On one side is a very cute mini ice bear, and on the other side is a little ice bear cub.

"Come on, Mini Ice! Let's beat it!"

""We're going too!"

Immediately, under the command of Sanyueqi and Lingke, the two little ether spirits collided with each other.

Their small bodies looked a little funny when they were fighting, just like two fat little sparrows that lost their balance and crashed into a car.

However, cute and funny as they were, these two were real ether spirits, and they had their own skills and could fight.

"Duoduo! Use hail to attack the opponent!"

March Seven also let her Mini Ice use attack skills on the ice bear cub.

Duoduo is the name she just gave her Mini Ice.

The next moment, Mini Ice controlled countless small hailstones and smashed them towards the ice bear cub.

Unfortunately, the power was too weak.

The small hailstones were not even as big as marbles. If they were smaller, they would probably be renamed snow.

They hit the ice bear cub and did almost no damage.

05 In addition, the ice bear cub's ability is the ice-attributed ether spirit, so the damage it suffered is even lower.

However, while Mini Ice was scratching the cub, the ice bear cub was not much better.

"Baibai, use roar, keep roaring!"

Lingke commanded the ice bear cub to continuously use the roaring skill.

Baibai was the name she gave to her etheric spirit.

Then, the ice bear cub launched a roar at Mini Ice that had no power at all.

After being affected by the roar, Mini Ice cooperated and shook his body, but it was not a big deal.

Xing watched the scene speechlessly.

At this moment, she finally saw what it meant to output with her mouth.

But Lingke had no choice.

Her little ice bear cub was only level one, and it only had this one skill.

If that didn't work, she would have to use her body to engage in hand-to-hand combat with Mini Ice. The situation was similar for Mini Ice.

It is also a level one Ether Spirit, with skills and damage, but not much.

However, compared to March Seven, Lingke, as the gatekeeper of the snowfield area, can freely adjust the strength of her Ether Spirit.

And the standard for this adjustment is based on the strength of the challenger.

In addition, both of them are novices, and March Seven's Mini Ice is only level one, so the Icefield Bear Cub can naturally only be adjusted to level one.

Later, as March Seven's game experience and Mini Ice's level increase, when she challenges other regional badges, the opponent's Ether Spirit strength standard will be adjusted again on this basis.

Compared to Xing's silence, March Seven and Lingke are having a lot of fun.

"Lots! Use Hail again!"

"In vain! Use Roar……"

They commanded their etheric spirits to fight each other, which gave them a special sense of accomplishment.

Moreover, it was the first time for both of them to participate in a game like"Ether Front", so the fun they could feel from it was even more abundant.

Although they were just noobs fighting each other, there was also the joy of noobs fighting each other.

However, since Mini Ice and the Ice Bear Cub were both ice-attributed, the two etheric spirits were mutually immune to ice damage, and they were both level one etheric spirits, so the damage they could cause to each other was really limited.

Therefore, for a while, the battle between March Seven and Ling Ke became awkward.

March Seven and Ling Ke were commanding there vigorously, but after the command, the health of Mini Ice and the Ice Bear Cub was almost full.

Oh no, to be precise, Mini Ice still caused a little damage to the Ice Bear Cub (to read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But it was only a little.

The roar of the Ice Bear Cub was in a similar situation, and the impact and damage caused were even smaller.

However, in the eyes of Sanyueqi and Lingke, this was a very severe battle! []

A battle that was evenly matched and exciting!!

Therefore, both of them commanded very seriously.

Xing watched and gradually brought himself into it, also very seriously.

In the following battle, Mini Ice continued to scrape the ice bear cub.

The ice bear cub can still use collision and melee with the opponent, causing a lot of damage.

But Mini Ice can fly, and it also relies on the advantage of flying to constantly kite the ice bear cub, leaving Lingke no chance to take advantage.

In this way, the two sides fought back and forth, and it actually scraped for more than an hour.

In the end, Sanyueqi defeated Lingke's ice bear cub with a slight advantage and won the battle.

""Look, Mini Ice seems to be changing!"

At this moment, Xing pointed at Mini Ice and said in surprise.

After the battle, Mini Ice gained a lot of experience points.

Sanyueqi also threw all the training resources he gained after the battle to Mini Ice.

Unexpectedly, it caused Mini Ice to evolve.

After a dazzling white light wrapped Mini Ice, when the light faded, the figure of the Ether Spirit inside was revealed.

At this moment, Duoduo had evolved into Duoduo Ice.

"Great! Hehe~ My Duoduo has become stronger again!"

Seeing this, Sanyueqi picked up Duoduo Bing from the ground, and then said excitedly

""Great! Here, this is the Snowfield Badge!"

Ling Ke exclaimed sincerely.

Then, she took out the Snowfield Badge and gave it to Sanyueqi.

"You are not bad! It's a pity that I have to challenge others, otherwise, I must play a few more games with you!"

Sanyueqi also said in return.

For a moment, when the two looked at each other, they actually felt a sense of mutual appreciation.

"Me too!"

"Now the competition is more important. After this competition is over,

I will take you to see the aurora in the snowfield next time when I have time, okay?!"

Ling Ke nodded and immediately invited Sanyueqi and Xing.


"Then we are friends from now on, let's take a photo."

Hearing this, Sanyueqi readily agreed.

Then, she also hugged Lingke and took a photo with her.

Afterwards, Xing took Sanyueqi away from the snowfield competition area.

Sanyueqi did find her original ether spirit, but she hasn't found it yet.

"So where are we going next?!"

Seeing this, Sanyueqi held Duoduobing in her hand and asked.

Now that she already had her own initial ether spirit and got the Snowfield Badge, she was not in a hurry.

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