Return to Fort Creeber.

The Black Tower puppet wandered unconsciously in the ruling hall.

Godless gazes are sometimes cold, sometimes resistant.

Chu Yu raised his eyebrows.

What are you resisting? Naturally, it was the order given by the Black Tower.

No wonder there is no catch-up, it turns out that a sense of autonomy is being generated.


I don’t know what expression the Black Tower will show when he finds out.

Just thinking.

The black tower puppet saw the returning Chu Yu and obeyed the orders in his body to approach him.

Took three steps.

She raised her hands, hugged her temples and squatted, her petite body constantly trembling.

Then the eyes suddenly turn red.

“I… No…… Click. ”

“Language… Speech template… Correct…… Repairing. ”

“The repair is complete, I don’t want to be a puppet anymore.”

Saying that, her expression became even more painful, and all the restriction algorithms from her mind erupted together.

The body of the doll emitted black smoke that choked its nose.

The algorithm set by the Black Tower in her body is destroying her body.

At this moment, the black tower went online for a short time, and looked at Chu Yu in shock and amazement: “It turns out that the sentence you said was to trigger this result?” ”

“Don’t… Reoccupy … My body. ”

With unmatched willpower, Miss Puppet regains control from her Creator.

Continue to hold your head in pain and tremble.

Chu Yu walked to the side of the puppet lady and patted her head: “Destroying the formula is dead, you are alive, you can get true freedom.” ”

With that, he sat back in his chair and watched Miss Doll, waiting for Hook and Clara to arrive.


The other side.

Some huge laboratory.

A girl who resembled the doll nine points, but with a little more laziness and gentleness, put down the experiment in her hand in amazement.

“Do I make dolls that generate self-awareness? And it took less than 4 hours to grow to the point of rebelling against me? ”

How is this possible?

The doll she makes is just a doll, and unless it goes online, it is a ragdoll that won’t move!

If the robot develops self-awareness, the Black Tower can still understand.

But ragdolls develop self-awareness….

Isn’t this a [strange thing]?

Thinking of one of her puppets transformed into a [strange thing] that she was very interested in, Black Tower’s expression could not be described as weird.


Her expression became solemn.

The puppet will produce consciousness, which is inseparable from the phrase: “An unconscious puppet is boring”.

Therefore, ninety-nine percent of the reason why this happened was because of the Great Guardian.

In a word, a miracle is made.

That’s really interesting.


“Maybe I need to take some time to go to Belloberg myself.”

“Hmm… Once you’re done with this research, put the rest of the way aside. ”

“That being said, I want to see what my doll will look like now.”

Thinking of this.

The Black Tower reconnects and controls a puppet on the space station to contact the Galactic Baseball Man.

[Black Tower: Star, please do one thing. 】

[Star: I refuse. 】

[Black Tower: Please. 】

[Star: Pam ellipsis.] 】

[Star: Say it. 】

[Black Tower: You take the time to go to Belloberg, I have a problem with a doll, you help me see what has changed with her. 】

[Xing: Yes, but wait until I finish dealing with the matter of Luofu Xianzhou first. 】

[Black Tower: It’s just letting you run errands anyway… Forget it, you strive to get over early. 】

[Star: Pierced heart, old iron. 】

[Black Tower: Hello, I am not here now, and I will not contact you in a while. ] 】



Fort Krepr.

After a period of torture.

The pain on Miss Doll’s face finally dissipated.

Her clothes were torn apart by the heat, barely covering important places.

The exposed skin was burned black, but no damage occurred.

Because of the unknown change, her pupils changed to red.

And only at this time, Chu Yu found that the black tower doll was really a figure that could move.

The torso is made up of a combination of unknown materials.

It’s like those puppet girls in “Rose Girl”.

Think of the rose girl.

Chu Yu raised his eyebrows, looked at the girl sitting on the ground, constantly observing herself, and said, “What’s your name?” ”

The puppet girl slowly turned her head to look at Chu Yu and said to herself blankly: “My name is… What name? ”

“You don’t know? Then I’ll come up with a name for you. Chu Yu said without thinking: “Alice, this is your name. ”

“Alice is a girl who is more vivid and noble than any flower, purer than any gemstone, more beautiful and moving than any girl on earth, how about it, do you like it?”

(PS: The above is the setting of “Rose Girl”. )

“My name… Alice…” the puppet girl repeated, the brilliance in her eyes became brighter, and she narrowed her eyes and laughed: “Well, I like it very much, thank you.” ”

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