And 2B herself was also confused at this time that she was not attacked.

What do you mean?

You attack my companions but not me?

Is this looking down on me?

The most important thing is that their companions are still human.

Although Lord Guardian has changed the underlying logic.

But seeing the humans being attacked, 2B still couldn’t bear it, and directly removed the long knife from behind and rushed towards the human-faced tree.

See here.

Even if you are about to be attacked.

The human-faced tree still did not fight back, and the pair of deep eyes seemed to show grievances.

It then attacks the three stars while blocking attacks from 2B with its claw-like left claw.

It’s just that.

2B is agile, she can find holes in the defense, and then slash through.


A sharp knife slashed across the trunk between the eyes of the human-faced tree.

The damage caused was obviously inferior to Walter’s, but the human-faced tree let out an incomparably painful roar.

There is only one explanation for this.

Don’t look at the human-faced tree, which seems to be an immortal cracking creation.

However, it is ultimately very different from a wood-building guardian beast like the Rich Xuanlu.

At the very least, it has weaknesses, and they are fatal weaknesses.

And the knife of 2B “exactly” hit the weakness of the human face tree.

This is undoubtedly good news.

Thinking of this, Walter held up his eyes.

“Attack where 2B just crossed, there is its weak point!”

March Seven and Star looked at each other, nodded, and then attacked the weakness of the human face tree as Walter said.


As Star and March Seven joined the attackers, the attacks on the Humanface Tree became more and more exaggerated, and soon exceeded the upper limit it could withstand.

In a dry and angry howl turned into dust and died.

See here.

March Seven happily ran to 2B’s side, took her hand and said, “2B is thanks to you this time, otherwise we don’t know how long it will take to discover its weaknesses.” ”

With Uncle Yang here, victory is inevitable.

If he is annoyed by the human face tree, regardless of whether it has weaknesses or not, regardless of whether it will die, he will definitely use a big move to erase the human face tree from the root.

But this will undoubtedly waste some unnecessary physical strength.

And in this forest, there can be no monster such as a human-faced tree.

If Uncle Yang wasted too much physical energy on these miscellaneous soldiers, it would probably cause an extremely bad butterfly effect.

Once in the face of the star core, Uncle Yang had an accident because of his lack of physical strength, it would be really bad.


Because of 2B’s casual action, it directly reduces the possibility of accidents.

“2B, you’re so lucky.”

Isn’t it lucky to find the weakness of the human face tree with just one knife?

Xing couldn’t help but nod in approval, “Indeed. ”

Although she felt this kind of luck in her heart, there was a great possibility that it was related to Chu Yu.


Even if he doesn’t get along with Chu Yu personally, he can see it through the clues around the other party.

The other party is simply outrageous.

Walter glanced at 2B meaningfully, and then said, “Let’s move on.” ”

Next, as you dive deeper.

The four of them saw several more Rift creations with immortal attributes.

A bird made of spliced petals, although it is weak in body, it only takes one blow to die.

However, each time it is shot down, those petals will instantly regroup, not only respawning the petal bird, but also allowing it to master the kind of attack that was killed before.

For example, Walter uses imaginary numbers to shoot down a bird.

But when it comes back to life, it emits imaginary rays.

Of course, the attack power is far from what Walter used, but this is enough to show the potential of this bird.

Moreover, it is also a social animal!

Hundreds of petaled birds act together!

And the coincidental thing is.

The weakness of the petal bird was also discovered by 2B.

It’s still just an attack.

Its weak point is tricky, and the lower petal of the two petals that make up the beak.

When you know the weaknesses, it’s easy to do.

The attacks of the four are extremely accurate, and each attack can successfully kill a petal bird.

In addition to this, there is a frog made from dew drops.

Its means of attack is spit, poisonous phlegm.

The weakness still found by 2B is its left pupil.

Pass by these three monsters.

Even March Seven looked strange.

Be reasonable.

This is outrageous, isn’t it?

