"So now, do you know?!"

Notch said, suddenly approaching Cube Ren and asked

"Actually, I didn't come here to do this on purpose."

"I just want to ask the old God of Creation how to control my power and the secrets between the cubes."

After hearing this, Cube Ren nodded and directly stated his purpose.

After all, as Black Tower and the others had guessed,

Cube Ren was still too young.

He was still in the stage of exploring and groping for most of the power that should not belong to him.

"This is easy."

"But you have to leave my world first."

Notch continued.

Immediately, he waved his hand, and the scene around Fangkuai Ren began to change rapidly.

Then, Fangkuai Ren, Yingxi, Dan Hengyu and Xier were all forced to log off.

Everyone exited the simulated universe - the annoying villagers' world.

At the same time, in the office of Heita

""What's wrong with you? How come you came out so soon?"

Heita asked with a puzzled look at Fangkuai Ren and the others who had exited the simulated universe. Judging from

Fangkuai Ren's posture and lineup, he should be making a big move inside.

Coming out so soon, it's necessary!

"What else could it be? He was kicked out by the seniors inside!"

Hearing this, Fang Kuai Ren shook his head helplessly, and then said

"Kicked out?!"

Upon hearing this, Heita's eyes lit up.

She had already had this suspicion in her mind, but getting confirmation from Fangkuairen was another matter.

At the same time, Ruanmei and Luosigumu also looked at Fangkuairen with burning eyes, expecting him to continue.

"However, although I was kicked out this time,

I still gained something."

"I still have to thank your simulated universe."

Then, Fangkuai Ren said happily again, and then looked at the Book of Time in his hand.

As soon as he returned to the real world, the Book of Time placed on the simulated universe instrument automatically flew back to his hand.

However, at this moment, his Book of Time has quietly undergone a huge change.

Originally, the name of this Book of Time was Annoying Villagers, but now it has become the Book of Time of the Creation Diary of the Creator God.

This time the harvest is unexpectedly good!

Although from the beginning to the end, the development of things did not go completely according to Fangkuai Ren's expectations.

But the result was always achieved.

That's enough, the process is not important.

However, Fangkuai Ren was satisfied, but Xing and Sanyueqi were a little unhappy.

To be precise, they did not have a lot of fun after taking a tour in the simulated universe.

Xier, Sanyueqi and Xingjin all looked at Fangkuai Ren angrily, as if waiting for him to give a reasonable explanation.

As for Yingxi and Danheng, they did not have much reaction.

Yingxi played for a while.

Moreover, Fangkuai Ren was her father, so Yingxi's heart was always with Fangkuai Ren.

Danheng entered the simulated universe for the first time, and everything was still new to him. His threshold for having a good time was not very high.

Therefore, he felt that this experience was not bad.

"Actually, I entered the simulated world in the simulated universe this time to learn from the seniors there."

"It's just that I don't seem to be that popular."

Kuairen shrugged and said

"Well...it probably hasn't reached the point where people hate it enough.……"

After a pause, he touched his nose again and said uncertainly.

He is indeed not to the extent of being hated by everyone, but if he doesn't handle it well, it's easy to destroy the world.

If Notch welcomes him if he does this, it will be strange!

However, Cube Ren has no idea that he can load modules and write rules at will.

The perfect Cube Ren in the simulated universe before is what he will look like when he grows up.

How can he not despise him?!

"So, I want to play with you in the simulated universe for a while longer."

"So, you were teleported along with me."

After a pause, Fangkuai Ren continued to add.

However, the harvest this time was not bad.

Immediately, Fangkuai Ren picked up the Creation Diary of the Creator God.

Then, a small cube appeared in Fangkuai Ren's hand, and its shape was constantly changing.

The small cube turned into soil, then into a cobblestone, and then into a workbench...

It looked as if it was alive, attracting people's attention.

After a quick look,

Fangkuai Ren found that he could now create cubes by consuming the energy in his body.

The diary also records the structures and rules of various cubes.

These were all recorded by Notch one by one.

Who writes a diary?!

But is Notch a serious person? ?!

Obviously, he is not.

So, Notch wrote a diary and gave it to Cube Ren.

In addition, the diary also records Notch's feelings when he created the world, etc.

