
【Hook:"What?....What's the matter, sister Natasha?"】

【Xi'er:"Wait a minute, this yellow hair color.....It’s really Hook!"】

【Xi'er:"The other one with white hair is Clara, right?"】

【Luca:"It's true"】

【Luca:"In the entire lower area, only Hook’s hair is yellow, and Clara’s hair is white, right?"】

【Hook:"Wow! No wonder Hook feels familiar. It turns out this is what Hook will look like when he grows up!"】

【Hook:"It looks pretty good, as expected of me!"】

【Clara:"Clara feels that Clara doesn’t seem to have changed much......"】

【Swaro:"This knowledge is permanently sealed until Clara comes of age."】


【Rakshasa:"But obviously, looking at the dots on the map, they may be organizing a rebellion now."】

【Hook:"Hmph! Hook and Clara wouldn't organize a rebellion!"】

【Hook:"Hook is the leader of the Mole Party in the Lower District!"】

【Hook:"Clara is an honorary member of the Mole Party!"】

【Kafka:"You can't say for sure. Ten years can change a lot of things.""】

【Natasha:"I watched Hook grow up. Even if she did this, she had her reasons."】

【Natasha:"Clara is also a good child, and I often watch her repair machinery."】

【Hook:"The old witch......"】

【Clara:"Sister Natasha....."】


In the picture, Hook nodded to Fujimaru Ritsuka.

The grown-up Hook's figure can be compared with Topa.

But in her prime, she appeared here at this time

"so....Are you serious?"

"And why choose me?"

"Why did you invite me?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at Hook, scratched his head and asked.

"destiny. said Hook


Fujimaru Ritsuka looked confused.


"The revelation of the last king."

After saying this, Fujimaru Ritsuka understood.

Since it was the revelation of the last king, no matter where he was, he would eventually attend this meeting by mistake.

So Hook invited him directly.

It was also save. If there is any misunderstanding at that time, we will take action or something.

"Now that everyone is here"

"Then let's get started."

Hook glanced around and said.

Next, Hook began to arrange tasks one by one on the map.

These tasks were intertwined with each other, and their level of precision was not something that a young girl could describe.

But at this time, Everyone knows.

She just wants to stir up disputes!

She wants to seize power with arms!

Even if everyone in Earth Fire trusts Hook again, they still can't understand what Hook is doing at this time.

After all the tasks are assigned, Hook burned the map.

Then he solemnly scanned everyone's face and said

"Many people will die in this battle"

"It could be you, it could very well be me"

"We are going to fight to the death with people we know or don’t know!"

"I know you might not have the heart to point your guns at people who have nothing to do with you."

"I know, you may be jealous and completely abandon ethics and morals."

"But you have to remember!"

"My heart and actions are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is righteous!"

"We will turn into the most evil thugs and turn this world upside down!"

"We will be remembered by all!"

"We will live forever!!!"

When everyone heard this, they put their hands on their hearts at the same time.

Everyone saw that there seemed to be a fire burning in Hook's eyes!

And this fire had already ignited them!

"Give your heart!"

At this time, everyone roared in low voices.

Hook turned his back to everyone and opened a corner of the curtain. He looked quietly at the blue sky outside.

The meeting was over.

Everyone got their tasks.

And divided them into batches. She left the Goethe Hotel for the first time.

Fujimaru Ritsuka, who had also received the task, was confused at this time.

She didn't know why she did it. She didn't know the meaning of it.

She had to hold on to Clara who had not left yet. La, asked

"us....Why do this?"


"Did you just come here? asked Clara


Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded.

She has indeed just arrived.

Those who hurry up and hurry up are still late.

"give you this tape"

"Let's see it tonight"

"Although you didn't experience this, someone was recording the video at the time."

"By the way, where do you live?"

"This is for you, the key to 9527."

Fujimaru Ritsuka looked blankly at the keys in his hand and Clara leaving.

Then, he put the tape and keys into the pocket where he had put the parchment.

He looked at the gradually darkening"sky" and covered his mouth with his hands. Take a breath of hot breath

"this planet.....Quite cold"....

【Jing Yuan:"In three days, the rain is coming......."】

【Hua:"This will be a bloody storm."】

【Walter Young:"The point is probably on that tape."】

【March 7:"In the end, I still don’t know why I did this."】

【Topa:"But at least I know the origin of that sentence"】

【Topa:"But in our world, this sentence was said by Lin Mo"】

【Natasha:"No matter what happens, I will always believe in Hook and Clara"】

【Hook:"Sister Natasha......"】

【Clara:"Sister Natasha......"】

At Hook and Clara's age, they absolutely cannot accept themselves as villains.

This will cause a heavy blow to their innocent and fragile hearts.

And Natasha's words gave them confidence.

Let the two people who were originally depressed cheer up again

【Lin Mo:"I should know what she is going to do"】

【Silver Wolf:"Elaborate"】

【Fu Xuan:"Want to hear the details"】

【Lin Mo:"If it is what I thought, then I can only say that my prediction has come true."】

【Lin Mo:"After all, this system simulates the future."】

【Lin Mo:"Maybe, Hong...The black ghost will also appear at this time and wander throughout the world."】

【Xueyi:"I don't understand"】

【Qingque:"I don't remember any prophecies made by Ah Mo?"】

【Tingyun:"Yes, that is, when I have a bloody disaster......"】

【Tingyun:"My benefactor, can it be this?""】

【Tingyun:"I don't think my benefactor would watch the little girl die, right?""】

【Lin Mo:"If you didn't listen to me and didn't go out without this system, then it's definitely not you."】

【Stop the cloud:"........"】

If there was no such system, she would definitely have gone out!

After all, she would not listen to a soothsayer's bloody disaster, and she had really been staying in Luofu for a while.

Now is no longer the time to care about this.

If it was really me, it would definitely be exposed in a moment.

And once it breaks out.

What would Lin Mo think?

Did you stay in Luofu because you knew his value?

Did you call him your benefactor because you knew his value?

Although Lin Mo must have known that he had a purpose in approaching him.

But knowing is knowing.

But there will definitely be grudges in my heart. no!

We have to find a way to put this matter back together quickly!

【Fu Xuan:"It seems that some people are out for profit."】

【Tingyun:"Who is it?"】

【Zingyun:"It seems to be Miss Topa."】


Faced with Fu Xuan's question, Ting Yun just pretended to be stupid.

And it just so happened that Topa had already made it clear that he wanted to get closer to Lin Mo, so he was a competitor.

Just let her get on top.

Facing Tingyun, who was pretending to be stupid and looking for a scapegoat, Fu Xuan did not directly say who it was.

This was not stated directly.

First, Tingyun also knew the promise he had made.

In case of emergency.

Rabbits will bite when they are anxious.

Not to mention a century-old fox?

Second, Tingyun and himself are both from Luofu.

If you don’t see it when you look up, you won’t see it when you look down.

It's not good to get too tense.

Third, Topa did approach Lin Mo with the purpose of profit.

And she is not from Luofu.

Naturally, we need to exclude such people first..........

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