days. With this kind of confidence, they were the ones who were unlucky.

On the battlefield in the west, millions of cultivators were fighting. Although the number of people in the Fifth Continent far exceeded that of the Sixth Continent, they were suppressed. Fighting at the same level, two Fifth Continent cultivators may not be the opponent of a Sixth Continent cultivator.

In this battlefield, the most eye-catching thing is naturally the battle between the Shijue White Knight and Yu Zi Shangrong.

White Knight and Shang Rong were born to be enemies. They had had several life-and-death battles in the ruins of Daoyuan Sect, and now they met again in the Universe Sea.

Shang Rong was bitter. Every time he fought with the White Knight, he found that he was becoming less and less his opponent. This guy fought harder and harder, and even the outside world spread the word that he was no match for the White Knight.

This is true. Shang Rong can't deny it. He can't defeat the White Knight. Such a freak actually appears in the Fifth Continent. They are already suppressed when fighting against the practitioners of the Fifth Continent. Even if the celestial phenomena suppress their combat power, they will not suppress this. This kind of suppression has been eliminated, and now he is no match for this person.

Zhiyi knew about it, so the white knight fought Shang Rong. Zhiyi arranged for a person, the big red servant. She wanted Shang Rong to challenge the white knight, and let Shangrong team up with the big red servant to defeat the white knight and steal the fifth place. The magnetic pole that mainland China considers to be the most stable.

On the battlefield where millions of cultivators were fighting, Da Chipu looked at the white sun in the distance and the Heavenly Palace, and thought it was time. He wanted to help Shang Rong steal the magnetic pole here.

There are no domains or ten battles in the due north battlefield. It seems calm, but Di Luo, Qiu Hanqing and other families of the Seal of the Universe have many direct descendants, and almost all the younger generation elites of the Burning Blood Territory are Coming, it was the largest of the five battlefields, so that the Fifth Continent was defeated one after another, and no one could stop it.

Completely opposite to the battlefield in the north is the battlefield in the northeast. All the powerful practitioners who originally existed in the Sixth Continent were killed, because here, the Shijue appeared. A man with his eyes closed and unable to open them almost became a battlefield. of domination.

In Zhiyi's plan, she can guarantee to steal the south magnetic pole. Nan Yanfei is hiding in the southeast team and can almost guarantee to steal a magnetic pole. Shang Rong and the big red servant can definitely defeat the white knight and steal a magnetic pole. Magnetic Pole, even if the remaining two were snatched away by the Fifth Continent, it would be useless, they still won.

Even if Nan Yanfei encounters the Ten Jue, one of the remaining two battlefields will definitely win, and they can still grab three magnetic poles.

She made the number of ten decisions two, instead of just one white knight for everyone to see.

This is Zhiyi's safest plan.

If we follow this plan, the Sixth Continent can indeed win in the thunderstorm zone, but now something unexpected has happened.

On the battlefield in the west, the White Knight and Shang Rong were fighting fiercely. The two had fought so many times that they were already familiar with each other. They could even guess what the other was thinking based on their opponent's fighting strength.

The white knight fought with Shang Rong for a while, and his heart sank. Something was wrong with Shang Rong today. He was too calm, as if he was bound to win. He was not his opponent, so there were still masters.

In the distance, Da Chipu was eager to take action, ready to take action at any time. At this moment, the Half-Life Token in his hand vibrated, and a line of words appeared, 'Support the Northwest Battlefield'.

Da Chipu was stunned for a moment and looked at the Half-Life Token. Northwest battlefield? Could it be that there are ten finals? What to do here? He was confused, but after thinking about it, he followed Zhiyi's order, abandoned the battlefield due to the west, and rushed towards the northwest battlefield at full speed.

Although the thunderstorm area of ​​​​the Cosmic Sea is large, at the speed of the big red servant, it does not take long to reach the northwest battlefield.

Da Chipu left, but Shang Rong didn't know. He was still waiting for Da Chipu to take action. After waiting for a while, there was no movement. He became anxious. The White Knight's attacks became more and more fierce. Maybe he guessed it. He had no choice but to kill the two. The human battlefield moves in the direction of the big red servant.

He moved the battlefield, and the White Knight felt that something was wrong. The attack became more fierce, and she became more fierce. However, Shang Rong was aggrieved. He was doing two things, resisting the White Knight and looking for the big red servant, so that he was hit by the White Knight and fell into the sea. .

On the battlefield in the south, Lord Taiyuan, the five-meter-tall man in the burial garden, and Mu Ziying were all defeated. The three of them could not break through Zhiyi's defense even if they joined forces. Zhiyi was just about to take action to deal with the three of them, when the Daoyuan Order was shaken. , she was surprised. When she looked at it, she saw a line of words on it, 'Support the due north battlefield'.

Zhiyi was confused, what's going on?

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