No. 148 laughs in the snail, similar in appearance to a conch.

The whole is an eerie deep purple, with a glowing pink glow in some of the crevices.

Knowing its ability, Chu Yu kept wondering if this conch would have something to do with the Happy Star God Aha.

After all, this way of having fun is what the Happy Star God will do.

Thinking about it, his gaze returned to the conch.

Even if you don’t have to listen to it, you can hear the whispering voice in the snail.

Pick it up and observe for a moment, the conch seems to have some magic, making people want to lean their ears over to listen to the sounds.


When Chu Yu brought his ear closer, his voice stopped making a “woo-woo” sound.

He frowned strangely.

Looked at.

Heita was stunned for a moment: “Huh, you didn’t laugh?” What joke does it tell? ”

This is still the first person who hears the joke and does not laugh.

She was naturally curious.

Chu Yu put down the conch and looked at the black tower.

Subconsciously looked at the eye joint, there was no abnormality.

It turned out to be the ontology.

Compared with the doll, the black tower himself has more mature eyes and a more flat figure, but there is very little difference.

Looking at it for a moment, Chu Yu shrugged: “It didn’t tell jokes, but was crying.” ”

“Crying?” The black tower was stunned again, and frowned: “Could it be that there is an unknown virus again?” ”

After thinking about it, she put the sea to her ear.

Not often.

“Hahaha.” Cover your stomach and laugh happily.

Laughing so that tears came out, her mother-in-law’s eyes looked at Chu Yu: “Hahaha, you… You lied to me, it… It’s clearly telling jokes. ”

It took 3 minutes of laughter before the Black Tower stopped.

His eyes stared at Chu Yu with a sad smile, and he sighed after a moment of silence: “Is it interesting to see me laugh?” ”

“Interesting.” Chu Yu said without thinking.

Black Tower is usually paralyzed.

Usually, even if you are dealing with guests, it is good to be able to laugh and not smile.

And just now, she can be described as rolling with laughter.

“Ahem.” Heita coughed and put the laughter in front of Chu Yu again: “So, what you just heard is really crying?” ”

“Hmm.” Chu Yu nodded.

“That’s weird.” Black Tower touched his chin and thought.

There has also been laughter in the space station containment snail for a while.

In addition to the virus before will have some poisonous chicken soup.

It always tells ancient jokes that make people laugh.

And when he faced Chu Yu, he cried?

What’s going on here?

After thinking about it, Heita asked, “Mr. Chu Yu, can you put it to your ear again?” ”

Chu Yu’s eyes were on the laughter in the snail, and this strange thing was still whispering.

Holding it to my ear, the murmuring stopped again.

Chu Yu narrowed his eyes and stared at the dark and deep energy in the conch: “Tell me a joke, or I will smash you.” ”

Tell jokes in the face of others, or cry in front of yourself, or pretend to be dumb?

Treat differently, huh?

Bringing the laughter back to his ears, this time it finally told a joke.

“A young girl has a boyfriend. One day, the girl called her boyfriend and talked for a long time. The girl’s mother snatched the phone and asked, “What’s your last name?” “My surname is Wei.” The girl’s boyfriend said. The girl’s mother asked again: “Wei what” “I don’t know why, probably my father and grandfather are surnamed Wei!” The girl’s boyfriend said. 】

“Oh, it’s cold.” Chu Yu said speechlessly.

Is there only this level of ancient jokes that make everyone laugh?

[How about I give you another joke?] 】

“Huh?” Hearing the fawning sound of laughter in the snail, Chu Yu raised his eyebrows in surprise.

It turns out that the existence inside the laughter in the screw can not only tell jokes, but also communicate with people.

Then shook his head and said, “Forget it, this joke already shows that your inventory is very cold, save it for others.” ”

Listening to Chu Yu’s self-talk, Heita’s eyes widened in amazement.

Laughter in the screw actively communicating?

In addition to telling jokes, it can actually communicate with people?!


I have studied for so long, what have you researched?

The Black Tower created a sense of frustration.

Secretly vowed: “After you go back, you must study the laughter in the screw again, and communicate with it at least once.” ”

And Chu Yu threw the laughter on the table and said suspiciously: “I heard the joke, it’s not so ridiculous at all, how did you laugh for 3 minutes?” What joke does it tell you? ”

Hearing this, Heita thought back for a moment and shook his head: “I forgot.” (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After thinking about it, she added: “All the people who laugh because of the joke forget what joke they heard afterwards, and I don’t know if those who gained the power remember it.” ”

Chu Yu frowned.

At this level of laughter, it is impossible to make everyone laugh.

He looked at the Black Tower and asked, “You have been studying this conch for a while, have you studied anything?” ”

This question made the corners of Heita’s mouth twitch, and he turned his head and said: “No, strange things are strange things after all, and it takes a certain amount of time to study them thoroughly.” ”

After answering, she was afraid that Chu Yu would hold on to this embarrassing thing, and quickly changed her tone and asked: “Speaking of which, you didn’t laugh when you heard the joke, do you have any strange feelings now?” ”

Anyone who hears a joke and does not laugh will receive the power bestowed by the presence in the snail.

But Chu Yu didn’t feel any changes in his body.

He looked at the screw and laughed: “What about my power? (Nuo Zhao Zhao)

The corner of Heita’s mouth twitched again.

Is this the strength to communicate with conch?

If you have any questions, ask them directly.

The Black Tower now only wants to go with a single “6”.

She pressed quietly close to her ear, trying to hear Conch’s answer.

but did not hear anything.

I can only hear a seemingly innocent smile.

Chu Yu heard clearly.

[How can Hotaru compete with Haoyue? My strength, my lord, is only a burden to you. 】

Chu Yu continued to ask, “Just how did your rotten level make everyone laugh? ”

[It’s not the jokes that make people laugh, it’s the energy.] 】

[When I tell jokes, my energy will integrate into the body of others through the medium of sound, and if the other person does not match the energy, I will naturally laugh.] 】

Chu Yu thought thoughtfully.

According to the laughter in the screw, his energy is really peculiar.

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