Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of her, Firefly's eyes seemed to be drunk and became hazy.

"How beautiful... Time will always stop at this golden hour, a golden dream."

Liu Ying sighed in fascination at the beautiful scenery in front of her.

At this moment, Fang Kuai Ren and Xing seemed to finally understand why the place they were in was called the Golden Hour.

"The Fool of the Tavern and the Rememberer of the Courtyard of Remembrance, the Wandering Ranger and the Company's Envoy, the Nameless Guest of the Star Train... and Me"

"Everyone sleeps here equally, regardless of the reason, although we do have our own purpose……"

After a pause, Liuying turned around and said to Xing and Fangkuai Ren

""Huh?! What's wrong?"

Hearing this, Xing looked at Liuying with some confusion.

Liuying seemed to have something to say to her, but she didn't seem to know how to say it.

As for Liuying's intentions, Xing could have guessed it before.

Otherwise, Liuying wouldn't have another identity - Sam.

"Well...I think I should tell you"

"My hometown was destroyed a long time ago, maybe by the Legion, or maybe by the Zerg……"03

"I am an interstellar refugee, just like many locals in Pinocchio.

Liuying kept talking, and her mood quickly fell.

"Harmony embraces everyone, including those who come from far away"

"The family accepted them, but they... didn't belong here after all."

"In this glorious metropolis, some people's dreams are called Pinocchio, while some people's dreams are... no different from reality."

"Although every ordinary person who came here originally had the same purpose."

As he was talking, Liuying brought the topic back to himself.

"I am the same. In reality, I have a desire that I cannot obtain.

It is too strong, so I resort to dreams.……"

After listening to Liuying's words,

Xing's mood seemed to be gradually affected and was not as excited as before.

However, she finally understood that

Liuying came to the dream to pursue the wishes that could not be realized in reality.

"What kind of wish is that?"

Then Xing asked curiously

"I just want to live a normal life and walk in the streets like an ordinary person."

When she said this, Liuying suddenly smiled.

She smiled beautifully, but there was a hint of sadness and helplessness at the corners of her mouth.

"Like a normal person……"

Hearing this, Xing didn't understand why this was so difficult, but she also knew that Liuying must have some unspeakable secrets.

So, Xing didn't interrupt, but listened quietly.

"I don't know, have you ever heard of the term entropy disorder?"

Suddenly, Liuying turned around and asked

"Loss of Entropy? What is that?!"

Hearing this, Xing looked at Liuying with some doubt.

This didn't sound like a good word.

"It is a strange phenomenon.

People with this disease will have their physical structure fall into an irreversible chronic separation."

"This means that he will slowly disappear, and this disappearance will be difficult to detect in Pang's eyes.——"

"However, people with this condition can run, jump, and communicate with others, and everything seems normal."

"But, I am always a little slower than others.……"

When he said this, Liuying's eyes became increasingly dim.

"Then it got slower and slower, until finally, the outlines of that person and the entire world became blurred."

"You can't tell reality from dreams, because they are equally broken."

I don't know why, but listening to Liuying's words,

Xing and Fangkuairen felt much heavier. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

So living a normal life like them is already a dream that some people can never achieve?!

"So how can I refuse?……"

"Xing, can you imagine? In this dream... I don't have to stay in the cold medical cabin.……"

"I can put the doctor's words behind me and use my own body to see, jump, touch, think and understand as I please."

"Even though this world is not real, this feeling is so precious……"

Liuying was speaking, but this time Xing interrupted her directly.

"So, do you have the disease called entropy loss?!"

Xing couldn't help asking.

After Liuying's story,

Xing finally understood how beautiful dreams were to Liuying.

Only when she was in a dream would she not be troubled by entropy loss.

At this moment, Xing couldn't help but feel sorry for Liuying.

Suffering from this disease, how tormented and painful her life must have been before!


Liuying nodded and did not deny it.

Then, Xing turned his head and looked at Fangkuairen beside him.

"Although I still don't know what the entropy loss you're talking about is, the Cube Ren should be able to solve your problem."

Immediately, Xing ran over and pushed the Cube Ren over.


Hearing this, Liuying turned and looked at Fangkuai Ren

"Yes, no matter what the disease is, it is not a problem for Fangkuai Ren to cure it."

Xing nodded and said very confidently.

Although she didn't know much about medicine and didn't know much about entropy loss, it was not a problem. She just had to let Fangkuai Ren solve it.

Since Xing met Fangkuai Ren, she had never seen a disease that he couldn't cure.


Hearing this, Fangkuai Ren snorted softly, then raised his head confidently.

He planned to let Liuying see his heroic figure.

However, when Liuying looked at Fangkuai Ren, her eyes did not seem to be very convinced.

In fact, even in dreams, Liuying herself could not escape the influence of deentropy.

As far as the current situation is concerned, this disease is an incurable disease even in the entire universe.

So much so that countless doctors and researchers are scratching their heads and are helpless about it.

Xing asked Liuying to believe that Fangkuai Ren could cure deentropy, but Liuying had been disappointed too many times, and she didn't dare to believe it easily.

Because, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

However, when facing Xing and Fangkuai Ren, Liuying still nodded.


Then, she forced a smile.

If Fang Kuai Ren wants to try to save him, then let him try.

As long as they don't hate him, it's fine.

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