Star Odyssey

Chapter 977: The Three Days and the Ten Jue of Taoyuan

Lu Yin's pupils shrank sharply. He clearly saw the sword, but he couldn't avoid it. The speed of this sword exceeded what his body could reflect. It was too fast, too fast, or maybe his movements had slowed down. In any case, it was normal. There was no way he could escape.

With a wave of his right hand, when Zhiyi stabbed him with a sword, Lu Yin activated the Secret of the Universe, and the sword of Shengsheng Origin Qi was redirected. With a sword, he stabbed into the air, cutting the void, turning the world into two halves.

Lu Yin narrowly avoided the sword, raised his hand, grabbed the hilt of the sword of the source of energy, and activated the superimposed force. The hundred-fold force vibrated along the sword of the source of energy towards Zhiyi, and Zhiyi suddenly let go. The sword, but it was still a little late. The concussive force along the hilt of the sword shocked her fingers. Although there was no bleeding, it was obvious that her index finger and middle finger were bent and fractured.

Lu Yin quickly retreated, his eyes excited. He saw the hope of defeating Zhiyi. This woman was almost invincible, with invincible defense, weird attacks, and amazing swordsmanship. She was indeed someone who surpassed Nan Yanfei, no matter what No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't fight against this woman, and he couldn't even hurt her.

But no one is perfect. He just took the risk to test it out. Sure enough, this woman's physical strength is not strong. As long as the invisible light shield is broken, she can be defeated with superimposed strength.

In the distance, Zhiyi looked at her right hand, then raised her eyes and looked at Lu Yin, "You are so courageous. You dare to get close without breaking the confidence of Yuan Tiangang. In the three days since I became Daoyuan, except for those two people , you were the first to hurt me."

"And you just avoided a sword and used a secret technique. You have more than one secret technique. Who are you?".

Lu Yin's lips curled up, "You are not invincible."

Zhiyi raised her head, "Of course not. I can tell you clearly that I am not good at physical defense. As long as you can break Yuan Tiangang, you can fight me with your secret skills. Unfortunately, you will never be able to break Yuan Tiangang."

In the distance, Hua Xiao kept staring at Zhiyi, trying to find a way to destroy Yuan Tiangang, but still couldn't find it.

Caixingnu has also been staring at Zhiyi, trying her best to destroy Yuan Tiangang, but she is also helpless.

She can use divination to delay the sealer's time, and Zhiyi can also use Yuan Tiangang to achieve the name of invincibility.

"Enough fun. Two secret techniques and the ability to resist the source of life. You are very interesting. I won't kill you. I will take you back to Daoyuan Sect. Maybe I can find a way to make the source of life go further." He said, The invisible light shield on Zhiyi's body suddenly expanded and instantly enveloped Lu Yin, forming a huge invisible light shield. There was still an invisible light shield outside her body.

Lu Yin frowned and raised his feet in an attempt to tear the void and leave the range of the invisible light barrier, but found that he could not escape. The invisible light barrier enveloped a space. Unless he could break the invisible light barrier, he would not be able to escape.

The next moment, the invisible light shield suddenly shrank. Lu Yin pressed his hands on the invisible light shield and unleashed a hundred heavy energy in an attempt to break through, but failed.

"You can't break Yuan Tiangang, come with me," Zhiyi said coldly, while the invisible light shield kept shrinking.

Lu Yin was squeezed by the shrinking invisible light shield and retreated in the direction of Zhiyi, getting closer and closer to Zhiyi. If there was not another layer of Yuan Tiangang on Zhiyi's body, he would be eager to fight in close combat, but the Yuan Tiangang on Zhiyi's body surface There is no solution. The closer he gets to Zhiyi, the greater the crisis he feels.

Seeing that he was only less than ten meters away from Zhiyi, this range was already extremely dangerous, and Zhiyi's strength was enough to severely injure him.

In the distance, the star-collecting girl's eyes kept flickering.

Lu Yin struck the invisible light shield with a palm, but was still forced to retreat in the direction of Zhiyi.

It was like he was caught in Zhiyi's palm, unable to escape or resist.

"Give me everything I want to know, and I will not kill you, but let you join our Sixth Continent Daoyuan Sect and become a red servant under my command." Zhiyi said coldly, seeing Lu Yin close in front of her, she once again condensed the source of life. The sword of Qi, countless sword lights shine, shattering the void.

It was just one sword before, but now, there are countless swords.

Lu Yin could transfer one sword with the Secret of Yu Zi, but he could not transfer countless swords. Just like the Zhenwu Night King suppressed him, he was just about to weaken Zhiyi's swordsmanship with the Zhou Yan Sutra. In the distance, the sky filled with thunder changed. , indescribable depression suddenly came, and the sky collapsed.

Zhiyi's countless swords suddenly turned around and stabbed behind her. At the same time, invisible forces gathered in the void and turned into a shadow of a man with his eyes closed. His hands slowly opened, forming afterimages that stagnated in the void. , in the end, he put his palms together, just holding Zhiyi's sword of vitality in his palms, and Zhiyi's terrifying swordsmanship was thus curbed.

Lu Yin was shocked, this is - a field?

In the distance, a figure tore through the void and walked out. He closed his eyes and faced Zhiyi. As he appeared, the shadow of the man with his hands clasped disappeared. At the same time, Zhiyi's sword of vitality disappeared.

The star-picking girl looked at the visitor in surprise, but she couldn't see the light.