These things are undoubtedly very valuable experiences and teachings for the current Cube people!

While Cube Ren was flipping through the Creation Diary of the God of Creation, the three people in the Black Tower looked at each other.

Cube Ren just explained that he went to the simulated universe to find a senior to learn.

Can a person or creature who can be called a senior by a young god be ordinary?!

According to the estimation of the three geniuses, he must be a god.

Moreover, it is not just as simple as being simulated.

Otherwise, the three geniuses of them

���Gang would not lose control of the simulated universe.

"Could it be that a god really came?!"

Thinking of this, Heita, Ruan Mei and Screw Gumu looked at each other.

From the few words of Fangkuai Ren, they could roughly guess.

Perhaps there really was a god who met Fangkuai Ren in the simulated universe through an unknown way , rather than a string of cold data.

Otherwise, there would be no way to talk about the further study that Fangkuai Ren mentioned.

However , no matter what the result is.

For Heita, the research on the simulated universe is undoubtedly very successful.

This is already great news for her.

As for Ruan Mei, the madness and curiosity buried in her eyes were really a bit uncontrollable.

She really wanted to ask Fangkuai Ren directly about other gods.

But Fangkuai Ren did not say it clearly, perhaps there was something that could not be told to them, so Ruan Mei did not dare to ask more.

Then, Heita and Screw Gumu also nodded to each other.

They began to quickly sort out the gains of Fangkuai Ren after completing the simulation this time.

For them, the data collected by the simulated universe in the simulation process just now is the most important.

As for March 7 and the others, after listening to Fangkuai Ren's explanation, although they were not very satisfied, they had no choice but to accept it.

"Really, next time if you want me to be your pure thug again, you have to pay more!"

"I want double the money!"

Sanyueqi and Xing shouted, and then they stopped pursuing the matter.

What else can they do?!

Do they have to enter the simulated universe again?!

To be honest, even if they can, there is no need.

For Sanyueqi and Xing, it is not as fun as the world created by Fangkuairen.

"Let's go back to the train first."

Then, Fang Kuai Ren called out to the others and led San Yue Qi and the others back the same way.

Soon, everyone was back on the train.

"Didn't you guys go to the Black Tower's simulated universe to play?!"

"How come you came back so soon?"

Seeing this, Ji Zi couldn't help but feel a little surprised, and then asked curiously.

In the morning, Fang Kuai Ren took Ying Xi and Dan Heng out together.

Ji Zi and Walter thought that Fang Kuai Ren would take at least half a day to come back after making such a big scene.

Unexpectedly, it only took an hour or two.

The time for walking back and forth should also be counted.

"Cough, cough, cough……"

"No way, I was forced offline"[]

Hearing this, Fang Kuai Ren coughed twice in embarrassment, and then said

"We wanted to play for a while, but as soon as we entered, we started fighting."

Xier shrugged and said in a deep voice.

This was her first time to participate in a simulated universe experiment. She wanted to have a good experience, but she didn't expect it to be like this.

"That is, how can you start fighting right after you appear on the stage?!"

"I didn't even have a chance to go in for a walk."

Sanyueqi also complained speechlessly.

"But isn't this how the simulated universe is supposed to be?"

Xing said quietly. She was used to it.

Every time she logged into the simulated universe, she had to fight a battle and clear out the monsters.

Even getting the blessing of the Star God was a similar process.


Sanyueqi was stunned for a moment.

"it does not matter"

"If you have the chance later, you can still continue to participate in the simulated universe experiment.

Seeing this, Ji Zi also smiled and comforted

"Okay, now that the square kernel thing is done"

"Then, it's time for us to continue to the next stop."

Then, Ji Zi continued.

In fact, the Star Train has already completed the supply at the Black Tower Space Station.

The reason why it stopped for two more days is to wait for Fang Kuai Ren to finish participating in the Black Tower's simulated universe test.

Now that everything is done, there is no need to stay any longer.

"What's the next stop?!"

After hearing this, Sanyueqi and the others' attention was instantly drawn.

Although they didn't have much fun in the simulated universe this time, their next stop will definitely be more exciting!

""The star of the event - Pinocchio!"

Jizi answered without further suspense.

In fact, the Star Train received an invitation to Pinocchio a long time ago.

