
A muffled sound sounded.

Stop Yun saw a flash of red light, and the monster in front of him was nailed to the ground by the spear.

Both the saved Ji Yun and the warrior could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. But now they are only saved, and they are not completely out of danger.

After Xiaozhi threw out a spear to save Miss Fox, she did not stop her steps, she took out her sword and killed it, and in an instant she killed into the group of monsters.

"Hahaha~ It's now, cleaning time!"

I saw Xiaozhi lying low, staring at the monster in front of you, like a sword full of sharp aura, and she held "Words Will Kill" in her right hand behind her.

In an instant, she stepped on the ground and galloped out, like a red lightning, penetrating every monster.

At the same time, red feathers were left where the lightning passed, floating in mid-air.

"Hmph, it's just weak!"

When Xiaozhi appeared again, she flicked the sword in her hand, and the red sword body made a slight humming sound.

In the next second, the feather floating in mid-air suddenly turned into a longsword with a sharp handle, like heavy rain overturning.

However, in the blink of an eye, the swords formed by five or six monsters penetrated the heart, fell to the ground and could not get up again.

The two warriors were dumbfounded, they could only fight against the one or two demon body pawns with all their strength, and there was no room for resistance at all in front of this girl.

Xiao Zhi didn't care about the eyes of the others, and went straight to Stop Cloud, to be precise, towards the last remaining monster beside them.

The monster was still struggling by the spear through the chest, Xiaozhi was too lazy to think about it, and he raised his sword and fell with a sword to cut off the monster's head without moving.

The two fighters felt helpless, these were their former comrades-in-arms... But at this moment, there is no way, if you fall into the demon yin body, you can only face each other with swords...

When she saw Xiaozhi dressed in the costume of Xianzhou, she thought that it was the masses who had not yet evacuated, but the other party's skills did not look like ordinary people, which made her a little confused.

At the same time, she also felt as if she had seen Xiaozhi somewhere, but she couldn't recall the vague memory for a while...

When Xiaozhi solved all the monsters, Walter, March Seven, and Star arrived.

Ignoring the corpses around them, they walked straight to Xiaozhi's side.

"Didn't you get hurt, did you?"

Xing is naturally not worried about Xiaozhi, but just habitually asks.

Xiaozhi chuckled, "Huh, are you underestimating me? I haven't put these monsters in my eyes yet.

She pressed her thumb against the tip of her little finger and said

, "But these monsters are stronger than the Destroyer Legion's pawns, but they are still easy for me!"

Several people did not scoff at Xiaozhi's boasting, if she didn't do this one day, it would be troublesome.

Seeing that the crisis was lifted, one of them was injured, and the intention was to escort Stopyun to leave here and return to the central town.

However, Su Yun had doubts about Xiaozhi and Walter, so he reminded the two not to act rashly.

She folded her hands at the base of her left thigh towards Xiaozhi, and thanked her slightly:

"Thank you so much!" If it weren't for Engong's rescue, the little woman would probably have died on the spot, and she couldn't be grateful!

"Uh..." Xiaozhi

didn't think much about saving them at the time, but it was a convenient thing, mainly idle on the train, looking for something to move.

Now in the face of Miss Fox's words, Xiaozhi didn't know how to reply for a while.

She wrapped her fingers around her hair and looked over at Walter and them, as if looking for a solution.

March Seven and Xing turned their heads, pretending not to see it, but they were actually secretly laughing.

After a while, when Walter was about to speak, Miss Fox said again:

"The little woman is Luofu Tianbei's transfer envoy to stop the clouds, dare to ask the honorable name of the Duke of En?"

"Oh... You're asking what my name is," said Xiaozhi, "and please call me: Lady of the Great Law of Knowledge." As for their words..." "

My name is March Seven." After she introduced herself, she introduced Walter and Star.

Su Yun couldn't help but chuckle out loud, she was amused by Xiaozhi's self-introduction. When she laughed, her ears were shaking slightly, like soft feathers.

"The one who knows the law... Engong's name is really rare. "

Huh? Don't you believe it? Xiao Zhi crossed his hands on his waist and said, "I can't change my name or my surname." "

Duke Engong is thinking too much," Su Yun quickly explained, "The little woman just has something unclear. "

Duke En's companion is not from the Immortal Boat, and since the Xingcha Sea has been completely blocked, can you tell me the reason why you are here?"

If there is no reasonable explanation, the little woman will have a headache..." Stopping

Yun spoke in a crooked manner, respectful and polite on the surface, but secretly a little wary of them.

March Seven leaned close to Xingxing's ear and said,

"It seems that this Miss Shuyun is very wary of us."

Star whispered in response.

Then March 7 went on to say that this kind of thing can be explained by Uncle Yang, and they can just watch it.

Walter, a mature adult here, lived up to expectations and explained to Su Yun:

"When we arrived at Xianzhou by train, we called the port connection, but at first there was no response, but the gate of the Jade Realm was suddenly opened.

After we entered the Xianzhou, we didn't see anyone, so we had to find our way. "

How is it possible..." Ji Yun frowned, folded his arms and said, "My ship finally entered the port, the Jade Realm Gate was closed closely, and the Xingcha Sea was completely blocked by the Tianbei Division..."

Xian Zhou knew as soon as he checked the opening record of the Jade Realm Gate.

Walter dragged his chin and thought

, "The person who opened the door didn't say a word, and I also suspected that there was a ghost."

Suyun looked down in thought for a moment, then looked up at Walter and said,

"You are... Star Dome train? Seeing

them nodding, Su Yun thought in her heart: Although she had no contact with the Star Dome train, judging from the news left in the universe, the nameless passengers of the train were not some big evildoers, but adhered to the concept of punishing evil and promoting good.

Thinking of this, she put down her heart. As long as it's not a rebel who mixed into Xianzhou.

She changed her serious face and smiled faintly like a breeze.

"Is Engong also an unknown guest from the Star Dome train?"

Xiao Zhi thought and replied,

"Hmm... Let's just say that, after all, there is nowhere else to go now.

"Oh, Engong and the guests of the train, just offended, please don't take the little woman's words to heart."

The little woman also had to be wary of enemies who tried to invade Xianzhou for the safety of Xianzhou. Xiao

Zhi said without care:

"Hey, I will be relieved about this kind of little thing, how tired."

Stopyun sighed and said with a pessimistic expression:

"Alas... The guests came unluckily, and Xianzhou suffered an accident and was inconvenient to treat guests. No matter how many of them come for sightseeing, business or medical treatment, they can't do anything. Walter


"We also know a little about the meaning of Xianzhou, Miss Stopyun, it's not a secret, we came this time to help Xianzhou seal the star core."

Su Yun smiled and said,

"I believe. However, for safety reasons, it is better for several of them to rush back to the center of the Xingcha Sea as soon as possible to take refuge. I will lead you to meet with Lord Yukong, who is in charge of the Heavenly Lot, and leave it to her to decide.

"You want to escort us to the officials?"

Xiao Zhi looked at Stop Yun, and his tone seemed to have some questioning meaning.

"Oops~ When the Grace Gong fought righteousness to save each other, the little woman believed that you were a great benevolent person! It's just that this kind of big thing, the little woman can't do anything!

Stopyun said with a distressed face:

"After all, you are outsiders, and without the authorization of Lord Si Yukong, the little woman can't afford it!"

Walter immediately answered

, "Miss Shuyun doesn't have to worry, just take us to meet that Lord Yukong."

Su Yun's eyebrows are raised high, and the look of joy on the eyebrows is cute.

"Thank you for your understanding! Don't worry, Lord Yukong is kind and kind, let's go. "


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