Among the ten battles, there is one person who always has his eyes closed. It is said that he does not need eyes. It is said that his fighting skills make him blind. There is also a legend that when his eyes are opened, there is no light in the sky, earth, sun and moon. In short, he is invisible. There are many legends about the light, and many of them are also curious about his name. It doesn't sound like the name, but it is indeed called "the light", as if his eyes are closed, he will never see the light.

Ten decisions, no light, coming.

No one among the Ten Jue should be underestimated. Yu Zi and Shi Ju are equal in status and strength. Just because Zhiyi is superior to Yu Zi does not mean that she can be superior to Shi Jue.

Without seeing the light, even in the ten battles, he is a mysterious existence.

"I have admired the name of Daoyuan for three days, and I am lucky enough to see it today." Without light, he walked slowly in the void, facing Zhiyi. Although he could not see it, but having cultivated to his level, it made no difference whether he could see it or not.

Zhiyi's eyes were strange, "Invisible Light among the Ten Jue, I have also heard a lot about you. What just happened was your field?".

"Not bad," Bijiangguang replied lightly.

Zhiyi praised, "You deserve praise for being able to cultivate the field to this extent."

Bu Jianguang's mouth curled up, "Is it just worthy of praise? Why don't you ask Daoyuan for advice for three days?"

"Okay" Zhiyi said happily. She was now almost certain that the person pretending to be her was this person. Who else in the Fifth Continent could do this except Shi Jue, but how did this person get the birth token? And the personality is not very similar, but no one else can do it except him.

"Get away" the star-collecting girl suddenly shouted.

A cold light exploded in front of Lu Yin's eyes. Zhiyi once again condensed the sword of Shengsheng Yuanqi, turned around and slashed, hoping to seriously injure him. He hurriedly used Yu Zibi to divert the sword, and the sword light deflected, but then there was a second sword, At this time, the mighty field suddenly swept across, and both Zhiyi and Lu Yin felt like they were stuck in a quagmire.

The invisible aura was his own phantom magnified a hundred times. As he raised his hand, the 100-meter-high phantom also raised his hand and pressed towards Zhiyi with one hand. Even Lu Yin was included.

Lu Yin cursed secretly and wanted to escape, but was trapped by the invisible light shield.

Zhiyi raised her palm, and the raw energy turned into a huge palm print visible to the naked eye, which collided with the invisible field.

The void exploded, like a thunderous explosion. As the huge thunder flashed, the sky was densely filled with countless cracks. As for Lu Yin, he was knocked into the sea by the two people just now. The moment a palm of the invisible light field came, he was trapped The invisible light shield was taken away by Zhiyi, and he was hit without any defense.

He tried what Nan Yanfei felt before, the sea was cold. Fortunately, he broke through the cruising realm, and coupled with the strength of his physical body, he was not seriously injured by a single blow, otherwise he would not feel comfortable even if he was swept away by the aftermath.

Looking up, two mighty energies clashed with each other on the sea. The invisible aura was a hundred-meter-high shadow. Zhiyi's vitality energy could be transformed into any form, just like two giants fighting against each other. Neither Yu nor Zhiyi's vitality can be resisted by ordinary practitioners.

Even the aftermath swept through, causing pain to millions of cultivators on the battlefield. The lightless field suppressed them and made them vomit blood. Zhiyi's vitality energy turned people into dust, each one more terrifying than the last.

Cai Xingnu and Hua Xiao both retreated, and it was not their turn to take action between these two people.

Shijue is very strong, everyone puts Shijue on par with Yuzi, but Daoyuan Santian is always ahead of Shijue.

Lu Yin had long had doubts. In the decisive battle between the Ten Jue and Yuzi, he won more than he lost, so did the victory in the Ten Jue mean that he could challenge the Sixth Continent Daoyuan for three days? Do they represent a higher level?

Back then, there were seven Feitian-level powerhouses on Earth, collectively known as the Seven Saints. The Seven Saints were also divided into the Upper Three Saints and the Lower Four Saints. Although both sides were the Seven Saints, their strength was very different. What about the ten finals? Are there similar divisions? It’s just that others don’t know? Or maybe they didn't really fight each other?

Lu Yin hid at the bottom of the sea and watched, watching the battle between two top masters of his generation.

It's a pity, if there was no celestial suppression, the battle between the two would have been even more exciting.

The sea is roaring, and in the dark field, Zhiyi's vitality energy has been fighting against each other for more than ten minutes, with no sign of weakening.

Looking around, the entire sea seemed to be a battlefield between the two.

There was no fancy fighting between the two, relying on the field and vitality. As the aftermath became more and more numerous, the battlefield of millions of cultivators was forced to stop, waiting for the decisive battle between the two.

It is extremely rare to practice field cultivation to such an extent that one cannot see the light. At least in Zhiyi's decades of cultivation career, she has never seen such a person.

The Shengshengyuanqi she cultivated is an extremely miraculous skill throughout the Sixth Continent. Not many people in the Daoyuan Sect of the Sixth Continent can practice it. Anyone who cultivates Shengshengyuanqi is a top master. It is with Shengshengyuanqi that she stands After three days in the position of Principle Source, now, the Shengsheng Source Qi is actually blocked by the field.

No one would believe her if she told her. She never thought that the source of energy would be blocked by the field one day.

Not only was there no light in front of her, she glanced down and saw that the man didn't care about the source of energy and had some physical problems.

No matter what, it is a fact that her vitality cannot invade into a field that cannot see the light. At least the sky is suppressed, and she cannot do it with a combat power of 200,000. In this case, Zhiyi suddenly no longer releases the vitality. Instead, she rushed towards the invisible light. She wanted to kill the invisible light with Yuan Tiangang and sword skills.

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