Belloberg, under the construction of the world in the painting.


Chu Yu, who was painting the world, looked at the rich Xuanlu in amazement, stroked its back and said.

“They’ve already hit it?”

“Snap!” Fertile Xuanlu nodded.

In this regard, Chu Yu stroked its back and said, “In that case, I will leave first.” ”

The Fertile Xuanlu can slightly sense the state of another building tree.

And Chu Yu’s body left the breath of Xianzhou Jianmu.

Make it more perceived.

Leaving the world in the painting, Chu Yu closed his eyes, felt the breath of subordinate power, and muttered.

“The ability to increase probability? 2B really awakened a good power. ”

Saying that, he divided his miracle power to 2B.

Not much, but enough to increase the capabilities of 2B to an astonishing level.

Since Nami was the first to become a miracle destiny walker, Chu Yu clearly sensed that he could fluctuate these subordinate forces at will.

It’s just that there have been no trials.

Today, take advantage of the 2B battle against strong enemies and try to see how far he can raise the power of his subordinates.



Xianzhou Alliance building space.

2B, which was struggling to resist the impact, was suddenly stunned.

The silver pupils flickered with surprise, and then turned abruptly: “Lord Guardian, are you looking at me?” ”

She could clearly feel that her strength that had just awakened had been greatly enhanced.

It must be Lord Guardian watching him.

So, how can you not give a corresponding answer?

I will definitely be able to shine in this battle and respond to your expectations of me.


2B turned his head to look at March Seven and said, “March, pull the bow and shoot her.” ”

“Huh?” March Qiyi’s face was manly, and he was entangled for a moment and said: “2B, the impact is too strong, my arrow can’t shoot through.” ”

The impact emanating from Danshu’s body can catch up with 14 hurricanes.

What kind of bow can be left unaffected?

In this regard, 2B stared at the other party seriously and encouraged: “Trust me, your arrow will definitely reach her location.” ”

March 71 was stunned.

If you think about it, hitting the enemy in a strong wind is a 31 probability problem.

Because no one can predict where the impact will blow the arrows.

The ability of 2B can solve this problem perfectly.

Thinking of this, she no longer hesitated, drew her bow and shot arrows in one go.

Then, as if unaffected by the impact, the arrow shot straight at Danshu.


Seeing the ice arrow, Dan Shu was stunned, looked in the direction of March Seven in surprise, and immediately retreated for a distance.

That’s when it was there.

The impact finally had an effect on the arrow, causing it to deviate from its original trajectory and shoot at Danshu again.

It’s not a miracle.

It’s probability.

Under the influence of impact, the arrow could have deflected in either direction.

It’s just that 2B increases the “probability that the arrow will shift towards Danshu”, that’s all.

Seeing Danshu, he was ready to dodge again.

2B activated the ability again: “Immediately something appears that can divert Danshu’s attention. ”

The voice fell.


The tall human-faced tree fell from the sky, directly blocking Danshu’s line of sight, making it impossible for her to see the arrows.

And when the sight is restored.

The arrow grazed the top of the fallen head of the human-faced tree.


Walter knocked on the floor.

Three ropes made of energy bound Danshu’s body, making her unable to move.


March Seven’s ice arrow shot at Danshu’s eyebrows with incomparable accuracy.

Because the attack was so sudden, Danshu didn’t even take any defense.



She raised a hand to cover her forehead in pain.

And at this time.

That powerful impact is finally over.

Star, March Seven, and Walter instantly burst out and rushed towards the flawed Danshu.

And 2B uses her abilities again.

“Increase the probability that they can deal effective damage!”

After all, Dan Shu is an immortal and fused with the star core, and her resurrection ability at this time may not be strong.

It is even likely that the vast majority of attacks hit her will not affect her.

Only by attacking certain parts can you inflict substantial damage on her.

Again, this is a matter of probability.

That’s when it was there.

Danshu was freed from his intense pain.

Seeing the oncoming three, a violent look appeared on his face: “Blockers, get out of the way for me!” ”


The green energy burst out, and a white lotus flower bloomed with Danshu as the center.

