Star Odyssey

Chapter 983 Provocation

Looking at the Starlight Island not far away, with the deafening screams of murder in his ears, Lu Yin still took the time to look at the person in the cemetery. What is the meaning of the existence of this force?

The attack on Starlight Island went extremely smoothly. There were only hundreds of thousands of cultivators resisting on the Sixth Continent. It seemed like there were many people, but most of the cultivators were gone.

Even a fool knows that something is wrong. What is even weirder is that the magnetic pole is actually on Starlight Island.

If the magnetic pole is not there, White Knight and others can still breathe a sigh of relief, proving that the Sixth Continent has not given up the thunderstorm zone. But now that the magnetic pole is on Starlight Island, it is equivalent to saying that the Sixth Continent has given up the thunderstorm zone. The importance of the thunderstorm zone is self-evident. The six continents must have given up for something more important.

The star collector kept making predictions the moment she landed on Starlight Island. It wasn't until they got the remaining two magnetic poles without seeing the light that she turned pale and "fell into the trap."

"Zhiyi gave up on the thunderstorm area and went in that direction." As she spoke, the star collector pointed to the southeast.

Looking to the southeast, many people looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes.

"White Rock District" White Knight blurted out.

The star-collecting girl looked ugly, "Perhaps from the very beginning, Zhiyi appeared in the thunderstorm area just to attract attention. Her real target is the Baiyan District. Daoyuan must have had more than one person appear in the past three days. The Baiyan District is in danger."

"For the Sixth Continent, there is no need to conquer the entire cosmic sea. It only needs to open up to a place where there is no celestial suppression. Then their older generation of strong men can take action." Bu Jianguang said in a deep voice.

The white knight continued, "After paying such a high price, once they fail, not only the Baiyan District, but also most of the cosmic sea will have no place for the Sixth Continent. They plan to rush out of the cosmic sea in one go. There must be many powerful sealers behind them. Even the heavens seal it."

"And there's more than one person," the star-collecting girl said.

Following their words, everyone's hearts sank.

Lu Yin frowned. He didn't know whether Zhiyi planned this from the beginning or after being robbed of three magnetic poles in the thunderstorm area. In any case, she should have left the thunderstorm area long ago. Three days is enough for one source. Changing the battlefield pattern, not every Ten Jue can block Daoyuan for three days. If she doesn't care about face and charges hard with Yuan Tiangang, no one can stop her.

What's even more frightening is that more than one Principle Source may appear in three days. Perhaps, all Principle Sources will appear in three days without seeing the light. The White Knight is dragged in the thunderstorm area, and the rest of the Ten Jue must be delayed in other places. The Baiyan District is dangerous. .

At this time, a short man came to Lu Yin's side and whispered, "Seventh brother, Xinyu".

Lu Yin looked at the man in confusion, "Who are you?".

The man smiled and said, "I'm from the Rennes War Group."

Lu Yin's eyes lit up, "Really?".

Through Uncle Ghost's words, he knew that he belonged to the Rennes War Group. He was grateful, curious, and uneasy about the Rennes Group. He didn't know what kind of people they were. After all, they were all pirates, but no matter what, these people The group of people can be regarded as his family, and the eldest sister and the others are all from the Rennes War Group.

Moreover, it is said that he was actually rescued by the Holy Ray, and did not appear in the inner universe. He first appeared in the cosmic sea, and then woke up in the inner universe. The Holy Ray was his savior.

"Brother Seven, let's take a look. The letter fish is a specialty of the Universe Sea and carries news about the entire Universe Sea," the man said.

Lu Yin nodded, took out the letter, glanced at it, and his expression changed drastically, "There is trouble in Baiyan District."

In the eyes of everyone.

The white knight saw the letter fish in Lu Yin's hand and immediately took it, "Baiyan District has been defeated and has retreated to the edge. Now it uses the letter fish to ask for help from all over the world to support Baiyan District. The descendant of one of the three secret ancestors of Daoyuan is not empty, and the blood Ancestors Zhiyi all appear in Baiyan District."

Before everyone could react from the shock, the white knight continued, "The king of the ten decisive battles was defeated. Glory Method Shu Jing was defeated. The point general stage was snatched away by Fu Kong. In the name of Daoyuan Santian, he challenged all the people in the fifth continent. Masters of the same generation."

Everyone was shocked. Another Principle appeared for three days, and even the general station was snatched away.

Shouldn't the general station be in the hands of the Hall of Glory? In order to inspire all the young people in the Fifth Continent, the Dianjiangtai was taken away, which was a huge blow to the practitioners of the Fifth Continent.

Without seeing the light, he raised his head and faced the Baiyan District, feeling deep pressure.

Only those who have fought against Daoyuan for three days can know the kind of pressure. Although he forced Zhiyi to do nothing, he could not think of a way to defeat Zhiyi, and this was still under the suppression of celestial phenomena. Once there was no suppression of celestial phenomena, Zhiyi would use The power beyond the realm of enlightenment is not something he can easily fight against.

If Zhiyi is like this, what about the descendant of the legendary secret ancestor with the most secret skills?

Secret skills are always an insurmountable hurdle, and any secret skill cannot be dealt with by ordinary people. As the Secret Ancestor possesses the most secret skills, the descendants of the Secret Ancestor appear to be the most mysterious and unpredictable.

Now that the descendants of the Secret Ancestor have snatched away the general station, they don’t know how to get it back even if they don’t see the light. Maybe the Ten Jue can do it together, but they can’t leave the thunderstorm area. For the Sixth Continent, this is an invasion, and it can be done in many ways. method, but for them, there is only one way, which is to hold on and not give up any area, otherwise it may become the source of the collapse of the fifth continent.

