Although Walter is usually serious, this time is different, this time it is not only about him, but also about everyone else on the train.

So this time, he said something more serious:

"Even if the crisis of Luofu has nothing to do with the star core, with my personality, I will not sit idly by."

But my own wishes do not represent the Star Dome train. I can't decide on their own..." Walter

rarely said so many words at once, and the others did not interrupt him at this moment.

Pioneering, understanding, building, connecting –

the creed of pioneering is only eight words, but how many people can follow through and be consistent?

Fear, danger, enemies, death, the hardships of the journey, at any time and in any place, people choose to give up.

It is up to them to face the difficulties and dangers ahead, whether to move forward or leave.

"It's like we vote on the train to decide where we go. This time, whether to stay and help Xianzhou is also up to you to decide.

No one can force pioneers to make choices against their free will.

After Walter finished speaking, he looked solemnly at the remaining four.

They looked at each other....

Xiao Zhi was the first to stretch out his hand and put it in front of everyone.

"Hehe, I have a feud with 'destruction'. This time, let's take down one of the generals under the 'Nanuk' seat first! March

Seven and Xing did not hesitate, and also stretched out their hands after Xiaozhi stretched out their hands.

The three hands are folded and stacked together.

At the moment, only Danheng has not yet made a vote.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes in thought.

"Danheng, you..." March

Seven looked at Danheng nervously, he didn't know Danheng's background, but she could feel his heart full of contradictions and entanglements at the moment.

Jing Yuan sighed and said, "I won't force you... Danheng.

Danheng exhaled a turbid breath, stretched out his hand, and placed it on the back of the three people's hands.

The three girls looked at each other and smiled, shouting in unison - "Come on!

Danheng looked at Jing Yuan and said to him,

"I'm not standing here as an unknown guest. Because of the comings and goings of this trip, I was at the mercy of others and had no freedom to speak of....

But as a descendant of the Ming clan, I will fulfill my responsibility to Luofu.

"That's fine."

"Yay!" Xiao Zhi was happy that everyone could achieve a unified goal, "So, what is the general's next plan?" Say it and listen.

Jing Yuan smiled and said, "There is no magic plan. In the face of the Destruction Order, all schemes will appear powerless.

"No, is this general of yours reliable?"

Xiao Zhi's words were stunned by those cloud riders who stood straight, and even a few almost "fainted".

Except for Lord Taibu, it was the first time they had seen the general being told to his face that he was unreliable.

Jing Yuan did not have any dissatisfaction with this, but smiled and continued:

"There is no magic plan, only a gamble." Betting on Elder Ming's half-cut scale-removal technique, betting that Danheng can also retrieve the memory of the Dragon Venerable...

Those who bet on us here can fight against the extinct Maharaja Phantom, who may have both the power of abundance and destruction. "

At this moment, everyone also knows that the Great Emperor of Extinction personally took Jianmu, and now the possibility of failure is very small.

It is no exaggeration to say that it has two terrorist powers at the same time.

Jing Yuan walked to

the statue and slowly told the origin of the statue - under the instruction of the ancient Dragon Venerable, the Ming tribe guided the water of the ancient sea, flooded the Scales Abyss Realm Cave Heaven, and used it as a container for sealing the "building wood".

In order to commemorate such a feat and sacrifice, the Xianzhou Alliance erected the Great Dragon Monument in the Scales Abyss, leaving a statue of Ming Ming.

As for why this statue is so similar to Danheng, the reason is that the previous generations of dragon lords are not much different - except for the current generation of dragon lords.

She was still a child, a little doll who did not inherit all her power....

After briefly introducing the statue, Jing Yuan looked at Danheng and said,

"Now do you understand?" After Dan Feng's death, Luofu's holding was no longer able to do it, and opened the road to Jianmu.

That's why I've forcibly left you behind.

I hope that you, who have watched over Jianmu, can understand me.

Jing Yuan suddenly laughed, "Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't understand.

Jing Yuan narrowed his smile, looked at him with a solemn expression and said

, "Okay, it's up to you next, Danheng."

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became heavy, as if the sky was falling, making people feel that it was difficult to breathe.

With heavy steps, Danheng slowly approached there, and there was a certain resemblance to himself.

"Danheng!" Xiao Zhi suddenly spoke, "Remember, you are not alone. Walter

: "You're part of the train crew, Danheng. Hurry up and settle things up, we'll continue to travel."

Danheng looked at everyone in the train set and nodded.

Exhaling another turbid breath, he closed his eyes and faced the sea.

Sense the power here——!

(Please open your player and play the music Water Dragon Chanting.) Combined with consumption, the effect is better. -

Memories of the past emerge from the darkness.

Under the waves, the ancient Jianmu Xuan Root was restless, like a fierce beast that had been lying for a thousand years and had just woken up from a big dream.

The prohibitions woven by the successive Ming Dragon Venerables, the entanglements that tame and disperse the power of the giant beasts, form a net that will be broken by decay, and it is about to fall off.

I saw -

Danheng was facing the endless water of the ancient sea with his hands.

He raised his left hand, and a dazzling light bloomed, illuminating the direction.

The sea water is churning, and the huge current swirls around Danheng. Directly in front of him, the current began to split to both sides.

As the brilliance in Danheng's hand became more and more dazzling, with a "boom", a golden light crossed the heavens and the earth, straight to the top of Jiuxiao.

The sea water suddenly split, as if it had been split in half.

The sea slowly parted, as if it had been pulled open, a huge curtain of water.

The palace under the sea is gradually revealed, revealing its magnificent and mysterious true appearance to the world.

When the huge palace sunk in the water was fully revealed, everyone was shocked by such a magnificent scene, and their mouths grew up.

The mountain-like sea water stays on both sides of the palace.

On the side of the sea, you can also see fish swimming in the water.

This spectacle is rare to see several times in a lifetime.

The huge dragon-shaped phantom stops at the end of the road, and that is where the Jianmu Xuan Root is.



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