Dan Shu said coldly: “White Lotus Pure World! ”

It looks like soft petals, but it has great lethal power.

Coming into contact with the human face tree that suddenly appeared before, it directly sucked out its vitality, making the face tree instantly turn into a cloud of dust.

The only March Seven who saw such a picture quickly shouted, “Uncle Yang! Star! Stay away from this flower! ”

At this time, she didn’t care about anything else, and while retreating away from the petals that absorbed life force, she casually shot arrows at Danshu.

Walter also used imaginary numbers to build several sharp blades and flung them towards Danshu.

And the only star who did not have a long-range attack means casually threw the bat over.

2B activated the ability again: “Increase the probability of these attacks hit!” ”

It’s just that.

That lotus is not only a means of attack, but also a means of defense.

As the attack was about to arrive, the white lotus petals came together and wrapped Danshu’s body.

It’s just that.

This is, after all, a petal, with a tiny gap between the petals.

Although it is said that it is difficult to successfully attack Danshu’s body through the gap.


The probability of 2B improvement is not only the hit rate, but also the probability of causing effective damage.


Several imaginary blades successfully passed through the gap in the petals and hit Danshu’s body.

“Whoosh! Laugh at! Laugh at! ”

As the most powerful Walter among the few people present, the effect of his attack was naturally extraordinary.

Each blade successfully cut a deep wound on Danshu’s body.

And until this time.

Walter suddenly realized something was wrong.

Seeing the petals close, he himself did not think that his attack could hit.

After all.

The gap between the petals was too narrow, and he just attacked twice casually.

The probability of hitting Danshu is too low.


The reality is that his attack really hit!

And more than one!

There is a problem!

Thinking of 2B’s ability to awaken, he turned his head in amazement.

Although it is not clear how it is going on.

But her abilities have definitely been strengthened!

It is 2B that increases the probability of a successful hit!

There is also another possibility, Chu Yu’s blessing to 2B made her ability miraculously work!

No matter what the possibility, it is enough to see how outrageous that Great Guardian really is!

And when his mind wanders.

“Star!” A shocked and angry roar came from within the white lotus: “This is originally a matter within our Immortal Boat, why did you and your companions on the Star Dome train interfere?!” ”

“Miss in a friend, I will give you one last chance, take your companion and leave, otherwise you will die here!”

The roar brought Walter back to his senses

He looked at Xing calmly and shook his head.

Star smiled slightly when he saw Walter’s movements, and the expression seemed to say, I won’t agree, and then looked at the lotus and said, “Danshu, maybe you have forgotten the reason why we became friends, it is because I am nosy that we will know each other.” ”

“Nosy?” Danshu repeated, and said in a low voice: “The blessing of eternal life.” ”

No excessive nonsense.

Star’s words already showed her attitude. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Danshu also made her attitude clear.

The voice fell.

Above the lotus, the shadow of a giant tree emerged.

It is not a building tree, but another sacred tree.

If you guessed correctly, this is the Tree King of Compassion in Dan Shu’s mouth.

After the phantom appeared, it emitted a holy white light, covering the entire building space.

The foursome on the Star Dome train didn’t have any special feelings.

But they know that if they are shrouded in this light for a long time, then something is absolutely wrong.

They attacked again.

And 2B sees that Star has lost the bat and activates the ability again: “Increase the probability that Star will find the right weapon.” ”


The consciousness of the star came to a strange space.

This space is like a lake located in the starry sky.

And in the middle of the lake, a blue bow and arrow floated.

Star didn’t know exactly where it was, she just knew that she needed a weapon.

Walk on the lake and come to the middle of the lake.

She placed her hand on the bow and arrow, and immediately saw an incomparably huge, incomparably sacred shadow.

The emperor of the Immortal Boat Alliance, that is, the patrol star god Lan.

“Go, shoot through and die.” He said.

It was clearly said to the stars.

But Star felt that he was not looking at him.

Instead, look behind you.


