Is it easy to say what you say?

Chu Yu shook his head: “It’s not reckoning, it’s just a miracle.” ”


He looked up at the sky.

Just like the One Piece world, with the exit of Ring Seal City, a new star was born in the Dark Souls World.

Just now.

It is one step closer to its own connection.

Someone embarked on a miraculous path.

Following the ethereal feeling, Chu Yu found that the person who had embarked on the path of miracle fate was nearby.

See that the environment below is already able to walk.

Chu Yu jumped down with the eldest miss, and then stepped on the water and continued to wander.

When he walked to the gate of the Fran Fortress, an old man immediately bowed down to Chu Yu.

With tears in his eyes, he said, “Thank you for bringing this miracle to us.” ”

Look at the faint miracle fire in the other party’s body.

Chu Yu nodded to him with a smile, and then took the eldest lady to the next place.

Walk through the path of living sacrifices filled with monsters and ascend to the city of Los Rik, which is littered with corpses and armor everywhere.

Finally, they arrived at the fire festival ground.

This is the place where the first king Gwen threw himself into the furnace.

It is also the wages who ignite themselves and provide a place of fire and light for the world.

The original fire has been burning in this sacrificial ground for tens of thousands of years.

However, now, the flames have been extinguished, and the entire fire sacrifice field is missing five fingers.

Only a small flame, in the center of the sacrificial ground, struggled to release a weak light.

Faintly there was the sound of dialogue coming from the darkness.

It was a very pleasant female voice.

“O great salarymen, the fire is now extinguished, but there is no shadow of the king, O gentlemen, give your fire to the successor.”

“And he will kill the killer and swing his sword at the ancient gods who inherit the Initial Fire.”

As soon as this sentence fell.

The figure wrapped in flames disappeared and was teleported to another space.

The furnace of the initial fire.

It is the inheritance of the consciousness of the salarymen.

It is also the place where players face the final boss.

As long as he can defeat the avatars of the salary kings, Ash can be allowed to become the next generation of salary kings, sit on the throne and burn himself, waiting for the next salary king to appear.

Or extinguish the last flame and end this great and absurd age of fire.

Chu Yu took the eldest lady’s hand and walked to the woman who spoke before, that is, the “fireproof woman”: “Hello.” ”

He greeted with a smile.

“You are?” The sudden voice made the voice of the fireproof woman very surprised, and turned to face Chu Yu.

Then, the delicate face wearing the blindfold slowly lowered and bowed: “It turns out that you, the adult who gave birth to a new star in the sky, what are your orders here?” ”

“Oh?” Chu Yu looked at the fireproof woman in surprise.

Although I knew that she was not simple, I didn’t expect to guess my identity as soon as I met.

Is it the eyes she gave up that can see the trajectory of fate?

Looking at the fireproof woman with interest for a moment, Chu Yu ordered, “Take us to the place where the flame goes.” ”

“Yes, my lord.”

Saying that, the fireproof woman raised her hand and waved.

The surrounding space became hazy.


Chu Yu and the eldest lady came to a place that was no different from the fireproof sacrifice ground.

There is finally a weak light here.

Follow the only exit on the right-hand side and enter a ruined world.

The sun in the sky is dim, and a crimson waterfall flows from the center of the sun.

The sun of the Dark Souls world has come to the brink of death.

In time, it will be completely extinguished.

The eldest lady stared at the sun and covered her mouth in horror.

“Lord Guardian, is this world going to…”

Saying that, as if feeling that the answer to this question was already in front of her, the eldest lady turned around and walked back: “No, I want to go back quickly to finish that painting so that it can become a place for some people.” ”

“Have you found the opportunity to finish the painting?” Chu Yu did not obstruct, but asked so.

The eldest lady’s steps froze, and she shook her head with a wry smile.

“Then there is no need to rush.” Chu Yu’s face did not change color and said, “Go and see what happened above.” ”

The eldest lady hesitated for a moment, nodded, and followed Chu Yu to a gray place full of various weapons.

In a central location.

A man dressed in silver armor and holding a cold hammer is fighting a monster that has been burning with flames.

One side is ashes, and the other is the embodiment of the salarymen.

The two sides, who were fighting to the end, did not notice the new two.

Soon, under the hammer of ashes, the avatars of the salary kings were smashed and dissipated, turning into a bonfire.

And the sun in the sky, the center has turned into a black hole and completely dimmed.

The small flame of the campfire can only illuminate the surrounding ten meters.

Ash walks to the campfire and summons the Fire Girl.

As soon as that beautiful face appeared, he squatted down and carefully held the last flame in his hand.

“The initial fire has gradually faded, and presumably it will not be long before the darkness will come completely.”

“However, one day, a small cluster of fire will appear in the darkness, which is the residual fire inherited by the kings.”

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