The weaknesses of three consecutive undead monsters were all found by 2B with a single blow.

Where is this lucky, it’s just too lucky.

And at this time.

The four encountered the fourth Immortal Rift Realm Creation.

This monster is stronger than the first three monsters at first glance.

A 4-tall humanoid monster with a pure black body made up of rotting leaves, exuding ominous crimson energy.

Three pairs of golden petal-like eyes were placed symmetrically on the black face.

In the center of the petal, there is a green bud that looks ready to be released.

And all four know.

When the buds spread, it will definitely be accompanied by a great crisis.


It also has a pair of wings made of red maple leaves on its back.

Although at a glance you can see how powerful it is.

But this time, no one shot.

Star, March Seven, and Walter all set their eyes on 2B and put on a look of please.

In terms of the opponent’s “luck ~ degree”, perhaps in the face of such a powerful enemy, you can still find its weaknesses casually.

And 2B also understands.

He nodded at the three.

Pull the long knife from behind, raise it high, and rush towards the terrifying monster.

And unexpectedly.

This time, that monster did not attack 2B like the previous three.

Looking at 2B rushing towards him, its tall body turned to face 2B, and its red wings waved.

“Phew! Shout! Shout! ”

Countless fibers that are difficult to catch with the naked eye turn into silver needles and shoot towards 2B.

To this.

2B, which often encounters danger, has no reaction and still does not stop.


Star, March Seven and Walter couldn’t help but change their faces.

I didn’t want to step out and help 2B block this attack.

Regardless of identity, regardless of source.

As long as you join the Star Dome train, then you are a family.

How could they see 2B injured?

It’s just that.

Because they were in a hurry, they forgot about the “luck” of 2B.

She also didn’t know the blessing that Chu Yu gave her.

May miracles accompany you along the way.

At this time, Chu Yu’s blessing played a role.

Those sharp fibers like needles are airtight, and you can’t hide or dodge.


2B is an artificial human.

Although she hasn’t been upgraded yet, some parts of her body are still solid metal.


A cascade of fiber hits hit 2B’s body.

But because of some unspoken power, it only hit the hardest part of her body.

As for those vulnerable places, there was not a single attack.

This is a miracle in that dense rain of fiber swords.

See this picture.

Walter stopped and held up a pair of glasses.

Careless, use flash, but forget that 2B can’t be measured with common sense!

That Mr. Chu Yu must have given her some kind of blessing.

Otherwise, the situation would not have been explained at all!

If you think about it, Himeko said a word when she handed over 2B.

Before leaving, that Chu Yu said to 2B and another artificial human that he wished their next adventure and miracle accompany. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If you really want to explain the irrationality of what happened to 2B for some reason, it is only this sentence, and it can only be this sentence.

Mr. Chu Yu, with a word of blessing, let these unreasonable miracles happen!

Thinking of this.

Walter was even more shocked.

After many adventures, he has seen many outrageous people and things.

But someone as outrageous as Chu Yu is really the first time to see it.

Just one blessing can produce so many butterfly effects.

I really don’t know what language to use to describe it.

And Xing and March 7 were not shocked.

They also stopped and looked at the 2B with no effect.

Qi Qi swallowed his saliva.

Is it reasonable to receive only skin trauma in the face of that attack?

Well, it’s quite reasonable to put it on 2B.

If it is replaced by the more outrageous Guardian Lord, the attack of that monster may deviate somewhere.

That’s it.

In the thoughtful gazes of the three.

2B comes to the humanoid monster and stabs it in the navel.


With an incomparably painful scream, the dark energy floating around the body of the humanoid rift creature burst out, directly blowing 2B away.

See here.

The three of Walter knew that 2B was right again this time, and her casual attack successfully hit the opponent’s weakness.


Star immediately rushed towards 2B, who was flying upside down, caught her before the other party was about to land, gently placed her on the ground, and then said, “Leave it to us next.” ”

Say it.

Walter uses imaginary energy to hit the enemy’s belly button directly, piercing the entire belly directly.