Xing turned his head to look and suddenly found that he had come out of that strange space.

And behind him is 2B.

The stars produce an enlightenment.


It turns out that the patrol star god is watching 2B.


Anyone who knows 2B’s ability can’t help but look at her twice.

But now is not the time to think so much.

She held up the azure longbow in her hand and aimed at the shadow of the Compassion Tree King.

The pale green energy converged and condensed into an arrow with a flickering storm on the bow and arrow.


Star let go of his hand.

The off-string arrow shot at the shadow of the Mercy Tree King with a thunderous momentum, and the storm swept through.


Blow away its phantom.


The star aimed again at the holy white lotus.

To this.

2B uses her ability: “Increase the probability of this arrow hitting the star core.” ”

Danshu’s body was completely covered by the white lotus.

No one knows what’s going on inside.

Attacks can only be made by Mon.

Under the ability of 2B, the storm arrow accurately penetrated the white lotus and shot at the star core on Danshu’s forehead.

In this regard, Danshu’s expression was so unbelievable: “Compassion Tree King…”


As she spoke, with some kind of cracking sound, her body fell apart.

Finally, it turned into a green energy and dissipated in the building space, showing no sign of resurrection.

The mission of everyone on the Star Dome train is completed.

And the biggest contributor is the star who shot the last arrow.

However, Star doesn’t think so.

She feels that 2B, which has been improving the probability of success of her own attack, is the most critical link.




Chu Yu looked up at the starry sky.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly: “The person who looks at me can, but want her to go to your fate?” You’re still a little behind. “427 was just now.

He felt a force that wanted to squeeze into 2B’s body.

Exploring the past along the source, Chu Yu saw the patrol star god with a bow.

He naturally severed his connection with 2B.

Like he said.

It’s okay to watch 2B, but let her go on the road of patrolling, or become a patrol commander?

This is categorically impossible.

After all, only a miracle can make the future of 2B have no upper limit.

Thinking about it, he withdrew his gaze and walked out of Kriberburg and onto the square.

I saw the screw grunt hovering in the doorway of the museum.

And Screw Gum also saw Chu Yu, and quickly walked over and said, “Sir, I just felt a great sight fall on this planet. ”

After all, I had felt the gaze of the Wise Star God.

Screw Gollum took the gaze of the star god to heart.

And just now, he felt a very similar gaze.

In this regard, Chu Yu looked up at the sky and said with a faint smile: “Well, it’s a patrol star god.” ”

So, it’s really because of you!

And he actually knew that the source of that gaze was the patrol star god.

Mr. Chu Yu, what level of existence are you now?

Also, can you get to the attention of the Star God?

He really didn’t know what to say to express his current mood at this time, and after a moment of silence, he said: “I feel that Sir’s mood seems to be good?” ”

Hearing this question, Chu Yu bowed his head slightly: “It’s okay.” ”

Then he said: “Screw Gollum, you should also be invited from Pinoconi, why don’t we go together then?” ”

Hearing this, Screw Grum was stunned again.

So, Sir also received an invitation?

It doesn’t mean anything else, just how?

Almost all of the people who can receive invitations are from the galaxy to a well-known force.

And Arilo-VI … To be honest, if it weren’t for the Black Tower mentioning this.

I won’t know about this place, let alone know the magic of this place.

Could it be that besides the Genius Club and the Star Dome Train, are there other forces that know about this place?

Thinking about it, Screw Gollum nodded: “It would be great if Sir was willing to walk with me.” ”

Hear the other person’s reply.

Chu Yu raised his eyebrows and left with a smile.

Screw Gollum returned to the hotel to contact the group.

[Screw Gollum: I can’t understand Mr. Chu Yu more and more. 】

[Stephen: What happened?] 】

[Screw Gollum: Just now, a great sight descended on Belloberg, moreover, it was related to Mr. Chu Yu. 】

[Ruan Mei: Great sight, do you mean…”

[Screw Gollum: That’s right, it’s Star God, Patrol Star God Arashi, looking here. 】。

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