Black Tower Space Station.

A puppet in the Black Tower looked at the photos received by the mobile phone and observed it in amazement for a moment before replying.

[Black Tower: It’s worthy of me, it’s so cute with a little dressing. 】

[Star:? 】

[Black Tower: Don’t you think so? It’s really a woman with no aesthetic ability, forget it, you can ask her a few questions at will, and then send me all the questions and answers. 】

Yalilo-VI, Beloberg sub-district.

Star puts away his phone after seeing the message.

Then he found that the dark Lord Hook was standing in front of him, tiptoeing with his cheeks.

“Why are you less polite than Hooke? Obviously heard me call you, but ignored me? ”

The Galactic Baseball Man waved his hand apologetically, “Sorry, dark Lord Hook, I was just too surprised.” ”

I was actually called rude by a child….

But anyone who sees this appearance of the Black Tower can’t help but be distracted, right?

Hearing the other party’s name, Hook’s face improved significantly: “Hmph, for the sake of you remembering me, spare you this time, in addition, what is your name?” ”


“Uh-huh, okay Star, I hear you mean to come to the lower area to find someone? Maybe you can find me, I’m still pretty good at hide-and-seek. Hook said, patting his chest.

The Galaxy baseball man couldn’t help but smile, “Thank you for your kindness, Lord Hook, but I have found it.” ”

“Found it?” Hook turned his head back and forth to look around, but did not find any strange people, and asked, “Where is it?” ”

Then she saw Star walk up to Alice, and said as if suspicious: “Black Tower? ”

Alice was stunned.

Looking around, he looked at the Galactic Baseball Man who had been staring at him.

Is the other party calling himself?

Black Tower?

Like Hook said, what an impolite person.

When we first met, they called me by the name of someone I hated, hum.

Alice pinched her waist and said, “You are the Black Tower!” My name is Alice, the name given by Lord Guardian! ”

“Lord Guardian said that the meaning of this name is a girl who is brighter and nobler than any flower, purer than any gem, and more beautiful and moving than any girl on earth.”

“The name Black Tower is ugly to death.”

Galaxy Baseball Man: “…”

It seems that there is no need to continue asking.

From the other party’s smart expression and what she said, Star understood what was happening to this puppet.

A case that could not have happened to a doll: amnesia.

Follow the Great Guardian, and indeed anything can happen.

She said apologetically, “Sorry, I recognized the wrong person.” ”

Then quickly contacted the Black Tower.

[Star: Black Tower? 】

[Black Tower: Huh? 】

[Star: I’m not calling you, I’m repeating the question. 】

[Black Tower: Even I wouldn’t call these two words a problem by adding a symbol. 】

[Star: Anyway, if you listen to the answer, she is very unhappy to say that her name is Alice, and the name given to her by the Great Guardian means …].

[Star: Therefore, I conclude that your puppet has amnesia. 】

[Black Tower: Okay, I see, you can leave this alone. 】

[Star: …].

A research base.

The black tower body muttered, “The changes that have occurred in the puppet are more interesting than I expected. ”

“But that name…”

It’s all good in one.

And Alice dressed up so cutely, plus the two beautiful little girls next to the doll in the photo transmitted by Galaxy Baseballman.

Black Tower thought for a while and came to the mirror, looked at his current appearance and said, “Do you want to study the technology to accelerate growth?” ”

I always felt like something bad would happen to my current appearance when I went to Arileo-VI.

What does that word say….


That’s right, does that Great Guardian have XP in this area?

Lower zone.

The Galactic Baseball Man sighed.

It can only be said that it is worthy of the black tower, entrusting itself to do things, and not taking any responsibility at all.

Do you want to try to reject her next time?

Just thinking.

“Jingle bells.”

A communication sound came from the phone.

The Galaxy Baseball Man opened it and saw that it was a message from March 7.

[March 7: Star, you’re already in Arillo-VI, right?] Is there a little better there. 】

Galactic Baseball Man recalled the antimatter legions and the birdman flying in the sky and replied.

[Star: It’s getting worse. 】

【March 7:??? Haven’t we already sealed the star core? And with that big guardian there, how could it be worse? 】

[Star: I saw the Antimatter Legion here, and some … Birdman? Wait for me, I’ll take a picture, you show Uncle Yang. 】

The Galactic baseball man said goodbye to Hook, then took the subway back to the upper area, filmed the scene in the sky and sent it to March 7.

Luofu Xianzhou.

After receiving the photos on March 7, he observed for half a day, and did not recognize what race those birdmen flying in the sky were.

I had to hand the phone to Walter: “Uncle Yang, what are these?” ”

Walt looked at the picture and zoomed in, thought for a moment and said: “If I guessed correctly, they are the wing-makers of the people of abundance, but how can these beings go to Arilo-VI?” ”

“Wingmaker?” March Seven scratched his head suspiciously.

“Engong, can you show the little woman that photo?”

At this moment, there was a pleasant sound of a gentle spring breeze in his ears.

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