"Did you forget that Wangxia Tong has another special mechanism?!"

Hearing this, Topa chuckled and looked at Xing.

In addition to being immune to attacks of the same attribute until it leaves the field, Wangxia Tong

's attack power will be doubled every time it is attacked.

Xing also used this mechanism to directly turn defeat into victory in the previous long battle and instantly reverse the situation.

"The phantom attack can give my king a barrel of stacks, but I can only stack the passive twice."

"After all, Wang Xia Tong can only withstand three attacks from Huanlong."

Hearing this, Xing said helplessly.

She wanted to stack more layers of passive for Wang Xia Tong, but she couldn't stack them at all!

After the third attack from Huanlong, even Wang Xia Tong would be offline, and all passives would be reset.

Therefore, each time Wang Xia Tong's attack power can only stack two layers at most, which is four times the initial attack power.

For Wang Xia Tong, whose initial attack power is not high, four times the attack power is actually not that high.

Even if it is against an ordinary elf, it is estimated that it cannot be killed instantly, let alone against Huanlong.

"Illusion can't help you stack more passives, but that doesn't mean we can't!"

Hearing this, Topa blinked and said in a slightly playful way:

"Help me stack the passive……"

""That's right!"

Hearing this, Xing's eyes lit up and she reacted instantly.

She was just thinking about how to defeat Huanlong, and almost forgot that there were a group of partners fighting side by side with her in the venue.

Who stipulated that only Huanlong, the hidden boss, could attack Xing's Wangxiatong?!

In other words, everyone present could use attacks of different attributes to attack Wangxiatong, and their attack power would continue to stack up.

"What a great idea! Why didn't I think of it just now?!"

"Come on, come on, I'll attack Wang Xia first!"

"Take it easy, don't attack too many times by mistake, or all your efforts will be wasted.……"

After Sanyueqi and the others realized what was happening, they were all surprised.

They commanded their ether spirits to move forward, ready to help Xing stack the attack power of the king's next bucket.

"Don't worry, guys!"

"I suggest that you send out one Ether Spirit of each attribute, and then line up to attack. Each Ether Spirit only needs to attack once at most.……"

Then, Topa took on the temporary command of the scene, and then directed everyone to let their etheric spirits attack the king of the star one by one.

"Ice Bear, use Blizzard!"

When it was March Seven's turn to attack Wang Xia Tong with his Ether Spirit,

March Seven shouted and immediately ordered the Ice Bear to use its ultimate move.


Seeing this, Xing couldn't help but glance at Sanyueqi in silence. She had reason to suspect that Sanyueqi and the Ice Bear were taking the opportunity to retaliate.

Originally, they only needed to use ordinary attribute attacks to show their respect, so what was the point of using big moves?!

Moreover, it was not just Sanyueqi, there were several other people who did this.

Most of them were defeated opponents that Xing had met in previous competitions.

However, Xing didn't care about this, as long as it didn't affect Wang Xia's barrel from continuing to stack.

At the same time, Fangkuai Ren, who was treating this battle as a fruit-cutting game, naturally noticed the abnormality on Xing's side.

"Finally found it?……"

Fang Kuai Ren murmured softly. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Huanlong, attack over there and interrupt Wang Xia Tong's passive stacking!"

Then, Fang Kuai Ren also gave Wang Xia Tong a new order.

If Topa and Xing could think of this, how could he not think of it?!

Fang Kuai Ren would not let Xing get what he wanted so easily. (bjcj)

Now, he had to make this game a little more difficult.[]

This is interesting, isn't it?!

The next moment, Huanlong dragged his huge body and rushed towards Xing and the others.

""Oh no! Fangkuai Ren and Huanlong have discovered us!"

Seeing this, Xier also hurriedly reminded him.

If Huanlong used attacks of the same attribute to attack Wang Xia Tong continuously and directly interrupted Wang Xia Tong's passive stacking, then all their efforts would be wasted.

"Fang Kuai Ren is so abominable! Can we still play games happily?!"

After hearing this, San Yue Qi said in dissatisfaction.

"He is cheating. You can't play like this!"

"Stack up your attack power quickly, as long as you can stack it up enough before Huanlong arrives."

"Actually, it is normal if you think about it. After all, he is the final boss. It is impossible for us to pass it so easily.……"

As for other people's opinions, they also differed.

However, the same thing was that

Huanlong and Fangkuairen's actions added a sense of urgency to the players who had just breathed a sigh of relief.

It was tense and exciting, painful and happy!!

At this time, Jingyuan stood up directly.

"Move as fast as you can. I will bring others to help you delay the time!"

General Shen Ce is General Shen Ce.

No matter when, he is so reassuring!

""Everyone, follow me and stop Huanlong!"

The next moment, Jing Yuan shouted and led the charge.

He commanded his God Lord Ether Spirit to rush to the front to buy time for Xing. Although the overall strength of the God Lord Ether Spirit was not much higher than that of ordinary Ether Spirits, it could not escape the fate of being slapped by Huanlong.

However, the God Lord charged recklessly.

���That conspicuous appearance set a good example for other players and their Ether Spirits.

Since they couldn't resist, they used their Ether Spirits to form a flesh wall and then blocked the opponent's progress. Anyway, their Ether Spirits would still be reborn immediately after being defeated , and they were not afraid of death. As for this situation, the Ether Spirit only wanted to say:

"You are noble, you are great, but it's not you who is dying anyway……"

However , it must be said that Jing Yuan's move was somewhat effective.

Under the charge of a large number of players and ether spirits around him,

Huanlong seemed to be stuck in a quagmire and moved very slowly.

"These damn little bugs are so annoying, we are blocked!"

Huanlong slapped over, destroying more than half of the ether spirits, but then another half would rush up to continue blocking.

These ether spirits can be reborn, and there is no way to defeat them all.

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