Everyone was silent.

Lu Yin looked around, everyone's expressions were ugly. If the Baiyan District is opened up by the Sixth Continent, the older generation of experts from the Sixth Continent will drive straight in. What they will have to fight for then is extreme strength. Even if the Fifth Continent is defended by then, the Universe Sea and even the New World will be destroyed. The universe will also be beaten to pieces. No one can imagine how terrible Zhutian Yinzhao's attack will be, and no one dares to take risks.

With just the remaining energy and spirit of the ancestral realm strongman, the range covered the inner universe plus half of the cosmic sea. No matter how bad the seals of the heavens were, it was enough to shatter the huge area into pieces.

"The Baiyan District requires support. I can't leave without seeing the light, otherwise the thunderstorm area will also be dangerous," the white knight said, looking at Lu Yin and Caixing Girl, "You can go."

Lu Yin did not refuse.

Caixingnu said lightly, "I hope you can stay to contain the other two domains."

The white knight frowned. This was just hope. They had no choice. Once they left the thunderstorm area and Shang Rong and Nan Yanfei appeared, the five magnetic poles in the thunderstorm area might be taken away. Of course, it was also possible that the two domains had gone. White Rock District, it was useless for them to stay here, but they couldn't gamble.

"You do the math," Lu Yin couldn't help but said as he looked at the star-collecting girl.

The star-picking girl said indifferently, "Divination is not omnipotent. It just finds the one closest to the truth from countless options. They must stay, otherwise there is a 90% chance that the two realms will cause trouble in the thunderstorm area."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, "How about you try Xuantianjian?"

The star-collecting girl suddenly opened her eyes and stared at Lu Yin, "Where did you hear that?"

"Your Ninth Grandpa," Lu Yin said.

Without seeing the light, White Knight, Hua Xiao and others looked at Lu Yin with strange expressions. Why did they suddenly curse?

The star-collecting girl looked ugly and said, "I told you not to mention him again."

"But he knows Xuantianjian, why can't you?" Lu Yin asked.

Caixingnu was dissatisfied, "There is no Xuantianjian, he made it up himself."

"Really?" Lu Yin didn't know who to believe. Xuan Jiu counted him as family, and he just vomited blood. If it was fake, this professionalism was absolutely respectable, but he didn't ask for money, and he didn't ask for anything else. Like a liar.

Lord Taiyuan came over and stood beside Caixing Girl and glared at Lu Yin, "Don't mention that liar Xuan Jiu from now on. That old bastard takes advantage of everything."

When Xuan Jiu was mentioned, Cai Xingnu felt bad. The white knight glared at Lu Yin and said, "You can go."

Lu Yin didn't want to waste time. Zhiyi had obviously tricked them. If Baiyan District was really allowed to be opened up by the Sixth Continent, they would be a joke.

Not only Lu Yin and the Caixing Girl, but also Lord Taiyuan are going, and they have to follow him life and death. He looks at Lu Yin like he is looking at a thief. There is another person who is going, it is the short man from the Ren En Battle Group, and he wants to lead the way.

Lu Yin's eyes were too familiar to Taiyuan Jun. Zhu San had this look every time he looked at him. He was considering whether to tell Tai Yuan Jun about Zhu San, reminding him that the tighter he pursued, the faster he would lose.

There are many masters in the entire thunderstorm area, but there are only a few who can really be considered masters, at least they are all masters at the level of generals.

The rest of the people stayed behind, and Lu Yin and the other three headed towards Baiyan District.

Ling Que had gone somewhere, but as soon as Zhiyi came, he slipped away very quickly.

The cosmic sea is very large. Although the thunderstorm area is not far from the Baiyan area, it is difficult to reach it in a short time, and you may encounter weird weather along the way.

It took the Four Hegemons many years of traversing the cosmic sea to find a safe route. Lu Yin and the other three were able to rush to Baiyan District as quickly as possible under the leadership of the short man. Even if someone led the way, it would take at least several days to reach Baiyan District.

At the same time, the battle in Baiyan District became more and more intense. The originally huge dianjiang platform was supposed to host the elite masters of the fifth continent. Their names were engraved on the dianjiang platform. This was a supreme honor. However, at this moment, the dianjiang platform was not empty. Zhiyi stepped on the soles of her feet, and the eyes of countless cultivators from the Fifth Continent turned red.

Fu Kong is a man with a jade-like face. He looks very handsome at first glance, but upon closer inspection, he looks a little childish, as if he has just grown up. His eyes are full of arrogance and longing for the future.

In fact, he was only twenty years old, younger than Lu Yin, but his cultivation talent was extremely high. He had mastered all the secret techniques passed down by the Secret Ancestor, which shocked the entire Sixth Continent.

Looking at the past and present, he is the only one who can master all the secret techniques at such an age. In the past three days, few people in Daoyuan could fully master the secret techniques of the ancestor.

Countless compliments made Fu Kong gradually become arrogant, just like his name, he was arrogant.

But he is worthy of this arrogance, because except for Wu Taibai and Zhiyi, who are both Taoyuan for three days, no one is his opponent.

Taking away the general platform was a complete accident. He did not expect that the strength guarding the general platform was so weak. Coupled with Zhiyi's sudden appearance, he achieved a great honor.

How much Dian Jiangtai inspires the Fifth Continent will be the glory of his achievements. He wants his name to be forever engraved in the history of the Fifth Continent and become a stain on the entire Fifth Continent.

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