Star Odyssey

Chapter 996 Poor old friend

Looking up, there are stars all around. The miniature continent is heading towards the west. Even if it encounters a planet on the way, it will not stop and will directly hit it. It is much larger than the planet and has reinforced defenses. It cannot be shaken by the planet. .

On the miniature continent, Lu Yin dodged an arrow again. In the distance, the little Archery Saint looked ugly. He chased Lu Yin for more than ten days and still couldn't catch up. Even with his archery skills, the opponent could avoid him.

"You dare to fight with the Sword in the Stone but you don't dare to fight with me?" Little Arrow Saint said. He seldom spoke during the battle, but Lu Yin forced him to speak.

Lu Yin looked back, there was nothing he could do. With his strength, he could hold back a domain, but it was too difficult to win, but it would be nice if he could hold him back.

Little Arrow Saint is also stubborn, or he is too eager to meet the Blood Ancestor. Even if he knows that Lu Yin is deliberately holding him back, he will not give up.

The two crossed over areas, almost across the entire micro-continent, and were seen by countless people. The aftermath of the fierce battle also implicated many people, but no one intervened. Even Xia Tian and others who were qualified to intervene did not come forward. Lu Yin was not alone. When a person holds down a domain, he gets a lot of credit.

As for The Sword in the Stone, he is still haunted by Nobuonv.

At the corner of the continent, the land shattered. King Yan Qingye was breathing heavily, staring at a Sixth Continent cultivator across from him with his gifted purple eyes. This person came from the Imprinter family. Although he was not the heir, he was also an elite disciple. His strength was comparable to that of the top 100. She is at the top of the battle list. She has made great progress in the past few years and has broken through to the exploration realm. However, she is at most comparable to around 80 on the top 100 battle list, and is a little behind this elite disciple.

"Woman, you belong to the White Night Royal Family. It's an interesting family. Come with me. I can let you join our Sixth Continent and practice Seal. It's better than practicing slowly in the Fifth Continent." The man who was fighting with King Yan Qingye looked at him. Looking at her hotly.

It has to be said that King Yan Qingye has a proud capital, beautiful appearance, revealing clothes, coupled with an indifferent expression and delicate purple eyes, which is extremely attractive to men, not to mention that she comes from the White Night Royal Family, this kind of woman is all What men dream of.

King Yan Qingye's pupils flashed, and the surface of the man opposite him began to turn to stone. This was King Yan Qingye's talent, his purple pupils could petrify all living beings.

However, the man opposite laughed loudly, and a seal appeared on his back, and strange bloody streaks appeared on his body, which stopped the petrification.

"It's useless. Your talent has no effect on my bloodline. Your Fifth Continent is too weak. If you weren't lucky enough to have an ancestral realm to change the sky, at this moment the entire Fifth Continent would be reduced to the breeding of my Sixth Continent. Field, you are all our slaves, but this celestial phenomenon will not last long, it will always dissipate, and you will become slaves by then," the man said proudly.

King Yan Qingye shouted coldly, "There's so much nonsense."

The man's eyes turned cold, "I'm already very polite to you. I don't know how to show appreciation. Just be a slave." As he said that, he rushed towards King Yan Qingye.

King Yan Qingye felt the pressure increase suddenly. At this moment, a figure passed in front of him, blowing a strong wind, which forced King Yan Qingye to retreat. The strong wind was very strong.

King Yan Qingye just stepped back, but the cultivator from the Sixth Continent who fought with King Yan Qingye was already dead. A palm mark sunk into his chest, and then exploded, which was the superimposed strength.

King Yan Qingye turned his head to look in shock, Lu Yin turned back, and the two looked at each other.

King Yan Qingye's expression changed drastically, it was actually him.

Lu Yin was surprised. He was just avoiding the Little Arrow Saint, but when he saw a cultivator from the Sixth Continent very close, he took action. Unexpectedly, he actually saved King Yan Qingye.

He and this woman had a deep hatred, but he actually saved her, which was too small.

King Yan Qingye didn't expect Lu Yin to save her. This man was already being polite by not killing her.

Without allowing her to think too much, an arrow flew across the sky, tearing the void apart, making her scalp numb. King Yan Qingye turned his head in shock and saw the Little Arrow Saint rising above the void, leaping after Lu Yin.

King Yan Qingye looked at Lu Yin's fleeing back complexly. He hadn't seen him for several years. He had grown up enough to fight Yu Zi. She didn't believe it when she saw the reward posted by Zhiyi before. She just thought Lu Yin had something. It was worthy of Daoyuan Santian's attention, but he didn't expect that his strength would grow to such an extent.

Although she didn't want to believe it, she had to accept that maybe even the eldest brother wouldn't be able to defeat this person so easily.

The Little Arrow Saint is chasing Lu Yin, and King Yan Qingye is just a passerby.

Many people had the same experience as King Yan Qingye along the way, but no one had a deep friendship with Lu Yin.

Two days later, Lu Yin saw the Dianjiang Platform again. At this moment, the people fighting on the Dianjiang Platform were not only the few people he saw before, but also one more. The moment a cultivator from the White Night Clan appeared, The person who should show up - King Zhenwu Night.

Lu Yin glanced at Dianjiangtai, but instead of approaching, he took a detour and left.

During the war between the Fifth Continent and the Sixth Continent, he believed that most people would abandon their mortal hatred and fight against foreign enemies. But Zhenwu Night King, he did not believe that when they fought for the jade in the ruins of Daoyuan Sect, Zhenwu Night King could act regardless of his death. Robbery, the same at this moment.

Lu Yinwei noticed that there was a familiar figure fighting on the other side of the general stage. Although he was small, he was the one he cared about, Zhuo Baiye.