It was just that it was still early, so they were not in a hurry.

Now, time has almost passed, and going to Pinocchio in advance is also a good choice.

"Yay! Now we can go to Pinocchio!"

"The star of the event?! Wuhu!! This time I must have a great time.

I heard there is a dream hotel there.……"

Hearing this, Sanyueqi and Xing also cheered first, each of them was extremely excited.

After all, Pinocchio is a legendary holiday resort! Pinocchio is where countless people fight for their entire lives just to get a ticket to Pinocchio!!

Just hearing the words"Star of the Event" is enough to make people yearn for it.

Not to mention the dream hotel and a series of magical things that make people yearn for it.

Jizi smiled and looked at the two of them, and was not surprised by their reactions.

""Father, Yingxi also wants to go to Pinocchio."

Hearing this, even Yingxi was looking forward to this trip to Pinocchio.


Fangkuai Ren agreed with a smile.

However, he did not react as much as Sanyueqi and the others.

After all, Fangkuai Ren knew that it would not be able to arrive for the time being.


The next moment, the Starry Sky Train seemed to be invaded, and a series of illusory and blurry images flashed before everyone's eyes.

Then... then the invasion failed.

The image disappeared, and the train returned to normal.

"What's going on?!"

Everyone was puzzled.

They seemed to have just seen the image of the Star Core Hunter Kafka?!

"It seems that the Star Core Hunter is targeting our train.……"

Walter pushed his glasses and said in a deep voice.

At the same time, on the other side

"This this……"

Silver Wolf looked at the red mark flashing on the screen in front of her with a cold sweat on her face, and her fingers quickly pressed the virtual keyboard in front of her.

A drop of sweat flowed down Silver Wolf's temples.

It can be imagined how much pressure she is under now.

"Pills, pills!

Why did Screwgum upgrade the train's defense system?!"

As his old rival, Silver Wolf was still able to recognize Screwgum's code.

Screwgum's code was like Screwgum himself, ruling all codes like a king.

Even Silver Wolf couldn't break through it at all.

Not only that, Screwgum's code even invaded from her side in the opposite direction.

Therefore, the situation in front of her became so bad.

After a long time


Silver Wolf sighed helplessly, and then turned off the device in front of him.

"I can't do it. I can't do it at all."

Then, Silver Wolf shook his head and said dejectedly.

"My old rival is here."

"Kafka, things are getting a little difficult!"

"At present, it seems that we can only contact the train crew through Xing's mobile phone."

After a pause, Silver Wolf continued.

We must first let the train crew go to the Immortal Boat to see if it is time for Pinocchio to play!

"This is the only way.

Kafka nodded. This was the only way.

If this didn't work, they would have to make a new plan.

"whispering sound!"

"So, should we get rid of that one called Fangkuairen?!"

"I can teleport him away."

Hearing this, Silver Wolf couldn't help but curl his lips, and then said casually.

After all, the appearance of Cube Ren is really a nuisance! Originally, they had already designed Beloberg's script.

But because of the participation of Cube Ren, the original script has been distorted.

You know, this caused Xing to almost fail to embark on the journey of preservation.

Although because of the deal between Cube Ren and Brother Tumu,

Xing was noticed by the Amber King and finally embarked on the journey of preservation.

But it is still far from the original requirements of the script!

Even the flame gun was taken away by Cube Ren.

Next, they may be able to contact Xing to implement the original Luofu Fairy Boat script.

But what specific changes will happen is unknown.

Hearing this, Kafka glanced at Silver Wolf.

"Sure, just give it a try!"

"But remember, don't implicate the Star Core Hunter."

Then, she shrugged her shoulders and said casually.

Kafka's implication was that Silver Wolf should not commit suicide.

In the future that Elio foresaw, there were countless ways for Cube Ren to destroy the entire universe.

And in those world lines, the best result was that the entire universe turned into a huge cube.

So, don't try to interfere with any of his decisions, any ideas, and don't try to hurt anyone around him.

This is Elio's���The final conclusion.

Silver Wolf dared to attack Fang Kuairen, isn't this just courting death?!


Hearing this, Silver Wolf instantly collapsed like a deflated ball. The appearance of Fangkuairen was so difficult that it made people feel desperate and unsolvable!

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