The monster only screamed more violently, but it did not dissipate.

This only proves one thing.

Its weaknesses don’t stop there!

If you want to kill it, you must find its other weaknesses!

Just thinking.

The hole in the belly of the rift creature was restored in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly turned his head, six golden eyes, staring angrily at Walter.


The three green buds on the left open in unison.


Green energy instantly enveloped Walter’s surroundings.



The howl belonging to the monster is deafening.

In the blink of an eye, 15 human-faced trees, hundreds of petaled birds, and 20 dewdrop frogs appeared, enveloping Walter.

At this moment, the foursome of the Star Dome Train understood.

The bud of the left eye of that humanoid rift creation is both an inducement and a command.

However, there are still three buds in the right eye that have not been opened.

And seeing that Walter was surrounded by a huge number of undead rift creations, the remaining three immediately rushed over, wanting to help him break the siege.

Walter just held up a pair of glasses and said with an expressionless look at the monsters around him.

“Little March, Star, you two help 2B find other weaknesses of that Rift Creation, I don’t have to worry about it.”

Hearing this, the other three looked at each other.

“I know, Uncle Yang.”

“Leave it to us!”

Finish speaking.

The three gathered together.

March Seven looked at 2B and nodded: “2B, you have us by your side.” ”

“Hmm!” 2B picked up the knife again and nodded vigorously: “Then I’ll go on!” ”

Say it.

With an extremely swift speed, she rushed straight towards the humanoid rift creation.

And at the same time.

The humanoid rift creature’s gaze also moved away from Walter and refocused on 2B.

Stretching out his right hand and aiming at her, a black energy ball condensed and blasted over.

To this.

Star rushed directly in front of 2B and raised the baseball bat in his hand.

The silver star core power covers the bat, hitting a home run against the energy ball.

The energy ball flew out a distance of hundreds of meters and then landed.


The powerful force instantly overturned the surrounding trees.

The aftermath was wrapped in dust and hit everyone and monsters.

2B’s skirt rattled.

But she couldn’t stop her steps, and the next moment, she came to the boss again, jumped up, and the long knife in her hand passed through the center of the six eyes.


The monster roared in pain again.

The second weakness is found!


The boss did not die, and slowly opened the bud of the first eye on the right.


Bark and green leaves float from all sides and converge on the surface of the body of the humanoid rift creation. (Okay)

It was turned into hard armor by the unknown black energy, protecting its body and head.


Perhaps because of that energy, the bark and green leaves turned black.

Make this monster look less ugly.

Seeing this situation, the three of 2B couldn’t help frowning.

Armor? That’s a lot of hard work.

And what makes them more uncomfortable is still to come.

After the armor is formed, the boss opens the second bud on its right.


Its body became illusory.

From the second life, two incarnations of the same touch appeared!

Then rushed to 2B, March 7 and Star, respectively.

The three only felt that their scalps were numb.

This boss actually masters this powerful ability!

And you know, even now, it still has a bud that has not opened!

What kind of ability will that bud have?

This humanoid rift creation is ridiculously strong!

However, the most important thing now is to find the real body in these three bosses, and the other is to let 2B find it, and whether there are other weaknesses.

While fighting with a humanoid rift creation, Xing turned to look at 2B: “2B, which one do you think is the true body support?” ”

“I think it’s the one I played in March, but I don’t have a basis.” 2B said.

“Good.” Star immediately replied, “Then let’s gather fire and attack that one!” ”



Get the 2B blessed by Chu Yu, suspect that the murderer still needs evidence?

Just get your hands dirty and you’re done!

PS: Thank you for your concern, I’ve already returned to my hometown, but I’m busy until 8 p.m., and I have to keep a vigil next, so I can only rush out this chapter.

In addition, I have to give my grandfather a funeral tomorrow, and I don’t have too long to write a book, so the number of words updated tomorrow will not be too much.

However, when I am busy, I will definitely find a way to make up the number of words I owe in the past few days.

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