Zhuo Baiye also broke through the exploration realm. She was fighting two extreme realm cultivators from the sixth continent. The extreme realm faced off against the exploration realm. A cross-border battle was not an ordinary cross-border battle. It would have happened before a war between two continents. Dramatic, but cross-border fighting is not surprising since this war emerged.

Usually it is the cultivators from the sixth continent who cross the border to challenge the cultivators from the fifth continent. They have this ability.

Zhuo Baiye was in a stalemate against two sixth continent extreme practitioners.

Lu Yin took the little Arrow Saint around the miniature continent, and more and more Baiye tribe members saw him, including Zhan Long Baiye, an old acquaintance, and Chi Lian Baiye, who once studied at the Starry Sky War Academy, and Tiantian Baiye. wait.

These powerful men of the White Night Clan, who were once all-powerful and relatively famous among the younger generation, are now reduced to fighting against ordinary cultivators from the Sixth Continent, and are lost in the melee of millions of cultivators.

Even among the members of the Baiye tribe, there are only a few who can stand out. Even Baiye, the fighting dragon, can only deal with ordinary descendants of the Imprinter family, and may not be able to win.

Although few people dared to intervene in Yuzi's war, not everyone dared to intervene. Lu Yin felt that the person not far away could intervene. If it was not possible, he could just block a few moves.

Not far away, a cultivator from the Sixth Continent was beaten to death by a skinny man. This man was also a member of the Baiye tribe. His body was extremely strong. He was as thin as a skeleton. He had no flesh, but was extremely strong. This man was a bone man. Yaoh.

When Yan Xing fought, King Gu Ye fought Lu Yin and Wendy Yushan alone. If Lu Yin hadn't shot him through the heart, this man wouldn't have left.

Now, Lu Yin saw him again. He was still as strong and strong, and his appearance was still as scary.

When Lu Yin crossed the side of King Gu Ye, King Gu Ye was stunned for a moment. He saw clearly that it was Lu Yin. Before he could speak, an arrow shot from behind. He was horrified. He directly used the body of Night King to use his natural talent to be powerful. , raised his hand to grab it, sparks flew everywhere, the arrow pierced his palm, and the Bone Night King was plunged into the ground.

"Sorry for causing trouble to you," Lu Yin said and disappeared.

Little Arrow Saint didn't even look at Bone Night King and continued to chase him.

King Bone Night trembled in pain. The arrow from Little Arrow Saint not only hurt his palm, but also had destructive force invading along the wound. He looked angrily at Lu Yin's retreating back. He wanted to curse but didn't know what to curse. Here It's a battlefield.

Lu Yin didn't know whether he felt happy or sad when he saw the powerful enemy that he had once been unable to fight being severely wounded by the Little Arrow Saint's arrow.

Bone Night King's strength is not weak. He was ranked fifteenth on the top 100 battle list at the beginning. He and Wendy Yushan were unable to fight back. Now after a few years, he should be separated from the younger generation, but his strength has improved a lot. Even so. He was still hit hard by an arrow.

Lu Yin had been shot with countless arrows in the past ten days.

He had really become much stronger, but it was uncomfortable to watch the cultivators from the Fifth Continent being crushed by the Little Arrow Saint.

"Brother Seven, it's settled," Gui Hou said tiredly, and the shadow merged from Lu Yin's back into his right arm.

Lu Yin moved his arms and breathed a sigh of relief. The power of the Sword in the Stone was explained by Gui Hou, and he felt much relieved.

The arrows came again.

Lu Yin even admired the little Arrow Saint. He chased him for more than ten days without giving up. He was about to reach the tributary of the Galaxy. After crossing the tributary of the Galaxy, he reached the Chaotic Flow Realm. At the speed of a miniature continent, it didn't take long to reach the Miluo River. .

Although the tributaries of the inner universe galaxies are far less wide than the galaxies, because they are afraid of the creatures in the tributaries, each tributary has giant galactic boats that go back and forth at fixed locations to pick up and drop off people from the two river realms.

The inner and outer universe underwent great changes, and the giant galactic boat was pushed out of the tributary. At this moment, there was no giant galactic boat carrying it on the tributary of the inner universe's galactic river.

The energy of the tributaries surged, just like the galaxy, but a huge gap was torn open. This is the inner universe, and there is no shortage of masters.

The micro-continent rushed directly towards the chaotic flow boundary along the previously torn gap.

The tributaries of the Galaxy were not wide. Lu Yin looked up while escaping, and saw the boundless energy of the tributaries above his head, as well as the huge strange fish swimming by from time to time.

Soon, the micro-continent passed through the tributaries and reached the chaotic flow realm.

The main force that occupies the Chaos Realm is the Casting Family. Now, with the death of their ancestors, the Casting Family has all retreated to the Sixth Continent. However, those cultivators from the Fifth Continent are still hiding and fighting guerrilla warfare, so that the mini-continent has appeared and It caused little stir.

It is getting closer and closer to the Miluo River. Once the micro-continent goes up the Miluo River, it will enter the sixth continent and also exit the celestial phenomenon suppression area. By then, no one will be able to regain the point of command.

The battle around Dianjiangtai became increasingly fierce.

Lu Yin wanted to get rid of the Little Arrow Saint and participate in the battle for the general station. He knew that the possibility of him grabbing it was low, but he still wanted to give it a try. Qualifying for the Star Tower trial alone meant that he did not have to fight with other people. If you compete, the probability of achieving the Five Stars will be very high.


Thanks to Qingfeng Yishanren, Mouse's Monkey, Charlotte 99, Game of Life, and Brother Peggy for the reward. I will give you more updates. Suifeng will try to add more updates as much as possible in the future. Thank you for your support! !

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